IKEDA Mariko
- Affiliation
- Institute of Art and Design
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0001-9435-9417
- )@B<;8cD8I@BFc>KZieLcKJLBL98c8:cAG
- Research fields
y Human geography Art at large Area studies Tourism Studies Geography - Research keywords
Urban Space, Culture, Berlin, Gentrification, Music, Techno Music, Hip Hop, Graffiti, Consumption, Club, Night-time Economies, Night-life, Tourism, Intangible Heritage, World Heritage - Research projects
The formation of applied science and the development of a "new cultural heritage paradigm" in the fusion of arts, sciences and engineering: the post-war heritage of Germany and Japan 2024-04 -- 2028-03 IKEDA, M. Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 46,540,000Yen オンライン型講義と海外フィールドワーク型演習への参加を通しグローバルな研究力の養成と知のネットワーク形成を目指す交換留学プログラム 2024-02 -- 2025-03 IKEDA, M. JASSO/JASSO/海外留学支援制度双方向タイプB 5,760,000Yen Graffiti as a Catalyst for ʻSense of Placeʼ in Global Cities(Round 2) 2023-11 -- 2024-03 IKEDA, M. Organization for the Support and Development of Strategic Initiatives, University of Tsukuba/Tsukuba-Hamburg Networking Challenge Grant -International and Transdisciplinary Research Team Building for Early-Career Researchers- 750,000Yen グローバル都市におけるグラフィティの学際的研究 ―ハンブルク・東京におけるグラフィティの空間的特徴に注目して 2023-09 -- 2024-03 IKEDA, M. University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Art and Design/筑波大学芸術系 2023年度芸術系研究プロジェクト(学際領域研究プロジェクト) 300,000Yen 「Role of International Organizations and NGOs」 2023-07 -- 2024-02 IKEDA, M. 筑波大学スーパーグローバル大学事業企画委員会/オンラインを活用した国際的な教育・交流促進プログラム 「大学院グローバルオンライン授業コンテンツの試験的構築」 2023-07 -- 2024-03 IKEDA, M. 人間総合科学学術院・学術群令和5年度学術院・研究科戦略プロジェクト/ 夜の文化芸術の社会経済的機能に関する研究(さきがけ/出産・子育て・介護支援制度) 2023-04 -- 2024-03 IKEDA, M. 国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構戦略的創造研究推進事業(さきがけ)/パンデミックに対してレジリエントな社会・技術基盤の構築 1,123,000Yen 「グローバル都市における言語景観の地理学的研究」 2022-07 -- 2024-03 Mariko Ikeda Japan Geographic Data Center/2023年度学術研究助成 1,000,000Yen 「Graffiti as a Catalyst for ʻSense of Placeʼ in Global Cities」 2023-01 -- 2023-03 Organization for the Support and Development of Strategic Initiatives, University of Tsukuba/Tsukuba-Hamburg Networking Challenge Grant -International and Transdisciplinary Research Team Building for Early-Career Researchers- 500,000Yen ヨーロッパの「都市の夜」の再編に関する探索的研究 2019-11 -- 2025-03 IKEDA, M. Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B)) 6,110,000Yen more... - Career history
2022-04 -- (current) Waseda UniversityFaculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences,Part-time Lecturer 2021-10 -- (current) National Science and Technology AgencySakigake Researcher (concurrent post) 2021-04 -- 2023-03 University of TsukubaPresident OfficeOfficer 2020-04 -- 2021-03 Rikkyo UniversityCollege of Arts, Department of HistoryLecturer 2017-04 -- 2017-09 Osaka City UniversityGraduate School for Creative Cities, Urban Business Study CourseLecturer 2018-04 -- 2018-09 Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityOpen UniversityLecturer 2017-09 -- 2019-03 Rikkyo UniversityCollege of Arts, Department of HistoryLecturer 2017-04 -- 2020-03 Japan Women's UniversityFaculty of Human Sciences and Design, Department of Studies on Contemporary SocietyLecturer 2016-09 -- 2020-03 Toin University of YokohamaFaculty of Law, Department of LawLecturer 2017-04 -- 2019-02 JSPSTokyo Gakugei University, Faculty of EducationPostdoctoral Fellow more... - Academic background
2013-01 -- 2014-01 University of Bremen Institute of Geography Human Geography 2012-04 -- 2015-04 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science Doctoral Program in Geoenvironmental Sciences, Department of Human Geography 2010-04 -- 2011-03 Free University of Berlin Department of Earth Sciences Institute of Geographical Sciences 2009-04 -- 2012-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science Doctoral Program in Geoenvironmental Sciences, Department of Human Geography 2006-08 -- 2006-09 University of Bayreuth 2005-04 -- 2009-03 University of Tsukuba 第二学群 College of Comparative Culture - Degree
