- Affiliation
- Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0002-6733-1379
- Sex
- Male
- Birth date
- 1990-10
- 10826986
- G$.+x&"-,.E$x3.&.E})<KG.E-,.$.yxExzE#)
- Office
- Lab. of Applied Entomology and Zoolozy
- Phone
- 029-853-4806
- Research fields
Biodiversity/Systematics Plant protection science Ecology/Environment Insect science - Research keywords
行動生態学 Insect Ecology Conservation Ecology Parasitoid wasp Plant-insect interaction - Research projects
越境性害虫ツマジロクサヨトウのスマートで持続的な防除体系の構築 2023-12 -- 2028-03 Youichi Kobori Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan/戦略的国際共同研究推進委託事業 5,000,000Yen Impacts of botanical insecticides on tri-trophic interaction among the maize plant, the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and its parasitoids for integrated pest management (IPM) in Japan and Thailand 2023-07 -- 2024-03 Kazumu Kuramitsu / Narisara Piyasaengthong JASSO/Fiscal 2023 JASSO Follow-up Research Fellowship 1,090,200Yen Investigation of the invisible death of parasitoid insects caused by fungicide spraying on plants 2023-04 -- 2026-03 Kazumu Kuramitsu Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency/Ministry of the Environment of Japan/Environment Research and Technology Development Fund 17,055,000Yen Basic Research Support Program 2022-12 -- 2025-03 Kazumu Kuramitsu University of Tsukuba/Tsukuba Basic Research Support Program Type S 2,369,000Yen Biology and natural enemy fauna of a new invasive woodwasp, Urocerus albicornis (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) 2022-07 -- 2023-10 Kazumu Kuramitsu Nagano Society for the Promotion of Science/長野県科学振興会助成金 100,000Yen Evaluation of lepidopteran pest resistance of plants overexpressing the disease resistance gene BSR1 2022-04 -- 2023-03 Kazumu Kuramitsu/Yasukazu Kanda University of Tsukuba/つくば産学連携強化プロジェクト 「筑波大学・農研機構 合わせ技ファンド」 1,000,000Yen 寄生バチの寄主以外での繁殖を可能とするハイジャック寄生現象の解明 2022-04 -- 2025-03 Kazumu Kuramitsu JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,550,000Yen 地域の小中高生を対象とした医療・科学の体験学習に関する研究 2020-04 -- 2023-03 Naoto Shikano Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences/地域貢献研究費 0Yen 植食性昆虫の餌植物とその防御物質が寄主をめぐる寄生蜂の種間競争に及ぼす影響の解明 2020-04 -- 2022-03 Kazumu Kuramitsu JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 5,200,000Yen 植物由来の防御物質が高次栄養段階の昆虫に及ぼす影響の解明 2015-04 -- 2018-03 Kazumu Kuramitsu JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 2,800,000Yen more... - Career history
2020-04 -- 2022-03 Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellow PD (@NARO) 2018-04 -- 2020-03 University of TsukubaFaculty of Life and Environmental SciencesResearcher 2015-04 -- 2018-03 Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellowship for Young Scientists DC1 (@University of Tsukuba) - Degree
2018-03 Ph. D. University of Tsukuba 2015-03 Master University of Tsukuba 2013-03 Bachelor's degree Univeristy of Tsukuba - Academic societies
2023-10 -- (current) The Japanese Society for Odonatology 2014-02 -- (current) International Society of Hymenopterists 2013-01 -- (current) Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology 2009-07 -- (current) THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2019-05 -- 2021-12 Japan Ethological Society 2011-05 -- 2015-03 The Japanese Society of Environmental Education 2014-01 -- 2015-12 Entomological Society of America - Honors & Awards
2021-04 Top Cited Article 2019-2020 (Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology) 2019-03 Best English Presentation Award (63rd Annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology) 2018-03 Meikei-kai Prize 2012-10 Best Poster Award (2012 International Symposium on Ag-ESD) 2012-10 Distinguished Presentation Prize (International Workshop on Science and Patents 2012) - Articles
- Multiparasitism enables a specialist endoparasitoid to complete parasitism in an unsuitable host caterpillar
KURAMITSU Kazumu; KAINOH Yooichi; KONNO Kotaro
Scientific Reports/15/pp.1-12, 2025-03 - 国際膜翅目学会第10回国際会議参加報告
清水 壮; 大松 勇司; 河合 諒人; 藏滿 司夢
Japanese Journal of Entomology (New Series)/26(4)/pp.215-225, 2023-12-25 - Aversive effects of volatiles from intact plants help to fine tune host-searching behavior of the parasitoid wasp, Cotesia kariyai
Ross Socheat; Matsuyama Shigeru; Furukawa Seiichi; Kur...
FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION/11, 2023-05 - Determining suitable observation times for testing odor preferences of a parasitoid wasp, Cotesia kariyai, using a four‐arm olfactometer
Mizuno Yota; Kuramitsu Kazumu; Kainoh Yooichi
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata/170(9)/pp.843-849, 2022-07 - Report of the "iLabKids" medical and science experiences class in Ibaraki Prefecture: Insect observation class in 2021
鹿野直人; 春名紗季江; 藏滿 司夢; 長谷部有紀; 島本真帆子; 秋山美穂; 田口典子
Acta Scientiarvm Valetvdinis Universitatis Praefectvralis Ibarakiensis/27/pp.67-79, 2022-03 - Simple methods of analyzing proteins and amino acids in small pollen samples
Nikkeshi Aoi; Kuramitsu Kazumu; Yokoi Tomoyuki; Yamaji K...
JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH/61/pp.107-113, 2022-01 - Delayed response after leaning associated with oviposition experience in the larval parasitoid, Cotesia kariyai
Fukushima Junji; Kuramitsu Kazumu; Takabayashi Junji; Kai...
JOURNAL OF INSECT BEHAVIOR/34/pp.264-270, 2021-10 - Relative trapping efficiencies of different types of attraction traps for three insect orders in an agricultural field
Ikemoto Mito; Kuramitsu Kazumu; Sueyoshi Masahiro; Seguch...
APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY/56/pp.393-405, 2021-06 - Oviposition experience by the larval parasitoid, Cotesia kariyai, on nonhost, Spodoptera litura, can deter subsequent attacks
Aikawa Fumika; Kuramitsu Kazumu; Kainoh Yooichi
JOURNAL OF INSECT BEHAVIOR/33/pp.91-96, 2020-08 - Deterrent effects of intact plants on host searching behavior of parasitoid wasps
Isono Kosuke; Kuramitsu Kazumu; Kainoh Yooichi
APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY/55/pp.199-204, 2020-01 - First record of the woodwasp Eriotremex formosanus (Matsumura) (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) from Ibaraki Prefecture and note on its mycangia
藏滿 司夢; 山田秀雄; 久松正樹
Bulletin of Ibaraki Nature Museum/22/pp.41-44, 2019-12 - First record of the invasive woodwasp, Urocerus albicornis (Hymenoptera: Siricidae), from a local forest in Japan
Kuramitsu Kazumu; Yamamoto Takayuki; Yokoi Tomoyuki
JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY/143/pp.1196-1199, 2019-10 - Cytotoxic effects of β-asarone on Sf9 insect cells
Yooboon Thitaree; Kuramitsu Kazumu; Bullangpoti Vasakorn...
ARCHIVES OF INSECT BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY/102(1), 2019-09 - Morphology and sex-specific behavior of a gynandromorphic Myrmarachne formicaria (Araneae: Salticidae) spider
Suzuki Yuya; Kuramitsu Kazumu; Yokoi Tomoyuki
SCIENCE OF NATURE/106(7-8)/p.34, 2019-08 - First come, first served: precopulatory mate-guarding behavior and male–male contests by a hymenopteran saproxylic parasitoid
Kuramitsu Kazumu; Yooboon Thitaree; Tomatsuri Morihiko; Y...
The Science of Nature/106(5-6), 2019-06 - The attraction of Tremex apicalis (Hymenoptera, Siricidae, Tremecinae) and its parasitoid Ibalia japonica (Hymenoptera, Ibaliidae) to the fungus Cerrena unicolor
Kuramitsu Kazumu; Ishihara Teruhito; Sugita Aki; Yooboon ...
JOURNAL OF HYMENOPTERA RESEARCH/68/pp.37-48, 2019-02 - Differences in food plant species of the polyphagous herbivore Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) influence host searching behavior of its larval parasitoid, Cotesia kariyai (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
Kuramitsu Kazumu; Vicencio Edelyn Joy M.; Kainoh Yooichi
ARTHROPOD-PLANT INTERACTIONS/13/pp.49-55, 2019-2 - Recent topics on fundamental research supporting natural enemy use
藏滿 司夢; 戒能洋一
Japanese Applied Entomology and Zoology/62/pp.13-20, 2018-01 - Infestation of the woodwasp Tremex apicalis Matsumura (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) on the large-leaf dogwood Swida macrophylla (Wall.) with biological notes on its parasitoid wasps
Kuramitsu Kazumu; Kosaki Atsuya; Ishihara Teruhito; Yamad...
