SUGANO Keisuke
- Affiliation
- Institute of Art and Design
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0002-4581-1777
- Research fields
Town planning/Architectural planning - Research keywords
Regional Machizukuri Landscape Design Urban Morphology Environmental Design Urban Design Castle Town Monsoon Asian City Action Research - Research projects
利根川流域を対象とした国際的・学際的ワークショップ 2025-02 -- 2025-03 SUGANO Keisuke Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Multicultural Campus Project Toward Social Impact 950,000Yen ベトナムの世界遺産都市フエを対象とした多文化共修 2025-02 -- 2025-03 SUGANO Keisuke Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Multicultural Campus Project Toward Social Impact 3,050,000Yen 河川ランドスケープと応答した城下町都市・地域圏の空間形態に関する研究 2025-04 -- 2026-03 Keisuke SUGANO Obayashi Foundation/Research Grant 900,000Yen Participatory research on the implementation of regional management by cultural heritage areas and their ecological networks 2023-04 -- 2026-03 SATO Shigeru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 15,990,000Yen Research on urban and regional design integrated with centers of water management in castle towns based on urban deltas 2023-04 -- 2026-03 SUGANO Keisuke Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,550,000Yen 近世城下町群が複合する多核型アーバンデルタの歴史的水利環境デザイン手法の解明 2022-04 -- 2023-03 SUGANO Keisuke University of Tsukuba/Competitive Grants in Faculty of Art and Design 2022 300,000Yen 都市空間における「ゆらぎ」を内包した複層的オーセンティシティの解釈手法の開発 2020-04 -- 2023-03 Naomi UCHIDA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Sustainable management planning theory of historical and ecological environment in the Huong River basin area of Vietnam 2022-04 -- 2023-03 佐藤滋 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 利根川流域圏の近世城下町群における水利環境デザイン手法に関する研究 2021 -- 2021 Keisuke SUGANO University of Tsukuba/Competitive Grants in Faculty of Art and Design 2021 The Closed City 2.0 vs Hybridity 2018-08 -- 2019-02 Keisuke SUGANO Delft Deltas, Infrastructures & Mobility Initiative/ - Career history
2021-09 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Art & DesignAssistant Professor 2019-04 -- 2021-08 Kanazawa Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Architecture, College of ArchitectureAssistant Professor 2018-07 -- 2019-02 Delft University of TechnologyDepartment of UrbanismResearcher 2017-07 -- 2018-07 Delft University of TechnologyGuest Researcher 2016-04 -- 2017-03 Waseda UniversityFaculty of Science and EngineeringResearch Associate - Academic background
2014-04 -- 2017-03 Waseda University School of Creative Science and Engineering 2012-04 -- 2014-03 Waseda University School of Creative Science and Engineering 2008-04 -- 2012-03 Waseda University School of Creative Science and Engineering - Degree
2017-03 Dr. Eng. Waseda University - Academic societies
-- (current) ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN -- (current) THE CITY PLANNING INSTITUTE OF JAPAN -- (current) International Planning History Society -- (current) International Seminar on Urban Form - Honors & Awards
2013-01 気仙沼市魚町・南町内湾地区復興まちづくりコンペ優秀賞 気仙沼まちなか三町・市民事業による世界に誇れる内湾まちづくり - Articles
- 湖岸堤が形成する景観の印象の多様性に関する研究―琵琶湖東岸区域を対象として―
阿部俊彦; 傍島靖葉; 菅野 圭祐; 武田史朗
土木学会論文集/80(8), 2024 - A collaborative hybridity design approach: enhancing urban water resilience and spatial legibility
Sugano Keisuke; Lu Simo; Hooimeijer F.L.; Ven Frans H...
Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability/pp.1-25, 2024-03 - WHAT DOES “AUTHENTICITY” MEAN IN JAPANESE CITIES? A CASE STUDY OF KANAZAWA CITY
Sugano Keisuke; Sakamura Kei; Uchida Naomi
INTEGRATED PLANNING IN A WORLD TURBULENCE/pp.471-473, 2023-07 - Shan-Shui landscape design in the East Asian historical cities
Sugano Keisuke; Quang Huy Nguyen; Yamada Hiroki; Kawah...
