IIDA Yoshihiko

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • The Cultural Meaning of Nature: Landscape as Cultural Habitat
    飯田 義彦
    The 17th International Landscape Architectural Symposium of China, Japan and Korea/2021-10-22--2021-10-23
  • Integrated nature conservation approach with global local dialogues and field based learning
    Iida Yoshihiko
    Joint Academic Seminar between the University of Tsukuba and the Universidad Nacional De San Marcos/2021-06-11--2021-06-11
  • Situation of Biosphere Reserves under the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan and Recommendations on Learning for “Biosphere Normal”
    Iida Yoshihiko
    Biosphere Reserves Innovation for a New Sustainability: SeaBRnet Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic/2020-07-06--2020-07-06
  • 山林資源の利用史からみる山村文化の創造-用材と木地を生んだ里山の針広混交林-
    飯田 義彦
    日本山の科学会2019年秋季研究大会(川崎) 公開ミニシンポジウム「山の科学―人と自然」/2019-10-26--2019-10-26
  • 日本列島におけるトチノキ巨木林の分布と成立要因(予察)
    藤岡 悠一郎; 手代木 功基; 飯田 義彦; 伊藤 千尋; 八塚 春名
  • 滋賀県高島市朽木の共有林に存在するトチノキ巨木林の立地環境
    手代木 功基; 藤岡 悠一郎; 飯田 義彦
  • 石川県白山麓におけるトチノキ巨木の分布と生育地の景観タイプ
    飯田 義彦; 手代木 功基; 藤岡 悠一郎
  • Country report from Japan : JBRN’s educational collaboration and Kanazawa University’s cases
    Iida Yoshihiko; Mammadova Aida
    The 12th Southeast Asian Biosphere Reserves Network (SeaBRnet) Meeting/2019-03-26--2019-03-28
  • Forest Business Creation in Satoyama: Proposing a Community Industry Model
    Iida Yoshihiko
    2018 ICLEE(International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering) 9th Conference/2018-11-26--2018-11-29
  • Conservation and utilization of urban landscape in Kanazawa
    Iida Yoshihiko
    The Korea-China-Japan Joint Workshop on Urban Ecosystem Studies/2018-10-07--2018-10-09
  • 生物多様性保全型の緑化目標の提示に向けた植生情報の書誌的検討:石川県を事例に
    飯田 義彦
  • Biocultural diversity and diversity of local development: A case from Kanazawa-Ishikawa’s experiences
    Iida Yoshihiko
    International Forum Series to Commemorate One-Year Anniversary of the 1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity, International Forum Series 2 “Discussing the Feasibility of Collaborative Relationships Between East Asian Countries to Conserve Biocultural Diversity for Future Generations”/2017-10-15
  • 歴史都市の「グリーンインフラ」:金沢市の用水網が有する多様な生態系サービス
    飯田 義彦
    日本緑化工学会・日本景観生態学会・応用生態工学会3学会合同大会ELR2017 NAGOYA/2017-09-22--2017-09-25
  • Situation and challenges of biodiversity education implementation of schools in Noto GIAHS, Japan
    Iida Yoshihiko; Koyama Sayako; Koji Shinsaku; Ito Koji; N...
    The 4th Conference of ERAHS/2017-07-11--2017-07-14
  • Roles and challenges of local implementation for UNESCO science program: A case of Japanese Biosphere Reserves
    Iida Yoshihiko
    The 10th Southeast Asia Biosphere Reserves Network (SeaBRnet) Meeting:“Interaction among UNESCO Programmes toward the Sustainable Development of Biosphere Reserves”/2017-05-16--2017-05-17
  • 金沢市ホタル調査の実施体制とその社会的意義
    飯田 義彦
    平成28年度 日本造園学会中部支部大会/2016-11-20
  • 金沢市伝統的建造物群保存地区(卯辰山麓・東山ひがし)における都市景観の変化
    イヴァールス フアン パストール; 飯田 義彦
    平成28年度 日本造園学会中部支部大会/2016-11-20
  • Involving local people in Asian biosphere reserves: From the case study of Mount Hakusan Biosphere Reserve
    Nakamura Shinsuke; Iida Yoshihiko; Gyamtsho Phenden; Jusm...
    1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity/2016-10-27--2016-10-29
  • Development of the integrated education fieldworks for the biocultural diversity: Learning from the rural areas of Ishikawa prefecture
    Mammadova Aida; Iida Yoshihiko
    1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity/2016-10-27--2016-10-29
  • Multi-dimensional interactions for biocultural diversity: Making a new pathway through UNU-IAS OUIK’s activities
    Iida Yoshihiko
    1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity/2016-10-27--2016-10-29
  • Current status and issues of environmental education related to biodiversity at schools within Noto GIAHS
    Koyama Sayako; Iida Yoshihiko; Koji Shinsaku; Ito Koji; N...
    1st Asian Conference on Biocultural Diversity/2016-10-27--2016-10-29
  • Ishikawa-Kanazawa Biocultural Region: A local platform of different sectors and an academic network fostering creativity
    Nagai Mikiko; Iida Yoshihiko; Uchida Naomi; Shikida Asami
    Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development (VEC) conference/2016-09-11--2016-09-14
  • Education for the creative cities: Raising awareness on urban challenges through fieldwork activities for international students
    Mammadova Aida; Iida Yoshihiko
    Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development (VEC) conference/2016-09-11--2016-09-14
  • Evaluation of the role of traditional small businesses on creating cultural food diversity in Kanazawa, Japan
    Iida Yoshihiko
    Valuing and Evaluating Creativity for Sustainable Regional Development (VEC) conference/2016-09-11--2016-09-14
  • Linking locals to the global network-From the discussions at the UNESCO Global Geoparks Celebration Forum-
    Nakamura Shinsuke; Iida Yoshihiko; Saito Seiichi
    Japan Geoscience Union MEETING2016/2016-05-22--2016-05-26
  • more...