Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Official title
Research keywords
qualitative research
Social problem
public participation
Media theory
Media Studies
History of Design
History of Advertising
industrial policy
Research projects
デザイン史研究の方法論の再構築:デザイナー・メーカー・ユーザーの三者関係から2024-04 -- 2028-03KASHIMA TakashiJSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2,860,000Yen
"Japan" at the World's Fair2018-04 -- 2023-03Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/Grants-in-Aid for Scirntific Research2,000,000Yen
The Historical Sociology of Advertising Creators: The Fluctuation of the Individual and the Organization in Modern Japan2014-04 -- 2015-03KASHIMA TakashiMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/Grants-in-Aid for Scirntific Research1,500,000Yen
The Sociology of Art Directors: Advertising Creativity as an Expert2009-04 -- 2010-03KASHIMA TakashiYoshida Hideo Memorial Foundation/The 43rd Research Grants500,000Yen
Historical Sociology of Advertising Creator in Modern Japan2007 -- 2008KASHIMA TakashiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows1,800,000Yen
Career history
2023-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Humanities and Social SciencesProfessor
2019-04 -- 2023-03University of TokaiSchool of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Media StudiesProfessor
2018-04 -- 2019-03University of TokaiSchool of Cultural and Social Studies, Department of Media StudiesAssociate Professor
2014-04 -- 2018-03Tokai UniversitySchool of Letters, Department of Media StudiesAssociate Professor
2010-04 -- 2014-03Tokai UniversitySchool of Letters, Department of Media StudiesAssociate Lecturer
2009-05 -- 2010-03The University of TokyoInterfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information StudiesAssitant professor
2007-04 -- 2009-03Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellowship for Young Scientists
Academic background
2006-04 -- 2009-03University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies 学際情報学専攻 博士課程
2003-04 -- 2006-03University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies 学際情報学専攻 修士課程
1994-04 -- 1998-03Komazawa University Faculty of Law Department of Political Science
2012-6-15Doctor (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)University of Tokyo
2006-3-31Master (Interdisciplinary Information Studies)University of Tokyo
Academic societies
2006-06 -- (current)Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication
2007-06 -- (current)Japan Sociological Society
2006-06 -- (current)Kantoh Sociological Society
Honors & Awards
2015-09The Japan Sociological Society 14th Encouragement AwardThe Historical Sociology of Advertising Creators: The Fluctuation of the Individual and the Organization in Modern Japan
20097th Takeo Award「デザインを語ることは不可能なのか」、『文字のデザイン、書体のフシギ』(左右社、2008年)所収
  • 書評:林凌著 『〈消費者〉の誕生 近代日本における消費者主権の系譜と新自由主義』
    加島 卓
    『社会学評論』/74(3)/pp.573-575, 2024-01
  • Communication systems theory and media studies: book review, Toshiki Sato, Communicative Systems in the Mass-media and Society: On the Autopoietic System Theory of Niklas Lumann
    加島 卓
    The Kanagawa University review/(103)/pp.168-169, 2023-07
  • Design History of Osaka Expo 1970/2025
    加島 卓
    「万国博覧会に見る「日本」——芸術・メディアの視点による国際比較」シンポジウム記録集/pp.26-33, 2023-03
  • Design history of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: Emblem Selection and Participatory Design
    Kashima Takashi
    The Review of Japanese Culture and Society/33/34/pp.55-67, 2022-12
  • Media History and the Historical Sociology of Media in Japan, 1990s-2010s. (English version)
    加島 卓
