SHIMIZU Noritaka
- Affiliation
- Center for Computational Sciences
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- 0000-0003-1638-1066
- Research fields
Particle/Nuclear/Cosmic ray/Astro physics - Research keywords
Large-scale shell-model calculations nuclear structure unstable nuclei Quantmum many-body problem - Research projects
「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム「シミュレーションで探る基礎科学:素粒子の基本法則から元素の生成まで 」「核構造とr過程」 2022-04 -- 2023-03 清水 則孝 文部科学省/ 10,912,000Yen Unified Description of Structure of Unstable Nuclei 2008 -- 2010 OTSUKA Takaharu; SHIMIZU Noritaka; SUZUKI Toshio; HONMA Michio; UTSUNO Yutaka Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 47,970,000Yen Study on Novel Quadrupole Collective States in Neutron-Rich Medium-Heavy Nuclei 2008 -- 2011 SHIMIZU Noritaka Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 4,550,000Yen Shell evolution in nuclei investigated with large-scale shell-model calculations 2009 -- 2012 UTSUNO Yutaka; SHIMIZU Noritaka; OTSUKA Takaharu Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 3,640,000Yen New shell-model and mean-field calculations on unstable nuclei and their applications 2011-04 -- 2016-03 Otsuka Takaharu; SHIMIZU Noritaka Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 48,360,000Yen Research and development on the method of nuclear shell-model calculations for massive parallel computations 2013-04 -- 2017-03 Shimizu Noritaka Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 4,290,000Yen Elucidating shell evolution in terms of a unified description of medium-heavy unstable nuclei 2015-04 -- 2019-03 UTSUNO Yutaka; Honma Michio Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,550,000Yen 原子核構造理論におけるデータ指向アプローチ 2017-04 -- 2022-03 清水 則孝 日本学術振興会/科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 4,550,000Yen Microscopic description of fundamental nucleosynthesis processes by large-scale shell-model calculations 2020-04 -- 2023-03 宇都野 穣; 清水 則孝 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 2,990,000Yen - Career history
2001-04 -- 2004-03 RIKEN基礎科学特別研究員 2004-04 -- 2005-07 The University of TokyoGraduate School of Science学術研究支援員 2005-08 -- 2007-03 The University of TokyoGraduate School of Science助手 2007-04 -- 2011-03 The University of TokyoGraduate School of Science助教 2011-04 -- 2022-03 The University of TokyoGraduate School of Science Center for Nuclear Study特任准教授 2022-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaCenter for Computational Sciences准教授 - Academic background
1992-04 -- 1996-03 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Physics 1996-04 -- 1998-03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science 物理学専攻 1998-04 -- 2001-03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Doctoral Program 物理学専攻 - Degree
2001-03 博士(理学) 東京大学 - Academic societies
1997-02 -- 9999 日本物理学会 - Articles
- Probing New Bosons and Nuclear Structure with Ytterbium Isotope Shifts
Door M.; Yeh C.-H.; Heinz M.; Kirk F.; Lyu C.; Miyag...
Physical Review Letters, 2025-02 - Refined Topology of the N=20 Island of Inversion with High Precision Mass Measurements of 31-33Na and 31-35Mg
E. M. Lykiardopoulou; C. Walls; J. Bergmann; M. Brode...
Physical Review Letters, 2025-02 - Shell-model study for allowed and forbidden beta- decay properties in the ``south'' region of 208Pb
Sharma S.; Srivastava P. C.; Kumar A.; Suzuki T.; Yua...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/110(2)/p.024320, 2024-08 - Nuclear structure properties of 193-200Hg isotopes within large-scale shell model calculations
Sahoo S.; Srivastava P. C.; Shimizu N.; Utsuno Y.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/110(2)/p.024306, 2024-07 - Shell-model study of weak beta-decays relevant to astrophysical processes
Suzuki T.; Shimizu N.
Frotiers in Physics/12/p.1434598, 2024-08 - New isomeric transition in 36Mg: Bridging the N=20 and N=28 islands of inversion
Madurga M.; Christie J.M.; Xu Z.; Grzywacz R.; Poves ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/109(6)/p.L061301, 2024-06 - Large-scale shell model study of beta-decay properties of N=126,125 nuclei: Role of Gamow-Teller and first-forbidden transitions in the half-lives
Kumar Anil; SHIMIZU Noritaka; Utsuno Y.; Yuan C.; Sri...
