- Affiliation
- Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Official title
- Professor
- 0009-0003-5330-4796
- Research keywords
qualitative research Social problem public participation Sociology Media theory Media Studies History of Design History of Advertising industrial policy - Research projects
デザイン史研究の方法論の再構築:デザイナー・メーカー・ユーザーの三者関係から 2024-04 -- 2028-03 KASHIMA Takashi JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 2,860,000Yen "Japan" at the World's Fair 2018-04 -- 2023-03 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/Grants-in-Aid for Scirntific Research 2,000,000Yen The Historical Sociology of Advertising Creators: The Fluctuation of the Individual and the Organization in Modern Japan 2014-04 -- 2015-03 KASHIMA Takashi Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/Grants-in-Aid for Scirntific Research 1,500,000Yen The Sociology of Art Directors: Advertising Creativity as an Expert 2009-04 -- 2010-03 KASHIMA Takashi Yoshida Hideo Memorial Foundation/The 43rd Research Grants 500,000Yen Historical Sociology of Advertising Creator in Modern Japan 2007 -- 2008 KASHIMA Takashi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 1,800,000Yen - Career history
2023-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Humanities and Social SciencesProfessor 2019-04 -- 2023-03 University of TokaiSchool of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Media StudiesProfessor 2018-04 -- 2019-03 University of TokaiSchool of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Media StudiesAssociate Professor 2014-04 -- 2018-03 Tokai UniversitySchool of Letters, Department of Media StudiesAssociate Professor 2010-04 -- 2014-03 Tokai UniversitySchool of Letters, Department of Media StudiesAssociate Lecturer 2009-05 -- 2010-03 The University of TokyoInterfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information StudiesAssitant professor 2007-04 -- 2009-03 Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellowship for Young Scientists - Academic background
2006-04 -- 2009-03 University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies 学際情報学専攻 博士課程 2003-04 -- 2006-03 University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies 学際情報学専攻 修士課程 1994-04 -- 1998-03 Komazawa University Faculty of Law Department of Political Science - Degree
2012-6-15 Doctor (Interdisciplinary Information Studies) University of Tokyo 2006-3-31 Master (Interdisciplinary Information Studies) University of Tokyo - Academic societies
2006-06 -- (current) Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication 2007-06 -- (current) Japan Sociological Society 2006-06 -- (current) Kantoh Sociological Society - Honors & Awards
2015-09 The Japan Sociological Society 14th Encouragement Award The Historical Sociology of Advertising Creators: The Fluctuation of the Individual and the Organization in Modern Japan 2009 7th Takeo Award 「デザインを語ることは不可能なのか」、『文字のデザイン、書体のフシギ』(左右社、2008年)所収 - Articles
- 書評:林凌著 『〈消費者〉の誕生 近代日本における消費者主権の系譜と新自由主義』
加島 卓
『社会学評論』/74(3)/pp.573-575, 2024-01 - Communication systems theory and media studies: book review, Toshiki Sato, Communicative Systems in the Mass-media and Society: On the Autopoietic System Theory of Niklas Lumann
加島 卓
The Kanagawa University review/(103)/pp.168-169, 2023-07 - Design History of Osaka Expo 1970/2025
加島 卓
「万国博覧会に見る「日本」——芸術・メディアの視点による国際比較」シンポジウム記録集/pp.26-33, 2023-03 - Design history of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: Emblem Selection and Participatory Design
Kashima Takashi
The Review of Japanese Culture and Society/33/34/pp.55-67, 2022-12 - Media History and the Historical Sociology of Media in Japan, 1990s-2010s. (English version)
加島 卓
The Bulletin of the School of Cultural and Social Studies Tokai University/(8)/pp.127-143, 2022-09 - How Sociologists Face and Describe the Turning of Late Modernity: Towards Sociological Reconstructions of Neoliberalism(s)
元森 絵里子; 加島 卓; 牧野 智和; 仁平 典宏
The annual review of sociology : official journal of the Kantoh Sociological Society/(35)/pp.24-31, 2022-08 - Tokyu Hands and Its Times
加島 卓
新潮社Foresight, 2022-05 - 2025年大阪・関西ロゴマーク選考と市民参加
加島 卓
科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)「万国博覧会にみる『日本』——芸術・メディアの視点による国際比較」中間報告書/pp.30-40, 2022-03 - Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem and Sociological Description : Focus on the Way of Making and Using Designs (English version)
加島 卓
