NAYA Ryohei
- Affiliation
- Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- Research fields
English linguistics - Research keywords
形態論 語形成 半語彙範疇 主要部性 - Research projects
前置詞関連要素を伴う形態現象から考える屈折・派生・複合の境界問題 2024-04 -- 2027-03 Naya Ryohei Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,160,000Yen 接頭辞付加の形態論上の位置づけに関する通時的・共時的研究 2019-04 -- 2024-03 納谷亮平 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/若手研究 語彙範疇と機能範疇の中間的な振る舞いを見せる要素に関する研究 2016-04 -- 2018-03 納谷亮平 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/特別研究員奨励費 - Degree
2012-03 学士(教育学) Yokohama National University 2014-03 修士(言語学) University of Tsukuba 2018-03 博士(言語学) University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
2024-08 -- (current) 日本英文学会 2017-06 -- (current) THE SOCIETY OF JAPANESE GRAMMAR 2015-07 -- (current) THE LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2013-02 -- (current) THE ENGLISH LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2012-04 -- (current) Tsukuba English Linguistic Society - Honors & Awards
2022-10 人文社会系若手教員奨励賞 2021-06 国際春季フォーラム優秀発表賞(佳作) 2018-12 第16回ヒューマンコミュニケーション賞 2018-03 最優秀博士論文賞 2014-10 優秀修士論文発表賞 - Articles
- New Words with -ment in Present-Day English: Their Properties and the Distinction between Functional and Lexical Categories
NAYA Ryohei
Languages/9(9), 2024-08 - 生成 AI を使った SF の創作活動と言語知識: 作家は何を助けてほしいのか
五十嵐啓太; 納谷 亮平
認知科学/31(2)/pp.376-380, 2024-06-01 - Why Are English Appositional Compounds Stressed on the Right-Hand Constituents? An Information Structure Approach
Naya Ryohei; Ishida Takashi
広島修大論集/64(2)/pp.55-72, 2024-02-29 - The (Un)availability of Pragmatic Information in the Domains of Words, Phrases, and Sentences: Consistent Contrasts between English and Japanese
Naya Ryohei; Ishida Takashi
Tsukuba English Studies/42/pp.161-182, 2024-02-29 - Review: The Semantics of Case by Olga Kagan, Cambridge University Press, 2020
Naya Ryohei
English Linguistics/39(2)/pp.281-292, 2023-03 - Presidential Company vs. President Company: Very Subtle but Crucial Semantic Differences Between RA-N and N-N
Ishida Takashi; Naya Ryohei
Tsukuba English Studies/41/pp.19-32, 2022-10-31 - 言語使用の三層モデルから考える虚構的インタラクション
納谷 亮平; 石田崇
比較・対照言語研究の新たな展開:三層モデルによる広がりと深まり/pp.238-276, 2022-11 - 使用場面から見えてくる同格複合語の非等位性
納谷 亮平; 石田崇
日本英文学会東北支部 第76回(2021年度秋季大会)Proceedings, 2022-03-29 - A Map Talks to You in English but Not in Japanese: How the Public and Private Self Encode Different Aspects of the Human-Object Interaction
Ishida Takashi; Naya Ryohei
Tsukuba English Studies/40/pp.147-169, 2022-02-28 - Why Does Contrast Allow Relational Adjectives to Be Used Predicatively? A Qualia Structure-based Account
Ishida Takashi; Naya Ryohei
JELS 39/pp.171-177, 2022-02-28 - An Integral Linguistic View on the Lexical Integrity Principle and its Exceptions: A Case Study of Japanese Phrasal Compounds
Ikarashi Keita; Naya Ryohei
CONCORDIA DISCORS vs DISCORDIA CONCORS/15/pp.67-103, 2021 - Double Endocentricity and Constituent Ordering in English Copulative Compounds
Naya Ryohei; Ishida Takashi
Data Science in Collaboration/4/pp.49-57, 2021-3 - Two Types of Germanic Suffixes Forming Relational Adjectives in English
Ishida Takashi; Togano Yuri; Naya Ryohei
JELS/38/pp.170-176, 2021-02 - レシピ名にthisやthatは用いられる?
