HIROSE Shigeki
- Articles
- Search for dark matter produced in association with a Standard Model Higgs boson decaying into b-quarks using the full Run 2 dataset from the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(11), 2021-11 - Search for R-parity-violating supersymmetry in a final state containing leptons and many jets with the ATLAS experiment using root s=13 TeV proton-proton collision data
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(11), 2021-11 - Configuration and performance of the ATLAS b-jet triggers in Run 2
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abed Abud A.; Abeling K...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(12), 2021-12 - Search for dark matter in events with missing transverse momentum and a Higgs boson decaying into two photons in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(10), 2021-10 - Measurements of sensor radiation damage in the ATLAS inner detector using leakage currents
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION/16(8), 2021-08 - Search for New Phenomena in Final States with Two Leptons and One or No b-Tagged Jets at root S=13 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/127(14), 2021-10 - Search for dark matter produced in association with a single top quark in root s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(10), 2021-10 - Search for resonances decaying into photon pairs in 139 fb(-1) of pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/822, 2021-11 - Measurements of the inclusive and differential production cross sections of a top-quark-antiquark pair in association with a Z boson at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(8), 2021-08 - Search for bottom-squark pair production in pp collision events at root s=13 TeV with hadronically decaying tau-leptons, b-jets, and missing transverse momentum using the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/104(3), 2021-08 - Search for supersymmetry in events with four or more charged leptons in 139 fb(-1) of root s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abed Abud A.; Abeling K...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(7), 2021-07 - A search for the decays of stopped long-lived particles at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abed Abud A.; Abeling K...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(7), 2021-07 - Measurements of Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quarks from vvector boson fusion production with the ATLAS experiment at root s=13 TeV
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(6), 2021-06 - Muon reconstruction and identification efficiency in ATLAS using the full Run 2 pp collision data set at s=13 TeV
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(7), 2021-07 - Search for Displaced Leptons in root s=13 TeV pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/127(5), 2021-07 - Determination of the parton distribution functions of the proton from ATLAS measurements of differential W-+/- and Z boson production in association with jets
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abed Abud A.; Abeling K...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(7), 2021-07 - Exclusive dimuon production in ultraperipheral Pb plus Pb collisions at root S-NN=5.02 TeV with ATLAS
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/104(2), 2021-08 - Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying into a Z boson and another heavy Higgs boson in the llbb and llWW final states in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(5), 2021-05 - Test of the universality of tau and mu lepton couplings in W-boson decays with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
NATURE PHYSICS/17(7)/pp.813-+, 2021-07 - Measurement of the CP-violating phase phi(s) in B-s(0) -> J/psi phi decays in ATLAS at 13 TeV
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(4), 2021-04 - Search for pair production of scalar leptoquarks decaying into first- or second-generation leptons and top quarks in proton-proton collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/81(4), 2021-04 - Search for light long-lived neutral particles produced in pp collisions at s√=13 TeV and decaying into collimated leptons or light hadrons with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/80/p.450, 2020-05 - Measurement of the relative B ± c / B ± production cross section with the ATLAS detector at √ s = 8 TeV
Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abbott D. C.; Abud A. Abed; Abeling K...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/104(1)/p.012010, 2021-06 - Longitudinal Flow Decorrelations in Xe + Xe Collisions at √ s N N = 5.44 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
Aad G; Abbott B; Abbott D C; Abed Abud A; Abeling K; Abha...
Physical review letters/126(12), 2021-03 - Test of CP invariance in vector-boson fusion production of the Higgs boson in the H → ττ channel in proton–proton collisions at rs=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
Aaboud M.; Aad G.; Abbott B.; Abdinov O.; Abeloos B.; Abh...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/805/p.135426, 2020-06 - more...
- Search for dark matter produced in association with a Standard Model Higgs boson decaying into b-quarks using the full Run 2 dataset from the ATLAS detector