- Affiliation
- Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0002-9040-7650
- 80760652
- 5>,2,D,8,W34=:D@64W6,N]Y@W?>@6@-,W,.W5;
- Office
- Exercise Nutrition
- Research fields
Sports science Applied health science Eating habits - Research keywords
Exercise&Clinical Sports Nutrition, Water turnover, Energy balance, Body composition, Doubly labeled water, Human caloriemeter - Research projects
Comprehensive understanding of water turnover mechanisms throughout the menstrual cycle in female athletes 2023-09 -- (current) 下山寛之 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Collaborative Research) 20,540,000Yen Relationship between metabolic adaptation, reproductive function, and immune function in young life stages 2023-04 -- (current) SAGAYAMA Hiroyuki JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 17,680,000Yen 女性の生殖状態の違いによる生体電気インピーダンス計を用いたPhAと身体組成、骨量、尿組成、筋力との関係性の解明 2024-06 -- (current) 下山寛之 筑波大学体育系ヒューマン・ハイ・パフォーマンス先端研究センター/ARIHHP研究プロジェクト/ 280,000Yen 若年期におけるエネルギー必要量の上限値の設定と代謝調整因子との関係性の解明 2023-04 -- 2024-03 下山寛之 一般財団法人田沼グリーンハウス財団/ 2,000,000Yen 日常生活環境下の身体活動と食事から得られる主要栄養素がメタボリックフレキシビリティに与える影響 2023-04 -- 2024-03 下山寛之 公益財団法人食生活研究会/ 1,000,000Yen 生体電気インピーダンス法を用いて骨格筋の量と質を評価するための電気的パラメータの検討 2022-11 -- 2023-11 下山寛之 CASIO SCIENCE PROMOTION FOUNDATION/ 1,000,000Yen 炭素安定同位体を用いた睡眠中のエネルギー代謝動態の評価法 2022-10 -- 2023-10 下山寛之 花王健康科学研究会/ 1,000,000Yen 陸上短距離選手の競技パフォーマンスと総エネルギー消費量の関係 2023-06 -- 2024-03 下山寛之 筑波大学体育系ヒューマン・ハイ・パフォーマンス先端研究センター/ARIHHP研究プロジェクト/ 280,000Yen 体重階級制アスリートにおける日常の水分代謝と腎バイオマーカーの関連性 2022-08 -- 2023-03 下山寛之 筑波大学体育系ヒューマン・ハイ・パフォーマンス先端研究センター/2022年度ARIHHP重点戦略プロジェクト/ 1,260,000Yen 安定同位体標識クレアチン(D3Cr)法を用いた非侵襲的な骨格筋量評価 2022-06 -- 2023-03 下山寛之 筑波大学体育系ヒューマン・ハイ・パフォーマンス先端研究センター/ARIHHP研究プロジェクト/ 300,000Yen more... - Career history
2019-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Health and Sport SciencesAssistant Professor 2016-04 -- 2019-03 Japan Institute of Sports ScienceJapan Society for the Promotion of Science(PD) 2015-06 -- 2017-03 University of Wisconsin-MadisonBiotechnology Center 2015-04 -- 2016-03 Fukuoka UniversityJapan Society for the Promotion of Science(PD) 2014-04 -- 2015-03 Fukuoka UniversityJapan Society for the Promotion of Science(DC2) - Academic background
2012-04 -- 2015-03 Fukuoka University Graduate School of Sports and Health Science(Doctoral course ) 2010-04 -- 2012-03 Fukuoka University Graduate School of Sports and Health Science(Master course) - Degree
2015-03 Ph.D(Sports and Health Science) Fukuoka University 2012-03 M.S.(Sports and Health Science) Fukuoka University - Licenses and qualifications
2012-03 High School Specialized Teacher’s Certificate(Health and Physical Education) 2012-03 Junior High School Specialized Teacher’s Certificate(Health and Physical Education) - Academic societies
2024-04 -- (current) The Society of Physical Fitness, Nutrition and Immunology 2024-04 -- (current) Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science 2024-04 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL APPLICATION OF STABLE ISOTOPE AND BIOGAS 2021-04 -- (current) American Society for Nutrition 2014-04 -- (current) Japanese Association of Exercise Epidemiology 2010-04 -- (current) The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine - Honors & Awards
2023-02 筑波大学2022年度 BEST FACULTY MEMBER 2021-11 筑波大学若手教員奨励賞 2021-11 第35回筑波大学河本体育科学研究奨励賞 2018-09 日本体力医学会 国際学術交流奨励賞 - Articles
- Energy Expenditure and slow-wave sleep in runners: Focusing on reproductive function, chronic training, and sex
Uchizawa Akiko; Osumi Haruka; Zhang Simeng; Yajima Ka...