JOURNAL OF HYMENOPTERA RESEARCH/52/pp.71-79, 2016-10 - Host plants of the herbivorous insect Mythimna separata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) affect its susceptibility to parasitism by the larval parasitoid Cotesia kariyai (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
Kuramitsu Kazumu; Ichiki Ryoko T.; Nakamura Satoshi; Kain...
BIOCONTROL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/26/pp.1009-1019, 2016-4 - Parasitism of three attelabid weevils by Bracon (Uncobracon) apoderi Watanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Kyushu, Japan
Kuramitsu Kazumu; Komizo Katsuki
ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE/17/pp.440-442, 2014-10 - A record of Gynacantha japonica Bartenef from Suwanode-jima Island, Tokara Group, Kagoshima Prefecture
藏滿 司夢
Tombo, Acta Odonatologica Japonica/54/pp.153-154, 2012-12
- Multiparasitism enables a specialist endoparasitoid to complete parasitism in an unsuitable host caterpillar
- Books
- Order Zoraptera
藏滿 司夢
Catalogue of Insects of Ibaraki Prefecture/pp.63-63, 2024-12 - Order Embioptera
藏滿 司夢
Catalogue of Insects of Ibaraki Prefecture/pp.61-61, 2024-12 - Order Mantophasmatodea
藏滿 司夢
Catalogue of Insects of Ibaraki Prefecture/pp.53-53, 2024-12 - コラム 体内の捕食寄生者を“服薬”によって殺す昆虫
藏滿 司夢
バイオロジカル・コントロール 第2版/朝倉書店/pp.100-100, 2022-04 - コラム 樹木の幹に潜む害虫に対する生物的防除
藏滿 司夢
バイオロジカル・コントロール 第2版/朝倉書店/pp.99-100, 2022-04 - 寄生蜂の行動(選択過程など)
戒能洋一; 藏滿 司夢
バイオロジカル・コントロール 第2版/朝倉書店/pp.88-99, 2022-04 - キノコとキバチと寄生バチ:枯れ木をめぐる奇妙な三者系
藏滿 司夢
寄生バチと狩りバチの不思議な世界/一色出版/pp.181-200, 2020-06
- Order Zoraptera
- Conference, etc.
- Hijack of her host: successful parasitism by a specialist endoparasitoid in sympatric 'non-host' caterpillars through multiparasitism
Tamura Kazuki; Kuramitsu Kazumu
The 27th International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30 - The greyish-white granulated weevil, Episomus turritus, has the remarkable ability to revive even after being submerged in water for several days
Tamura Kazuki; Kuramitsu Kazumu
The 27th International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30 - Invisible Mass Mortality of Parasitoids: Impact of the Fungicide Benomyl in Host Diets on the Parasitoids of Herbivorous Caterpillars
Egawa Kazusa; Noguch Hayato; Komatsuzaki Suguru; FURUK...
The 27th International Congress of Entomology/2024-08-25--2024-08-30 - 植物用殺菌剤による捕食寄生性昆虫の見えざる死:その普遍性と圃場での実態の検証(予報)
日本昆虫学会第84回大会・第68回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会合同大会/2024-03-28--2024-03-31 - 殺菌剤ベノミルがコマユバチ科内部寄生蜂3種の寄生に与える影響
江川和総; 小松崎優; Narisara Piyasaengthong; 藏滿司夢
日本昆虫学会第84回大会・第68回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会合同大会/2024-03-28--2024-03-31 - 新規侵入昆虫ツマジロクサヨトウはアワヨトウのスペシャリスト寄生蜂カリヤコマユバチにとってevolutionary trap か?
髙橋孝太; 藏滿司夢
日本昆虫学会第84回大会・第68回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会合同大会/2024-03-28--2024-03-31 - チョウ目幼虫が摂取した農業用殺菌剤ベノミルは一部の寄生蜂の寄生を失敗させる:では寄生蠅では?
