TSUJI Taishi
- Articles
- 【サルコペニア 研究の現状と臨床への応用】 サルコペニア予防のエビデンス レジスタンストレーニングを中心として
辻 大士
Geriatric Medicine/48(2)/pp.197-200, 2010-02 - Differences in Falls between Older Adult Participants in Group Exercise and Those Who Exercise Alone: A Cross-Sectional Study Using Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) Data
Hayashi Takahiro; Kondo Katsunori; Kanamori Satoru; Ts...
International journal of environmental research and public health/15(7), 2018-07 - Development of a risk score for the prediction of incident dementia in older adults using a frailty index and health checkup data: The JAGES longitudinal study
Lin Huei-Ru; Tsuji Taishi; Kondo Katsunori; Imanaka Y...
Preventive medicine/112/pp.88-96, 2018-07 - Association between education and television viewing among older working and retired people: a comparative study of Finland and Japan
Tsuji Taishi; Amemiya Airi; Shirai Kokoro; Stenholm Sari...
BMC public health/18(1)/p.917, 2018-07 - Frequency and pattern of exercise and depression after two years in older Japanese adults: the JAGES longitudinal study
Kanamori Satoru; Takamiya Tomoko; Inoue Shigeru; Kai ...
Scientific reports/8(1), 2018-07 - Community-level Sports Group Participation and Older Individuals' Depressive Symptoms
Tsuji Taishi; Miyaguni Yasuhiro; Kanamori Satoru; Hanazat...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise/50(6)/pp.1199-1205, 2018-06 - Does Type of Residential Housing Matter for Depressive Symptoms in the Aftermath of a Disaster? Insights From the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Sasaki Yuri; Aida Jun; Tsuji Taishi; Miyaguni Yasuhir...
American journal of epidemiology/187(3)/pp.455-464, 2018-03 - Relationships of Ground Reaction Force in Sit-to-stand Movement with Lower Extremity Muscle Strength and Activities of Daily Living in Community-dwelling Japanese Elderly Using Long-term Care Insurance Services
慎 少帥; 藤井 啓介; 馬 婧宇; 阿部 巧; 辻 大士; 藤井 悠也; 大藏 倫博
Rigakuryoho kagaku/32(6)/pp.881-887, 2017-12 - An additive effect of leading role in the organization between social participation and dementia onset among Japanese older adults: The AGES cohort study
Nemoto Yuta; Saito Tami; Kanamori Satoru; Tsuji Taishi; S...
BMC Geriatrics/17(1)/p.297, 2017-12 - Effect of a Group Exercise Activity Managed by Older Volunteers on the Lower Extremity Physical Function of Community-Dwelling Older Women
佐藤 文音; 藤井 啓介; 辻 大士; 神藤 隆志; 北濃 成樹; 金 美珍; 堀田 和司; 大藏 倫博
教育医学/63(2)/pp.186-194, 2017-10 - Change in hand dexterity and habitual gait speed reflects cognitive decline over time in healthy older adults: a longitudinal study
Abe Takumi; Soma Yuki; Kitano Naruki; Jindo Takashi; ...
Journal of Physical Therapy Science/29(10)/pp.1737-1741, 2017-10 - Studies Generated at Settings for Health Promotion and Useful Studies for Settings for Health Promotion Aiming Successful Aging : an Activity Report from the Young Members Association of the Japan Society of Health Promotion
辻 大士; 斎藤 民; 野藤 悠; 横山 友里; 中村 廣隆; 吉田 由佳; 岩﨑 文江; 楢﨑 兼司
健康支援 = Japanese journal of health promotion/19(2)/pp.167-178, 2017-09 - The relationship between ground reaction force in sit-to-stand movement and lower extremity function in community-dwelling Japanese older adults using long-term care insurance services
Shen Shaoshuai; Abe Takumi; Tsuji Taishi; Fujii Keisuke; ...
Journal of Physical Therapy Science/29(9)/pp.1561-1566, 2017-09 - A 10-Year Follow-Up Study of Social Ties and Functional Health among the Old: The AGES Project
Murata Chiyoe; Saito Tami; Tsuji Taishi; Saito Masash...
International journal of environmental research and public health/14(7), 2017-07 - Development of risk assessment scales for Needed Support/Long-Term Care certification: A longitudinal study using the Kihon Checklist and medical assessment data
辻 大士; 高木 大資; 近藤 尚己; 近藤 克則
Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi(JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH)/64(5)/pp.246-257, 2017-05 - Reducing depressive symptoms after the Great East Japan Earthquake in older survivors through group exercise participation and regular walking: a prospective observational study
Tsuji Taishi; Sasaki Yuri; Matsuyama Yusuke; Sato Yukihi...
BMJ open/7(3), 2017-03 - Effects of a Group Exercise Activity Managed by Elderly Volunteers on the Physical Function of Community-dwelling Older Women who Had Recently Completed an Exercise Program Led by Fitness Experts
佐藤文音; 神藤 隆志; 藤井啓介; 辻大士; 北濃成樹; 堀田和司; 大藏倫博
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association/40(1)/pp.9-15, 2017-03 - Relationship between built environment attributes and physical function in Japanese community-dwelling older adults
Soma Yuki; Tsunoda Kenji; Kitano Naruki; Jindo Takash...
Geriatrics & gerontology international/17(3)/pp.382-390, 2017-03 - Association between loco-check and physical function
阿部巧; 北濃成樹; 辻大士; 相馬優樹; 金美珍; 尹之恩; 大藏倫博
Japan Journal of Test and Evaluation in Health and Physical Education/16/pp.27-34, 2017-03 - Longitudinal relationship of participation in sports club activities with a sense of coherence and psychological distress in university students: an analysis of three data points over a period of 2 years
辻 大士; 笹川 修; 中村 信次; 小平 英志; 近藤 克則; 山崎 喜比古
Research in Exercise Epidemiology/19(1)/pp.24-35, 2017-03 - The association of muscle mass and muscle strength with mobility limitation and history of falls in older adults -focusing on sarcopenia and dynapenia-
金 美珍; 相馬 優樹; 辻 大士; 阿部 巧; 佐藤 文音; 藤井 啓介; 國香 想子; 大藏 倫博
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/65(5)/pp.491-501, 2016-10 - Composite variable of lower extremity muscle strength and balance ability for evaluating risks of mobility limitation and falls in community-dwelling older adults
Abe Takumi; Tsuji Taishi; Soma Yuki; Shen Shaoshuai; Okur...
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/5(3)/pp.257-266, 2016-07 - Effects of N-acetyl glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplementation on knee pain and self-reported knee function in middle-aged and older Japanese adults: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Tsuji Taishi; Yoon Jieun; Kitano Naruki; Okura Tomohiro; ...
AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH/28(2)/pp.197-205, 2016-04 - Pedometers Affect Changes in Lower-Extremity Physical Function During a Square-Stepping Exercise Program in Older Japanese Adults
Jindo Takashi; Tsunoda Kenji; Kitano Naruki; Tsuji Ta...
Journal of geriatric physical therapy (2001)/39(2)/pp.83-88, 2016-04 - Relationships between sarcopenia or dynapenia and physical function in community-dwelling older adults
金 美珍; 辻 大士; 北濃 成樹; 尹 之恩; 相馬 優樹; 神藤 隆志; 大藏 倫博
Japan Journal of Test and Evaluation in Health and Physical Education/15/pp.1-10, 2016-03 - more...
- 【サルコペニア 研究の現状と臨床への応用】 サルコペニア予防のエビデンス レジスタンストレーニングを中心として