2009-03 Bachelor(Comparative Culture) University of Tsukuba 2012-03 Master of Science University of Tsukuba 2015-04-30 Doctor of Science University of Tsukuba - Licenses and qualifications
2012-03 High School Specialized Teacher’s Certificate, Social Studies 2012-03 Junior High School Specialized Teacher’s Certificate, Social Studies 2009-03 Certificatio of Curetor 2009-03 High School Teacher’s Certificate, English,Ⅰ 2009-03 High School Teacher’s Certificate, Social Studies,Ⅰ 2009-03 Junior High School Teacher’s Certificate, English, Ⅰ 2009-03 Junior High School Teacher’s Certificate, Social Studies Teaching License for Junior High School, Social Studies,Ⅰ - Academic societies
2020-04 -- (current) Society of Art and Design 2019-08 -- (current) European Association for Japanese Studies 2019-05 -- (current) The Japanese Society of Urban Geography 2018-07 -- (current) JAPAN ASSOCIATION FOR CULTURAL ECONOMICS 2016-03 -- (current) JAPAN INSTITUTE OF TOURISM RESEARCH 2015-04 -- (current) TOKYO GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY 2012-03 -- (current) THE ASSOCIATION JAPANESE GEOGRAPHERS 2011-11 -- (current) THE HUMAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2009-04 -- (current) Japan Association on Geographical Space - Honors & Awards
2021-02 Award for the BEST FACULTY MEMBER 2020 2020-10 Research Encourage Award for Young Faculty Member, University of Tsukuba 2019-06 奨励賞 2019-03 Prize of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2017-03 Research Aid of Dr. Koji Kobayashi - Articles
- New Approach Towards the Documentation of Tagging Subculture in Tokyo
El-Barbary M. N.; Ikeda Mariko; Škrabal O.; Ewald S.
TAG Name writing in public space, 2023-06 - The Nature of Education in Germany: The frontiers of graffiti research-Integrating Artistic Practice into “Erdkunde”
Ikeda Mariko; El-Barbary M. N.
Proceeding of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers in 2023, 2023-09 - How the Hip-Hop Culture Globalised and Localised?: Focusing on Rap Culture in Taiwan
Ikeda Mariko; El-Barbary M. N.
Proceeding of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers in 2023, 2023-09 - An interdisciplinary study of graffiti in global cities: Focusing on the spatial characteristics of graffiti in Hamburg and Tokyo
Ikeda Mariko; El-Barbary M. N.
Proceeding of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers in 2023, 2023-09 - Studio as a third workplace for nomadic musicians
池田 真利子; 熊谷美咲; 柿沼由樹
RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2022, 2022-08-30 - 地方都市における創造の場の形成および持続に関する考察―石川県の金沢市民芸術村における市民ディレクター制度に注目して―
瞿芳馨; 池田 真利子
Journal of Cultural Economics/20(1)/pp.10-22, 2023-03 - Heritage Research on the Current State of Japanese Colonial Heritage in Taiwan and South Korea: Focusing on "Little Building Heritage" in Use in Taipei and Seoul
頼 上楡; 于 濰赫; 池田 真利子
Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers/103/pp.305-305, 2023-03-25 - Crossing borders of philosophy - From the case of the “Ark of Taste” project of Slow Food movement in Japan -
秋山唯; 池田 真利子
Annual Conference of the Association of Japanese Geographers/103/pp.261-261, 2023-03-25 - Linguistic Landscape of Tourist Street in Berlin: A Case Study of Kastanianallee in the Former East Innercity-districts of Berlin
池田 真利子; 高濱佑太郎
Geographical space/15(2)/pp.91-118, 2022-12 - COVID-19 and Digitalisation of ‘place of music performances’ : Status reports and issues based on qualitative surveys
柿沼由樹; 池田 真利子; 熊谷美咲
Annual Conference of Japanese Geographers/102/pp.96-96, 2022-09-23 - Initial Findings of COVID-19 and “Kobako-culture” in Tokyo : Status reports based on qualitative surveys
熊谷美咲; 池田 真利子; 柿沼由樹
Annual Conference of the Association of Japanese Geographers/102/pp.78-78, 2022-09-23 - Linguistic Landscape of Muslim Immigrants in Global cities: Place-making of the former West-Berlin Neukölln, Germany.