Physical Review C/109(6)/p.064319, 2024-06 - Low spin spectroscopy of neutron-rich 43,44,45Cl via 𝛽− and 𝛽𝑛 decay
Tripathi V.; Bhattacharya S.; Rubino E.; Benetti C.; ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/109(4)/p.044320, 2024-04 - Photoneutron emission cross sections for 13C
Utsunomiya H.; Goriely S.; Kimura M.; Shimizu N.; Uts...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/109(1), 2024-01 - Onset of collectivity for Argon isotopes close to N=32
Linh B.D.; Corsi A.; Gillibert A.; Obertelli A.; Door...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/109(3)/p.034312, 2024-03 - PANDORA Project for the study of photonuclear reactions below A=60
Tamii A.; Pellegri L.; Soderstrom P. -A.; Allard D.; ...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A/59(9), 2023-09-11 - Systematic shell-model study of 98-130Cd isotopes and 8+isomeric states
Patel Deepak; Srivastava Praveen C.; Shimizu Noritaka
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A/1039, 2023-11 - Systematic shell-model study of 99-129Cd and isomers in neutron-rich 127-131In isotopes
Pate D.; Srivastava P. C.; Shimizu Noritaka; Utsuno Y.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/109(1)/p.014310, 2024-01 - Observation of collective modes of excitations in 59Co, 59Ni, and 61Co and the influence of the 0g9/2 orbital
S. Ajavi; V. Tripathi; E. Rubino; S. Bhattacarya; L. ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/109(1)/p.014305, 2024-01 - Parity assignment for low-lying dipole states in 58Ni
Shizuma T.; Omer M.; Hayakawa T.; Minato F.; Matsuba ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/109(1)/p.014302, 2024-01 - Shape transition of Nd and Sm isotopes and neutrinoless double-beta decay nuclear matrix element of 150Nd
Tsunoda Yusuke; Shimizu Noritaka; Otsuka Takaharu
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/108(2)/p.L021302, 2023-08 - Neutrino-induced neutral- and charged-current reactions on 40Ar
Toshio Suzuki; Shimizu Noritaka
Physical Review C/108(1)/p.014611, 2023-07 - First observation of 28O
Kondo Y.; Achouri N. L.; Falou H. Al; Atar L.; Aumann...
Nature/620/pp.965-970, 2023-08 - Level structures of 56,58Ca cast doubt on a doubly magic 60Ca
Chen S.; Browne F.; Doornenbal P.; Lee J.; Obertelli ...
Physics Letters B/843/p.138025, 2023-06 - Shell-model-based investigation on level density of Xe and Ba isotopes
Jinbei Chen; Menglan; Cenxi Yuan; Shengli Chen; Norita...
Physical Review C/107/p.054306, 2023-05 - Intruder configurations in 29Ne at the transition into the island of inversion: Detailed structure study of 28Ne
Wang H.; Yasuda M.; Kondo Y.; Nakamura T.; Tostevin ...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/843/p.138038, 2023-08-10 - Evaluations of uncertainties in simulations of propagation of ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray nuclei derived from microscopic nuclear models
Kido E.; Inakura T.; Kimura M.; Kobayashi N.; Nagatak...
ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS/152/p.102866, 2023-10 - Coexistence of single-particle and collective excitation in 61Ni
Bhattacharya Soumik; Tripathi Vandana; Rubino E.; Ajay...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/107(5), 2023-05-22 - Shell-model study of nuclear weak rates relevant to astrophysical processes in stars
Suzuki T.; 清水 則孝; Tsunoda Y.; Otsuka T.; K. Nomoto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series/2453/p.012003, 2023-03 - Constraints on the nuclear Schiff moment from its correlation with electromagnetic properties
Yanase Kota; Shimizu Noritaka; Higashiyama Koji; Yoshinag...
Physics Letters B/841/p.137897, 2023-04 - more...
- Probing New Bosons and Nuclear Structure with Ytterbium Isotope Shifts
- Conference, etc.