Praxis of urban morphology: book of abstracts/pp.36-36, 2023-09 - Analysis of visual connections between sacred sites using geographic information systems and ongoing collaborative archiving - Finding the structure of shan shui cultural landscape in Huong River basin
Sugano Keisuke
Research on the values of cultural landscapes of Hue heritage sites and the surroundings in the preservation and enhancement of Hue monuments complex's values/pp.235-241, 2023-08 - Methodology for Establishing the Appropriate Protected Area based on the Analysis of Old Drawings In case of Gia Long Mausoleum, Hue.
Yamada Hiroki; Satoh Shigeru; Tanaka Shigeo; Hirai Yukih...
Restauro Archeologico/30(1)/pp.464-469, 2022-11 - 都市空間ワークショップにおけるオーセンティシティの個⼈的再解釈への影響に関する研究
菅野 圭祐
日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集/2021/pp.381-382, 2021 - Subsurface visualization in the planning products of disaster scapes in the USA and Japan
Hooimeijer Fransje; Sugano Keisuke; Böing D.; LaFleur F.
Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability/pp.1-40, 2021-03 - The Study of the relationship between 8 daimyos' residences and urban formation in Kanazawa, the complexed castle town.
菅野圭祐 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2012/pp.405-406, 2012-01 - Recovery-Scenario Study for Namiemachi, Fukushima. Vol.2
白木里恵子; 菅野圭祐; 松村尚之; 関谷有莉; 下田瑠衣; 荒井唯香; 宋基伯; 阿部俊彦; 岡田昭人; 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2013/pp.341-342, 2013-01 - Recovery-Scenario Study for Namiemachi, Fukushima. Vol.1
菅野圭祐 松村尚之 関谷有莉 下田瑠衣 荒井唯香 白木里恵子 阿部俊彦 岡田昭人 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2013/pp.339-340, 2013-01 - How can Namie Town in Nuclear Afflicted Area restore?
佐藤滋 阿部俊彦 白木里恵子 菅野圭祐 荒井唯香 関谷有莉 下田瑠衣 二宮彬 松村尚之 Nath...
Quarterly Machizukuri/(37)/pp.22-30, 2013-01 - Diffusion of Innovations, Recovery Scenario Study for Namiemachi, Fukushima. Vol.3
白木里恵子 小林真大 菅野圭祐 宋基伯 阿部俊彦 岡田昭人 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2014/pp.1139-1140, 2014-01 - A Study about analysis of Urban Design Method with a focus on "Yama-ate", in Castle Town and Colonist City. Vol.6
安達友広; 菅野圭祐; 久保勝裕; 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2014/pp.929-930, 2014-01 - A Study about analysis of Urban Design Method with a focus on "Yama-ate", in Castle Town and Colonist City. Vol.5
箱崎早苗; 菅野圭祐; 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2014/pp.927-928, 2014-01 - A Study about analysis of Urban Design Method with a focus on "Yama-ate", in Castle Town and Colonist City. Vol.4
星直哉; 菅野圭祐; 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2014/pp.925-926, 2014-01 - A Study about analysis of Urban Design Method with a focus on "Yama-ate", in Castle Town and Colonist City. Vol.3
沖津龍太郎; 菅野圭祐; 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2014/pp.923-924, 2014-01 - A Study about analysis of Urban Design Method with a focus on "Yama-ate", in Castle Town and Colonist City. Vol.2
菅野圭祐; 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2014/pp.921-922, 2014-01 - A Study about analysis of Urban Design Method with a focus on "Yama-ate", in Castle Town and Colonist City. Vol.1
佐藤滋 菅野圭祐 椎野亜紀夫 久保勝裕
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2014/pp.919-920, 2014-01 - Recovery-Scenario Study for Namiemachi, Fukushima. Vol.4
菅野圭祐 益子智之 白木里恵子 野村直人 茂木大樹 小林真大 佐藤亘 阿部俊彦 丹野勝太 岡田昭...
