SATO Takahiro
- Affiliation
- Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- 0000-0003-3358-0809
- Sex
- Male
- Birth date
- 1976-03
- 90862102
- /D2E@]E2<29:C@]87Tc_F]EDF<F32]24];A
- Office
- Building A-619
- Phone
- 029-853-4838
- Research fields
Developmental mechanisms and the body works Education on school subjects and activities Special needs education - Research keywords
Physical Education Teacher Education, Social Justice and Diversity, Race and Sport, Adapted Sport and APE, Inclusion - Research projects
Japan Sports Agancy - Current status of inclusive physical education in Japanese public schools 2022-11 -- 2025-03 Takahiro SATO Japan Sports Agency/a Government Commisioned Project Online Professional Development for Teaching Japanese Language Learners and Promoting Inclusive Education in Health and Physical Education 2022-04 -- 2026-03 SATO Takahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 12,350,000Yen 性に関する指導のビリーフに焦点を当てた教師教育オンラインプログラムの開発 2021-07 -- 2025-03 SATO Takahiro Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 5,720,000Yen ソーシャルインクルージョンの考え方を重視した性に関する指導の実証的研究 2022-04 -- 2025-03 KATAOKA Chie Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 2,730,000Yen 障害者スポーツに係る調査研究 2021-07 -- 2023-03 SATO Takahiro Japan Sports Agency/Government Commisioned Project 比較研究アメリカ人と日本人体育教師の教師教育の違いについて 2018-01 -- 2018-12 SATO Takahiro Ohio Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance/Research Grant 障害者体育通信教育カリキュラムデベロップメント 2016-08 -- 2017-05 SATO Takahiro Kent State University/Competitive Research Fund アフリカ系アメリカ人アスリート(大学)の生活習慣について 2017-01 -- 2017-12 SATO Takahiro Ohio Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance/Research Grant 障害体育大学院カリキュラムと指導実習のかかわりについて 2014-01 -- 2014-12 SATO Takahiro Ohio Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance/Research Grant 障害者水泳と大学生の指導経験について 2014-01 -- 2014-12 SATO Takahiro 米国運動力学会/Research Grant more... - Career history
2023-06 -- 2024-03 Seijo UniversityInternational Research Center for Sport and Gender EqualityVisiting Researcher 2020-04 -- 2024-03 International Development of Peace through SportChair 2019-07 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Health and Sport SciencesProfessor 2018-05 -- 2019-05 Kent State UniversityPETE Program in School of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum StudiesPETE Program Coordinator 2014-08 -- 2019-05 Kent State UniversitySchool of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum StudiesAssociate Professor 2010-08 -- 2014-08 Kent State UniversitySchool of Teaching, Lerning and Curriculum StudiesAssistant Professor 2007-06 -- 2010-05 Hampton University (HBCU)Department of Health Physical Education and RecreationAssistant Professor - Academic background
2000-08 -- 2000-12 University of National Costa Rica 2003-09 -- 2007-03 The Ohio State University School of Physical Activity and Educational Services Adapted Physical Education 2001-08 -- 2003-08 University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Science Adapted Physical Education 1997-01 -- 2001-05 University of Mount Union College of Education Physical Education - Degree
2007-03 The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) The Ohio State University - Licenses and qualifications
2014-02-24 Nationally Certified Adapted Physical Educator (CAPE) - Academic societies
2022-07 -- (current) JAPANESE EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION 2019-07 -- (current) Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 2014-02 -- 2020-03 National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities 2009-01 -- 2020-03 National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education 2003-03 -- (current) Society for Health and Physical Educator (SHAPE) America 2010-08 -- 2019-05 Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 2007-08 -- 2010-05 Virginia Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance - Honors & Awards
2024-02 2023 BEST FACULTY MEMBER 2020-12 2020 Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly Most Cited Article 高被引用数国際ランキングトップ4 2020-07 Journal of International Students Editor's Choice Reviewer Award 2017-11 2017 Kent State University College of Education, Health, Human Services 2017-03 LeRoy T. Walker Social Justice and Diversity Young Professional Award 2014-04 SHAPE America Research Fellow 2010-01 Hally Beth Poindexter Young Scholar Award 2007-03 Adapted Physical Activity Council Doctoral Student of the Year - Articles
- Physical education teachers' experiences in teaching lower secondary students in Lao People's Democratic Republic
Sato Takahiro; Nagata Shinichi; Mckay Cathy; Khamkong ...