EL-BARBARY M.N.; Ikeda Mariko
Abstract of 2022 IGU Urban Commission Annual Meeting: (Re-)Thinking cities and the urban: from the global to the local/pp.1-2, 2022-07 - Academic report for the preparation of statistics on the cultural and creative industries in Japan -Based on a qualitative survey of the impact of COVID-19 on metropolitan live music venues and clubs in the private cultural sector with public interests
池田 真利子; 柿沼由樹; 熊谷美咲
Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Cultural Economics/pp.1-2, 2022-07-02 - Academic report for the preparation of statistics on the cultural and creative industries in Japan -Based on a qualitative survey of the impact of COVID-19 on metropolitan live music venues and clubs in the private cultural sector with public interests
池田 真利子; 柿沼由樹; 熊谷美咲
文化経済学会<日本>2022年度研究大会論文フルペーパー/pp.1-13, 2022-07 - Local people's "sense of place" toward cultural heritage sites: correlation with demographic and socio-economic characteristics
El-Barbary Mohamed Nour; Ikeda Mariko; Uekita Yasufumi
JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT/Epub, 2022-05 - Digital heritage politics from the perspective of relational sociology: the case of Nushu culture in China
Morgner Christian; Hu Xihuan; Ikeda Mariko; Selg Peeter
INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE/32(2)/pp.265-289, 2022-05 - Rearticulating place and virtual space. An exploratory netnographical case study on hybrid music streaming: ‘Cercle’
Ikeda Mariko; Morgner Christian
Book of abstracts of the second International Conference of Night Studies, 2021-10 - 台湾台北市旧大正町にみる日本の夜の街の言語景観
池田 真利子
2021年日本地理学会秋季学術大会日本地理学会発表要旨集, 2021-09 - シンガポール・チャイナタウンにおける食文化の言語景観の商品化
池田 真利子; 大畠拓真 于濰赫 柿沼由樹
2021年日本地理学会秋季学術大会日本地理学会発表要旨集, 2021-09 - Linguistic Landscape on the Night-time Tourist Street: the case of Weserstrasse in the former West Berlin district Neukölln, Berlin
池田 真利子; 高濱佑太郎
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 2021-09 - ベルリン市の夜の観光街路における言語景観
池田 真利子; 高濱佑太郎
2021年地理空間学会第14回大会要旨集, 2021-06 - Linguistic Landscape of Muslim Immigrants in Global cities: Place-making of the former West-Berlin Neukölln, Germany.
El-Barbary M.; Ikeda Mariko
Full paper of 2022 IGU Urban Commission Annual Meeting: (Re-)Thinking cities and the urban: from the global to the local/pp.1-6, 2022-07 - Trajectories and Challenges of Cultural Heritage Conservation in Historic Cairo Since the Mid-20th Century: Towards an Appropriate Conservation Approach for the Historic City
El-Barbary. M.N.; 池田 真利子; 上北
Geographical review of Japan series B/94(2)/pp.65-80, 2021-12 - コロナ時代の夜間経済とナイトライフ観光―現況把握とポストコロナに向けた産学官連携の探索的意見交換―
池田 真利子; 田中順也 小竹輝幸 金延景 坂本優紀 飯塚遼 太田慧
観光研究/31(2)/pp.43-43, 2021-03 - 海外活動報告,海外大学とのオンライン共同開講
池田 真利子
自然保護寄付講座Newsletter/7(6), 2021-03 - more...
- New Approach Towards the Documentation of Tagging Subculture in Tokyo
- Books
- Graphic Culture in Urban Spacce—Research on Linguisitic Landscape in Scene Districts
池田 真利子
The Bulletin of Graphic Culture Research Grants/DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion 2023/pp.24-41, 2023-11 - The Role of Urban Gardening in Global Cities: Three Case Studies in Berlin, Rome and Tokyo
Ikeda Mariko; Akiyama Y.; Wieseberg S.; GROVER A. SINGH...
