- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Sex
- Male
- 50842209
- =0$&+,'$FUQ&6O768.8%$O$&O-3
- Office
- Laboratory for System Dependability
- Research fields
Computer system Mathematical informatics Software - Research keywords
ディペンダビリティ 確率モデル 可用性 信頼性 - Research projects
UAVフォッグコンピューティングのディペンダビリティ評価手法の研究 2024-04 -- 2026-03 The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (TAF)/ 2,944,000Yen Dependability analysis of distributed surveillance system using UAVs 2022-09 -- 2022-10 町田文雄 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/外国人招へい研究者(短期) 150,000Yen 機械学習システムを高信頼化するNバージョン構成手法の研究 2022-04 -- 2025-03 町田文雄 日本学術振興会/若手研究 4,550,000Yen フォッグコンピューティング応用システムに対するスケーラブル信頼性設計技術の研究 2019-10 -- 2022-03 町田文雄 筑波大学/研究基盤支援プログラム(Sタイプ) 3,000,000Yen 深層学習システムの品質評価と安全性保証 2019-06 -- 2020-03 町田文雄 筑波大学システム情報系/若手融合プロジェクト 500,000Yen 機械学習モデル多様化による機械学習応用システムの高信頼化設計および評価 2019-10 -- 2022-03 町田文雄 日本学術振興会/研究活動スタート支援 2,860,000Yen - Career history
2019-02 -- 2019-04 国立大学法人筑波大学システム情報系准教授 2003-04 -- 2019-01 日本電気株式会社中央研究所 - Academic background
2015-04 -- 2018-03 東京工業大学大学院 情報理工学研究科 数理・計算科学専攻博士課程 2001-04 -- 2003-03 東京工業大学大学院 情報理工学研究科 計算工学専攻修士課程 - Degree
2018-03 博士(学術) 東京工業大学 2003-03 修士(工学) 東京工業大学 - Academic societies
2010-04 -- (current) IEEE 2019-03 -- (current) ACM 2019-03 -- (current) 日本OR学会 2022-03 -- (current) RILIABILITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF JAPAN - Honors & Awards
2024-04 筑波大学システム情報系教育貢献賞 2024-04 2023 IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Contributor Recoginition of technical contributions as an IEEE CS member 2023-10 IEEE Distinguished Paper Award on Dependable Computing Reliability and Performance Evaluation of Two-input Machine Learning Systems 2021-10 Distinguished Reviewer Award Distinguished reviews for International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2021) 2021-07 Best Student Paper Award 2nd Place best student paper at IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) 2015-05 Best Paper Award Performability modeling for RAID storage systems by Markov regenerative process 2014-04 文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞 仮想化システムにおけるソフトウェア若化および延命手法の研究 2007-06 Best Paper Award Adaptive monitoring for virtual machine based reconfigurable enterprise systems - Articles
- Empirical architecture comparison of two-input machine learning systems for vision tasks
Kazuya Wakigami; Fumio Machida; Tuan Phung-Duc
Formal Aspects of Computing/36(4), 2024-06 - Understanding NFV-Enabled Vehicle Platooning Application: A Dependability View
Bai Jing; Li Yaru; Chang Xiaolin; Machida Fumio; Triv...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING/11(4)/pp.3367-3380, 2023-10 - エッジデバイスで動作する物体検出ソフトウェアのエナジーバグの調査
廣井一歩; 町田 文雄
第21回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ, 2023-12 - 複数カメラ画像を用いた3バージョン物体検出システムの信頼性評価
高橋満帆; 町田 文雄
日本信頼性学会第36回秋季信頼性シンポジウム, 2023-11 - Bayesian Network Reliability Modeling for Three-version Machine Learning Systems
Qiang Wen; Machida Fumio
The 53rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks/pp.214-216, 2023-06 - Enhancing the Reliability of Perception Systems using N-version Programming and Rejuvenation
Mendonça Júlio; Machida Fumio; Völp Marcus
DSN Workshop on Dependable and Secure Machine Learning (DSML)/pp.149-156, 2023-06 - Characterizing Reliability of Three-version Traffic Sign Classifier System through Diversity Metrics
Qiang Wen; Machida Fumio
The 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)/pp.333-343, 2023-10 - Software Aging Analysis in a Testing Framework
Douglas Dias; Andrade Ermeson; Machida Fumio
The 15th International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation (WoSAR)/pp.222-229, 2023-10 - Assuring Autonomy of UAVs in Mission-critical Scenarios by Performability Modeling and Analysis
Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems/8(3), 2023-09 - Using Diversities to Model the Reliability of Two-version Machine Learning Systems
Machida Fumio
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing/12(3)/pp.810-825, 2023-10 - Reliability and Performance Evaluation of Two-input Machine Learning Systems
Kazuya Wakigami; Fumio Machida; Tuan Phung-Duc
Proceedings of 28th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2023), 2023-10 - A Comparative Analysis of Software Aging in Image Classifiers on Cloud and Edge
Andrade Ermeson; Pietrantuono Roberto; Machida Fumio; ...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING/20(1)/pp.563-573, 2023-01 - Performability analysis of adaptive drone computation offloading with fog computing
Machida Fumio; Zhang Qingyang; Andrade Ermeson
FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE/145/pp.121-135, 2023-08 - Model-Driven Dependability Assessment of Microservice Chains in MEC-Enabled IoT
Bai Jing; Chang Xiaolin; Machida Fumio; Trivedi Kisho...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING/16(4)/pp.2769-2785, 2023-07 - Software Aging in Real-Time Object Detection Systems on Edge Servers
Watanabe Kengo; Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson; Pietrantu...
