- Conference, etc.
- The Effect of Curvature Distortion on Internal Flow Measurement of a Levitated Droplet using PIV
Gatete Eugene; 金子暁子; Shen Biao
The 13th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing/2022-08-07--2022-08-10 - Role of surface (wettability) engineering in boiling heat transfer enhancement,
Shen Biao
NSF Thermal Transport Café/2022-03-22--2022-03-22 - Role of surface (wettability) engineering in boiling heat transfer enhancement,
Shen Biao
NSF Thermal Transport Café/2022-03-22--2022-03-22 - 機械学習によるプール沸騰の気泡形成挙動の解析
塚原健; SHEN BIAO; 金子暁子; 矢吹智英
第59回伝熱シンポジウム/2022-05-18--2022-05-20 - 撥水キャビティー伝熱表面上の減圧沸騰
Shen Biao; 岩田直樹; 直樹 岩田; 澄具 日高; 厚史 髙橋; 保之 高田
第59回伝熱シンポジウム/2022-05-18--2022-05-20 - 撥水キャビティー伝熱表面上の減圧沸騰
Shen Biao; 岩田直樹; 直樹 岩田; 澄具 日高; 厚史 髙橋; 保之 高田
第59回伝熱シンポジウム/2022-05-18--2022-05-20 - 撥水キャビティー伝熱表面上の減圧沸騰
Shen Biao; 岩田直樹; 直樹 岩田; 澄具 日高; 厚史 髙橋; 保之 高田
第59回伝熱シンポジウム/2022-05-18--2022-05-20 - 曲率により変形した音響浮遊液滴の内部流動可視化
Eugene GATETE; Tamaki AIKO; Biao SHEN; 金子 暁子
日本機械学会関東支部 第 28 期総会・講演会/2022-03-14--2022-03-15 - 深層学習を用いた沸騰伝熱面の熱画像の処理
関東学生会第 61 回学生員卒業研究発表講演会/2022-03-14--2022-03-14 - Boiling enhancement of a highly wetting fluid using hybrid approach
Shen Biao; Kamiya K.; Hidaka S.; Takahashi K.; Takata Y....
The 32nd International Symposium on Transport Phnom/2022-03-19--2022-03-21 - Enhancement of nucleate boiling on hybrid surface with structural and wettability modifications
Shen Biao
the 2nd Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences (2nd ACTS)/2021-10-03--2021-10-07 - Physical insights from diffuse-interface modeling of boiling on biphilic surfaces
Shen Biao; Amberg Gustav; Do-Quang Minh; Shiomi Junichir...
International Symposium on Numerical Methods in Heat and Mass Transfer (ISNMHMT) 2020/2020-12-11--2020-12-13 - 表面微細構造及び濡れ性がエタノールの沸騰伝熱に及ぼす影響
Shen Biao; 濱崎建至; 神谷康和; 日高澄具; 高橋厚史; 高田保之; 布村順次; 深津明弘; 戸次洋一郎
日本機械学会熱工学コンファレンス 2020/2020-10-10--2020-10-11 - エタノールの飽和沸騰において表面構造および濡れ性が気泡核に及ぼす影響
Shen Biao; 建至 濱崎; 康和 神谷; 澄具 日高; 厚史 高橋; 保之 高田; 順次 布村; 明弘 ...
第57回日本伝熱シンポジウム/2020-06-03--2020-06-05 - Observation of periodic bubble nucleation on a hydrophobic spot at negative surface superheats under subcooled conditions
Shen Biao; Suroto B.J.; Hirabayashi S.; al et
2014 International Heat Transfer Symposium - Formation of air-rich bubbles on a superbiphilic surface in subcooled boiling
Shen Biao; Yamada M.; Orejon D.; Suroto B.J.; Hidaka S.; ...
The 9th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer - Diffuse-interface simulations of bubble dynamics on a biphilic surface
Shen Biao; Liu J.; Shiomi J.; Do-Quang M.; Yamada M.; Koh...
The 1st Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences - Phase-field modeling of bubble growth on a surface with mixed wettability
Shen Biao; Liu J.; Shiomi J.; Amberg G.; Do-Quang M.; Yam...
The 9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluid Engineering Conference - Enhanced boiling heat transfer on surfaces patterned with mixed wettability
Shen Biao; Yamada M.; Mine T.; Hidaka S.; Shiomi J.; Ambe...
The 16th International Heat Transfer Conference - Deterioration of boiling heat transfer on biphilic surfaces under very low pressures
Shen Biao; Mine T.; Hidaka S.; Takahashi K.; Takata Y.
The 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics - Pure Subcooled Boiling of Water Observed on a Surface with Mixed Wettability
Shen Biao
International Workshop on Phase Change and Wetting Phenomena 2015 - Pool boiling on a biphilic surface
Shen Biao
Workshop on thermal issues for hydrogen and related energy systems 2015 - Negative-superheat boiling on biphilic surfaces
Shen Biao
Thermal issues for hydrogen and new refrigerants for energy systems, HYDROGENIUS and I2CNER Joint Research Symposium 2017 - Role of surface wettability in boiling heat transfer enhancement
Shen Biao
International Symposium on Measurement Technology in Thermal Science Engineering (MTTSE-2017) - Boiling on surfaces with heterogeneous wettability
Shen Biao
HYDROGENIUS and I2CNER Joint Research Symposium 2018 - more...
- The Effect of Curvature Distortion on Internal Flow Measurement of a Levitated Droplet using PIV