Sustainable Health Through Food, Nutrition, and Lifestyle/Springer/pp.245-257, 2023-03 - Temporary Uses as a Toolkit for Heritage-Led Sustainable Urban Development
50 Years World Heritage Convention: Shared Responsibility – Conflict & Reconciliation/Springer/pp.99-111, 2022-10 - ベルリンの壁と、人々の記憶
池田 真利子
地理/Kokon Shoin/pp.62-70, 2023-03 - 10章 COVID-19下の創造性と芸術表現
池田 真利子
ポスト・コロナ学 パンデミックと社会の変化・連続性、そして未来/明石書店, 2022-04 - 若者のナイトライフツーリズム
池田 真利子
現代観光地理学への誘い――観光地を読み解く視座と実践/ナカニシヤ出版/pp.110-111, 2021-12 - 13章 若者のナイトライフと音楽観光―クラブ・ライブハウスに着目して―
池田 真利子
若者と地域観光/東洋大学出版会/pp.176-190, 2021-04 - コロナ時代の研究とフィールドワークの再考
池田 真利子; Morgner Christian; Rellensman Luise
地理/pp.51-55, 2020-10 - 自然のなかの光と音の観光
坂本優紀; 池田 真利子; 磯野巧; 卯田卓矢; 柿沼由樹
地理/pp.43-50, 2020-10 - 夜のウォーターフロントの再編とナイトライフ
太田慧; 飯塚遼; 杉本興運; 池田 真利子
地理/pp.20-27, 2020-10 - コロナ時代の夜間音楽経済
池田 真利子; 田中順也 小竹輝幸 小林愛 A.TEMESGAN
地理/pp.13-19, 2020-10 - コロナ時代の「夜」の地理学-音楽と音の紡ぐ未来
池田 真利子
地理/pp.4-12, 2020-10 - 文化の集積と発信を続けるヨーロッパ
池田 真利子
世界地誌11 ヨーロッパ, 2019-03 - 欧州文化首都(European Capital of Culture)と都市活性化事業
池田 真利子
世界地誌11 ヨーロッパ/朝倉書店, 2019-03 - Developing a Sustainable Eco-City in Pre-Olympic Tokyo: Potential of New Methods and Their Limits in an Urban Era
Ikeda Mariko; Vargas-Hernández José G. and Zdunek-Wielgo...
Bioeconomical Solutions and Investments in Sustainable City Development/IGI Grobal Publishing/pp.196-223, 2019-03 - Artists as Initiators of Urban Transformation: Are Gentrification and Touristification Inevitable? A Case Study of the Reuter Quarter in Neukölln, Berlin
Ikeda Mariko; Murzyn-Kupisz M. and Działek J.
The Impact of Artists on Contemporary Urban Development in Europe/Springer/pp.67-90, 2017-04 - 第4章第2節 機械金属工業の構造変容と技術基盤
遠藤 貴美子; 上坂 元紀; 池田 真利子; 藤田 和史
須坂市誌第二巻地誌・民俗編/須坂市/pp.386-395, 2014-03 - Human Geographical Study on the Transformation of Urban Space in Berlin: The Emergence of Conflicts over Cultural and Creative Spaces in the Former Border Area between East and West Berlin
Ikeda Mariko
Dissertation in Doctoral Program in Geoenvironmental Sciences,Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences,University of Tsukuba, 2015-04
- Graphic Culture in Urban Spacce—Research on Linguisitic Landscape in Scene Districts
- Conference, etc.
- 夜の文化芸術の社会経済的機能に関する研究
池田 真利子
国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構戦略的創造研究推進事業(さきがけ)第4回領域会議(静岡県沼津市プラザヴェルデ)/2023-09-10--2023-09-11 - New Approach Towards the Documentation of Tagging Subculture in Tokyo
Ikeda Mariko
A conference about tagging, in history and today/2023-06 - An interdisciplinary study of graffiti in global cities: Focusing on the spatial characteristics of graffiti in Hamburg and Tokyo
Ikeda Mariko; El-Barbary M. N.