CURRICULUM STUDIES IN HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION/Epub, 2025-02-20 - Japanese mothers’ communication on sexuality education with elementary school-age children (7-11)
SATO Takahiro; Kataoka Chie; Mitsutake Tomomi; McKay ...
SAGE OPEN/pp.1-14, 2025-01 - Japanese University Students’ Learning Experiences through an Adapted Physical Education Academic Course
Hall Cynthia; SATO Takahiro; McKay Cathy; Saito Mayumi
Multicultural Learning and Teaching/pp.1-23, 2025-01 - 外国人児童生徒を包摂する体育と保健の学習
佐藤 貴弘
体育科教育/72(11)/pp.10-10, 2024-10 - Japanese health and physical education teachers’ positioning in teaching Japanese language learners in high school physical education
Sato Takahiro; Kataoka Chie; Miller Ryan; Furuta Yu; ...
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy/Epub/pp.1-16, 2024-07 - 保健体育科教師における性に関する指導の意欲-インタビュー調査の結果から-
片岡 千恵; 佐藤貴弘; 古田映布; 戸村貴史; 木塚宙敬; 泉彩夏; 小出真奈美; 宮地美帆
身体運動文化研究/pp.1-10, 2024-06 - Japanese adult learners’ experiences in an online social justice and diversity recurrent education program in sport and physical activity
Sato Takahiro; Takahiro Waku; Cathy McKay; Isamu Nakm...
International Journal of Lifelong Education, 2024-04 - Japanese elementary teachers’ problem-based learning through online professional development on teaching Japanese language learners in physical education
Sato Takahiro; Kataoka Chie; Miller Ryan; Tomura Taka...
Journal of Digital Life/4/pp.1-7, 2024-04 - Japanese elementary teachers’ experiences during online professional development regarding involvement of immigrant parents in physical education
Tomura Takafumi; Sato Takahiro; Miller Ryan; Furuta Yu
European Physical Education Review/30(2)/pp.228-249, 2024-04 - Difficulties in Sexuality education among Health and physical education teachers: Analysis using a Modified Grounded Theory Approach(M-GTA)
泉彩夏; 片岡千恵; 佐藤貴弘
Japan Journal of Physical Education Health and Sport Sciences/69/pp.125-137, 2024-03 - Japanese midwifery pre-service professionals’ journal reflections on practicum experiences working with mothers and infants
Mitsutake Tomomi; Sato Takahiro; McKay Cathy; Kataoka ...
Multicultural Learning and Teaching/pp.1-23, 2024-02 - Japanese elementary classroom teachers’ experiences with parental involvement of immigrants regarding physical education
Tomura Takafumi; Sato Takahiro; Miller Ryan; Furuta Yu
EDUCATION 3-13/52(2)/pp.185-200, 2024-02 - Japanese Graduate Students’ Experiences in Online International Development and Peace Through Sport Courses Using English-Medium Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Oishi Junko; Sato Takahiro; Miller Ryan; Nagata Shinichi...
International Journal of Educational Reform/33(2)/pp.221-221, 2024-02 - Japanese adapted physical education graduate students’ learning about preparing master’s research thesis projects
Sato Takahiro; McKay Cathy
Multicultural Learning and Teaching/18(1)/pp.33-53, 2023-12 - It's about inspiring the greater community to continue supporting this sector: Elite sport success as a main policy objective for disability sport promotion in ASEAN member states
Nagata Shinichi; Bloyce Daniel; Sato Takahiro; Okade ...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT POLICY AND POLITICS/15(4), 2023-08-27 - Japanese Professors’ Experiences in Teaching Sport for Development in Online English-Medium Courses
Sato Takahiro; Miller Ryan; Nagata Shinichi; Fuchikami...
