- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- Research projects
植物種間で異なる恒常的防衛・誘導的防衛メカニズムの分子進化 2022-04 -- 2026-03 SUGIMOTO Koichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,160,000Yen - Degree
2008-03 博士(生命科学) 東京薬科大学 - Articles
- Catalytically impaired chalcone isomerase retains flavonoid biosynthetic capacity
Sugimoto Koichi; Irani Niloufer G.; Grotewold Erich; H...
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY/195(2)/pp.1143-1147, 2024-05-31 - Assembly of JAZ-JAZ and JAZ-NINJA complexes in jasmonate signaling
Zhou X. Edward; Zhang Yaguang; Yao Jian; Zheng Jie; Z...
PLANT COMMUNICATIONS/4(6), 2023-11-13 - Pollination, pollen tube growth, and fertilization independently contribute to fruit set and development in tomato
Tran Long T.; Sugimoto Koichi; Kasozi Michael; Mitalo ...
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE/14, 2023-06-20 - Identification of a tomato UDP-arabinosyltransferase for airborne volatile reception
Sugimoto Koichi; Ono Eiichiro; Inaba Tamaki; Tsukahara...
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS/14(1)/p.677, 2023-02-08 - Construction of tomato plants with suppressed endo-?-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity using CRISPR-Cas9 mediated genome editing
Okamoto Naoko; Maeda Megumi; Yamamoto Chiharu; Kodama ...
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY/190/pp.203-211, 2022-11 - Aerial (+)-borneol modulates root morphology, auxin signalling and meristematic activity in Arabidopsis roots
Fukuda Kyohei; Uefune Masayoshi; Fukaki Hidehiro; Yama...
Biology Letters/18(5), 2022-05 - Editorial: Oxylipins: The Front Line of Plant Interactions
Sugimoto Koichi; Allmann Silke; Kolomiets Michael V. V.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE/13, 2022-03 - Processing of Airborne Green Leaf Volatiles for Their Glycosylation in the Exposed Plants
Sugimoto Koichi; Iijima Yoko; Takabayashi Junji; Matsu...
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE/12, 2021-11 - Catechins in green tea powder (matcha) are heat-stable scavengers of acrolein, a lipid peroxide-derived reactive carbonyl species
Sugimoto Koichi; Matsuoka Yasumasa; Sakai Kyoko; Fujiy...
FOOD CHEMISTRY/355, 2021-09 - みどりの香り化合物に曝露されたトマトのジャスモン酸非依存的なハスモンヨトウ防衛誘導
杉本貢一 松井健二 小澤理香 今西俊介 秋武翔太 岡田憲典 山根久和 矢崎一史 高林純示
第53回植物生理学会年会, 2012-01 - オイゲノール生合成能を付与した形質転換植物の解析
肥塚崇男 鈴木史朗 飯島陽子 杉本貢一 鈴木秀幸 渡辺文太 平竹潤
第30回日本植物細胞分子生物学会(生駒)大会・シンポジウム講演要旨集/p.60, 2012-01 - O-プレニル化フェニルプロパノイドの化学構造と生物活性に関する研究
川西大介 肥塚崇男 杉本貢一 小澤理香 高林純示 渡辺文太 平竹潤
日本農芸化学会関西支部第483回講演会,京都, 2014-02 - (Z)-3-Hexenal is reduced and acetylated to avoid its toxicity
Kenji Matsui Koichi Sugimoto Mari Ueda Jun-ichi Mano ...
The 3rd Asian Symposium on Plant Lipids, 2009-01 - Metabolic change in eavesdropped tomato plants and its possible role for defenseagainst common cutworm
K Sugimoto; K Matsui; R Ozawa; Y Iijima; S Akitake; R Sa...
26th Annual meeting of International Society of Chemical Ecology. Tours(France), 2009-07 - (Z)-3-Hexenol emitted from common cutworm-infested tomato plants induces jasmonate-independent defense to the intact tomato plants against upcoming herbivore attack
K Sugimoto; K Matsui; R Ozawa; Y Iijima; Y Akakabe; S Ak...
PR-Proteins and Induced Resistance Against Pathogebs and Insects, Neuchatel(Switzerland), 2011-09 - The fate of volatile aldehydes imposed on Arabidopsis\n-A study with 13C-labeled six-carbon aldehydes-
MATSUI Kanji; SUGIMOTO Kohichi; MANO Jun'ichi; OZAWA Rik...