- 大規模殻模型計算によるN=126,125中性子過剰核のベータ崩壊
清水 則孝; Anil Kumar; 宇都野穣; Cenxi Yuan; Praveen Srivastava
日本物理学会79年会/2024-09-17 - Quasi-particle vacua shell model and its applications to medium-heavy nuclei
SHIMIZU Noritaka
International Symposium "International Conference on Nuclear Theory in the Supercomputing Era - 2024 (NTSE-2024)"/2024-11-2 - Shell-model Study of Zr isotopes and the neutrinoless-double-beta-decay nuclear matrix element of 96Zr
SHIMIZU Noritaka
RCNP workshop for "Theoretical and experimental approaches for nuclear matrix elements of double-beta decay"/2025-01-21 - Large-scale shell-model calculations, quasi-particle vacua shell model, and their applications
SHIMIZU Noritaka
International Symposium “Celebrating 75 Years of the Nuclear Shell Model and Maria Goeppert-Mayer''/2024-07-19--2024-07-21 - Quasi-particle vacua shell model and its applications to medium-heavy nuclei
SHIMIZU Noritaka
International Conference on Nuclear Theory in the Supercomputing Era – 2024 (NTSE-2024)/2024-12-02--2024-12-06 - Microscopic description of the collective motions of medium-heavy nuclei based on shell-model calculations
SHIMIZU Noritaka
16th symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences/2024-10-07--2024-10-08 - Microscopic description of quadrupole collective states
SHIMIZU Noritaka
15th symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences: Program of Parallel sessions/2023-10-02--2023-10-03 - Gogny有効相互作用を用いた殻模型計算
吉永孝太; 清水則孝; 中務孝
日本物理学会2024年春季大会/2024-03-18--2024-03-21 - Calculation of radial moments of charge distribution
Yoshinaga Kota; Hinohara Nobuo; Nakatsukasa Takashi; S...
6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan/2023-11-26--2023-12-01 - Shell model calculation using Gogny-type interactions
Yoshinaga Kota; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Shimizu Noritaka
The workshop on frontier nuclear studies with gamma-ray spectrometer arrays (gamma24)/2024-03-26--2024-03-28 - Large-scale shell-model study for beta-decay properties of neutron-rich nuclei
Shimizu Noritaka
6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan/2022-11-26--2023-12-01 - Shell-model studies of medium-heavy nuclei for the neutrinoless-double-beta-decay matrix element and the nuclear Schiff moment
Shimizu Noritaka
6th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan/2023-11-26--2023-12-01 - Quasi-particle vacua shell model and shape phase transition of Nd isotopes
Shimizu Noritaka
CCP2023 - 34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics/2023-08-04--2023-08-08 - Shell-model study towards astrophysical applications
Shimizu Noritaka
YIPQS long-term workshop "Mean-field and Cluster Dynamic in Nuclear Systems 2022" (MCD2022)/2022-06-13 - 殻模型と対相関
清水 則孝
RCNP研究会「微視的系と巨視的系における核子対凝縮相」/2022-09-26 - 準粒子真空殻模型によるネオジム150のニュートリノレス二重ベータ崩壊核行列要素
清水 則孝
二重ベータ崩壊核行列要素実験理論合同研究会/2022-10-03 - Shell model and Machine Learning
清水 則孝
RIKEN Nishina Center mini workshop "Combining Nuclear Theory and Machine Learning for fundamental studies and applications"/2022-11-29 - 原子核殻模型計算による統計的性質
清水 則孝
研究会 「中性子捕獲反応で迫る宇宙の元素合成」/2023-02-10 - Recent progress of shell-model calculations and quadrupole collective states
清水 則孝
International Symposium on Nuclear Spectroscopy for Extreme Quantum Systems (NUSPEQ2023)/2023-03-07 - 大規模殻模型計算I(基礎)
清水 則孝
光核反応スクール(PANDORA project)/2022-07-19 - 角運動量射影におけるガウス型求積法
清水 則孝; 角田佑介
- 大規模殻模型計算によるN=126,125中性子過剰核のベータ崩壊
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-12 原子核物理学II 筑波大学 2024-07 -- 2024-08 物理学概論 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-05 学問への誘い 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-07 ファーストイヤーセミナー 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-09 物理数学I 筑波大学 2023-10 -- 2023-12 原子核物理学II 筑波大学 2023-04 -- 2023-09 物理数学I 筑波大学 2022-04 -- 2022-09 物理数学I 筑波大学 - Other educational activities
2024-04 -- 2028-03 物理学類クラス担任 筑波大学 - Professional activities
2023-04 -- 2025-03 日本物理学会理論核物理領域 理論核物理領域プログラム委員会 委員 2022-04 -- (current) 高度情報科学技術研究機構 HPCIシステムの利用研究課題選定委員会/レビュアー 2016-04 -- (current) 計算基礎科学連携拠点 運営委員会 委員 2019-04 -- 2023-03 RIKEN Nishina Center RIBF User Executive Committee member - University Management
2022-07 -- (current) 筑波大学計算科学研究センター 先端計算科学推進室会議 委員 2022-04 -- (current) 筑波大学計算科学研究センター 共同研究委員会 委員
(Last updated: 2025-03-06)