SAGE OPEN/13(2)/pp.1-13, 2023-05 - 保健体育の教員免許状を取得する大学生の精神疾患に関する指導の意識-大学院に進学する4年生を対象としたインタビュー調査による質的分析から-
片岡 千恵; 佐藤貴弘; 三田部勇; 泉彩夏; 小出真奈美; 宮地美帆; 古田映布; 戸村貴史; 木塚宙敬
身体運動文化研究/28(1)/pp.43-53, 2023-03 - An International Perspective on Strategies to Increase College Students’ Empathy in Gymnastics Courses
Kanaya Mariko; Sato Takahiro; McKay Cathy; Brown Saori I...
Strategies - A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators/36(2)/pp.3-9, 2023-03 - Curriculum Negotiation in an Undergraduate Fitness Education Course for Transformative Learning
Ellison Douglas W; Sato Takahiro
International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education/7(1)/pp.61-75, 2023-03 - Japanese health and physical education teachers’ experiences teaching sexuality education at the high school level
Sato Takahiro; Kataoka Chie; McKay Cathy; Kizuka Hiro...
Cogent Education/10(1)/pp.1-16, 2023-01 - Challenges to experience leisure enjoyment among individuals with serious mental illness
Nagata Shinichi; Long Terry; Sato Takahiro; Tankel Ro...
American Journal of Recreational Therapy/21(3)/pp.41-48, 2022-11 - 特集 体育授業の古今東西 理論を用いた保健体育科教育と適切な研究方法の選択についてーアメリカ留学・研究者としてのキャリアパスー
佐藤 貴弘
Comtemporary Sports Critique/pp.2-14, 2022-11 - Initial Learning of Japanese Undergraduate Students with No Prior Experiences in a Flag Football Basic Instruction Course
Matsumoto Tsuyoshi; Sato Takahiro; Emi Tsuda; Wyant James
International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education/6(4)/pp.187-198, 2022-11 - Development of Japanese women professional soccer athletes’ second career training
Sato Takahiro; Richardson Emma; Matsuo Hirokazu; Kishimot...
Journal of Digital Life/pp.1-7, 2022-10 - International graduate students’ campus and social adjustment experiences at a Japanese university
Sato Takahiro; Miller Ryan T.; Randeep Rakwal; Tomura Ta...
Multicultural Learning and Teaching/pp.1-20, 2022-10 - more...
- Physical education teachers' experiences in teaching lower secondary students in Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Books
- Physical Education and School Sport in Eastern Asia
Tsuda Emi; Okade Yoshinori; Sato Takahiro; Chen Yung-Ju
Education in Sport and Physical Activity Future Directions and Global Perspectives/Routledge Taylor & Francis Group/pp.148-159, 2022-04-01 - Including Language Awareness Activities in Physical Education
Sato Takahiro
Pump it up: Literacy Activity for Classroom/Sense Publisher/pp.87-95, 2016-12 - Asian international graduate students’ academic and social experiences in higher education in America
Sato Takahiro; Hodge Samuel
Exploring the social and academic experiences of international students in higher education institutions/pp.1-20, 2016-02 - Chapter 14: Students with disabilities in Brazil, Japan, South Korea, and the United States: Implications for inclusion and social justice in physical education
Haegele Justin; Hersman Bethany; Hodge Samuel; Lee Jihyu...
Inclusive Physical Activities: International Perspectives/pp.287-308, 2017-09
- Physical Education and School Sport in Eastern Asia
- Conference, etc.