JSPS Core-to-Core Program Studies on ecological interaction networks that promote biodiversity -From gene to ecosystem-, Neuchatel(Switzerland), 2011-09 - Conversion of atmospheric green leaf volatiles into defensive compound in intact tomato plants for plant-to-plant signaling
K Sugimoto; K Matsui; R Ozawa; Y Iijima; R Sasaki; Y Aka...
Gordon Research Conferences Plant Volatiles, Ventura (USA), 2012-02 - Biosynthesis of (Z)-3-hexenyl glycoside in the volatile-exposed plants
K Sugimoto; K Matsui; R Ozawa; J Takabayashi
JSPS Core-to-Core Program: Studies on ecological interaction networks that promote biodiversity -From gene to ecosystem-, Jena(Germany), 2012-10 - Air-transfer of oxylipin volatiles from common cutworm-infested tomato plants contribute to defense induction in uninfested conspecifics.
K Sugimoto; K Matsui; J Takabayashi
Gordon Research Conference, Plant-Herbivore Interaction, Ventura, CA, (USA), 2013-02 - Air-transferred oxylipin volatiles from herbivore-infested tomato plants change uninfested conspecific plants to be defensive
K Sugimoto; K Matsui; R Ozawa; J Takabayashi
20th International Symposium on Plant Lipids, Sevilla(Spain), 2013-07 - Structure and Biological Activities of O-Prenylated Phenylpropanoid
D Kawanishi; T Koeduka; K Sugimoto; R Ozawa; J Takabayas...
Institute of Chemical Research International Symposium 2014, 京都大学おうばくプラザ, 2014-03 - 緑藻クラミドモナスが行う葉緑体スルフォ脂質の代謝
日本原生動物学会誌/41/pp.21-26, 2008-01 - みどりの香りを介した生物間相互作用
松井健二 杉本貢一
におい・かおり環境学会誌/40/pp.166-176, 2009-01 - みどりの香り研究の最前線−その多機能性の発見と応用への期待−
松井健二 杉本貢一
香料/244/pp.21-34, 2009-01 - 生態系を支配するかおり-かおりで紡ぐ生物間相互作用-
杉本貢一 松井健二
環境技術/40/pp.15-20, 2011-01 - more...
- Catalytically impaired chalcone isomerase retains flavonoid biosynthetic capacity
- Books
- 植物が匂いを受け取る仕組み -トマトの揮発性化合物配糖体化戦略-
杉本 貢一 松井健二 高林純示
エコロジカルボラタイルズ 生態系を紡ぐアロマ/フレグランスジャーナル社/pp.17-21, 2016-04 - Uptake and conversion of volatile compounds in plant-plant communication
Koichi Sugimoto; Matsui Kenji; Takabayashi Junji
Deciphering Chemical Language of Plant Communication/Springer, 2016-01 - Chapter 9 Biosynthesis and Regulation of Vegetative Plant Volatiles
Takao Koeduka Koichi Sugimoto Kenji Matsui
Biology of Plant Volatiles, second edition/CRC Press, 2020-01
- 植物が匂いを受け取る仕組み -トマトの揮発性化合物配糖体化戦略-
- Conference, etc.
- 化学防御活性を強化するトマト由来UGT91の酵素学的解析
本間 駿一; 稲葉 環; 杉本 貢一; 小埜 栄一郎; 堀川 学; 豊永 宏美; 塚原 壮彦; 藤川...
第41回日本植物バイオテクノロジー学会(仙台)大会/2024-08-31--2024-08-31 - ゼニゴケにおいて配偶子器発生を制御する非典型 BZR転写因子のオーソログの分子機能比較解析
古谷 朋之; 梅北 葵衣; 岩佐 碧泉; 野﨑 翔平; 杉本 貢一; 近藤 侑貴; 笠原 賢洋
日本植物学会 第87回大会/2023-09-07--2023-09-09
- 化学防御活性を強化するトマト由来UGT91の酵素学的解析
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Agro-biological Sciences IIF(Spring) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Agro-biological Sciences IIF(Spring) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Agro-biological Sciences IIS University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Agro-biological Sciences IIF University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Agro-biological Sciences IS University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Agro-biological Sciences IF University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Basic Plant Biotechnology University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Agro-biological Sciences IIS University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Agro-biological Sciences IF University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar in Agro-biological Sciences IS University of Tsukuba. more...
(Last updated: 2025-01-21)