HIROSE Shigeki
- Conference, etc.
- Hit efficiency measurement of the LHC-ATLAS silicon strip detector during Run-2
若狭玲那 受川史彦 音野瑛俊 織田勧 東城順治 原和彦 廣瀬茂輝 望月一也 山口尚輝
JPS Spring 2019/2019-03-15 - Performance of silicon strip detector (SCT) in the ATLAS experiment during LHC run2
音野瑛俊; 山口尚輝; 織田勧; 東城順治; 若狭玲那; 和田冴; Asawatavonvanich; T...
JPS Fall 2019/2019-09-18 - The operational experience, challenges and performance of the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker during LHC Run-2
Hirose S.; the ATLAS Collaboration for
The 28th International Workshop on Vertex Detectors/2019-10-14
- Hit efficiency measurement of the LHC-ATLAS silicon strip detector during Run-2