    The Bulletin of the School of Cultural and Social Studies Tokai University/(8)/pp.127-143, 2022-09
  • How Sociologists Face and Describe the Turning of Late Modernity: Towards Sociological Reconstructions of Neoliberalism(s)
    元森 絵里子; 加島 卓; 牧野 智和; 仁平 典宏
    The annual review of sociology : official journal of the Kantoh Sociological Society/(35)/pp.24-31, 2022-08
  • Tokyu Hands and Its Times
    加島 卓
    新潮社Foresight, 2022-05
  • 2025年大阪・関西ロゴマーク選考と市民参加
    加島 卓
    科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)「万国博覧会にみる『日本』——芸術・メディアの視点による国際比較」中間報告書/pp.30-40, 2022-03
  • Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem and Sociological Description : Focus on the Way of Making and Using Designs (English version)
    加島 卓
    The Bulletin of the School of Cultural and Social Studies Tokai University/(7)/pp.107-122, 2022-03
  • Review of the design of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games
    加島 卓
    Tokyo Art Beat, 2021-10
  • How Sociologists Face and Describe the Turning of Late Modernity : Workshop Technologies and Experts in Community Planning
    加島 卓; 元森 絵里子
    The annual review of sociology : official journal of the Kantoh Sociological Society/(34)/pp.29-36, 2021-08
  • Book Review: The Chinese Typewriter
    加島 卓
    Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 2021-07-10
  • City and Advertising
    加島 卓
    Urban Science Encyclopedia/pp.620-621, 2021
  • Kashiwa Sato: Sociology-Based Study of Design in Japan
    加島 卓
    Kashiwa Sato Exhibition (The National Art Center, Tokyo) Catalogue/pp.283-299, 2021-02
  • "Kashiwa Sato: Sociology-Based Study of Design in Japan" in Kashiwa Sato, eds. The National Art Center
    Kashima Takashi
    *EMPTY*/pp.340-357, 2021-02
  • Professional-Citizen Relations in Design Selection: Comparison of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo Logo Mark and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic
    加島 卓
    The Bulletin of the School of Cultural and Social Studies Tokai University/(5)/pp.1-22, 2021-02
  • Tztom Toda as an "Observer": How Design Becomes a Matter of Media Theory
    加島 卓
    Eureka/52(16)/pp.255-267, 2020-12
  • Book Review: Advertising Criticism in the 1950s
    加島 卓
    Toshi Shinbun/(3460), 2020-08
  • Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem and Sociological Description: Focus on the Way of Creating and Using Designs
    加島 卓
    The Annual Review of Sociology/(33)/pp.14-23, 2020-07
  • Two Design Surveys: Architecture and Product Design after Modernologio (Kon Waziro's lifestyle observation)
    加島 卓
    Gendai Shisou (Contemporary Philosophy)/47(9)/pp.182-190, 2019-07
  • Personal Computer and Planned Obsolescence
    加島 卓
    Shi Shi Shi Shi/(2)/pp.168-169, 2019-01
  • Media History and Historical Sociology of Media
    加島 卓
    Journal of mass communication studies/(93)/pp.61-74, 2018-07
  • Book Review: How to handle the victim's file
    加島 卓
    Journal of Sociology of Warfare/2/pp.271-276, 2018-06
  • Oral History as a Method for the Studies in Advertising
    加島 卓
    Media history/43/pp.36-52, 2018-03
  • Book Review: The Sociology of Visual Culture
    加島 卓
    The window of author's study/(650)/pp.65-69, 2017-03
  • more...
  • 大阪万博とデザインの歴史社会学——専門家から市民参加へ
    加島 卓
    万国博覧会と「日本」: アートとメディアの視点から/勁草書房/pp.77-101, 2024-03
  • デザイン批評と日本の社会学——柏木博を中心に
    加島 卓
    岩波講座 社会学 12 文化・メディア/岩波書店, 2023-12
  • 外食:セルフサービスの時間と空間
    加島 卓
    [新版]現代文化への社会学:90年代と「いま」を比較する/北樹出版/pp.169-178, 2023-11
  • 書店:邪道書店の平成史
    加島 卓
    [新版]現代文化への社会学:90年代と「いま」を比較する/北樹出版/pp.144-154, 2023-11
  • Chapter 3. Is it impossible to talk about design?