Proceeding of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers in 2023/2023-09--2023-09 - How the Hip-Hop Culture Globalised and Localised?: Focusing on Rap Culture in Taiwan
Ikeda Mariko; El-Barbary M. N.
Proceeding of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers in 2023/2023-09--2023-09 - The Nature of Education in Germany: The frontiers of graffiti research-Integrating Artistic Practice into “Erdkunde”
Ikeda Mariko; El-Barbary M. N.
Proceeding of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers in 2023/2023-09--2023-09 - Heritage Research on the Current State of Japanese Colonial Heritage in Taiwan and South Korea: Focusing on "Little Building Heritage" in Use in Taipei and Seoul
頼 上楡; 于 濰赫; 池田 真利子
Annual Conference of the Association of Japanese Geographers/2023-03-25--2023-03-27 - Crossing borders of philosophy - From the case of the “Ark of Taste” project of Slow Food movement in Japan -
秋山唯; 池田 真利子
Annual Conference of the Association of Japanese Geographers/2023-03-25--2023-03-27 - Studio as a third workplace for nomadic musicians
RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2022/2022-08-30--2022-09-02 - Initial Findings of COVID-19 and “Kobako-culture” in Tokyo : Status reports based on qualitative surveys
熊谷美咲; 池田 真利子; 柿沼由樹
Annual Conference of the Association of Japanese Geographers/2022-09-23--2022-09-25 - COVID-19 and Digitalisation of ‘place of music performances’ : Status reports and issues based on qualitative surveys
柿沼由樹; 池田 真利子; 熊谷美咲
Annual Conference of Japanese Geographers/2022-09-23--2022-09-25 - Academic report for the preparation of statistics on the cultural and creative industries in Japan -Based on a qualitative survey of the impact of COVID-19 on metropolitan live music venues and clubs in the private cultural sector with public interests
池田 真利子; 柿沼由樹; 熊谷美咲
Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Cultural Economics/2022-07-02--2022-07-03 - Research on the Socio-Economic Function of Night-time Culture and Art, Pandemic Resilience: Social and Technological Framework for Pandemic Resilience
Ikeda Mariko
WISE/Sakigake Joint Symposium/2023-01-23--2023-01-23 - 夜の文化芸術の社会経済的機能に関する研究
池田 真利子
国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構戦略的創造研究推進事業(さきがけ)第3回領域会議/2023-01-21--2023-01-22 - Linguistic Landscape of Muslim Immigrants in Global cities: Place-making of the former West-Berlin Neukölln
M.N. El-Barbary.; Ikeda Mariko
Annual Conference of the IGU Urban Commission/2022-07-23--2022-07-27 - 夜の文化芸術の社会経済的機能に関する研究
池田 真利子
国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構戦略的創造研究推進事業(さきがけ)第2回領域会議/2022-5-21--2022-5-22 - Olympic games and the Emergence of “Night-time Economies” in the Cities of Global North
池田 真利子
Olympic Games and Global Cities, Session 3: From Tokyo to Paris: The Games as a urban policy resources ?/2021-12-07--2021-12-07 - Current Status and Challenges for the Recovery of the Nighttime Music Economy in Post-COVID-19
Ikeda Mariko; Morgner Christian
RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021/2021-08-31--2021-09-03 - From "Japanese" to "Tokyo-jin": Contemporary Japanese cultural identity and artistic expression in the Olympic Games opening ceremony,
Ikeda Mariko; Morgner Christian
From "Japanese" to "Tokyo-jin": Contemporary Japanese cultural identity and artistic expression in the Olympic Games opening ceremony,/2021-07-01--2021-07-01 - Temporary Uses as a Toolkit for Heritage-led Sustainable Urban Development
池田 真利子
International Online Conference of 50 Years World Heritage Convention Shared Responsibility – Conflict & Reconciliation. Institute Heritage Studies/2021-06-22--2021-06-22 - Rearticulating place and virtual space. An exploratory netnographical case study on hybrid music streaming: ‘Cercle’
Ikeda Mariko; Morgner Christian
Second International Conference of Night Studies/2021-10--2021-10 - 台湾台北市旧大正町にみる日本の夜の街の言語景観
池田 真利子; 熊谷美咲,山下書子,姚 矞馨
2021年日本地理学会秋季学術大会日本地理学会発表要旨集/2021-09 - シンガポール・チャイナタウンにおける食文化の言語景観の商品化
池田 真利子; 大畠拓真 于濰赫 柿沼由樹
2021年日本地理学会秋季学術大会日本地理学会発表要旨集/2021-09 - Linguistic Landscape on the Night-time Tourist Street: the case of Weserstrasse in the former West Berlin district Neukölln, Berlin
池田 真利子; 高濱佑太郎
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers/2021-09--2021-09 - ベルリン市の夜の観光街路における言語景観
池田 真利子; 高濱佑太郎
2021年地理空間学会第14回大会/2021-06 - Temporary Uses as a Toolkit for Heritage-led Sustainable Urban Development
Ikeda Mariko
Workshop of 50 Years World Heritage Convention Shared Responsibility – Conflict & Reconciliation/2021-03-05--2021-03-05 - more...
