Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Official title
Research keywords
Japanese language pedagogy
Japanese language education
Japanese language studies
Applied linguistics
Corpus Linguistics
Japanese language education
Japanese language education
Language Policy
Research projects
Development of criteria for matching learners to the lexical level of texts: An application to the teaching of Japanese as a first and a second language2023-04 -- 2028-03松下 達彦; 柏野 和佳子; 中俣 尚己; 橋本 直幸; 松田 真希子; 田中 祐輔; 石黒 圭; 河内 昭浩; 田中 牧郎; 本多 由美子; 小森 和子; 岩下 真澄; 桜木 ともみ; 水本 篤Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research45,890,000Yen
帰国・外国人児童のための国語教科書コーパス開発とJSL語彙シラバスの実証的研究2022-04 -- 2027-03田中 祐輔日本学術振興会/科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究(C))4,160,000Yen
Empirical research on a language support system for Japanese refugee children using ICT - Through the development of application-based teaching materials for domestic and overseas primary educational institutions -2024-04 -- 2025-03Yusuke TANAKAI-O DATA FOUNDATION/第7回研究開発助成1,800,000Yen
帰国・外国人児童日本語支援プログラムに関する総合的研究―JSL教科学習能力診断テストとモジュール型オンデマンド映像教材の開発と実践―2022-04 -- 2024-03Yusuke TANAKA公益財団法人博報堂教育財団/第17回児童教育実践についての研究助成3,000,000Yen
留学生就職支援を目的とするICTを用いたビジネス日本語教育の実証的研究2022-04 -- 2024-03Yusuke TANAKA青山学院大学総合研究所/2022年度研究ユニット2,625,000Yen
An Empirical Study of Japanese Language Resource Development for JSL Children to Contribute towards a Multicultural Society2022-04 -- 2024-03Yusuke TANAKA青山学院大学総合研究所/2022年度SDGs関連研究補助制度600,000Yen
15業種における場面別ビジネス日本語表現データベースの作成と定量分析―ビジネス日本語コミュニケーション能力向上に資する言語資源開発を目指して―2021-04 -- 2023-03Yusuke TANAKA公益財団法人 日本漢字能力検定協会/漢字・日本語教育研究助成制度500,000Yen
A Modern History of the Human and Intellectual Exchange over the Japanese Language Education among Japan, the U.S. and China that Played an Active Role in the Understanding of Japan2018-04 -- 2022-03TANAKA YusukeJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant in Aid for Scientitific Research (Young researcher)2,600,000Yen
The Role of University Networks in Student Mobility in Asia and the Pacific – Aiming to Broaden the Impact of UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific) –2017-04 -- 2022-03高橋 一男; 堀田 泰司; 芦沢 真五; 北村 友人; 黒田 一雄; 廣里 恭史; 小幡 浩司; 新田 功; 太田 浩; 関山 健; 花田 真吾; 小早川 裕子; 水松 巳奈; 田中 祐輔Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research40,820,000Yen
帰国・外国人児童のためのJSL語彙教育に関する実践的研究―“つながる学習”可能とする共生型小学校国語教育のためのアプリケーション教材開発―2019-08 -- 2021-03Yusuke TANAKA公益財団法人博報堂教育財団/児童教育実践についての研究助成(継続助成)3,000,000Yen
Career history
2024-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Humanities and Social SciencesProfessor
2023-09 -- (current)National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics多言語・多文化社会における言語問題に関する研究共同研究プロジェクト・プロジェクト研究員
2022-04 -- (current)National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics大規模日常会話コーパスに基づく話し言葉の多角的研究Project Researcher
2017-10 -- 2022-03National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsCollaborative Research ProjectsProject Researcher
2021-04 -- 2024-03Aoyama Gakuin UniversityCollege of Literature Department of Japanese Language and LiteratureAssociate Professor
2024-08 -- 2024-09Taiwan UniversityVisiting Scholar
2022-03 -- 2022-06Beijing Center for Japanese Studies日本研究専門家
2019-03 -- 2019-04Université de StrasbourgVisiting Professor
2020-09 -- 2024-03College of Arts and Sciences, University of TokyoJapanese DepartmentPart-time lecture
2016-04 -- 2024-03Waseda University日本語教育研究科非常勤講師