ことばを美味しく研究しましょう 2020―お料理名の分析で言語学入門― まとめの資料集2020/pp.30-37, 2020-12 - Qualitative Adjectives as Reference Modifiers in Japanese
Ishida Takashi; Naya Ryohei
Papers from the 20th National Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association/20/pp.269-281, 2020-4 - Syntactic and Semantic Factors behind Head Transparency in English Compounds
Naya Ryohei
English Linguistics/36(2), 2020-3 - The Categorial Status of Prefixed Words: (Re-)Examining the "Derivational" Function of anti- and pro-
Naya Ryohei; Ishida Takashi
Data Science in Collaboration/3/pp.42-50, 2019-12 - Morphopragmatic and Diachronic Perspectives on Synonymous Compounds in English
Ryohei NAYA
Data Science in Collaboration/2/pp.69-76, 2018-12 - 「人」と「モノ」の間の言語学 : 自己中心性と公的表現・私的表現の観点から
石田崇; 納谷 亮平
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 (信学技報)/118(278)/pp.1-6, 2018-11 - “OK, Google!”の言語学:言語使用の三層モデルから見たウェイクワードの特殊性
納谷 亮平; 石田崇
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 (信学技報)/118(49)/pp.65-70, 2018-05 - Resolving Prefixation into Compounding and Inflection
Isono Haruki; Wakamatsu Hiroko; Naya Ryohei
JELS/35/pp.238-244, 2018-01 - The Apparent Category-Changing Function of Prefixes in English: A Preliminary Study of “Adjectivalizing” Prefixes
Naya Ryohei
Data Science in Collaboration/1/pp.125-134, 2017-12 - An Innovative Use of Kudasai in Social Networking Services
Ryohei Naya
Annals of "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University: Linguistics, Literature and Methodology of Teaching/XVII(1)/pp.62-78, 2017-01 - レシピタイトルにみられる@の用法―「ダブルマーキング」と「構造的多義性」を手掛かりとして―
ことばを美味しく研究しましょう―お料理サイトで言語学入門― まとめの資料集/pp.23-31, 2017-01 - Semi-lexical Categories and Word-Formation: A Case Study in Japanese Mimetic Compounds
Ryohei Naya and Keita Ikarashi
English Linguistics/33(2)/pp.377-414, 2017-01 - more...
- New Words with -ment in Present-Day English: Their Properties and the Distinction between Functional and Lexical Categories
- Books
- A Study on Semi-lexical Categories in Word-Formation in English and Japanese
Ryohei Naya
- A Study on Semi-lexical Categories in Word-Formation in English and Japanese
- Conference, etc.
- On Imaginary English Dvandvas in Relational Adjectives
Naya Ryohei; Ishida Takashi
International Symposium of Morphology 2023/2023-09-13--2023-09-15 - 使用場面から見えてくる同格複合語の非等位性(Symposia(英語学部門)「談話依存の形態論・語形成―談話情報はどのように語彙レベルの現象に関与するのか?」)
納谷 亮平; 石田崇
日本英文学会東北支部第76回大会/2021-11-27 - Why Does Contrast Allow Relational Adjectives to Be Used Predicatively? A Qualia Structure-based Account
Ishida Takashi; Naya Ryohei
ELSJ 14th International Spring Forum 2021/2021-05-08--2021-05-09 - Double Endocentricity and Constituent Ordering in English Copulative Compounds
Naya Ryohei; Ishida Takashi
Data Science in Collaboration 2020 / Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020/2020-10-8 - Two Types of Germanic Suffixes Forming Relational Adjectives in English
Ishida Takashi; Togano Yuri; Naya Ryohei
ELSJ 13th International Spring Forum 2020/2020-5-9--2020-5-10 - The Status of Affixes and the New Words by -ment in Present-Day English
Ryohei NAYA
International Symposium of Morphology 2019 (ISMo2019)/2019-09-26 - 日英語における関係形容詞の形成手段と述語位置への生起可能性
小田切菜々; 戸鹿野友梨; 石田崇; 納谷 亮平
Morphology & Lexicon Forum 2019/2019-09-01 - Qualitative Adjectives as Reference Modifiers in Japanese
Ishida Takashi; Naya Ryohei
