ENAMI Shinichi
- Conference, etc.
- 大気圏マルチフェーズ化学
江波 進一
京都大学生存圏研究所大気圏セミナー/2019-07-12 - Microheterogeneous Water Surfaces
江波 進一
IMS Symposium “Water at Interfaces 2018”/2019-01 - Chemical Reactions at Microheterogeneous Aerosol Surfaces
江波 進一
1st International Symposium on Aerosol Chemistry and Related Reaction Dynamics/2018-12 - 「不均一性」ということ
江波 進一
第4回さきがけ発展研究会/2018-11 - Reactions of terpene Criegee intermediates with water, acids, alcohols, and saccharides at gas-liquid interfaces
江波 進一
The 22nd East Asian Workshop on Chemical Dynamics/2018-10 - Interfacial Criegee Chemistry in the Atmosphere
江波 進一
iCACGP-IGAC2018/2018-09 - Lung surface chemistry: Why air pollutants are "toxic"?
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Tsukuba Global Science Week 2018/2018-09 - 生体内における不均一性と界面反応
江波 進一
第8回日本分子状水素医学生物学会/2018-08 - 新規質量分析法を用いた新しい界面科学の探求
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Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics 2018/2018-05 - 環境問題の解決に向けた分子科学的アプローチ
江波 進一
第67回中国四国産学連携化学フォーラム/2018-04 - Mass spectrometric measurements of fast radical reactions at the air-water interface
江波 進一
日本化学会第98春季年会アジア国際シンポジウム/2018-03 - In-situ mass spectrometric monitoring of reactions at the gas-liquid interface
江波 進一
Pittcon 2018/2018-02 - 新規質量分析法を用いた界面科学の探求
江波 進一
京都大学化学研究所セミナー/2017-11 - 命が創る環境、環境が創る命
江波 進一
生循環学第10回研究会/2017-11 - Interfacial reactions of Criegee intermediates with water, acids, alcohols and sugars
江波 進一
3rd International Workshop on Heterogeneous Kinetics Related to Atmospheric Aerosols/2017-10 - 新規質量分析法を用いた不均一ラジカル反応機構の研究
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第11回分子科学討論会/2017-09 - Reactions of Criegee intermediates at gas-aqueous interfaces
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34th International Symposium on Free Radicals/2017-08 - Reactions of Criegee intermediates at the gas-liquid interface
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254th ACS National Meeting/2017-08 - Experimental study on the reactions of Criegee intermediates at the gas-liquid interface
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33rd Symposium on Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics/2017-06 - Atmospheric intermediates at the air-water interface
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The 1st Workshop on Physical Chemistry in the Atmosphere/2017-03 - Heterogeneous Reactions of Atmospheric Radical/Atom with Aqueous Species
江波 進一
2nd International Workshop on Heterogeneous Kinetics Related to Atmospheric Aerosols/2016-11 - Radical chemistry at aqueous interfaces
江波 進一
平成28年度化学系学協会東北大会/2016-09 - In-situ mass spectrometric detection of radical intermediates at the air-water interface
江波 進一
Pacifichem2015/2015-12-19 - Reactions of reactive oxygen species with lung antioxidants at the air-water interface
江波 進一
Physicochemical properties of atmospheric aerosols and their effects on air quality and public health/2015-11-25 - Elucidating the photochemical aging mechanism of aqueous organic aerosols
江波 進一
The 13th international conference on the Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality/2015-11-11 - more...
- 大気圏マルチフェーズ化学