The 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), 2023-03 - An Empirical Study on Software Aging of Long-Running Object Detection Algorithms
Pietrantuono Roberto; Domenico Cotroneo; Andrade Ermeson...
The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS), 2022-12 - How Data Diversification Benefits the Reliability of Three-version Image Classification Systems
Takahashi Mitsuho; Machida Fumio; Wen Qiang
The 27th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), 2022-12 - Performance Bottleneck Analysis of Drone Computation Offloading to a Shared Fog Node
Zhang Qingyang; Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson
The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Software Certification (WoSoCer), 2022-10 - Analysis of Software Aging in a Blockchain Platform
Dias Douglas; Andrade Ermeson; Machida Fumio
The 14th International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation (WoSAR), 2022-10 - Availability Analysis of a Drone System with Proactive Offloading for Software Life-extension
Watanabe Kengo; Machida Fumio
IEEE Conference on Omni-layer INtelligent Systems (COINS), 2022-08 - Reliability Models and Analysis for Triple-model with Triple-input Machine Learning Systems
Wen Qiang; Machida Fumio
IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC), 2022-05 - 2入力機械学習システムの信頼性と性能評価
脇上和也; 町田 文雄
第20回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ (DSW 2022), 2022-12-15 - Modeling and Analysis of Deforestation Prevention by Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles-based monitoring systems
Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson
ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE/158, 2022-12 - 画像処理タスクのオフローディングによるドローンシステムのソフトウェア延命
渡邉賢吾; 町田 文雄
ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ(DSW 2021), 2021-12 - Nバージョン機械学習分類システムによる分類結果の正確性と安全性評価
町田 文雄
日本信頼性学会 第30回春季信頼性シンポジウム, 2022-05 - more...
- Empirical architecture comparison of two-input machine learning systems for vision tasks
- Books
- Markov chains and Petri nets
Machida Fumio; Maciel Paulo R. M.
Handbook of Software Aging and Rejuvenation/World Scientific/pp.93-126, 2020-05 - Combining performance and availability analysis in practice
Trivedi Kishor S.; Andrade Ermeson C.; Machida Fumio
Advances in Computers/pp.1-38, 2012
- Markov chains and Petri nets
- Conference, etc.
- A Continuous-Time Markov Decision Process Formulation for Software Rejuvenation Systems
Wang Nianqiu; Machida Fumio
第21回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ/2023-12 - Safety-aware Weighted Voting for N-Version Machine Learning Systems
Gao Linyun; Machida Fumio
第21回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ/2023-12 - エッジデバイスで動作する物体検出ソフトウェアのエナジーバグの調査
廣井一歩; 町田 文雄
第21回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ/2023-12 - 複数カメラ画像を用いた3バージョン物体検出システムの信頼性評価
高橋満帆; 町田 文雄
日本信頼性学会第36回秋季信頼性シンポジウム/2023-11 - Bayesian Network Reliability Modeling for Three-version Machine Learning Systems
Qiang Wen; Machida Fumio
The 53rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks/2023-06 - Enhancing the Reliability of Perception Systems using N-version Programming and Rejuvenation
Mendonça Júlio; Machida Fumio; Völp Marcus
DSN Workshop on Dependable and Secure Machine Learning (DSML)/2023-06 - Characterizing Reliability of Three-version Traffic Sign Classifier System through Diversity Metrics
Qiang Wen; Machida Fumio
The 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)/2023-10 - Software Aging Analysis in a Testing Framework
Douglas Dias; Andrade Ermeson; Machida Fumio
The 15th International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation (WoSAR)/2023-10 - Reliability and Performance Evaluation of Two-input Machine Learning Systems
Tuan Phung-Duc; Kazuya Wakigami; Fumio Machida
28th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2023)/2023-10-24--2023-10-27 - Software Aging in Real-Time Object Detection Systems on Edge Servers
Watanabe Kengo; Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson; Pietrantu...
The 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC)/2023-03 - An Empirical Study on Software Aging of Long-Running Object Detection Algorithms
Pietrantuono Roberto; Domenico Cotroneo; Andrade Ermeson...
