NAGATA Shinichi

Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
Official title
Associate Professor
Research keywords
Theapeutic Recreation; Mental Health; Community Inclusion
Research projects
Identifying relationships among loneliness, ibasho, and ikigai through a social network analysis2025-04 -- 2028-03Shinichi NagataJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)/11,300,000Yen
A cross-cultural study of leisure’s roles in mental health support for older disaster survivors2025-03 -- 2026-02Shinichi Nagata; Shintaro Kono; Hsueh-Wen ChowWorldwide University Network/WUN Research Development Fund1,954,064Yen
Socially Enabling Robots to Support Ikigai and Community Engagement of Older Adults2022-09 -- 2024-03Shinichi Nagata & Selma SabanovicToyota Research Institute Research Grant/6,580,309Yen
日本版インクルージョン・スペクトラム・モデル(JAIM)の開発2022-04 -- 2025-03澤江幸則Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(C))
Improving community participation of people with serious mental illnesses: Examining efficacy of the Power of Dependable Souls (PODS) intervention2022-04 -- 2025-03Shinichi NAGATAJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists4,290,000Yen
Developing an Activity-Based Intervention to Improve Ikigai for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses2021-10 -- 2024-03Shinichi NAGATAJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-Up2,210,000Yen
スポーツ庁委託スポーツ国際展開基盤形成事業「スポーツ国際政策推進基盤の形成:政府間会合の合意事項の履行」における障害者スポーツに係る調査研究の実施2021-07 -- 2025-03Japan Sports Agency/a Government Commisioned Project/
Career history
2024-10 -- (current)University of TsukubaAssociate Professor
2021-03 -- 2024-09University of TsukubaAssistant Professor
2019-08 -- 2021-02Temple UniversityTemple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion for Individuals with Psychiatric DisabilitiesPostdoctoral Fellow Research Associate
2017-08 -- 2019-07Northwest Missouri State UniversitySchool of Health Science and WellnessAssistant Professor
2014-08 -- 2017-05Indiana University-BloomingtonAssociate Instructor and Research Assistant
2012-08 -- 2014-05Northwest Missouri State UniversityGraduate Assistant
Academic background
2014-08 -- 2017-06Indiana University-Bloomington School of Public Health Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies
2012-08 -- 2014-05Northwest Missouri State University Department of Health and Human Services
2014-05M.S. in RecreationNorthwest Missouri State University
2017-06Ph.D. in Leisure BehaviorIndiana University-Bloomington
Licenses and qualifications
2015-01Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
Academic societies
2022-01 -- (current)Japanese Society for Adapted Physical Education and Exercise
2021-05 -- (current)Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
-- (current)American Therapeutic Recreation Association
Honors & Awards
2023-12Young Scientific Talent (Sport & Science)Universcience
2023-09Young Investigator AwardUniversity of Tsukuba
2022-08Best Presentation AwardThe First International Meeting of Leisure and Recreation Studies in Japan
2017-04Lebert H. Weir Outstanding Ph.D. Student AwardDepartment of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies, Indiana University-Bloomington
2016-04Lebert H. Weir Outstanding Ph.D. Student AwardDepartment of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies, Indiana University-Bloomington
  • Leisure and people with disabilities.
    Nagata Shinichi; Kono Shintaro; Dattilo John
    Leisure matters: Exploring leisure in a changing world/pp.245-253, 2023-12
  • レクリエーションの価値を広げるマーケティングやブランディングの理解と行動
    永田 真一
    レクリエーション教育 モデル・コア・カリキュラム リファレンスブック/pp.149-154, 2023-09
  • セラピューティックレクリエーションとスポーツ教育
    永田 真一
    新時代のスポーツ教育学/pp.94-103, 2022-08
  • Assessing clients with diverse cultural backgrounds
    Nagata Shinichi; Hopper Tristan; Zaremski Marc
    Recreational Therapy Assessment/Human Kinetics/pp.151-163, 2020-01
  • A global perspective of therapeutic recreation
    Dieser Rodney; Yang Heewon; Pegg Shane; Nagata Shinichi
    Foundation in Therapeutic Recreation (2nd ed.)/Human Kinetics/pp.209-225, 2019-02
  • Variety Village にみる「心地よさ」と「アクセシビリティ」の可能性
    安松 幹展; 永田 真一
    社会福祉のアミューズメントとスポーツ/世界思想社/pp.235-253, 2009-03
Conference, etc.