The Bulletin of the School of Cultural and Social Studies Tokai University/(7)/pp.107-122, 2022-03 - Review of the design of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games
加島 卓
Tokyo Art Beat, 2021-10 - How Sociologists Face and Describe the Turning of Late Modernity : Workshop Technologies and Experts in Community Planning
加島 卓; 元森 絵里子
The annual review of sociology : official journal of the Kantoh Sociological Society/(34)/pp.29-36, 2021-08 - Book Review: The Chinese Typewriter
加島 卓
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 2021-07-10 - City and Advertising
加島 卓
Urban Science Encyclopedia/pp.620-621, 2021 - Kashiwa Sato: Sociology-Based Study of Design in Japan
加島 卓
Kashiwa Sato Exhibition (The National Art Center, Tokyo) Catalogue/pp.283-299, 2021-02 - "Kashiwa Sato: Sociology-Based Study of Design in Japan" in Kashiwa Sato, eds. The National Art Center
Kashima Takashi
*EMPTY*/pp.340-357, 2021-02 - Professional-Citizen Relations in Design Selection: Comparison of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo Logo Mark and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic
加島 卓
The Bulletin of the School of Cultural and Social Studies Tokai University/(5)/pp.1-22, 2021-02 - Tztom Toda as an "Observer": How Design Becomes a Matter of Media Theory
加島 卓
Eureka/52(16)/pp.255-267, 2020-12 - Book Review: Advertising Criticism in the 1950s
加島 卓
Toshi Shinbun/(3460), 2020-08 - Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem and Sociological Description: Focus on the Way of Creating and Using Designs
加島 卓
The Annual Review of Sociology/(33)/pp.14-23, 2020-07 - Two Design Surveys: Architecture and Product Design after Modernologio (Kon Waziro's lifestyle observation)
加島 卓
Gendai Shisou (Contemporary Philosophy)/47(9)/pp.182-190, 2019-07 - Personal Computer and Planned Obsolescence
加島 卓
Shi Shi Shi Shi/(2)/pp.168-169, 2019-01 - Media History and Historical Sociology of Media
加島 卓
Journal of mass communication studies/(93)/pp.61-74, 2018-07 - Book Review: How to handle the victim's file
加島 卓
Journal of Sociology of Warfare/2/pp.271-276, 2018-06 - Oral History as a Method for the Studies in Advertising
加島 卓
Media history/43/pp.36-52, 2018-03 - Book Review: The Sociology of Visual Culture
加島 卓
The window of author's study/(650)/pp.65-69, 2017-03 - more...
- 書評:林凌著 『〈消費者〉の誕生 近代日本における消費者主権の系譜と新自由主義』
- Books
- 大阪万博とデザインの歴史社会学——専門家から市民参加へ
加島 卓
万国博覧会と「日本」: アートとメディアの視点から/勁草書房/pp.77-101, 2024-03 - デザイン批評と日本の社会学——柏木博を中心に
加島 卓
岩波講座 社会学 12 文化・メディア/岩波書店, 2023-12 - 外食:セルフサービスの時間と空間
加島 卓
[新版]現代文化への社会学:90年代と「いま」を比較する/北樹出版/pp.169-178, 2023-11 - 書店:邪道書店の平成史
加島 卓
[新版]現代文化への社会学:90年代と「いま」を比較する/北樹出版/pp.144-154, 2023-11 - Chapter 3. Is it impossible to talk about design?
祖父江 慎; 藤田 重信; 加島 卓; 鈴木 広光
The Character Design and the Wonder of Typeface/Sayusha, 2008-05 - Sociology to Contemporary Culture: Comparing the 90s to the present
高野 光平; 加島 卓; 飯田 豊
Hokuju Publishing, 2018-11 - "This Excess Called Lassen: What is it that Art History Cannot Write?", in Why Art Criticism? A Reader, eds. Beate Sontgen and Julia Voss
Kashima Takashi
Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2022-02-01 - 現代文化への社会学:90年代と「いま」を比較する
加島 卓; 高野光平; 飯田豊
北樹出版, 2018-11 - Chapter 7. The Merits and Demerits of Internet Advertising
加島 卓; 辻 泉; 南田 勝也; 土橋 臣吾
Media society theory/Yuhikaku, 2018-09 - Olympic, Design, Marketing: The Emblem Scandal of the Tokyo 2020 Games
加島 卓
Kawade Shobo Shinsha Ltd., 2017-11 - Chapter 8.Moving Society with Connections;Last Chapter. New Expansion in Media Literacy
土橋 臣吾; 南田 勝也; 辻 泉; 木島 由晶; 加島 卓; 永井 純一
Sociology of Digital Media/Hokuju Publishing, 2017-10 - Society where everyone talks about advertising: Yukichi Amano and Ad Criticism
加島 卓; 斎藤 美奈子; 成田 龍一
1980s/Kawade Shobo Shinsha Ltd., 2016-02 - The Historical Sociology of Advertising Creators: The Fluctuation of the Individual and the Organization in Modern Japan
加島 卓
Serica Publishing, 2014-03 - Chapter 14. A huge exhibition space without any direct route
加島 卓; 近森 高明; 工藤 保則
The Sociology of Generic Cities/Houritsu Bunkasha, 2013-08 - The excesses of Christian Lassen: What can't art history write about?
加島 卓; 原田 裕規
What was Christian Lassen?/Film Art Ltd., 2013-06 - The Culture of Design
加島 卓
Introduction to the Sociology of Culture/Minerva Publishing, 2010-10 - A Study of the Art Univerisity in Japan; User-friendly Information Design
加島 卓; 遠藤 知巳
Flat Culture: Sociology of Modern Japan/Serica Publishing, 2010-10 - What is a Cultural Person?
