EMOTO Kazuma

Researcher's full information

Research projects
磁気ノズルスラスタにおける中性粒子流れとエネルギー輸送の数値解析2022-04 -- 2023-03Kazuma EmotoInformation Technology Center, University of Tokyo/若手・女性利用者推薦
Physics of energy transportation and momentum conversion on moving from electron heating to magnetic nozzle acceleration2021-04 -- 2023-03Kazuma EmotoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Scientists1,710,000Yen
Large-scale particle-in-cell simulations in low-temperature magnetized plasma thrusters2022-04 -- 2022-10Kazuma Emoto; Yusuke YamashitaHigh-Performance Computing Infrastructure (HPCI)/Fugaku Trial for General Access (first touch option)
Kinetic Analysis of Thrust Generation and Axial Momentum Gain in Magnetic Nozzle Acceleration2022-06 -- 2022-06Kazuma EmotoTEPCO Memorial Foundation/国際技術交流援助200,000Yen
Vector resolved energy fluxes and collisional energy losses in magnetic nozzle radiofrequency plasma thrusters2022-01 -- 2022-01Kazuma EmotoYokohama National University/2021年度査読付国際ジャーナル論文投稿支援事業200,000Yen
Fully kinetic simulations of a magnetic nozzle radiofrequency plasma thruster using an open axial boundary condition2021-06 -- 2021-06Kazuma EmotoThe Murata Science Foundation/海外派遣援助200,000Yen
Investigation of Momentum Flux Lost to a Lateral Wall in an Electrodeless RF Plasma Thruster2021-03 -- 2021-03Kazuma EmotoSociety for Promotion of Space Science/国際学会出席旅費支援11,000Yen
Investigation of the electromagnetic force and momentum gain in a magnetic nozzle plasma thruster2021-02 -- 2021-02Kazuma EmotoYokohama National University/2020年度国際学術交流奨励事業(後期)30,000Yen
Numerical Investigation of Energy Loss in a Magnetic Nozzle Thruster2021-02 -- 2021-02Kazuma EmotoYokohama National University/2020年度国際学術交流奨励事業(後期)30,000Yen
教育充実援助事業(学会費等支援)2021-01 -- 2021-01Kazuma EmotoYokohama Kogyokai/7,000Yen