  • ASEAN-JAPAN Actions on Sports Workshop on Promoting Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Sport for People with Disability (SPD) in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
    SATO Takahiro; NAGATA Shinichi
    ASEAN-JAPAN Actions on Sports Workshop on Promoting Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) and Sport for People with Disability (SPD) in Lao People’s Democratic Republic/2025-01-05--2025-01-12
  • The Mission of Leisure and Recreation in a Global Society
    NAGATA Shinichi; Nuere Cristina Ortega; Naidoo Maliga
    JSLRS International Congress of Leisure and Recreation Studies 2025/2025-02-22--2025-02-23
  • 精神障がいのある人の生きがい関連要素:質的インタビュー調査からの識見
    永田 真一; 加藤大輔
  • Obstacles to Community Integration: Implications for RT Practice
    NAGATA Shinichi; McCormick Bryan; Snethen Gretchen; We...
    American Therapeutic Recreation Association Annual Conference 2024/2024-10-12--2024-10-15
  • Organized Sport Engagement and Factors that Contribute to Subject Well-Being among People with Psychiatric Disabilities
    NAGATA Shinichi; Inoue Seishiro
    International Symposium of Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education & Exercise/2024-08-01--2024-08-04
  • How did athletes with psychiatric impairments in Japan perceive the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games?
    Akimoto Shigeharu; NAGATA Shinichi; Richardson Emma
    International Symposium of Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education & Exercise/2024-08-01--2024-08-04
  • 中小企業および教育機関の労働者における職場内外の孤立とメンタルヘルスの関連性
    星野藍子; 永田 真一; 市川俊輔
  • Physical education teachers' development in teaching lower secondary students in Lao People’s Democratic Republic
    Nagata Shinichi; Sato Takahiro; Okade Yoshinori; Shish...
    International Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Dance, and Sport (IAHPEDS) World Congress/2024-07-05--2024-07-08
  • Active older adults in Japan and their perspectives of ikigai.
    Saga Tanya; Hsu Long-Jing; Kamino Waki; Sabanovic Sel...
    International Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Dance and Sport (IAHPEDS) World Congress/2024-07-05--2024-07-08
  • Toward sustainable Parasport promotion in ASEAN countries: Perspectives from administrators, coaches, and athletes and implications for sport policy
    Nagata Shinichi
    The 8th National Student Congress on Sport Sciences/2024-05-08--2024-05-09
  • Wheelchair Softball: An Unexplored Field to Advance Adapted Sport Practice
    永田 真一
    Founding Commemorative Symposium of the Research and Education Center on Olympics and Paralympics/2024-02-17
  • Current community participation research in Recreational Therapy
    McCormick Bryan; Snethen Gretchen; Nagata Shinichi
    American Therapeutic Recreation Association Mental Health Summit/2024-02-01--2024-02-29
  • Perceptions of an online leisure education program.
    Dattilo John; He Mu; Kono Shintaro; Cho Seung Jin; Na...
    World Leisure Organization Congress/2023-12-11--2023-12-15
  • Examining the interplay between social connection and loneliness among individuals with serious mental illnesses
    Brusilovskiy Eugene; McCormick Bryan; Townley Greg; Sn...
    APHA 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo/2023-11-12--2023-11-15
  • The relationship between loneliness and community participation among individuals with serious mental illnesses
    Brusilovskiy Eugene; McCormick Bryan; Townley Greg; Sn...
    APHA 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo/2023-11-12--2023-11-15
  • Pathways to Ikigai - Eudaimonic Well-Being Concept - among People with Psychiatric Disabilities
    Nagata Shinichi; Kono Shintaro
    American Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference 2023/2023-09-09--2023-09-12
  • Effects of Online Leisure Education Intervention (ONLEI) on student mental health
    Nagata Shinichi; Kono Shintaro; Cho Seung Jin; Dattilo...
    American Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference 2023/2023-09-09--2023-09-12
  • 米国におけるレクリエーション・セラピストの役割
    永田 真一
  • Online leisure education intervention and lessons learned.
    He Mu; Kono Shintaro; Cho Seung-Jin; Nagata Shinichi; Dat...
    Canadian Congress on Leisure Research 17/2023-05-23--2023-05-26
  • Effect of cold air inhalation on body temperatures in individuals with spinal cord injury performing intermittent exercise in the heat.
    伊藤 恵梨; 陽 片桐; 康平 土橋; 三枝 巧; 岳 西保; 齊藤 まゆみ; 永田 真一; 澤江 幸則; 厚一 渡部; 清...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2023/2023-2-19
  • Hyperthermia-induced hyperventilation in individuals with spinal cord injury performing intermittent exercise in the heat.