The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS)/2022-12 - How Data Diversification Benefits the Reliability of Three-version Image Classification Systems
Takahashi Mitsuho; Machida Fumio; Wen Qiang
The 27th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC)/2022-12 - Performance Bottleneck Analysis of Drone Computation Offloading to a Shared Fog Node
Zhang Qingyang; Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson
The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Software Certification (WoSoCer)/2022-10 - Analysis of Software Aging in a Blockchain Platform
Dias Douglas; Andrade Ermeson; Machida Fumio
The 14th International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation (WoSAR)/2022-10 - Availability Analysis of a Drone System with Proactive Offloading for Software Life-extension
Watanabe Kengo; Machida Fumio
IEEE Conference on Omni-layer INtelligent Systems (COINS)/2022-08 - Reliability Models and Analysis for Triple-model with Triple-input Machine Learning Systems
Wen Qiang; Machida Fumio
IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC)/2022-05 - Toward performance and reliability assurance of UAV-based ecological monitoring systems
張清洋; 町田 文雄
第20回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ (DSW 2022)/2022-12-15 - 2入力機械学習システムの信頼性と性能評価
脇上和也; 町田 文雄
第20回ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ (DSW 2022)/2022-12-15 - Nバージョン機械学習モデルによるシステム高信頼化のための入力データ多様化
高橋満帆; 町田 文雄
ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ(DSW 2021)/2021-12-16--2021-12-17 - 画像処理タスクのオフローディングによるドローンシステムのソフトウェア延命
渡邉賢吾; 町田 文雄
ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ(DSW 2021)/2021-12-16--2021-12-17 - Nバージョン機械学習分類システムによる分類結果の正確性と安全性評価
町田 文雄
日本信頼性学会 第30回春季信頼性シンポジウム/2022-05 - Availability Modeling for Drone Image Processing Systems with Adaptive Offloading
Machida Fumio; Andrade Ermeson
IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC)/2021-12-01--2021-12-04 - Performance analysis of machine learning-based systems for detecting deforestation
Araujo Michel de; Andrade Ermeson; Machida Fumio
Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC)/2021-11-21--2021-11-24 - Memory Degradation Analysis in Private and Public Cloud Environments
Andrade Ermeson; Machida Fumio; Pietrantuono Roberto; Cot...
International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation/2021-10-25 - Failure threshold setting for Wiener-process-based remaining useful life estimation
Liu Xingzhi; Machida Fumio
IEEE Global Reliability & Prognostics and Health Management Conference/2021-10-15--2021-10-17 - more...
- A Continuous-Time Markov Decision Process Formulation for Software Rejuvenation Systems
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Af University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Bf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Computer Science Is University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science IIf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science D University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science f University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science A University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- Nバージョン機械学習分類システムによる分類結果の正確性と安全性評価
町田 文雄
日本信頼性学会 第30回春季信頼性シンポジウム/2022-05-31 - 多様な分類器を用いた機械学習応用システムの信頼性
町田 文雄
日本OR学会「4部合同研究会 ~確率モデルの新展開~」/2019-10-19 - Nバージョンモデルによる機械学習応用システムの高信頼化
町田 文雄
第17回 ディペンダブルシステムワークショップ(DSW2019)/2019-12-06
- Nバージョン機械学習分類システムによる分類結果の正確性と安全性評価
- Professional activities
2024 -- 2024 IEEE General chair, 35th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE) 2024 -- 2024 IEEE Program Committee Co-Chairs, 29th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC) 2024 -- 2024 IEEE Poster Track Co-chair, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) 2023 -- 2023 IEEE Workshop Co-Chairs, International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering 2021 -- 2021 IEEE Publication Co-chair, International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation 2022 -- 2022 IEEE Publication Co-chair, International Workshop on software Aging and Rejuvenation 2022 -- 2022 IEEE Program Manager, International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering 2021 -- 2021 IEEE Workshop Co-Chairs, International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering 2020 -- 2020 IEEE Program Co-Chairs, Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing 2020 -- 2020 IEEE Fast Abstract Co-chairs, International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering more... - University Management
2024-02 -- (current) MDA教育推進室 室員 2024-04 -- (current) 優先配置プログラム推進室 アドバイザ 2024-04 -- (current) 国際交流委員会 委員 2023-04 -- 2025-03 総合科目専門部会委員 2023-04 -- (current) 情報科学類広報企画委員 2023-04 -- 2024-03 進路指導委員会 2023-04 -- (current) 共通科目「情報」推進室 室員 2023-04 -- 2024-03 情報科学類クラス担任(4年) 2022-04 -- 2024-03 情報理工学位プログラムCSセミナー担当 委員 2022-04 -- 2023-03 学類教育用計算機システム技術審査委員 委員 more...
(Last updated: 2024-08-28)