- Articles
- Taxonomic study of a new eustigmatophycean alga, Vacuoliviride crystalliferum gen. et sp nov.
Nakayama Takeshi; Nakamura Atsushi; Yokoyama Akiko; Sh...
JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH/128(2)/pp.249-257, 2015-03 - Phylogeny, Ultrastructure, and Flagellar Apparatus of a New Marimonad Flagellate Abollifer globosa sp nov (Imbricatea, Cercozoa)
Shiratori Takashi; Yokoyama Akiko; Ishida Ken-Ichiro
PROTIST/165(6)/pp.808-824, 2014-12 - 13(2),17(3)-Cyclopheophorbide b enol as a catabolite of chlorophyll b in phycophagy by protists
Kashiyama Yuichiro; Yokoyama Akiko; Shiratori Takashi; ...
FEBS LETTERS/587(16)/pp.2578-2583, 2013-08 - Esquamula lacrimiformis n. g., n. sp., a New Member of Thaumatomonads that Lacks Siliceous Scales
Shiratori Takashi; Yabuki Akinori; Ishida Ken-Ichiro
JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY/59(6)/pp.527-536, 2012-11 - Ubiquity and quantitative significance of detoxification catabolism of chlorophyll associated with protistan herbivory
Kashiyama Yuichiro; Yokoyama Akiko; Kinoshita Yusuke; ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/109(43)/pp.17328-17335, 2012-10-23
- Taxonomic study of a new eustigmatophycean alga, Vacuoliviride crystalliferum gen. et sp nov.