HIROSE Shigeki
- Articles
- A search for the Zγ decay mode of the Higgs boson in pp collisions at rs=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/809/p.135754, 2020-10 - Search for top squarks in events with a Higgs or Z boson using 139 fb−1 of pp collision data at s√=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/80/p.1080, 2020-11 - Search for new non-resonant phenomena in high-mass dilepton final states with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/5, 2020-11 - Search for new non-resonant phenomena in high-mass dilepton final states with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/5, 2020-11 - Reconstruction and identification of boosted di-τ systems in a search for Higgs boson pairs using 13 TeV proton-proton collision data in ATLAS
Aad Georges; Hara K.; Hirose Shigeki; Okawa H.; Sato K.; ...
JHEP/2020/p.163, 2020-11 - Measurement of light-by-light scattering and search for axion-like particles with 2.2 nb−1 of Pb+Pb data with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(3), 2021-03 - Search for type-III seesaw heavy leptons in dilepton final states in pp collisions at s√=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(3), 2021-03 - Search for Dark Matter Produced in Association with a Dark Higgs Boson Decaying into W ± W ∓ or Z Z in Fully Hadronic Final States from √ s = 13 TeV p p Collisions Recorded with the ATLAS Detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
Physical Review Letters/126(12), 2021-03 - Search for Higgs boson production in association with a high-energy photon via vector-boson fusion with decay into bottom quark pairs at s√ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/268, 2021-03 - Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum at \sqrt{s}=13 s =13 with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(7)/p.600, 2021-06 - Search for a scalar partner of the top quark in the all-hadronic t(t)over-bar plus missing transverse momentum final state at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/80(8), 2020-08 - Measurements of the Higgs boson inclusive and differential fiducial cross sections in the 4l decay channel at root s=13 TeV
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/80(10), 2020-10 - Measurement of the jet mass in high transverse momentum Z(-> b(b)over-bar)gamma production at root s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/812, 2021-01 - A search for the dimuon decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/812, 2021-01 - Search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model in events with large b-jet multiplicity using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(1), 2021-01 - Search for heavy diboson resonances in semileptonic final states in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/80(12), 2020-12 - Measurements of top-quark pair single- and double-differential cross-sections in the all-hadronic channel in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(1), 2021-01 - Performance of the upgraded PreProcessor of the ATLAS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION/15(11), 2020-11 - Search for t(t)over-bar resonances in fully hadronic final states in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(10), 2020-10 - Search for pairs of scalar leptoquarks decaying into quarks and electrons or muons in root s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(10), 2020-10 - Higgs boson production cross-section measurements and their EFT interpretation in the 4l decay channel at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/80(10), 2020-10 - Measurements of inclusive and differential cross-sections of combined ttgamma and tW gamma production in the e mu channel at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(9), 2020-09 - Measurements of the production cross-section for a Z boson in association with b-jets in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(7), 2020-07 - Measurement of the transverse momentum distribution of Drell-Yan lepton pairs in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/80(7), 2020-07 - Search for the HH ->bbbb process via vector-boson fusion production using proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(7), 2020-07 - more...
- A search for the Zγ decay mode of the Higgs boson in pp collisions at rs=13TeV with the ATLAS detector