- ASEAN-JAPAN Actions on Sports Workshop on Promoting Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Sport for People with Disability (SPD) Action Plan Workshop
SATO Takahiro
ASEAN-JAPAN Actions on Sports Workshop on Promoting Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Sport for People with Disability (SPD) Action Plan Workshop/2025-02-26--2025-02-28 - ASEAN-JAPAN Actions on Sports Workshop on Promoting Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Sport for People with Disability (SPD) in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
SATO Takahiro; NAGATA Shinichi
ASEAN-JAPAN Actions on Sports Workshop on Promoting Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Sport for People with Disability (SPD) in Lao People’s Democratic Republic/2025-01-05--2025-01-12 - Assessment in Inclusive Physical Education
SATO Takahiro
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia/2023-09-23--2023-09-23 - Qualitative Research Method in Physical Education and Adapted PE
SATO Takahiro
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia/2023-09-19--2023-09-19 - Physical Education and Sports for Students with Special Needs
SATO Takahiro
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia/2023-09-18--2023-09-18 - Social Justice and Diversity in Physical Education & Sport
SATO Takahiro
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia/2023-09-17--2023-09-17 - 体育および保健における外国人児童生徒等のインクルーシブ教育の 実現に向けて教員が学ぶべきことは何か?
戸村貴史; 佐藤貴弘; 片岡千恵; 岡出美則; MASON SHANNON; 古田映布; 池下桃佳
日本体育科教育学会第29回大会/2024-06-30 - Japanesese health and physical education teachers’ positioning in teaching Japanese language learners in high school physical education
Sato Takahiro; Kataoka Chie; Furuta Yu; Ikeshita Momo...
2024 IAHPEDS WORLD CONGRESS/2024-07-06 - Physical education teachers' development in teaching lower secondary students in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Nagata Shinichi; Sato Takahiro; Okade Yoshinori; Shish...
International Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Dance, and Sport (IAHPEDS) World Congress/2024-07-05--2024-07-08 - Autobiography of Social Justice and Diversity in Physical Education & Sport
Sato Takahiro
The 2023 International Conference for the 43rd Japanese Society of Sport Education The 11th East Asian Alliance of Sport Pedagogy/2023-09-23--2023-09-24 - 家庭において子供と性に関するコミュニケーションをとる際の母親の意識
宮地美帆; 小出真奈美; 木塚宙敬; 戸村貴史; 古田映布; 泉彩夏; 片岡 千恵; 佐藤貴弘
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会第73回大会/2023-09-01 - 外国人児童の文化的背景に配慮した体育指導のためのオンライン教師教育プログラムの開発
古田映布; 戸村貴史; 池下桃佳; 東浦勇馬; 片岡 千恵; 佐藤貴弘
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会第73回大会/2023-09-01 - 体育における外国人保護者の関与の促進を目指した教師教育プログラムの開発
戸村貴史; 古田映布; 片岡 千恵; 佐藤貴弘
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会第73回大会/2023-09-01 - 保健体育科教師における性に関する指導に対する困難感-M-GTAを用いた分析-
泉彩夏; 小出真奈美; 宮地美帆; 古田映布; 戸村貴史; 木塚宙敬; 佐藤貴弘; 片岡 千恵
一般社団法人日本学校保健学会第68回学術大会/2022-11-07 - 保健体育の教員免許状を取得する大学生の精神疾患に関する指導の意識-成人学習理論を用いた分析より-
片岡 千恵; 佐藤貴弘; 三田部勇; 泉彩夏; 小出真奈美; 宮地美帆; 古田映布; 戸村貴史; 木塚宙敬
一般社団法人日本学校保健学会第68回学術大会/2022-11-07 - Physical Education and Sports for Students with Special Needs
Sato Takahiro
International Association of Physical Education and Sports/2022-09-10--2022-09-10 - Japanese health education teachers' teacher development in teaching sexuality education at middle school level
木塚 宙敬; 戸村 貴史; 宮地 美帆; 池下 桃佳; 泉彩夏; 古田 映布; 小出真奈美; 野澤千駿; 佐藤 貴弘; 片岡千恵
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会第72回大会/2022-09-02--2022-09-02 - Japanese elementary classroom teachers’ experiences in communicating with immigrant parents in physical education
戸村 貴史; 木塚 宙敬; 古田 映布; 佐藤 貴弘
General Research Session/2022-09-02--2022-09-02 - Japanese elementary teachers' experiences in learning culturally relevant pedagogy through professional development in physical education