iScience/28(2), 2025-02 - Predictive equation derived from 6,497 doubly labelled water measurements enables the detection of erroneous self-reported energy intake
Bajunaid Rania; Niu Chaoqun; Hambly Catherine; Liu Zo...
Nature food/6(1), 2025-01-13 - Decline in Isotope Dilution Space Ratio Above Age 60 Could Affect Energy Estimates Using the Doubly Labeled Water Method
Wong William W.; Speakman John R.; Ainslie Philip N.; ...
Journal of Nutrition/154(12)/pp.3824-3831, 2024-12 - Effect of 1-week weight loss while maintaining total body water on jump performance
Sagayama Hiroyuki; Toguchi Makiko; Yasukata Jun; Tomig...
Translational sports medicine/2024, 2024-10 - Acute Vigorous Exercise Decreases Subsequent Nonexercise Physical Activity and Body Temperature Linked to Weight Gain
Funabashi Daisuke; Dobashi Shohei; Sameshima Kazuki; S...
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE/56(10)/pp.1964-1975, 2024-10 - Impact of curcumin supplementation on exercise performance and muscle damage after a soccer match: a double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over study
Tanabe Yoko; Kondo Emi; Sagayama Hiroyuki; Shimizu Ka...
European Journal of Applied Physiology/124(7)/pp.2161-2171, 2024-07 - 体重階級制競技における計量から試合までの時間の戦略的活用(特集 スポーツと時間栄養学・時間運動学-いつ食べて, いつ運動するか-)--(応用編)
近藤 衣美; 下山 寛之
The Journal of clinical sports medicine/41(6)/pp.626-630, 2024-06 - Evaluation of energy balance estimated from total energy expenditure and body composition changes in junior sumo wrestlers: An observational study over six months
Ogawa Miori; Uchizawa Akiko; Tamai Shinsuke; Momma Re...
Cureus/16(5), 2024-05 - Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is independently associated with the bioelectrical impedance phase angle in junior sumo wrestlers: A pilot study
Khatun Suraiya; Ogawa Miori; Uchizawa Akiko; Hoshi Da...
PHYSIOLOGICAL REPORTS/12(9), 2024-05 - Predictors of water turnover in older adults: a doubly labeled water- and triaxial accelerometer-based study
Kim Hyeon-Ki; Sagayama Hiroyuki; Yoshida Tsukasa; Oish...
Journal of Nutrition/154(6)/pp.1750-1757, 2024-04-20 - Exercise intensity at RPE13 in female Kendo practitioners: A pilot study exploring the detection of mental fortitude
Akari Kitahara; Shinsuke Tamai; Hiroyuki Sagayama; Sho...
Sports Psychiatry, 2024-04 - Comparison of energy requirement estimation using activity record or accelerometer with doubly labeled water method in collegiate male sprinters
Shimamura Yuki; Takemura Ryusei; Iwanami Kensuke; Yama...
CLINICAL NUTRITION ESPEN/61/pp.295-301, 2024-03 - Differences in mental health, psychosocial factors, and its relationships in Japanese collegiate athletes before and during the first and second years of the COVID-19 pandemic
Hotoge S; Monma T; Sawamura S; Yoshida G; Fujita E; ...