    祖父江 慎; 藤田 重信; 加島 卓; 鈴木 広光
    The Character Design and the Wonder of Typeface/Sayusha, 2008-05
  • Sociology to Contemporary Culture: Comparing the 90s to the present
    高野 光平; 加島 卓; 飯田 豊
    Hokuju Publishing, 2018-11
  • "This Excess Called Lassen: What is it that Art History Cannot Write?", in Why Art Criticism? A Reader, eds. Beate Sontgen and Julia Voss
    Kashima Takashi
    Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2022-02-01
  • 現代文化への社会学:90年代と「いま」を比較する
    加島 卓; 高野光平; 飯田豊
    北樹出版, 2018-11
  • Chapter 7. The Merits and Demerits of Internet Advertising
    加島 卓; 辻 泉; 南田 勝也; 土橋 臣吾
    Media society theory/Yuhikaku, 2018-09
  • Olympic, Design, Marketing: The Emblem Scandal of the Tokyo 2020 Games
    加島 卓
    Kawade Shobo Shinsha Ltd., 2017-11
  • Chapter 8.Moving Society with Connections;Last Chapter. New Expansion in Media Literacy
    土橋 臣吾; 南田 勝也; 辻 泉; 木島 由晶; 加島 卓; 永井 純一
    Sociology of Digital Media/Hokuju Publishing, 2017-10
  • Society where everyone talks about advertising: Yukichi Amano and Ad Criticism
    加島 卓; 斎藤 美奈子; 成田 龍一
    1980s/Kawade Shobo Shinsha Ltd., 2016-02
  • The Historical Sociology of Advertising Creators: The Fluctuation of the Individual and the Organization in Modern Japan
    加島 卓
    Serica Publishing, 2014-03
  • Chapter 14. A huge exhibition space without any direct route
    加島 卓; 近森 高明; 工藤 保則
    The Sociology of Generic Cities/Houritsu Bunkasha, 2013-08
  • The excesses of Christian Lassen: What can't art history write about?
    加島 卓; 原田 裕規
    What was Christian Lassen?/Film Art Ltd., 2013-06
  • The Culture of Design
    加島 卓
    Introduction to the Sociology of Culture/Minerva Publishing, 2010-10
  • A Study of the Art Univerisity in Japan; User-friendly Information Design
    加島 卓; 遠藤 知巳
    Flat Culture: Sociology of Modern Japan/Serica Publishing, 2010-10
  • What is a Cultural Person?
    加島 卓; 南後 由和
    Tokyo Shoseki, 2010-08
  • Writing About Advertising Creators
    加島 卓
    Introduction to Media Studies/Minerva Publishing, 2009-03
Conference, etc.
  • Planned obsolescence and digital media design.
    加島 卓
    Japan Society for Media Studies 2023 Spring Conference/2023-06-25
  • Design history of Osaka Expo 1970/2025
    加島 卓
    'Japan' in World Expositions: an international comparative from the perspective of art and media./2022-12-17
  • Housing development and suburban universities: the Aoyama Gakuin University Atsugi Campus in the context of declining birthrates and globalisation.
    加島 卓
    FD activities, Department of Media Studies, Faculty of Cultural and Social Studies, Tokai University./2022-12-14
  • Planned obsolescence and sociological description.
    加島 卓
    95th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society/2022-11-12
  • Groups on design and sociology: Atsushi Shimada, Hiroshi Kashiwagi, Institute for Socio-Information Studies, University of Tokyo.
    加島 卓
    Society for the Sociology of Culture/2022-09-24
  • What is a design exhibition?