古田 映布; 戸村 貴史; 木塚 宙敬; 片岡千恵; 佐藤 貴弘
General Research Session/2022-08-24--2022-08-24 - Japanese high school teachers' beliefs in teaching sexuality education
泉 彩夏; 古田 映布; 小出真奈美; 戸村 貴史; 木塚 宙敬; 佐藤 貴弘; 片岡千恵
日本教育学会第81回大会/2022-08-24--2022-08-24 - Japanese elementary teachers' problem solving techniques dealing with immigrant parental involvement though professional development in physical education
戸村 貴史; 古田 映布; 木塚 宙敬; 片岡千恵; 佐藤 貴弘
General Research Session/2022-08-24--2022-08-24 - Japanese health and physical education teachers’ experiences teaching sexuality education at the high school level
片岡千恵; 古田 映布; 木塚 宙敬; 小出真奈美; 泉 彩夏; 戸村 貴史; 佐藤 貴弘
日本教育学会第81回大会/2022-08-24--2022-08-24 - Curriculum Politics of Teacher Education
佐藤 貴弘
public symposium/2022-08-27--2022-08-27 - Introduction of Joint master’s program of International Development and Peace through Sport at University of Tsukuba and National Institute of Fitness and Sport in Kanoya
Sato Takahiro
2022 Annual International Organization for Health, Sport, and Kinesiology Conference/2022-03-17--2022-03-19 - 大学生を対象としたオンライン同時双方向型による性教育ワークショップの試みとその評価
片岡 千恵; 佐藤貴弘; 泉彩夏; 古田映布; 佐久田幸空
一般社団法人日本学校保健学会第67回学術大会/2021-11-05--2021-11-07 - more...
- ASEAN-JAPAN Actions on Sports Workshop on Promoting Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Sport for People with Disability (SPD) Action Plan Workshop
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar on Pedagogy for Physical Education II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Cross Cultural Studies in Physical Sport Education University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Sport Promotion University of Tsukuba. 2024-07 -- 2024-08 Inclusion in Diverse Sports University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 International Development and Peace through Sport II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Practical English for Physical Education and Sport University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Data Management and Analysis for Research University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 English Exercises for Physical Education and Sport Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-12 -- 2025-02 Introduction to Inclusive Smart Society II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 English for Specialized Subjects A University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2020-10 -- 2020-12 体育とスポーツ科学の為の英語演習 - Talks
- Public Elementary School Teachers’ Positioning in Teaching Japanese Language Learners
Furuta Yu; Sato Takahiro; Kataoka Chie
2020 Yokohama Sport Conference/2020-09-07--2020-09-30 - Positioning Theory: Elementary Physical Education Teachers’ Experiences in Teaching English Language Learners
Sato Takahiro; Kataoka Chie
2020 Yokohama Sport Conference/2020-09-07--2020-09-30 - Japanese Secondary Physical Educators' Professional Development Experiences of Teaching Japanese Traditional Dance
Eckert Kevin; Sato Takahiro; Ellison Douglas
Society of Health and Physical Educators America National Convention/2020-04-21--2020-04-25 - Report Forum: Current Trends and Challenges of Adapted Sport in the United States of America
Sato Takahiro
トヨタ財団助成事業 “運動による障がい児の社会的自立支援プログラム”/2019-10-27--2019-10-27 - Zero Waste Society Through Sport
本田 靖; Yim Brian; Lightheart Ernest; 澤田 陽樹; 松元剛; 山口 拓; 萩原 悟一; S...
Tsukuba Conference/2019-10-01--2019-10-03 - 障害のある児童生徒にとって“望ましい”体育授業とは?(2)「アダプテッド」で支援する体育、そして特別支援教育へ
澤江 幸則; 加地 信幸; 佐藤 貴弘; 村上 祐介; 内田 匡輔; 吉岡 尚美; 加藤 彩乃
日本特殊教育学会/2019-09-21--2019-09-23 - The Relationships between Cell Phone Use and Sedentary Behavior in Samples of Japanese and American College Students
Barkley Jacob; Lepp Andrew; Sato Takahiro; Yamatsu Koji; ...
