Researcher's full information

  • 表面微細構造と濡れ性による沸騰伝熱特性への影響
    趙 晟惟; 吉田 悠人; 金子 暁子; Shen Biao
    日本機械学会関東支部 第 29 期総会・講演会・予稿集, 2023-03
    GATET Eugene; Kaneko Akiko; Biao Shen
    The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2022-08
    GATET Eugene; Kaneko Akiko; Biao Shen
    The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 2022-08
  • 曲率により変形した音響浮遊液滴の内部流動可視化
    Eugene GATETE; Tamaki AIKO; Biao SHEN; 金子 暁子
    日本機械学会関東支部 第 28 期総会・講演会 講演論文集/p.15G17, 2022-03
  • Persistent reduction of boiling incipience of ethanol on biphilic porous textured surfaces
    Shen Biao; Hamazaki Takeshi; Kamiya Kohei; Hidaka Sumito...
    International Journal of Multiphase Flow/142, 2021-09
  • Limited enhancement of subatmospheric boiling on treated structured surfaces with biphilic pattern
    Shen Biao; Iwata Naoki; Hidaka Sumitomo; Takahashi Koji; ...
    ASME Journal of Heat Transfer/143(10)/pp.101601-1-101601-12, 2021-05
  • An overview of heat transfer near the liquid-gas critical point under the influence of the piston effect: phenomena and theory
    Shen Biao; Zhang P.
    International Journal of Thermal Sciences/71/pp.1229-19, 2013-05
  • Numerical study of thermoacoustic coupling in near-critical nitrogen
    Shen Biao; Zhang P.
    Proceedings of VIII Minsk International Seminar,, 2011-09
  • Observation of periodic bubble nucleation on a hydrophobic spot at negative surface superheats under subcooled conditions
    Shen Biao; Suroto B.J.; Hirabayashi S.; al et
    Proceedings of 2014 International Heat Transfer Symposium/p.IHTS140070, 2014-05
  • Effect of Dissolved Air on Subcooled Pool Boiling from a Mixed Wettability Surface
    SHEN BIAO; M. Yamada; B.J. Suroto; et al
    Proceedings of the 101 EUROTHERM Seminar/, 2014-06
  • Formation of air-rich bubbles on a superbiphilic surface in subcooled boiling
    Shen Biao; Yamada M.; Orejon D.; Suroto B.J.; Hidaka S.; ...
    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer/p.PB 8, 2015-04
  • Boiling heat transfer enhancement with hydrophobic islands at sub-atmospheric pressures
    Shen Biao; Yamada M.; He H.; Furusato K.; Hidaka S.; Kohn...
    Proceedings of the 1st Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference/p.14903, 2016-03
  • Boiling heat transfer on a mixed-wettability evaporator surface in a closed two-phase thermosyphon
    Shen Biao; He H.; Furusato K.; Yamada M.; Hidaka S.; Kohn...
    Proceedings of the 4th International Forum on Heat Transfer/p.1942, 2016-11
  • Bubble dynamics of pool boiling on biphasic surfaces at sub-atmospheric pressures
    Shen Biao; Yamada M.; Hidaka S.; Kohno M.; Takahashi K.; ...
    Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences/p.P00475, 2017-03
  • Optimization of superhydrophobic surfaces for enhanced droplet jumping condensation heat transfer
    Shen Biao; Orejon D.; Maeda Y.; Askounis A.; Lv F.; Hidak...
    Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences/p.P00450, 2017-03
  • Diffuse-interface simulations of bubble dynamics on a biphilic surface
    SHEN BIAO; J. Liu; J. Shiomi; G. Amberg; M. Do-Quang; M. ...
    Proceedings of the 1st Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences/p.P00570, 2017-03
  • Heat transfer enhancement of sub-atmospheric pool boiling with biphilic surfaces
    Shen Biao; Yamada M.; Hidaka S.; Kohno M.; Takata Y.; Tak...
    Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics/p.OC.011, 2017-06
  • Phase-field modeling of bubble growth on a surface with mixed wettability
    Shen Biao; Liu J.; Shiomi J.; Amberg G.; Do-Quang M.; Yam...
    Proceedings of the 9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluid Engineering Conference/p.1497, 2017-10
  • A Loop Thermosyphon With Hydrophobic Spots Evaporator Surface
    Shen Biao; He H.; Hidaka S.; Takahashi K.; Takata Y.
    Proceedings of ASME 2018 16th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels/p.V001T02A002, 2018-06
  • Deterioration of boiling heat transfer on biphilic surfaces under very low pressures
    Shen Biao; Mine T.; Hidaka S.; Takahashi K.; Takata Y.
    Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics/pp.339-402, 2019-07
  • Enhanced boiling heat transfer on surfaces patterned with mixed wettability
    Shen Biao; Yamada M.; Mine T.; Hidaka S.; Shiomi J.; Ambe...
    Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference/pp.1379-1386, 2018-08
  • Notable physical anomalies manifested in non-Fourier heat conduction under the dual-phase-lag model
    Shen Biao; Zhang P.
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer/51/pp.1713-1727, 2008-09
  • Thermoacoustic wave propagation and reflection near the liquid-gas critical point
    Shen Biao; Zhang P.
    Physical Review E/79/p.060103(R), 2009-06
  • On the transition from thermoacoustic convection to diffusion in a near-critical fluid
    Shen Biao; Zhang P.
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer/53/pp.4832-4843, 2010-06
  • Thermoacoustic waves along the critical isochore
    Shen Biao; Zhang P.
    Physical Review E/83/p.011115, 2011-01
  • more...