IKEDA Atsushi
- Conference, etc.
- Real-time Bladder Tumor Detection in Flexible Cystoscopy with White Light Imaging and Narrow Band Imaging using Deep Learning
Ikeda Atsushi; 西山博之
East Asia Urological Oncology Society (EAUOS) 2022/2022-09-24--2022-09-25 - Real-time Bladder Tumor Detection at Clinics in Flexible Cystoscopy with White Light and Narrow Band Imaging using Deep Learning
Ikeda Atsushi; 西山博之
American Urological Association's 2022 Annual Meeting/2022-05-13--2022-05-16 - Can cystoscopy artificial intelligence overcome differences between cyctoscope products?
池田 篤史; 西山博之
European Association of Urology Annual Congress (EAU23)/2023-03-10--2023-03-13 - 筋層非浸潤膀胱がんの診断から治療-オーバービューから最新のトピックス- TUR-BTの成績の向上にむけて AIは膀胱癌に対しても有用か?
池田 篤史; 西山博之
第60回日本癌治療学会学術集会/2022-09-14 - 臨床実装化を目指した膀胱内視鏡診断支援AIシステムの開発
池田 篤史; 西山博之
第36回泌尿器内視鏡・ロボティクス学会総会/2022-11-10 - 膀胱全摘除術・回腸導管造設術後の傍ストーマヘルニアの術式別頻度の検討
池田 篤史; 河原貴史; 西山博之
第36回泌尿器内視鏡・ロボティクス学会総会/2022-11-10 - One-second Boosting: A Simple and Cost-effective Intervention that Promotes the Optimal Allocation of Cognitive Resources
Kagawa Rina; Shirasuna Masaru; Ikeda Atsushi; Sanuki Mas...
the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
- Real-time Bladder Tumor Detection in Flexible Cystoscopy with White Light Imaging and Narrow Band Imaging using Deep Learning