Researcher's full information

  • A new desmostylian mammal from Unalaska (USA) and the robust Sanjussen jaw from Hokkaido (Japan), with comments on feeding in derived desmostylids
    Chiba K.; Fiorillo A.; Jacobs L.L.; Kimura Y.; Kobayashi ...
    Historical Biology/28(1-2)/pp.289-303, 2016
  • Dinosaur eggshell assemblage from Japan reveals unknown diversity of small dinosaurs
    Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Saegusa H.; Ikeda. T.
    Cretaceous Research/57/pp.350-363, 2016
  • Accuracy of mandibular force profiles for bite force estimation and feeding behavior reconstruction in extant and extinct carnivorans
    Therrien F.; Quinney A.; Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.
    Journal of Experimental Biology/219/pp.3738-3749, 2016
  • Latest Cretaceous eggshell assemblage from the Willow Creek Formation (upper Maastrichtian – lower Paleocene) of Alberta, Canada, reveals higher dinosaur diversity than represented by skeletal remains
    Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.; Tanaka K.; Currie P.J.; DeB...
    Canadian Journal of Earth Science/54/pp.134-140, 2017
  • Dinosaur eggshells from the Santonian Milk River Formation of Alberta, Canada
    Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.; Tanaka K.; Kobayashi Y.; De...
    Cretaceous Research/74/pp.181-187, 2017
  • Dinosaur eggshells from the lower Maastrichtian St. Mary River Formation of southern Alberta, Canada
    Voris J.T.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.; Tanaka K.
    Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences/55(3)/pp.272-282, 2018
  • Nest substrate reflects incubation style in extant archosaurs with implications for dinosaur nesting habits
    Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.; Kobayashi Y.
    Scientific Reports, 2018
  • First discovery of dinosaur eggs in Qingdao area of Shandong Province, China
    Ren T.; Wang Y.; Ning Z.; Shen C.; Zhou X.; Tanaka K.; Hu...
    Acta Geoscitifica Sinica/39(2)/pp.241-249, 2018
  • 総説:非鳥類型恐竜類から鳥類へ,営巣方法と営巣行動の変遷
    田中 康平; Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.; 小林 快次
    日本鳥学会誌/67(1)/pp.25-40, 2018
  • Incubation behaviours of oviraptorosaur dinosaurs in relation to body size
    Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Lü J.; DeBuhr C.L.; Yi L.; Ji...
    Biology Letters/14, 2018-05