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2015/pp.271-272, 2015-01 - Consideration to the "Cho-gai Community" formation by nuclear accident victims
佐藤亘 泉貴広 丹野勝太 益子智之 沖津龍太郎 箱崎早苗 星直哉 小林真大 菅野圭祐 茂木大樹
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2015/pp.62-63, 2015-01 - Social urban design to create from communication with the community
藤村龍至 菅野圭祐 本間百合 内田奈芳美 出口敦
City Planning From Now On/pp.48-55, 2016-01 - A study on the urban composition principles of flood control space that is coexistent with flood disaster in castle town Focusing on the Japanese castle town: Hagi and Saga
伏木航平; 前田直哉; 菅野圭祐; 佐藤滋
Summaries of technical papers of annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2017/pp.1173-1174, 2017-01 - A study about of "Yama-ate", in Colonist City: Six case studies in "Shiribeshi district"
安達 友広 菅野 圭祐 久保 勝裕 佐藤 滋
Proceedings of Architectural Institute of Japan Hokkaido Architectural Research Conference/87/pp.337-342, 2014-01 - The Effect of the Peer Review of Team Contribution on Students’ Teamwork Competency during PBL Program
石黒 千晶; 菅野 圭祐
Journal of JSEE/69(3)/pp.3_73-3_77, 2021 - more...
- 湖岸堤が形成する景観の印象の多様性に関する研究―琵琶湖東岸区域を対象として―
- Books
Sugano Keisuke; Sakamura Kei; Uchida Naomi
Integrated Planning In A World Of Turbulence: Book of Proceedings/AESOP/pp.484-501, 2023 - 山水景観を基軸とする琵琶湖流域の地域構造 流域圏に重なり合う「小山水圏」
菅野 圭祐
造景2023/建築資料研究社/pp.14-19, 2023-08 - Rebuilding a Vacant Space and Regaining My Place in Kanazawa Japan
Sugano Keisuke
Spaces of Creative Resistance: Social Change Projects in 21st Century East Asia/University of Washington/pp.84-97, 2022-06 - Discovering the authenticity of the historical landscape and the original urban context through small collaborative design projects in a local castle-town city, Tsuruoka City
Sugano Keisuke
Japanese machizukuri and community engagement : history, method and practice/Routledge, 2020-01 - 震災後に考える 東日本大震災と向きあう92の分析と提言
鎌田 薫 菅野 圭祐
早稲田大学出版部, 2015-01 - 新版図説城下町都市
佐藤 滋 菅野 圭祐
鹿島出版会, 2015-01 - 図説城下町都市
佐藤 滋; 城下町都市研究体; 菅野 圭祐
鹿島出版会, 2015-02 - 福島原発被災地におけるネットワーク・コミュニティ
佐藤 滋; 饗庭 伸; 内田 奈芳美; 菅野 圭祐
まちづくり教書/鹿島出版会, 2017-02 - 1章:都市の構成解読と空間デザイン
佐藤 滋; 内田 奈芳美; 野田 明宏; 益尾 孝祐; 菅野 圭祐
まちづくり図解/鹿島出版会, 2017-06 - 周辺とのつながりを創出するアーバンデザイン
野嶋慎二; 松浦健治郎; 樋口秀; 菅野 圭祐
コンパクトシティの拠点づくり: 魅力的な場をつくる都市計画とデザイン/学芸出版社, 2020-10 - 福島県浪江町における広域分散避難からのコミュニティ復興
早稲田大学・震災復興研究論集編集委員会; 早稲田大学; 鎌田 薫; 菅野 圭祐
After the 3.11 Disaster: Waseda’s 92 Analyses and Suggestions/早稲田大学出版部, 2015-03 - Hybridity vs Closed City: A study about the impact of applying "Hybridity" as a concept of understanding in designing a decentralized water circulation urban model called "Closed City"
Hooimeijer Fransje; Sugano Keisuke; Ven Frans van de; Lu ...
Delft University of Technology, 2019-01 - Discovering the authenticity of the historical landscape and the original urban context through small collaborative design projects in a local castle-town city, Tsuruoka City
佐藤滋; 菅野 圭祐
Japanese machizukuri and community engagement : history, method and practice/Routledge, 2020-01 - A study about the principle of urban composition of pre-modern castle towns through analysis of landscape structure about "Yama-ate"
菅野 圭祐
Waseda University, 2017-03
- Conference, etc.