日本認知言語学会第20回全国大会/2019-08-06 - The Categorial Status of Prefixed Words: (Re-)examining the "Derivational" Function of anti- and pro-
Ryohei Naya and Takashi Ishida
Data Science in Collaboration 2019/2019-07-04 - A Qualitative Study on the Productivity of -ment in Present-Day English
Ryohei NAYA
OSU-Tsukuba Joint Linguistics Workshop/2019-02-12 - When a "Non-productive" Affix Participates in Word-Formation: The English Suffix -ment and its Competitors
NAYA Ryohei
Tsukuba Morphology Meeting 2/2018-11-21 - 「人」と「モノ」の間の言語学 : 自己中心性と公的表現・私的表現の観点から
石田崇; 納谷 亮平
電子情報通信学会 ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会/2018-11-02 - Morphopragmatic and Diachronic Perspectives on Synonymous Compounds in English
Ryohei Naya
Data Science in Collaboration, Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018/2018-09-22 - On the Two Factors Triggering Subhead Phenomena in English Compounds
Ryohei Naya
Word-Formation Theories III / Typology and Universals in Word-Formation IV/2018-06-28 - “OK, Google!”の言語学:言語使用の三層モデルから見たウェイクワードの特殊性
納谷亮平; 石田崇
電子情報通信学会 ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会/2018-05-21 - 「しろください」の語用論
日本語文法学会第18回大会 パネルセッション「重複表現の形態・統語的分析と語用論的機能」/2017-12-01 - The Apparent Category-Changing Function of Prefixes in English: A Preliminary Study of ‘Adjectivalizing’ Prefixes
Naya Ryohei
Data Science in Collaboration, Tsukuba Global Science Week 2017/2017-09-27 - Headedness in Compounds and Semi-lexical Categories
Ryohei Naya
Tsukuba Morphology Meeting 2017/2017-06-01 - Resolving Prefixation into Compounding and Inflection
Isono Haruki; Wakamatsu Hiroko; Naya Ryohei
The 10th International Spring Forum 2017/2017-04-01 - The Form-Function Interface in Japanese Compounding Formation
Sakamoto Akihiko; Ikarashi Keita; Naya Ryohei
The 24th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference/2016-10-01 - SNSで見られる『ください』の新用法:心内発話に聞き手志向性を与える表現として
『三層フェスタ』プレワークショップ:若手が拓く言語研究の新領域/2016-09-01 - An Innovative Use of Kudasai in Social Networking Services
Ryohei NAYA
Japan, Pre-modern, Contemporary (4th International Conference)/2016-09-01 - 語形成に見られる機能的動機付け―指定的特徴を持つ複合語を事例として―
五十嵐啓太; 納谷 亮平
日本言語学会第152回大会/2016-06-01 - Competition in Word-Formation: Deverbal Nominalization by -ment vs. Conversion
Ryohei Naya
The 9th International Spring Forum 2016/2016-04-01 - Semi-Lexical Nouns in Japanese: A Case Study of Mimetic Compounds
Ryohei Naya and Keita Ikarashi
Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 8/2016-02-01 - more...
- On Imaginary English Dvandvas in Relational Adjectives
- Teaching
2024-08 -- 2024-08 English Intercultural Communication II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Project Seminar (2A) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Project Practice (1B) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Project Seminar (1B) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Project Practice (2B) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Project Seminar (2B) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Project Seminar (1A) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Project Practice (2A) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Project Practice (1A) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 English Reading Skills I University of Tsukuba. more... - Other activities
2022-12 -- 2022-12 茨城県立水戸第二高等学校における2年生を対象とした模擬授業「教わってないのに知っている!?ことばの仕組み」
(Last updated: 2025-01-27)