筑波大学体育系紀要/47/pp.9-17, 2024-03 - Nutritional and Training Strategies for Actual Competition in World-Class Japanese Female Wrestler: A Case Report
Kondo Emi; Saito Masashi; Uchizawa Akiko; Tamai Shins...
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology/70(1)/pp.72-75, 2024-02 - Prevalence of Poor Sleep Quality and its Association with Lifestyle Habits, Competition-Based Activities, and Psychological Distress in Japanese Student-Athletes during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Monma T; Yamashita K; Yoshida G; Fujita E; Miyazawa ...
SLEEP SCIENCE/17(1)/pp.e26-e36, 2024-02 - Acute Vigorous Exercise Decreases Subsequent Non-Exercise Physical Activity and Body Temperature Linked to Weight Gain
Funabashi Daisuke; Dobashi Shohei; Sameshima Kazuki; S...
bioRxiv, 2023-10 - Greater male variability in daily energy expenditure develops through puberty
Halsey Lewis G; Careau Vincent; Ainslie Philip N; Alem...
BIOLOGY LETTERS/19(9), 2023-09-01 - The bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) international database: aims, scope, and call for data
Silva Analiza M; Campa Francesco; Stagi Silvia; Gobbo ...
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition/77/pp.1143-1150, 2023-08-02 - Comparison of bioelectrical impedance indices for skeletal muscle mass and intracellular water measurements of physically active young men and athletes
Sagayama Hiroyuki; Kondo Emi; Tanabe Yoko; Uchizawa A...
Journal of Nutrition/153(9)/pp.2543-2551, 2023-07-24 - Total daily energy expenditure has declined over the past three decades due to declining basal expenditure, not reduced activity expenditure
Speakman John R; de Jong Jasper M A; Sinha Srishti; We...
Nature Metabolism/5(4)/pp.579-588, 2023-04-01 - Comparison of three type of muscle glycogen loading interventions using a very-high-carbohydrate diet in an elite male racewalker: a case report
Kondo Emi; Takai Eri; Sagayama Hiroyuki; Takahashi Hideyuki
Physical Activity and Nutrition/27(1)/pp.47-54, 2023-3 - Skeletal muscle mass can be estimated by creatine (methyl-d3) dilution and is correlated with fat-free mass in active young males
Sagayama Hiroyuki; Yamada Yosuke; Kondo Emi; Tanabe Y...
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition/77(3)/pp.393-399, 2023-03 - Insights into exercise timing to regulate circadian clocks and phenotypes
Yoshiaki Tanaka; Hiroyuki Sagayama; Kazuhiro Shimizu
Clinical Nutrition Open Science/47/pp.96-101, 2023-01 - Variation in human water turnover associated with environmental and lifestyle factors
Yamada Yosuke; Zhang Xueying; Henderson M; Sagayama H...
Science/378(6622)/pp.909-914, 2022-11-25 - Variability in energy expenditure is much greater in males than females
Halsey Lewis G; Careau Vincent; Pontzer Herman; Ainsli...
Journal of Human Evolution/171(103229)/pp.1-11, 2022-09 - more...
- Energy Expenditure and slow-wave sleep in runners: Focusing on reproductive function, chronic training, and sex
- Books
- 第5章 スポーツ選手のエネルギー必要量ーエネルギー効率の評価とエビデンス(翻訳書)
下山 寛之
Clinical Sports Nutrition 5th Edition/大修館書店/pp.96-139, 2023-09 - 第7章 減量とパフォーマンス
近藤 衣美; 下山 寛之
2020年版 スポーツ栄養学最新理論, 2020
- 第5章 スポーツ選手のエネルギー必要量ーエネルギー効率の評価とエビデンス(翻訳書)
- Conference, etc.
- Exploring the urinary metabolome for energy metabolic state
Yajima Katuhiko; Uchizawa Akiko; Hiroyuki Sagayama
ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2025/2025-02-28--2025-03-01 - Body Composition Variables Positively Associated with Bioelectrical Impedance Phase Angle in Non-dysmenorrhea Female but not with Dysmenorrhea Females
Khatun Suraiya; Uchizawa Akiko; Kondo Emi; Silva Anal...
ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2025/2025-02-28--2025-03-01 - Raw bioelectrical parameters as indicators of overnight metabolic flexibility: Apilot study
Uchizawa Akiko; Kondo Emi; Khatun Suraiya; Ikai Marik...
12th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies/2025-2-20--2025-2-22 - Effects of weight loss period on bioelectrical impedance parameters in combat sports
Kondo Emi; Uchizawa Akiko; SAGAYAMA Hiroyuki
12th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies/2025-2-20--2025-2-22 - Contribution of fat-free mass component to water turnover in male athletes
Sagayama Hiroyuki; Tanabe Yoko; Uchizawa Akiko; Takaha...
12th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies/2025-2-20--2025-2-22 - Operating Lung Volume Responses To Metronome-paced Incremental Hyperventilation In Obese Adults
Hoshi Daisuke; Uchizawa Akiko; Shimamura Yuki; Yamasak...
American College of Sports Medicine: ACSM/2024-5 - 世界トップレベル柔道選手の大学4年間における水分代謝と身体組成の経時的変化
田窪 成将; 近藤 衣美; 内沢 彰子; 島村 侑暉; 平岡 拓晃; 岡田 弘隆; 下山 寛之
日本武道学会第 57回大会/2024/9/21--2024/9/22 - 陸上短距離走選手における運動強度別のトレーニング量と水分代謝の関係性
島村 侑暉; 山本 大輔; 下山 寛之; 岩山 海渡
第78回 日本体力医学会大会/2024/9/2--2024/9/4 - アスリートのエネルギー代謝と身体組成変動の包括的アプローチ:科学的洞察と実践的展望
下山 寛之; 塩瀬 圭佑
第78回 日本体力医学会大会/2024/9/2--2024/9/4 - 体水分量を維持した短期間の減量が下肢筋力とジャンプパフォーマンスに与える影響
下山 寛之; 渡口 槙子; 安方 惇; 古瀬 裕次郎; 池永 昌弘; 小見山 高明; 高江 理恵; ...
第32回 体力・栄養・免疫学会/2024-08-24--2024-08-25 - 大学女子中長距離ランナーの総エネルギー消費量とその構成要素ー月経の有無による比較ー
内沢 彰子; 近藤 衣美; 玉井 伸典; 矢島 克彦; 下山 寛之
第32回 体力・栄養・免疫学会/2024-08-24--2024-08-25 - 生体電気インピーダンスベクトル解析による若年女性ランナーの身体的特異性の評価-運動習慣と月経の有無に基づく検討-
内沢 彰子; 近藤 衣美; Suraiya Khatun; 下山 寛之
第78回 日本栄養・食糧学会大会/2024-05-24--2024-05-26 - 競技レベル別にみた大学サッカー選手の睡眠習慣および食習慣の比較
阿波根 由起; 今津 敦史; 山崎 昇悟; 島村 侑暉; Suraiya Khatun; 内沢 彰子; ...
第78回 日本栄養・食糧学会大会/2024-05-24--2024-05-26 - ヒューマンハイパフォーマンス向上のためのエネルギーバランスを考慮したウェイトコントロール
下山 寛之
第6回日本体力医学会 南九州地方会大会/2024-2-23--2024-2-23 - Exploring the urinary metabolome for individual differences in oxidative substrate ratios during sleep
Yajima Katsuhiko; Sagayama Hiroyuki; Tokuyama Kumpei
ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17 - Water turnover in japanese collegiate male sprinters using doubly labeled water method
Shimamura Yuki; Takemura Ryusei; Iwanami Kensuke; Yama...
ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17 - Energy requirement of collegiate male sprinters using activity record or accelerometer with doubly labeled water method
Shimamura Yuki; Takemura Ryusei; Iwanami Kensuke; Yama...
ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17 - Comparison of bioelectrical impedance phase angle in the menopausal and dysmenorrhea females to control females
Khatun Suraiya; Uchizawa Akiko; Kondo Emi; Hoshi Dais...
ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2024/2024-02-17--2024-02-17 - Sleeping energy expenditure and slow-wave sleep fluctuations: A comparative study between menstruating and amenorrheic female runners
Uchizawa Akiko; Sagayama Hiroyuki
INTERNATIONAL SPORT + EXERCISE NUTRITION CONFERENCE 2023/2023-12-16--2023-12-18 - The effect of starch-rich- or sugar-rich-meal on muscle glycogen and water absorption in recovery following rapid weight loss: a pilot study
Kondo Emi; Sagayama Hiroyuki; Hideyuki Takahashi
INTERNATIONAL SPORT + EXERCISE NUTRITION CONFERENCE 2023/2023-12-16--2023-12-18 - Phase angle by bioelectrical impedance analysis as a predictive marker for glycemic control in Japanese junior sumo wrestlers
Khatun Suraiya; Ogawa Miori; Uchizawa Akiko; Hoshi Da...
INTERNATIONAL SPORT + EXERCISE NUTRITION CONFERENCE 2023/2023-12-16--2023-12-18 - Young Leaders Network and Discuss with Nobel Laureates
Sagayama Hiroyuki
STS forum 2023 – 20th Annual Meeting/2023-09-30--2023-10-3 - ライフコースを通したエネルギー消費量の変化とエネルギー代謝適応
下山 寛之
日本体力医学会特別大会―2023東京シンポジウム―/2023-09-17 - 大学柔道競技者の稽古順がもたらす神経内分泌反応:テストステロンとオキシトシンからみた精力善用・自他共栄
松井崇; 船橋大介; 内沢彰子; 近藤衣美; 下山寛之; 平岡拓晃; 増地 克之; 岡田弘隆
日本武道学会第56回大会/2023-9-4--2023-9-5 - 一過性の高強度運動後に生じる自発活動性と体温の低下:コルチコステロンの関与
船橋 大介; 土橋 祥平; 鮫島 和貴; 下山 寛之; 西島 壮; 松井 崇
第31回日本運動生理学会大会/2023-08-23--2023-08-24 - more...
- Exploring the urinary metabolome for energy metabolic state
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar for Sports Medicine III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-03 Seminar for Sports Medicine III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Practice for Sport and Exercise Nutrition University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Seminer in Sport and Exercise Nutrition I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Seminer in Sport and Exercise Nutrition I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Seminar in Sport and Exercise Nutrition I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Sport and Exercise Nutrition I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Sport and Exercise Nutrition University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Introduction to Sports Medicine II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Seminer in Sport and Exercise Nutrition II University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- ヒトのエネルギー代謝の基礎と基礎的知見から得られた近年の研究
下山 寛之
第55回糖尿病診療−最新の動向 医師・医療スタッフ向け研修講座/2021-11-27 - エネルギー代謝研究の温故知新
下山 寛之
第85回スポーツと健康を科学する談話会/2021-10-22 - アスリートにおけるエネルギーバランスと身体組成
下山 寛之
公認スポーツ栄養士 更新講習会/2019-02-03
- ヒトのエネルギー代謝の基礎と基礎的知見から得られた近年の研究
- Professional activities
2023-11 -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE 委員 - University Management
2024-04 -- (current) 全学 FD委員会 委員 2023-04 -- (current) 体育系 倫理委員会 委員 2024-04 -- (current) 体育系 紀要・業績集編集委員会 委員 2024-04 -- (current) 体育系 研究推進委員会 委員 2020-04 -- (current) 体育専門学群 FD委員会 小委員長 2021-04 -- (current) 体育専門学群 小論文委員会 委員 2020-04 -- (current) 体育学学位プログラム 教育課程委員会 委員 2023-04 -- (current) 体育学学位プログラム 入学試験実施委員会 委員 2021-04 -- (current) 体育学学位プログラム 入学試験実施委員会WG 委員長 2023-04 -- (current) 体育学学位プログラム 入学試験予備選抜委員会 委員 more...
(Last updated: 2025-03-08)