OTANI Minoru
- Articles
- Electrode dynamics from first principles
Minoru Otani; Hamada Ikutaro; Sugino Osamu; Morikawa Yos...
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/77(2), 2008-01 - Formation of Titanium-carbide in nanospace of C78 fullerenes
Otani Minoru; Susumu Okada; and Atsushi Oshiyama
Chemical Physics Letters/438(4-6)/p.274, 2007-04 - Effect of encapsulated atoms on the electronic structure of the fullerene cage: A case study on La-2@C-78 and Ti2C2@C-78 via ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
Hino Shojun; Kato Masayuki; Yoshimura Daisuke; Moribe Hi...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/75(12)/pp.0-0, 2007-03 - First-principles molecular dynamics simulation of biased electrode/solution interface
Sugino Osamu; Hamada Ikutaro; Minoru Otani; Morikawa Yos...
Surface Science/601(22), 2007-01 - The role of the phonon anomaly in the superconductivity of vanadium and selenium under high pressures
N Suzuki M Otani
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter/19(12), 2007-01 - Enhanced Si and B diffusion in semiconductor-grade SiO2 and the effect of strain on diffusion
Uematsu M; Kageshima H; Fukatsu S; Itoh KM; Shiraishl K; ...
THIN SOLID FILMS/508(1-2)/pp.270-275, 2006-06 - First-principles calculations of charged surfaces and interfaces: A plane-wave nonrepeated slab approach
Otani M.; Sugino O.
Physical Review B/73(11), 2006-01 - Energetics and electronic structure of C 70 -peapods and one-dimensional chains of C 70
岡田 晋; Otani Minoru; Oshiyama Atsushi
New Journal of Physics/(Vol. 5)/pp.pp. 122.1-122.11, 2003-01 - Theoretical study on stable structures and diffusion mechanisms of B in SiO2.
M Otani; Shiraishi K; Oshiyama A
Applied Surface Science/216(1-4)/p.490-496, 2003-01 - Electrochemical Tuning of Electronic Structure of C 60 and C 70 Fullerene Peapods: In Situ Visible Near-Infrared and Raman Study
Kavan Ladislav; Dunsch Lothar; Kataura Hiromichi; Oshiyam...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B/107(31)/p.p. 7666, 2003-01 - Pressure-Induced Composite Phase Transition of Solid Oxygen
Naoshi SUZUKI Minoru OTANI
The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology, 2003-01 - Mechanisms of diffusion of boron impurities in SiO2
Otani M.; Shiraishi K.; Oshiyama A.
Physical Review Letters/90(7), 2003-01 - Electron-states control of carbon nanotubes by space and encapsulated fullerenes
岡田 晋; Otani Minoru; Oshiyama Atsushi
Physical Review B/67(20)/p.art. no. 205411, 2003-01 - Charge-state-dependent boron diffusion in SiO2
M Otani; K. Shiraishi; Oshiyama A.
Physica B: Condensed Matter/340/p.949-952, 2003-01 - First-Principles Calculations of Boron-related Defects in SiO2.
M Otani; K. Shiraishi; A. Oshiyama
Physical Review B/68(18)/p.art. no. 184112, 2003-01 - Theoretical study on the lattice dynamics and electron phonon interaction of vanadium under high pressures
N Suzuki M Otani
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter/14(44), 2002-01 - Structural and superconducting transition in selenium at high pressure
Otani M.; Suzuki N.
Physical Review B/63(10), 2001-01 - Pressure-induced insulator–metal transition and collapse of magnetism in molecular solid oxygen
Naoshi Suzuki Minoru Otani
Polyhedron/20(11-14), 2001-01 - Theoretical study of the magnetic properties of low-dimensional oxygen molecular assemblies
M Otani H Miyagi N Suzuki
Physica B: Condensed Matter/265(1-4), 1999-01 - First-Principles Calculations of Electronic Band Structures of High Pressure Phase of Solid Oxygen.
Otani M.; Yamaguchi K.; Miyagi H.; Suzuki N.
The Review of High Pressure Science and Technology, 1998-01 - The pressure-induced insulator-metal transition of solid oxygen - band-structure calculations
M Otani K Yamaguchi H Miyagi N Suzuki
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter/10(49), 1998-01 - Theoretical Study on Organic One-Dimensional Ferrimagnets
Yutaka Matsumoto Minoru Otani Hiroshi Miyagi Naoshi Su...
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals/306(1)/pp.339-344, 1997-01 - Magnetic Susceptibility of Spin-Alternating Chains
Minoru Otani
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/66(6), 1997-01
- Electrode dynamics from first principles