Academic background
2003-04 -- 2007-03University of Tsukuba 第二学群 日本語・日本文化学類
2007-04 -- 2009-03Waseda University Graduate School of Applied Linguistics Master’s Program in Japanese Language Education
2009-04 -- 2013-03Waseda University Graduate School of Applied Linguistics PhD in Japanese Language Education
2013-02-19Doctor of Philosophy in Japanese Applied LinguisticsWaseda University
Licenses and qualifications
2006-12Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test
2016-8Professional Development for University Academic Staff (English Medium Instruction)
2017-9Web UI/UX Designer Course Completion
2018-1Drone Course Entry Program Completion
2018-1Drone Course JUIDA Licensing Program Completion
Academic societies
-- (current)National Association of Japanese Language Teaching
Honors & Awards
2023-10Good Design Award『日本語で考えたくなる科学の問い』(凡人社)による
2023-02早稲田大学ティーチングアワード総長賞『日本語教育学特殊研究 日本語授業デザイン』による
2021-05第9回WASEDA e-Teaching Award Good Practice賞『オンデマンドとリアルタイムを組み合わせた双方向的ブレンド型講義』による
2020-08Kids Design Award『帰国・外国人児童のためのJSL国語教科書語彙シラバスデータベースCOSMOS』による
2019-08The 13th Hakuho Research Grant for Child Education, Outstanding Research Award『帰国・外国人児童生徒のためのJSL国語教科書語彙シラバスの研究 ―グローバル社会における共生型小学校国語科教育をめざして―』による
2019-05Encouragement Award of The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language日本語教育に関する業績・成果等による
2018-08Waseda University Presidential Teaching Award『教材・教具論』による
2016-0632nd The MASAYOSHI OHIRA Memorial Prize the Special Prize『現代中国の日本語教育史』(国書刊行会)による
2009-03Graduates chief representative of Graduate School of Japanese Applied Linguistics, Wasoeda University
  • 木村宗男と平和のための日本語教育
    田中 祐輔
    日本語ジャーナル, 2024-05
  • 日本語学会創立八〇周年記念大会国際シンポジウム
    田中 祐輔
    『日本語学』/43(3)/pp.110-111, 2024-09
  • 共創のための日本語―担い手の多様化がもたらす双方向性と融合性―
    田中 祐輔
    文学・語学, 2024-04
  • Thinking about Japanese language education for foreign children - The world of words in Japanese language textbooks (Part 1) -
    田中 祐輔
    KOKUGO STUDIO, 2024-01-10
  • On various subjects with teachers and students – past, present and future of Japanese language teaching materials (1st volume)
    田中 祐輔
    “Monthly Japanese”, December 2010 (ALC)/23(12)/pp.36-38, 2010-12
  • On various subjects with teachers and students – past, present and future of Japanese language teaching materials (2nd volume)
    田中 祐輔
    “Monthly Japanese”, January 2011 (ALC)/24(1)/pp.38-40, 2011-01
  • The 10 year Japanese language boom in China - From a survey on the situation of post-80s and post-90s generation Japanese language learners
    田中 祐輔
    Voices (The Tokyo Foundation), 2011-03
  • The Japanese language as learned by Chinese learners of Japanese
    田中 祐輔
    Voices (The Tokyo Foundation), 2012-06
  • A Japanese language education practice report based on “The objective of foreign language study”
    田中 祐輔
    “Meyasu” practice support (web), The Japan Forum, 2014-04
  • Book review: Tomitarou KARASAWA, A History of Textbooks
    田中 祐輔
    『日本語/日本語教育研究』/6/pp.233-234, 2015-05
  • Book review: Teruyuki Hirota, Historical Sociology of Education Discourse, University of Nagoya Press
    田中 祐輔
    『日本語/日本語教育研究』/7/pp.251-252, 2015-09
  • Excellent Library that Felt Thoughtfulness
    田中 祐輔
    Shizuoka Shimbun, 2016-03
  • Book Review: Hiroyuki Honda al., A Study of Japanese Language Education of the Koreans in China in the Period from the Cultural Revolution to Reform and Opening-up Policy
    田中 祐輔