- 利根川流域における水システムの拠点を中心とする都市・地域デザイン
菅野 圭祐
日本建築学会大会/2024-08-27--2024-08-30 - Environmental symbiotic watershed structure with a network of ecological subregions centred on the early modern castle town in Japan
Sugano Keisuke; Yoshida Yuka
ISUF2024/2024-09-16--2024-09-20 - Analysis of visual connections between sacred sites using geographic information systems and ongoing collaborative archiving - Finding the structure of shan shui cultural landscape in Huong River basin
Sugano Keisuke
Research on the values of cultural landscapes of Hue heritage sites and the surroundings in the preservation and enhancement of Hue monuments complex's values/2023-08-09 - What does “Authenticity” mean in Japanese cities? A case study of Kanazawa City
菅野 圭祐
AESOP ANNUAL CONGRESS/2023-07-11--2023-07-15 - Shan-Shui landscape design in the East Asian historical cities
菅野 圭祐
ISUF2023/2023-09-03--2023-09-09 - 近世城下町の水利環境を核とした利根川流域の水環境の構造
菅野 圭祐
日本建築学会大会/2023-09-12--2023-09-15 - 利根川流域圏の近世城下町群における水利環境デザインプロセス
菅野 圭祐
日本建築学会大会/2022-09-05--2022-09-08 - まちらしさを巡る開かれた対話の可能性
菅野 圭祐
オンライン化と創造的なまちづくり/2021-09-20--2021-09-20 - Community empowerment through discovering the authenticity of cultural assets
Sugano Keisuke
Spaces of Creative Resistance 2021/2021-05-08--2021-05-10 - 都市空間ワークショップにおけるオーセンティシティの個⼈的再解釈への影響に関する研究
菅野 圭祐
日本建築学会大会/2021-09-10--2021-09-10 - The Study of the relationship between 8 daimyos' residences and urban formation in Kanazawa, the complexed castle town.
Annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2012-01-01 - Recovery-Scenario Study for Namiemachi, Fukushima. Vol.1
Annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2013-01-01 - Landscape design method toward tops of surrounding mountains in Japanese castle towns, Through analysis with GIS and GPS system
International Seminar on Urban Form/2014-01-01 - A Study of Kanazawa the Castle Town, Its Historical Urban Structure and Urban Formation
International Seminar on Urban Form/2014-01-01 - A Study about analysis of Urban Design Method with a focus on "Yama-ate", in Castle Town and Colonist City. Vol.2
Annual meeting Architectural Institute of Japan/2014-01-01 - Recovery-Scenario Study for Namiemachi, Fukushima. Vol.4
International Planning History Society/2016-07-01
- 利根川流域における水システムの拠点を中心とする都市・地域デザイン
- Works
- 額縁と鏡
- 額縁と鏡
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-12 Art and Society University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Advanced Seminar: Theory of Art IA University of Tsukuba. 2024-11 -- 2024-12 Design Produce Studio C University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Workshops on Art & Design Produce Studio. 1 University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Graduation Thesis and Production A (Environmental Design) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-05 Fundamental Studio Work: Presentation University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Community based Social Action University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Workshops: Environmental Design III University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Workshops: Environmental Design I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-11 Workshops on Art & Design Produce Studio. 2 University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2021-04 -- (current) 未指定文化財建築の保存活用 石黒ビルを考える会 - Professional activities
2023-04 -- 2025-03 日本建築学会 グローバルリスク適応・回⽣型空間再⽣ワーキンググループ 2020-08 -- (current) 中能登町 中能登町営久江住宅及び芹川住宅建替、並びに中能登町営住宅指定管理等業務事業者選定委員 2019-09 -- (current) 輪島市教育委員会 輪島市文化財保存活用地域計画作成等協議会委員 2019-04 -- 2023-03 ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN 地方都市拠点デザイン小委員会委員
(Last updated: 2025-03-10)