TSUJI Taishi

Researcher's full information

  • Association of physical activity with neighborhood environments and transportation modes in older Japanese adults
    Tsunoda K; Tsuji T; Kitano N; Mitsuishi Y; Yoon JY; Yoon ...
    Preventive Medicine/55/pp.113-118, 2012-08
  • 「かさまスタディ」の研究プロトコルと概要:介護予防とサクセスフル エイジング支援に向けた地域に根づく包括的システムの構築 ―The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicineに掲載された英語論文の日本語による二次出版
    大藏 倫博; 辻 大士; 角田 憲治; 尹 智暎; サガザデ マシド; 相馬 優樹; 北濃 成樹; 尹 之恩; 金...
    Research in Exercise Epidemiology/19(2)/pp.118-128, 2017-09-30
  • 地域在住高齢者におけるサルコぺニアおよびダイナペニアと身体機能との関連性
    金 美珍; 辻 大士; 北濃 成樹; 尹 之恩; 相馬 優樹; 神藤 隆志; 大藏 倫博
    体育測定評価研究/15/pp.1-9, 2015-04
  • Association between loco-check and physical function
    阿部巧; 北濃成樹; 辻大士; 相馬優樹; 金美珍; 尹之恩; 大藏倫博
    Japan Journal of Test and Evaluation in Health and Physical Education/16/pp.27-34, 2017-03
  • Transportation mode usage and physical, mental and social functions in older Japanese adults
    Tsunoda Kenji; Kitano Naruki; Kai Yuko; Tsuji Taishi; Som...
    JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT & HEALTH/2(1)/pp.44-49, 2015-03
  • Effects of whole-body vibration exercise on muscular strength and power, functional mobility and self-reported knee function in middle-aged and older Japanese women with knee pain
    Tsuji Taishi; Yoon Jieun; Aiba Tatsuya; Kanamori Akihiro...
    KNEE/21(6)/pp.1088-1095, 2014-12
  • Study protocol and overview of the Kasama Study: Creating a comprehensive, community-based system for preventive nursing care and supporting successful aging
    Okura Tomohiro; Tsuji Taishi; Tsunoda Kenji; Kitano Naru...
    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/6(1)/pp.49-57, 2017-01
  • Effects of whole-body vibration exercise on muscular strength and power, functional mobility and self-reported knee function in middle-aged and older Japanese women with knee pain
    Tsuji Taishi; Yoon Jieun; Aiba Tatsuya; Kanamori Akihiro...
    KNEE/21(6)/pp.1088-1095, 2014-12
  • Study protocol and overview of the Kasama Study: Creating a comprehensive, community-based system for preventive nursing care and supporting successful aging
    Okura Tomohiro; Tsuji Taishi; Tsunoda Kenji; Kitano Naru...
    The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/6(1)/pp.49-57, 2017-01
  • Ground Reaction Force in Sit-to-Stand Movement reflects Lower Limb Function in Middle-Aged and Older Women with Knee Pain
    TSUJI Taishi; YOON Jieun; TSUNODA Kenji; KANAMORI Akihir...
    Human Performance Measurement/13/pp.11-19, 2016-02
  • Effects of N-acetyl glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplementation on knee pain and self-reported knee function in middle-aged and older Japanese adults: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
    Tsuji Taishi; Yoon Jieun; Kitano Naruki; Okura Tomohiro; ...
  • Effects of N-acetyl glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplementation on knee pain and self-reported knee function in middle-aged and older Japanese adults: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
    Tsuji Taishi; Yoon Jieun; Kitano Naruki; Okura Tomohiro; ...
  • The effects of whole-body vibration training on knee function and physical performance of middle-aged and elderly woman with knee osteoarthritis and chronic knee pain
    尹 之恩; 辻 大士; 金森 章浩; 田中 喜代次; 大藏 倫博
    Jpn. J. Phys. Fitness Sports Med./63(4)/pp.371-382, 2014-08
  • 県立A 大学における特別講義「暮らしているだけで健康になるまちづくり」の報告
    辻 大士
    筑波大学体育系紀要/46/pp.71-74, 2023-03
  • マルチレベル分析入門
    辻 大士
    体育測定評価研究/22/pp.11-17, 2023-03
  • 人とのつながりで保つ,With・Afterコロナ時代の高齢者の健康
    辻 大士
    介護予防・健康づくり/9(1)/pp.17-22, 2022-06
  • 高齢者における近隣の生鮮食料品店の有無の変化と歩行 時間の変化:JAGES2016-2019縦断研究
    小林周平; Yu-Ru Chen; 井手一茂; 花里真道; 辻 大士; 近藤克則
    日本公衆衛生雑誌, 2022-12
  • 高齢者における運動行動の変容ステージ別の歩行時間の関連 要因: JAGES2019横断研究
    金森悟; 甲斐裕子; 山口大輔; 辻 大士; 渡邉良太; 近藤克則
    日本公衆衛生雑誌/69(11)/pp.861-873, 2022-11
  • あん摩の手技を用いた力学的刺激が身体愁訴,気分,自律神経機能に与える影響
    嶋田江利香; 辻 大士; 水上勝義
    文理シ ナジー/26(2)/pp.252-263, 2022-10
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症流行下の高齢者の体力の変化~パフォー マンステストを用いた検討~
    寺岡かおり; 辻 大士; 神藤隆志; 徳永智史; 大藏倫博
    日本老年医学会雑誌/59(4)/pp.491-500, 2022-10
  • 高齢者におけるDigital Trail Making Peg testのパフォ ーマンスと認知機能との関連
    井上大樹; 永田康喜; 立岡光臨; 薛載勲; 尹之恩; 辻 大士; 大藏倫博
    日本老年医学会雑誌/59(3)/pp.331-338, 2022-07
  • 郵送調査の管理強度・高回収率・督促で地域相関分析の相関係数は高くなるか
    小林秀輔; 辻 大士; 上野貴之; 近藤克則
    介護予防・健康づくり研究/10/pp.1-10, 2022-06
  • Cross-sectional and longitudinal study of the relationship between phase angle and physical function in older adults.
    Y Asano; Tsuji Taishi; M Kim; K Nagata; K Shibuya; K Tat...
    Geriatrics & Gerontology International/23(2)/pp.141-147, 2023-02
  • Social Isolation and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults: A Multiple Bias Analysis Using a Longitudinal Study in Japan
    K Inoue; M Haseda; K Shiba; Tsuji Taishi; K Kondo; N...
    ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY/77/pp.110-118, 2023-01
  • Types of sports and exercise group participation and sociopsychological health in older adults: a 3-year longitudinal study.
    Tsuji Taishi; S Kanamori; R Watanabe; M Yokoyama; Y Miya...
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise/54(10)/pp.1657-1664, 2022-10
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