- Conference, etc.
- First record of a dinosaur nesting colony from Mongolia reveals nesting behavior of therizinosaurs
Kobayashi Y.; Lee Y.-N.; Barsbold R.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Ta...
73rd Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology/2013 - A robust desmostylid from Hokkaido, Japan, and the feeding style of desmostylids
Chiba K.; Kobayashi Y.; Jacobs L.; Graf J.; Tanaka K.
73rd Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology/2013 - Eggshell porosity reveals nest types and incubation behavior in archosaurs
Tanaka K.
73rd Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology/2013 - Jaw mechanics of crocodiles reveals their fast mastication
Suzuki D.; Hayashi S.; Chiba K.; Tanaka K.
71st Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology/2011 - Dinosaur eggs and associated vertebrate remains from the Lower Cretaceous Sasayama Group of Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Saegusa H.; Tanaka K.; Ikeda T.; Zelenitsky D.K.
日本古生物学会国際シンポジウム「恐竜の繁殖」/2016 - 主竜類における孵化日数の変遷
田中 康平; Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.
日本古生物学会第167回例会/2018 - 恐竜は極域でいかに営巣したか
田中 康平; Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.; 小林 快次
日本古生物学会2016年年会/2016 - 大型のオヴィラプトロサウルス類恐竜は抱卵したか
田中 康平; Zelenitsky D.K.; Lü J.; Yi L.; Pu H.; Li H.; Xu L.
日本古生物学会第164回例会/2015 - 主竜類の営巣様式の進化
田中 康平; Zelenitsky D.K.
日本古生物学会第163回例会/2014 - 北海道むかわ町穂別の上部白亜系函淵層から発見されたハドロサウルス科恐竜化石発見の報告
小林 快次; 西村 智弘; 桜井 和彦; 千葉 謙太郎; 田中 康平; 佐藤 たまき
日本古生物学会第163回例会/2014 - モンゴルから初めて発見された恐竜営巣地によるテリジノサウルス類の巣行動の解明
小林 快次; イ ユンナム; リンチェン バルズボルド; ダーラ ザレニツキー; 田中 康平; イ ハンジェ; 久...
日本古生物学会第163回例会/2014 - ワニの踵骨隆起の役割
鈴木 大輔; 千葉 謙太郎; 田中 康平
日本古生物学会2011年年会/2011 - Faunal and climate changes at the end of the Cretaceous: the Alberta perspective
Therrien F.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Brinkman D.B.; Quinney A.; ...
22nd Annual Symposium of Alberta Palaeontological Society/2018 - Can egg mass estimates be used to infer incubation period of dinosaurs?
Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.
20th Annual Symposium of Alberta Palaeontological Society/2016 - Fossil eggshells reveal high diversity of small theropods in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Zelenitsky D.K.; Tanaka K.; Therrien F.; Saegusa H.; Iked...
20th Annual Symposium of Alberta Palaeontological Society/2016 - New dinosaur tracks from the Oldman and Dinosaur Park formations of southern Alberta
Therrien F.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Quinney A.; Tanaka K.
20th Annual Symposium of Alberta Palaeontological Society/2016 - Nest and egg morphology reveal incubation behavior of oviraptorosaurs
Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Lü J.; Therrien F.; Yi L.; Pu...
19th Annual Symposium of Alberta Palaeontological Society/2015 - Evolution of nest types and incubation behaviors in archosaurs
Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.
18th Annual Symposium of Alberta Palaeontological Society/2014 - Absolute nest humidity and nest type of living archosaurs
Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Therrien F.
17th Annual Symposium of Alberta Palaeontological Society/2013 - First hadrosaur trackway from the Upper Cretaceous (late Campanian) Oldman Formation, southeastern Alberta
Therrien F.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Tanaka K.; Sloboda W.
16th Annual Symposium of Alberta Palaeontological Society/2016 - Description of fossil eggshells from the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation (late Campanian), New Mexico
Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Williamson T.; Weil A.; Therr...
15th Annual Symposium of Alberta Palaeontological Society/2011 - First hadrosaur trackway from the Upper Cretaceous (late Campanian) Oldman Formation, southeastern Alberta
Therrien F.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Tanaka K.; Sloboda W.
Royal Tyrrell Museum International Hadrosaur Symposium/2011 - ワニの顎関節の運動メカニズム
鈴木 大輔; 林 昭次; 田中 康平
日本古生物学会創立75周年記念行事および2010年年会/2010 - First description of fossil eggshells from the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation (late Campanian), New Mexico
Tanaka K.; Zelenitsky D.K.; Williamson T.; Weil A.; Therr...
4th International Symposium on Dinosaur Eggs and Babies/2009 - Statistical approaches to classify dinosaur eggs from the Heyuan Basin, northeastern Guangdong Province, China
Tanaka K.; Lü J.; Kobayashi Y.; Zelenitsky D.K.
68th Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology/2008
- First record of a dinosaur nesting colony from Mongolia reveals nesting behavior of therizinosaurs