- Articles
- The Struggle for New Legitimate Customary Resource Management Rules in an Indigenous Swidden Society : A Case Study of Besiq Village, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
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Journal of Environmental Sociology/22/pp.82-99, 2017-01 - Attitudes and Perception of Swiddeners to Coal Mining : Based on the Evidence from Besiq Village, Indonesia's Province of East Kalimantan
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林業経済研究/62(1)/pp.41-51, 2016-03 - 東南アジアでコモンズ研究に取り組む
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News Letter 持続可能な発展の重層的環境ガバナンス/(7)/p.10, 2011-01 - Implication for Designing a REDD+ Program in a Frontier of Oil Palm Plantation Development: Evidence in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Daisuke TERAUCHI Ndan IMANG Martinus NANANG Masayuki K...
Open Journal of Forestry/4(3)/pp.259-277, 2014-01 - 図書紹介 山下詠子著『入会林野の変容と現代的意義』
寺内 大左
『LOCAL COMMONS』/(15)/pp.36-41, 2011-01 - 日本とインドネシアのコモンズの比較
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『LOCAL COMMONS』/(15)/pp.22-25, 2011-01 - Implications of local peoples' preferences in terms of income source and land use for Indonesia's national REDD-plus policy: Evidence in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
INOUE Makoto; KAWAI Masayuki; IMANG Ndan; TERAUCHI Da...
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development/12(3)/pp.244-263, 2013-01 - Changes in cultural ecosystems of a swidden society caused by the introduction of rubber plantation
TROPICS/19(2)/pp.67-83, 2011-01 - 大規模アブラヤシ農園開発にゆれる村人の思い
寺内 大左
『LOCAL COMMONS』/(13)/pp.14-20, 2010-01 - Preference of Swiddenners to Rattan, Rubber, and Oil Palm: Based on the Evidence from Besiq Village, Indonesia's Province of East Kalimantan.:Based on the Evidence from Besiq Village, Indonesia's Province of East Kalimantan
寺内 大左 説田 巧 井上 真
JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY/92(5)/pp.247-254, 2010-01 - 地域の持続性と発展を考える
寺内 大左
サステナ/(11)/pp.90-91, 2009-01 - 激動する東カリマンタン-過渡期における少数民族の生計戦略
寺内 大左
『LOCAL COMMONS』/(4)/pp.21-25, 2007-01 - 山岳環境管理における山小屋の役割-南アルプス北部地区を事例として-
寺内大左 小池正雄
中部森林研究/54/pp.97-98, 2006-01
- The Struggle for New Legitimate Customary Resource Management Rules in an Indigenous Swidden Society : A Case Study of Besiq Village, East Kalimantan, Indonesia