    Wanda Studies in Japanese Language Education/(20)/pp.105-108, 2016-06
  • Data: The Vocabulary Syllabus Based on the Basic Integrated Textbooks
    田中 祐輔
    The Vocabulary Syllabus with a Full Understanding of Needs (Kurosio Publishiers), 2016-10
  • The Database of the Japanese Teaching Materials List
    田中 祐輔
    A New Viewpoint on the Study of Japanese Teaching Materials (Kurosio Publishiers), 2016-10
  • Image the Future from a 100 Years’ of the History of Japanese Language Education
    田中 祐輔
    『日本語教育 学のデザイン その地と図を描く(凡人社)』, 2016-12
  • Language Policy and I
    田中 祐輔
    Newsletter of Japanese Association for Language Policy/(25)/pp.8-10, 2017-03
  • The Editor's Note: Studies of Language and Cultural Education 15
    田中 祐輔
    Studies of Language and Cultural Education/15/pp.221-221, 2017-12
  • 『東洋大学ビジネス日本語能力テスト模擬問題2018ー聴解・聴読解・読解ー』
    田中 祐輔
    東洋大学国際教育センター, 2018
  • [Book Review] YAMAZAKI Makoto: Lexical Cohesion in Japanese Texts: A Quantitative Approach
    田中 祐輔
    Studies in the Japanese Language/14(2)/pp.134-140, 2018-04
  • Introduction to Lecture- "Theory of Textbook and Teaching Material" (Graduate School of Applied Linguistics, Waseda University)
    田中 祐輔
    Waseda Course Channel, 2018-10
  • A Course Aims at Being Utilized in Graduated Studies and Japanese-Language Education Practice
    田中 祐輔
    Good Practice & Tips, 2018-11
  • 『東洋大学ビジネス日本語能力テスト模擬問題2019ー聴解・聴読解・読解ー』
    田中 祐輔
    *EMPTY*, 2019
  • Oral History Archive: 100 Years History of Japanese Language Education
    田中 祐輔
    一般社団法人尚友倶楽部平成31年度「日本語を通じて日本文化に対する内外の理解を促進する」助成, 2020-02
  • Multicultural Symbiosis as "One Team" which Created by Michael Leitch's Japanese
    田中 祐輔
    日本語ジャーナル:日本語を「知る」「教える」, 2020-03
  • more...
  • Japanese reading practice – Japan as seen from its buzzwords
    日语阅读训练:通过流行语看日本编委会; 吉岡 英幸; 田中 祐輔
    Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (China), 2012
  • Reading practice: Japanese wise sayings vol. 1 (for intermediate and advanced learners)
    趙 南星; 金 義泳; 田中 祐輔; 飯塚 知子; 川端 祐一郎
    Darakwon, 2008
  • Reading practice: Japanese wise sayings vol. 2 (for advanced learners)
    趙 南星; 金 義泳; 田中 祐輔; 飯塚 知子; 川端 祐一郎
    Darakwon, 2008
  • Chap.9 The Grammar Syllabus Based on the Basic Integrated Textbooks
    山内 博之; 庵 功雄; 田中 祐輔
    The Grammar Syllabus Based on Data/Kurosio Publishiers/p.167-192, 2015-06-10
  • A History of Japanese Language Education in Contemporary China: Graduate-Level Instruction and University Textbooks
    田中 祐輔
    Kokushokankokai Inc., 2015-10
  • Chap.1 The Vocabulary Syllabus Based on the Basic Integrated Textbooks
    山内 博之; 森 篤嗣; 田中 祐輔
    The Vocabulary Syllabus with a Full Understanding of Needs/Kurosio Publishers, 2016-10-20
  • Introduction: The Database of the Japanese Teaching Materials List
    吉岡 英幸; 本田 弘之; 田中 祐輔
    A New Viewpoint on the Study of Japanese Teaching Materials/Kurosio Publishers, 2016-10-20
  • Think about the History of Japanese Education from the Story of the Parties
    川上 郁雄; 田中 祐輔
    Public Japanese Language Education: Japanese Language Education to Create a Society/Kurosio Publishers, 2017-05
  • Chap.2 Analyses of Japanese Textbooks
    森 篤嗣; 田中 祐輔; 中俣 尚己; 奥野 由紀子; 建石 始; 岩田 一成
    Application of Corpus into Japanese Language Education (Book 5 of Series Corpus Studies of Japanese)/Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd., 2018-10
  • Chap.5 The History of Japanese Textbooks Creating Process Focused on Vocabularies
