HIROSE Shigeki
- Articles
- Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in
collisions at
13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/800, 2020-01 - Searches for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson in
TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/800, 2020-01 - CERN Summer School
High Energy News/30(4)/pp.242-244, 2012-01 - Time-of-Propagation Counter for the LEPS
J. Yoon C.; Hamano H.; Hotta T.; Kasamatsu Y.; Morino Y....
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE/61(5)/pp.2601-2607, 2014-10 - Performance of the MCP-PMT for the Belle II TOP counter in a magnetic field
Hirose S.
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT/766/pp.163-166, 2014-12 - Development of the micro-channel plate photomultiplier for the Belle II time-of-propagation counter
Shigeki Hirose Toru Iijima Kenji Inami Daiki Furumura ...
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A/787/pp.293-296, 2015-07 - Recent experimental results for semileptonic
Hirose S.; the Belle Collaboration
Proceedings of Science, PoS (FPCP2016) 008/FPCP2016/p.008, 2016-06 - Performance of the MCP-PMT for the Belle II TOP counter
Matsuoka Kodai; Hirose S.; Iijima T.; Inami K.; Kato Y.; ...
Proceedings of Science, PoS (PhotoDet2015) 028/PhotoDet2015/p.028, 2016-06 - Measurement of the branching ratio of
relative to
decays with a semileptonic tagging method
Sato Y.; Iijima T.; Adamczyk K.; Aihara H.; M. Asner D.; ...
Phys. Rev. D 94, 072007 (2016)/94(7), 2016-07 - Measurement of the
lepton polarization in the decay
Abdesselam A.; Adachi I.; Adamczyk K.; Aihara H.; Al Said...
BELLE-CONF-1608, 2016-08 - Studies of charmed strange baryons in the
D final state at Belle
Y Kato; T Iijima; I Adachi; H Aihara; D.M Asner; V Aulch...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/94(3), 2016-08 - Measurement of the
lepton polarization and
in the decay
Hirose S.; Iijima T.; Adachi I.; Adamczyk K.; Aihara H.; ...
Phys. Rev. Lett./118(21)/p.211801, 2017-01 - First Measurement of the
Lepton Polarization in the Decay
at Belle
Hirose S.; the Belle Collaboration for
Proceedings of Science, PoS (KMI2017) 054/KMI2017/p.054, 2017-01 and Related Tauonic Topics at Belle
Hirose S.; the Belle Collaboration for
Proceedings of 52nd Rencontres de Moriond EW, 2017-05- Measurement of
at Belle
Hirose S.; the Belle Collaboration for
Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc./287-288/pp.185-188, 2017-06 - Recent
Studies at Belle
Hirose S.; the Belle Collaboration for
Proceedings of 29th Rencontres de Blois, 2017-09 - Measurement of the
lepton polarization and
in the decay
with one-prong hadronic
decays at Belle
Hirose S.; Iijima T.; Adachi I.; Adamczyk K.; Aihara H.; ...
Phys. Rev. D/97(1), 2017-09 - Observation of an Excited Ω- Baryon
J Yelton; I Adachi; J.K Ahn; H Aihara; Said S Al; D.M As...
Physical Review Letters/121(5), 2018-01 - Search for (1S,2S) → Zc+ Zc (′) - And e+e- → Zc+ Zc (′) - At s =10.52, 10.58, and 10.867 GeV SEARCH for (1S,2S) → ... S. JIA et al.
S Jia; C.P Shen; C.Z Yuan; I Adachi; H Aihara; Said S Al...
Physical Review D/97(11), 2018-01 - Search for B- →μ- ν μ Decays at the Belle Experiment
A Sibidanov; K.E Varvell; I Adachi; H Aihara; Said S Al; ...
Physical Review Letters/121(3), 2018-01 - Search for the lepton-flavor-violating decay B0 →k∗0μ±e SEARCH for the LEPTON-FLAVOR-VIOLATING DECAY ... S. SANDILYA et al.
S Sandilya; K Trabelsi; A.J Schwartz; I Adachi; H Aihara...
Physical Review D/98(7), 2018-01 - Measurement of the branching fraction of
at Belle using hadronic tagging in fully reconstructed events
A Vossen; Belle Collaboration; I Adachi; K Adamczyk; H A...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/98(1), 2018-03 - The Belle II Physics Book
Kou E.; Urquijo P.; Altmannshofer W.; Beaujean F.; Bell ...
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics/2019(12), 2019-12 - Improvement of the MCP-PMT Performance Under a High Count Rate
Kodai Matsuoka Shigeki Hirose Toru Iijima Kenji Inami ...
Springer Proc. Phys./213/pp.271-274, 2018-08 - Status and prospect for anomalies in B-meson decays
高橋悠太 廣瀬茂輝 佐藤優太郎 中村克朗
Journal of Physical Society of Japan/75(6)/p.16, 2020-01 - more...
- Combination of searches for Higgs boson pairs in