野口隼人; 古川 誠一; 藏滿司夢
日本昆虫学会第84回大会・第68回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会合同大会/2024-03-28--2024-03-31 - 圃場において散布された殺菌剤ベノミルが寄主を介してアオムシコマユバチの寄生に与える影響の評価
時村飛鳥; 藏滿 司夢
第28回「野生生物と社会」学会大会/2023-12-01--2023-12-03 - シロコブゾウムシの成虫に寄生するコマユバチの特殊な産卵行動
藤江隼平; 田村和暉; 藏滿 司夢
日本昆虫学会第83回大会/2023-09-16--2023-09-18 - 昆虫の新能力を発見か!? シロコブゾウムシにおける水没からの復活
田村和暉; 藏滿 司夢
日本昆虫学会第83回大会/2023-09-16--2023-09-18 - Hijack her host!!: Successful parasitism of a specialist endoparasitoid in a "non-host" caterpillar throug multiparasitism
藏滿 司夢
The 94th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan/2023-09-07--2023-09-09 - Successful parasitism of a specialist endoparasitoid Cotesia kariyai (Watanabe) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in a “non-host” caterpillar through multiparasitism with another parasitoid
Kuramitsu Kazumu
10th International Congress of Hymenopterists/2023-07-24--2023-07-29 - カリヤコマユバチは殺菌剤ベノミルを経口摂取したアワヨトウでの寄生に失敗する
江川和総; Narisara Piyasaengthong; 藏滿 司夢
第67回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会/2023-03-13--2023-03-15 - カイコの飛翔能力消失の謎に迫る!:カイコとクワコの交雑実験による飛翔筋の比較
八田曉美; 小森谷泰; 藏滿 司夢
第67回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会/2023-03-13--2023-03-15 - カリヤコマユバチにおけるギンケハラボソコマユバチとの multiparasitism を介した”非寄主昆虫”での繁殖
藏滿 司夢
第67回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会/2023-03-13--2023-03-15 - チャノコカクモンハマキの定位飛翔における風速の影響
戒能 洋一; 藏滿 司夢; 田端 純; 松山 茂
第67回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会/2023-03-13--2023-03-15 - モモタマナのミカンコミバエ雄成虫に対する誘引性に関する研究
織田 はるか; 及川 恵; 天野 貴之; 渡瀨 拓実; 祐成忍; 水野 孝彦; 藏滿 司夢; 松山 茂; 戒能 洋一
- Hijack of her host: successful parasitism by a specialist endoparasitoid in sympatric 'non-host' caterpillars through multiparasitism
- Teaching
2024-04 -- (current) Workshops on Science Visualization University of Tsukuba 2024-04 -- (current) Introduction to Imaging University of Tsukuba 2024-04 -- (current) Chemical Regulation of Animals I University of Tsukuba 2024-04 -- (current) Animal Ecology II University of Tsukuba 2023-10 -- (current) Chemical Ecology University of Tsukuba 2023-04 -- (current) Dissertation in Biosphere Resource Science and Technology III University of Tsukuba 2023-04 -- (current) Dissertation in Biosphere Resource Science and Technology II University of Tsukuba 2023-04 -- (current) Dissertation in Biosphere Resource Science and Technology I University of Tsukuba 2023-04 -- (current) Technical English BI University of Tsukuba 2023-04 -- (current) Basic Experiments in Agrobiology and Forestry University of Tsukuba more... - Other educational activities
2024-02 -- 2024-02 SSHに関する高校生向け講演会(舞鶴最先端サイエンス研修) 鹿児島県立国分高等学校 2023-11 -- 2023-11 子ども向け自然観察教室(関東甲信越へき地教育研究大会・公開授業) 大子町立生瀬小学校 2023-09 -- 2023-09 子ども向け昆虫観察教室 茨城県阿見町立君原小学校/茨城県立医療大学 2023-09 -- (current) つくばSTEAMコンパス(講師) Tsukuba City 2023-08 -- 2023-08 昆虫に関する子ども向け講演会 東海村立図書館 2023-08 -- 2023-08 子ども向け昆虫観察会 茨城県東海村 2023-02 -- 2023-02 Lecture Kagoshima Prefectural Kokubu High School 2023-02 -- 2023-02 Nature Observation Class Daigo Town Namase Elementary School 2022-09 -- 2022-09 Lecture Kagoshima Prefectural Kinkowan High School 2022-09 -- 2022-09 Lecture Kagoshima Prefectural Kokubu High School more... - Professional activities
2024-04 -- (current) Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology 選挙管理委員会/委員 2019 -- 2019 Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology 第63回大会 運営委員(総務) 2014 -- 2014 THE SOCIETY OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES EDUCATION OF JAPAN 第 96 回全国大会研究発表会 実行委員 - University Management
2024-04 -- (current) 農学学位プログラム運営委員会 運営委員 2024-04 -- (current) 生物圏資源領域FD委員 FD委員 2023-04 -- (current) 生物学類アウトリーチ活動委員会 委員
(Last updated: 2025-03-11)