HIROSE Shigeki
- Conference, etc.
- Performance evaluation of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker during the LHC Run 1-2 operations and prospects towards Run 3
廣瀬 茂輝
Physics Society of Japan meeting Fall 2021/2021-09-14--2021-09-17 - Measurements and searches of Higgs boson production involving fermion couplings with the ATLAS detector
Hirose Shigeki
XXVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2021)/2021-04-12--2021-04-16 - Production of ATLAS ITk silicon detectors - Japan contributions -
Hirose Shigeki
Annual workshop of Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe (Photon and Particle Detectors Division) - VBF and VH tagger
Hirose Shigeki
Tau and HLeptons Workshop 2020/2020-09-28--2020-10-02 - ATLAS実験 (ヒッグス粒子の物理の最新結果から)
廣瀬 茂輝
2021年度第1回宇宙史研究センター構成員会議&成果報告会/2020-06-15--2020-06-15 - Physical Society of Japan Fall meeting 2020
廣瀬 茂輝
Latest results from Higgs measurements with LHC Run-2 full data and preparation status for Run-3/2020-09-14--2020-09-17 - Latest results from Higgs boson studies using Run-2 full dataset of Run 2 and status of Run-3 preparation
JPS Spring 2020/2020-03-17 - Photo-cathode lifetime improvement of the MCP-PMT for the Belle II TOP counter
廣瀬茂輝; 松岡広大; 飯嶋 徹; 居波賢二; 鈴木一仁; 加藤悠司; 早川知克; 堀井泰之; 有田義宣; 前島...
JPS Fall 2012/2012-09-12 - Performance Study of MCP-PMTs for the TOP in Belle II
Hirose Shigeki; the Belle II for; Group PID
The first Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics/2012-10-15 - Performance study of the MCP-PMT for the Belle II TOP counter in a magnetic field
廣瀬茂輝; 有田義宣; 飯嶋 徹; 伊藤雄平; 居波賢二; 加藤悠司; 桐部直人; 鈴木一仁; 早川知克; 鉢嶺...
JPS Spring 2013/2013-03-27 - Evaluation of lifetime improvement of the MCP-PMT for the Belle II TOP counter with new MCPs
廣瀬茂輝; 飯嶋徹; 有田義宣; 伊藤雄平; 居波賢二; 加藤悠司; 佐藤優太郎; 鈴木一仁; 鉢嶺元嗣; 早川知...
JPS Fall 2013/2013-09-22 - Performance of the MCP-PMT for the Belle II TOP Counter in a Magnetic Field
Shigeki Hirose for the Belle II PID Group
8th International Workshop on Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors/2013-12-04 - Development of the MCP-PMT for the Belle II TOP counter
Hirose S.; Matsuoka K.; Yonekura T.; Iijima T.; Inami K....
7th International Conference on New Developments In Photodetection/2014-07-02 - Measurement of the
polarization of the
decay at Belle
廣瀬茂輝 他Belleコラボレーション
JPS Fall 2015/2015-09-28 - Study of
with Hadronic
Decays at Belle
Shigeki Hirose for the Belle Collaboration
World Rearch Unit Heavy Flavor Particle Physics Sympsoium 2016/2016-03-14 - Study of
decay with hadronic
decays at Belle
廣瀬茂輝; 他Belleコラボレーション
JPS Spring 2016/2016-03-21 - Recent experimental results for semileptonic
Shigeki Hirose for the Belle Collaboration
Flavor Physics and CP Violation 2016/2016-06-06 - Measurement of
at Belle
Hirose Shigeki; the Belle Collaboration for
The 14th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics/2016-09-20 - New result of the
measurement with hadronic
decays at Bell
廣瀬茂輝 他Belleコラボレーション
JPS Fall 2016/2016-09-22 - First Measurement of the
Lepton Polarization in the Decay
at Belle
Shigeki Hirose for the Belle Collaboration
The 3rd KMI International Symposium/2017-01-06 and Related Tauoni ac Topics at Belle
Hirose Shigeki; the Belle Collaboration for
52nd Rencontres de Moriond EW/2017-03-22- Belle Result on
Shigeki Hirose for the Belle Collaboration
Mini-workshop on D(*)τν and Related Topics/2017-03-27 - Recent
Studies at Belle
Shigeki Hirose for the Belle Collaboration
29th Rencontres de Blois/2017-05-30 - Measurement of the Branching Fraction and Polarization of the
Lepton in the Decay
at the Belle Experiment
JPS Spring 2018/2018-03-23 - Higgs boson decays to two fermions and Higgs boson production in association with tt at the ATLAS experiment
Hirose S.; the ATLAS Collaboration for
Lake Louise Winter Institute 2019/2019-02-11 - more...
- Performance evaluation of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker during the LHC Run 1-2 operations and prospects towards Run 3