American College for Sport Medicine America/2019-05-28--2019-06-01 - Pre-Service Physical Education Teachers’ Early Field Experiences in Early Childhood Contexts.
Tsuda Emi; Wyant James; Sato Takahiro
Society of Health and Physical Educators/2019-04-01--2019-04-08 - Occupational Socialization Theory: Japanese graduate students’ practicum experiences instructing adapted physical education
Sato Takahiro; 斎藤まゆみ; 澤江幸則
North America Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium/2018-10-4--2018-10-7 - Undergraduate students’ online motor development course experiences in kinesiology
Sato Takahiro; Haegele Justin
Society of Health and Physical Educators America/2018-04-05--2018-04-08 - スポーツと体育:ダイバーシティー質的心理研究から学んだこと
佐藤 貴弘
九州スポーツ心理学会/2018-03-03--2018-03-05 - Physical Education Teacher Candidates’ Perspectives about Instructing Children with Disabilities in Adapted Aquatics
Sato Takahiro; Hodge Samuel; Samalot-Rivera Amaury; Volme...
North America Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium/2017-10-03--2017-10-05 - PE experiences at schools for the blind A phenomenological Inquiry
Haegele Justin; Zhu Xhie; Sato Takahiro
Society of Health and Physical Educators America/2017-03-26--2017-03-30 - Physical educators’ experiences of online adapted physical education endorsement course
Sato Takahiro; Haegele Justin
Society of Health and Physical Educators America/2017-03-26--2017-03-30 - African American teacher candidates’ experiences in teaching secondary physical education
Sato Takahiro; Hodge Samuel
Society of Health and Physical Education America/2017-03-26--2017-03-30 - African American teacher candidates’ experiences in teaching secondary physical education
佐藤 貴弘; Samuel Hodge
National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education/2017-01-04--2017-01-07 - Academic, Social, and Athletic Engagements of Student Athletes of Color at a predominantly White University
Eckert Kevin; Sato Takahiro
National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education/2017-01-04--2017-01-07
- Public Elementary School Teachers’ Positioning in Teaching Japanese Language Learners
- Professional activities
2020-09 -- (current) Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Conference General Affair Committee 2019-11 -- 2020-05 Society for Health and Physical Educator (SHAPE) America Research Fellow Reviewer 2018-01 -- 2020-02 Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance オハイオ州障害体育スタンダード改正委員 2017-01 -- 2020-01 National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities 全米障害体育認定試験改正委員 2011-01 -- 2020-01 Society for Health and Physical Educator (SHAPE) America 全米体育学会アダプテッド体育/スポーツシンポジウム審査 2015-01 -- 2016-01 Society for Health and Physical Educator (SHAPE) America 全米体育学会最優秀研究者賞審査委員 2015-01 -- 2016-01 Society for Health and Physical Educator (SHAPE) America 全米体育学会アダプテッド体育/スポーツシンポジウム審査責任者 2013-01 -- 2019-05 Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance オハイオ州体育学会ダイバーシティー委員 - University Management
2024-04 -- 2026-03 Doctoral Program in Health, Physical Education, and Sport Sciences Assistant Chair 2024-04 -- 2026-03 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences Assistant Dean 2022-04 -- 2024-03 Assistant to the President 2020-04 -- 2024-03 体育科学学位プログラム 入試委員 2020-04 -- 2024-03 Chair of Joint Master's Program in International Development and Peace through Sport Chair 2020-07 -- (current) 学群英語教育検討委員 2019-10 -- 2023-03 Tsukuba Summer Institute Vice Chair 2020-09 -- (current) 海外生教育プログラム等検討委員 2020-04 -- 2022-03 教学デザイン委員 - Other activities
2025-01 -- 2027-12 Associate Editor of Journal of QUEST 2021-09 -- (current) Editor (Education) Journal of Digital Life 2020-04 -- (current) Editorial Board Member Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education 2019-06 -- 2024-12 Editorial Board Member of Journal of QUEST 2018-01 -- 2021-07 Review Board Member Journal of International Student 2017-07 -- (current) Editorial Board Member The Physical Educator
(Last updated: 2025-03-10)