    藤井 直人; 伊藤 恵梨; 片桐 陽; 土橋 康平; 三枝 巧; 齊藤 まゆみ; 永田 真一; 澤江 幸則; 厚一 渡部; 清水 ...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2023/2023-2-19
  • Hyperthermia-induced hyperventilation in individuals with spinal cord injury performing intermittent exercise in the heat
    Naoto Fujii; Ito Eri; Katagiri Akira; Dobashi Kohei; Mieda...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum2023/2023-02-19
  • Effect of cold air inhalation on body temperatures in individuals with spinal cord injury performing intermittent exercise in the heat.
    Ito Eri; Katagiri Akira; Dobashi Kohei; Mieda Takumi; Nis...
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum2023/2023-02-19
  • Sport und Gymnastik Schule KeidaischにおけるHaltungsschulungの運動課題に関する記述的研究
    本谷聡; 木内 敦詞; 永田真一; 堀口文; 狩野莉奈; 大畠未都来
  • ASEAN諸国におけるアダプテッドスポーツ振興の現状:各国の行政官へのインタビュー調査より
    永田 真一; 齊藤まゆみ
    日本アダプテッド体育・スポーツ学会 第27回研究大会/2022-12-03--2022-12-04
  • more...
2024-10 -- 2024-12Basic Physical Education New SportsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Basic Physical Education(Online,Fall)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Applied Physical Education(Online,Fall)University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Applied Physical Education(Online,Spring)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Practicum in Teaching Advanced Physical Education IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Practicum in Teaching Advanced Physical Education IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Applied Physical Education Trim ExerciseUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Basic Physical Education Trim ExerciseUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Seminar in Adapted Physical Education and Adapted Sport IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Sport and Person with Disabilities (PWDs)University of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2024-08 -- 2024-08JICA 課題別研修「スポーツを通じた障害者の社会参加の促進(A)」JICA
2023-08 -- 2023-08JICA 課題別研修「スポーツを通じた障害者の社会参加の促進(A)」JICA
2023-08 -- 2023-08令和5年度スポーツ国際展開基盤形成事業(ASEAN)障がい者スポーツ部門スポーツ庁
2023-02 -- 2023-02JICA 課題別研修「スポーツを通じた障害者の社会参加の促進(A)」JICA
  • レクリエーション・レジャーの役割とは
    永田 真一
    日本ダイバージョナルセラピー協会 Special Lecture/2024-06-17
  • セラピューティックレ・クリエーションのこれからー障害のある人における余暇の意義:様々な分野から見た総合的視点から
    永田 真一
    日本レジャーレクリエーション学会 研究セミナー/2024-03-11
  • Finding ikigai in the face of mental health challenges
    Nagata Shinichi
    Ikigai Summit/2023-02-17--2023-02-18
  • 障がいのある人と「いきがい」について
    永田 真一
  • スポーツ指導員の視野を広げるセラピューティックレクリエーションとは?
    永田 真一
    2020年度 岩手県障がい者スポーツ特別研修会/2021-02-21
Professional activities
2025-01 -- (current)Japanese Society for Adapted Physical Education and ExerciseBoard of Director
2024-08 -- (current)Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and ExerciseVice President
2023-11 -- (current)NPO法人 日本ソーシャルフットボール協会普及委員会 委員
2023-04 -- (current)日本レクリエーション協会福祉レクリエーション・ワーカーカリキュラム改訂ワーキンググループ
2023-04 -- (current)Japanese Society for Adapted Physical Education and ExerciseJapanese Journal of Adapted Sport Sciences Editorial Board
2023-04 -- 2024-12Japanese Society for Adapted Physical Education and ExerciseInternational Committee
2022-08 -- 2024-08Asian Society for Adapted Physical Education and ExerciseBoard of Director
2021-09 -- 2023-03日本レクリエーション協会公認指導者資格認定委員会委員
2020-04 -- 2023-03日本レジャー・レクリエーション学会レクリエーション教育モデル・コア・カリキュラム 作成ワーキンググループ
2019-01 -- (current)Therapeutic Recreation JournalEditorial member
University Management
2022-10 -- (current)オリンピック・パラリンピックに関する研究教育センター(COPRE)運営委員会
2022-04 -- (current)体育センター研究委員会
2022-04 -- (current)体育センター施設委員会
2022-04 -- (current)スポーツ・デー運営委員会
2021-04 -- (current)体育専門学群 入試論述小委員会
2021-04 -- (current)大学体育高度化共同専攻 ダイバーシティ委員会
2021-04 -- (current)スポーツ国際開発学共同専攻 ダイバーシティ委員会
2021-04 -- (current)スポーツ国際開発学共同専攻 教務学生委員会
2021-04 -- (current)スポーツ国際開発学共同専攻 入試委員会委員長
2021-04 -- (current)体育センター英語対応班

(Last updated: 2025-03-03)