    加島 卓
    The Association for the Study of Cultural Resources/2021-07-18
  • Local Community and Public Community of Book Shop in Japan
    加島 卓
    2021 Annual Conference, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2021-06-06
  • The Way Creating and Using Designs: Work of Sender and Reciever in the Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem
    加島 卓
    The 67th Annual Conference, Kantoh Sociological Society/2019-06-09
  • Advertising History of West Japan and Mannensha
    加島 卓
    The 36th research meeting, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2018-03-16
  • The Sociology of the Olympics and the Urban Landscape
    加島 卓
    The 90th Annual Conference, Japan Sociological Society/2017-11-04
  • The Sociology of the Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem
    加島 卓
    The 65th Annual Conference, Kantoh Sociological Society/2017-06-04
  • Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem: Experts and Citizens in a Civic Participatory Society
    加島 卓
    2016 Annual Conference, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2016-06-18
  • Understanding Design?:Tokyo 2020 Emblem Problem
    加島 卓
    The 64th Annual Conference, Kantoh Sociological Society/2016-06-04
  • 14th Encouragement Award (The Japan Sociological Society) Author's Comment
    加島 卓
    The 88th Annual Conference, Japan Sociological Society/2015-09-15
  • Television Studies and Oral History
    加島 卓
    2012 Research meeting, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2012-12-01
  • Historical Sociology of Individuals and Organizations in Modern Japan: The Advertising Creator as a Professionals
    加島 卓
    The 85th Annual Conference, Japan Sociological Society/2012-11-03
  • Celebrity and Culture
    加島 卓
    2010 Research meeting, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2010
  • The Sociology of Advertising Creators
    加島 卓
    The 82th Annual Conference, Japan Sociological Society/2009
  • Sociology of Creators and Identity
    加島 卓
    The 55th Annual Conference, Kantoh Sociological Society/2007
  • Advertising Creator as a Profession
    加島 卓
    The 38th Annual Conference, Japan Academy of Advertising/2007
  • History and Sociology of Advertising Creators
    加島 卓
    2006 Annual Conference, Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication/2006
2024-04 -- (current)歴史社会学特別演習筑波大学大学院
2024-04 -- (current)歴史社会学筑波大学大学院
2023-10 -- (current)Basic SociologyUniversity of Tsukuba
2023-04 -- (current)Seminar of SociologyUniversity of Tsukuba
2016-04 -- (current)Sociology of DesignWaseda University
2013-04 -- (current)Sociology of AdvertisingChuo University
2018-10 -- 2019-03Sociology of DesignUniversity of Tokyo
Other educational activities
2019-10 -- 2020-03世田谷市民大学「オリンピックとデザイン」講師世田谷区
2003-04 -- 2007-03世田谷市民大学「社会ゼミナール」講師補佐世田谷区
  • Arts and culture and citizen participation in the workshop era.
    加島 卓
    Facilitator training project for the SDGs in culture and the arts/2022-12-11--2022-12-11
  • Sociology of the Olympics and Ambush Marketing.
    加島 卓
    Olympics x Intellectual Property Rights - Who owns the Olympics?/2019-11-10--2019-11-10
  • Society and design: Tokyo 2020 olympic games and emblem problem.
    加島 卓
    Arts management development project for socially oriented art./2018-06-18--2018-06-18
  • Talk event of 'Olympic Design and Marketing: from emblem issues to open design'
    加島 卓
Professional activities
2021-07 -- (current)日本マス・コミュニケーション学会ネットワーク社会研究部会委員
2019-06 -- 2023-05Kantoh Sociological SocietyBoard of directors
2023-02 -- 2023-03Ministry of Economy, Trade and IndustryStudy group on future design policies
2019-07 -- 2021-06日本マス・コミュニケーション学会理論研究部会幹事
2017-08 -- 2019-05Kantoh Sociological SocietyBoard of Editors
2016-04 -- 2019-03Japan Sociological SocietyBoard of Editors
2013-10 -- 2015-09Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass CommunicationBoard of Editors
2013-04 -- 2017-03Japan Television Artist NetworkJudging Committee
305-8571 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1 筑波大学人文社会系

(Last updated: 2024-09-19)