加島 卓; 南後 由和
Tokyo Shoseki, 2010-08 - Writing About Advertising Creators
加島 卓
Introduction to Media Studies/Minerva Publishing, 2009-03
- 大阪万博とデザインの歴史社会学——専門家から市民参加へ
- Conference, etc.
- Planned obsolescence and digital media design.
加島 卓
Japan Society for Media Studies 2023 Spring Conference/2023-06-25 - Design history of Osaka Expo 1970/2025
加島 卓
'Japan' in World Expositions: an international comparative from the perspective of art and media./2022-12-17 - Housing development and suburban universities: the Aoyama Gakuin University Atsugi Campus in the context of declining birthrates and globalisation.
加島 卓
FD activities, Department of Media Studies, Faculty of Cultural and Social Studies, Tokai University./2022-12-14 - Planned obsolescence and sociological description.
加島 卓
95th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society/2022-11-12 - Groups on design and sociology: Atsushi Shimada, Hiroshi Kashiwagi, Institute for Socio-Information Studies, University of Tokyo.
加島 卓
Society for the Sociology of Culture/2022-09-24 - What is a design exhibition?
加島 卓
The Association for the Study of Cultural Resources/2021-07-18 - Local Community and Public Community of Book Shop in Japan
加島 卓
2021 Annual Conference, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2021-06-06 - The Way Creating and Using Designs: Work of Sender and Reciever in the Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem
加島 卓
The 67th Annual Conference, Kantoh Sociological Society/2019-06-09 - Advertising History of West Japan and Mannensha
加島 卓
The 36th research meeting, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2018-03-16 - The Sociology of the Olympics and the Urban Landscape
加島 卓
The 90th Annual Conference, Japan Sociological Society/2017-11-04 - The Sociology of the Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem
加島 卓
The 65th Annual Conference, Kantoh Sociological Society/2017-06-04 - Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem: Experts and Citizens in a Civic Participatory Society
加島 卓
2016 Annual Conference, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2016-06-18 - Understanding Design?:Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem
加島 卓
The 64th Annual Conference, Kantoh Sociological Society/2016-06-04 - 14th Encouragement Award (The Japan Sociological Society) Author's Comment
加島 卓
The 88th Annual Conference, Japan Sociological Society/2015-09-15 - Television Studies and Oral History
加島 卓
2012 Research meeting, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2012-12-01 - Historical Sociology of Individuals and Organizations in Modern Japan: The Advertising Creator as a Professionals
加島 卓
The 85th Annual Conference, Japan Sociological Society/2012-11-03 - Celebrity and Culture
加島 卓
2010 Research meeting, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2010 - The Sociology of Advertising Creators
加島 卓
The 82th Annual Conference, Japan Sociological Society/2009 - Sociology of Creators and Identity
加島 卓
The 55th Annual Conference, Kantoh Sociological Society/2007 - Advertising Creator as a Profession
加島 卓
The 38th Annual Conference, Japan Academy of Advertising/2007 - History and Sociology of Advertising Creators
加島 卓
2006 Annual Conference, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2006
- Planned obsolescence and digital media design.
- Teaching
2024-04 -- (current) 歴史社会学特別演習 筑波大学大学院 2024-04 -- (current) 歴史社会学 筑波大学大学院 2023-10 -- (current) Basic Sociology University of Tsukuba 2023-04 -- (current) Seminar of Sociology University of Tsukuba 2016-04 -- (current) Sociology of Design Waseda University 2013-04 -- (current) Sociology of Advertising Chuo University 2018-10 -- 2019-03 Sociology of Design University of Tokyo - Other educational activities
2019-10 -- 2020-03 世田谷市民大学「オリンピックとデザイン」講師 世田谷区 2003-04 -- 2007-03 世田谷市民大学「社会ゼミナール」講師補佐 世田谷区 - Talks
- Arts and culture and citizen participation in the workshop era.
加島 卓
Facilitator training project for the SDGs in culture and the arts/2022-12-11--2022-12-11 - Sociology of the Olympics and Ambush Marketing.
加島 卓
Olympics x Intellectual Property Rights - Who owns the Olympics?/2019-11-10--2019-11-10 - Society and design: Tokyo 2020 olympic games and emblem problem.
加島 卓
Arts management development project for socially oriented art./2018-06-18--2018-06-18 - Talk event of 'Olympic Design and Marketing: from emblem issues to open design'
加島 卓
- Arts and culture and citizen participation in the workshop era.
- Professional activities
2021-07 -- (current) 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会 ネットワーク社会研究部会委員 2019-06 -- 2023-05 Kantoh Sociological Society Board of directors 2023-02 -- 2023-03 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Study group on future design policies 2019-07 -- 2021-06 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会 理論研究部会幹事 2017-08 -- 2019-05 Kantoh Sociological Society Board of Editors 2016-04 -- 2019-03 Japan Sociological Society Board of Editors 2013-10 -- 2015-09 Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication Board of Editors 2013-04 -- 2017-03 Japan Television Artist Network Judging Committee - Message
305-8571 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1 筑波大学人文社会系
(Last updated: 2024-09-19)