- 夜の文化芸術の社会経済的機能に関する研究
- Teaching
2024-06 -- 2024-06 International Conventions for Heritage Conservation University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Internship in the Field of Heritage(Long-term) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Internship in the Field of Heritage(Long-term) University of Tsukuba. 2024-07 -- 2024-07 World Heritage and International Cooperation University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Research for World Heritage Studies University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Research for World Heritage Studies University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Investigating World Heritage University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Introduction to World Heritage Studies University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Internship in the Field of Heritage(Short-term) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Internship in the Field of Heritage(Short-term) University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2023-10 -- 2023-10 Studies in Information and Communication Meiji University, School of Information and Communication 2024-01 -- 2024-01 Architectural Conservation Practice Brandeburgische Technische Universität Cottbus Senftenberg 2023-01 -- 2023-03 高校生アートライター大賞英語エッセイ部門審査員 筑波大学芸術専門学群 2022-01 -- 2022-03 Selection Committee of the Art Writer Award for High School Students School of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba 2020-01 -- 2020-01 道頓堀ナイトカルチャー創造協議会ヒアリング 道頓堀ナイトカルチャー創造協議会 2021-02 -- 2021-03 The Art Writer Award for High School Students (Essays in English) School of Art & Design, University of Tsukuba 2019-12 -- 2020-01 The Art Writer Award for High School Students (Essays in Japanese) School of Art & Design, University of Tsukuba 2019-10 -- 2019-10 Architectural Conservation Practice Brandeburgische Technische Universität Cottbus Senftenberg - Professional activities
2024-10 -- (current) THE HUMAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN Delegate 2023-04 -- (current) Association of Japanese Geographers 選挙管理委員 2021-06 -- (current) 世界遺産の百科事典 世界遺産の百科事典編集委員 2022-08 -- (current) JAPAN INSTITUTE OF TOURISM RESEARCH Member of Award Committee 2022-08 -- (current) JAPAN INSTITUTE OF TOURISM RESEARCH Member of Academic Committee 2021-06 -- (current) 世界遺産の百科事典 編集委員会幹事 2022-04 -- (current) Association of Japanese Geographers Editorial board of Geographical Review of Japan Series B 2020-07 -- (current) Japan Association on Geographical Space Councilor 2018-04 -- 2022-03 THE ASSOCIATION JAPANESE GEOGRAPHERS A Publicity Committee 2017-04 -- 2018-03 THE ASSOCIATION JAPANESE GEOGRAPHERS General Committee more... - University Management
2024-04 -- (current) Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Master's and Doctoral Degree Program of Heritage Studies Committee of Student Support 2024-04 -- (current) Committee of Carreer Support, Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba Committee member 2024-04 -- (current) Committee of Faculty Development, Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba Committee member 2024-04 -- (current) Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Master's and Doctoral Degree Program of Heritage Studies Committee of Carreer Support 2024-04 -- (current) Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Master's and Doctoral Degree Program of Heritage Studies Committee of Faculty Development 2023-04 -- (current) General Strategy Centre of the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba Committee member(Design Team) 2023-04 -- (current) 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学学術院総合戦略室小委員会 委員 2022-04 -- (current) Committee of Graduate General Education Courses Committee member 2022-04 -- 2024-04 Master's and Doctoral Program of Heritage Studies Curriculum committee 2021-10 -- 2023-04 General Strategy Office of the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba Committee member more...
(Last updated: 2025-02-13)