    山内 博之; 岩田 一成; 田中 祐輔
    Teaching Materials Creating Based on Vocabularies/Kurosio Publishers, 2018-10
  • (Advanced Japanese Textbook) Understand Japan, Understand Japanese: 24 Book Review Essays for the Best Sellers
    田中 祐輔; 川端 祐一郎; 肖 輝; 張 玥
    BONJINSHA Inc., 2019-03-06
  • Chapter 3. Standard of Japanese Language Education and “Standard of Foreign Language Learning"
    田原 憲和; 田中 祐輔
    Aiming for Foreign Language Learning Connected with Other People: An Introduction and Utilization of “Standard of Foreign Language Learning"/SANSHUSHA Publishing Co., Ltd./p.58-78, 2019-04-25
  • Section1_Society, Culture, Region
    アルク出版編集部; 田中 祐輔
    Book for Passing Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test 2020/ALC PRESS INC./p.46-57, 2019-12-19
  • 言語・漢字指導の方法 : 確かな定着と活用のために
    光村図書出版; 阿辻 哲次; 棚橋 尚子; 森 篤嗣; 森山 卓郎; 田中 祐輔
    光村図書出版, 2020-02
  • 区分1 社会・文化・地域
    アルク出版編集部; 田中 祐輔
    【音声DL付】令和3年度 日本語教育能力検定試験 合格するための本 (アルク地球人ムック)/アルク, 2020-12-16
  • 现代中国日语教育史:大学专业教育与教材
    田中 祐輔; 徐 一平; 費 暁東; 朱 桂栄
    外语教学与研究出版社, 2021-02-28
  • 文字・語彙・文法を学ぶための実践練習ノート (『日本がわかる、日本語がわかる』準拠)
    田中 祐輔; 牛窪 隆太; 陳 秀茵; 森 篤嗣; 小口 悠紀子; 張 玥
    凡人社, 2021-04-25
  • BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test Skill Improvement Workbook:Reading Comprehension
    田中 祐輔; 牛窪 隆太; 陳 秀茵; アントン アンドレエフ
    Global education forum, 2021-05-22
  • 第15章 日本語教育の歴史的データとしての教科書―戦後日本語教科書はいかなることばを教えてきたのか―
    李 在鎬; 田中 祐輔
    Data Science × Japanese Language Education/ひつじ書房/p.288-307, 2021-11-30
  • 日本語で考えたくなる科学の問い-文化と社会篇-: 上級日本語教材 「調べる・考える・伝える」ための探求・活動型日本語教科書 (上)
    田中 祐輔; 川端 祐一郎; 牛窪 隆太; 陳 秀茵; 張 玥; 庵 功雄; 前田 直子
    凡人社, 2022-04-11
  • 《書き込み式》表現するための語彙文法練習ノート〈上〉 ―語/コロケーション/慣用句/表現文型―
    田中 祐輔; 陳 秀茵; 牛窪 隆太; 森 篤嗣; 小口 悠紀子; 張 玥
    凡人社, 2022-05-26
  • 1.社会・文化・地域
    アルク日本語編集部; 田中 祐輔
    【音声DL付】日本語教育能力検定試験 対策問題集/アルク/p.11-32, 2022-08-30
  • 第3部日本語学習者とのやりとりから(「どうぞよろしく。」)
    田中 祐輔
    一語から始める小さな日本語学/ひつじ書房/p.105-118, 2022-08-30
  • 日本語で考えたくなる科学の問い: 上級日本語教材 「調べる・考える・伝える」ための探求・活動型日本語教科書 (下)
    田中 祐輔; 川端 祐一郎; 牛窪 隆太; 陳 秀茵; 張 玥; 庵 功雄; 前田 直子
    凡人社, 2022-10-04
  • 《書き込み式》表現するための語彙文法練習ノート〈下〉 ―語/コロケーション/慣用句/表現文型―
    田中 祐輔; 陳 秀茵; 牛窪 隆太; 森 篤嗣; 小西 円; 張 玥
    凡人社, 2022-10-19
  • more...
Conference, etc.
  • 日本語学会創立80周年記念シンポジウム『世界の日本語学』
    田中 祐輔
  • An inquiry into Matsumoto Kamejiro’s Japanese language teaching materials – the shift from kokugo education to Japanese as a foreign language education
    田中 祐輔
    Waseda University’s Japanese Language Education Fall Conference/2007-10-13
  • Kamejiro Matsumoto and Chimatarou Okamoto’s Japanese language teaching materials and the Kokugo rationalization theory – about the internationalization of Japanese language education and nationalism
    田中 祐輔
    Waseda University’s Japanese Language Education Spring Conference/2009-03-28
  • Japanese language education in the classroom – observations from my practice and research at Fudan University
    田中 祐輔
    Fall Symposium organized by Waseda University’s Japanese Language Education Research Center/2009-09-12
  • The development of Japanese language teaching materials from the students’ point of view and designing an activity-supporting system – the teaching materials development project implemented in the Intensive Japanese Reading class (Comprehensive Japanese)
    田中 祐輔
    2010 International Japanese Language Education Conference (ICJLE)/2010-08-01
  • Development of learner-centered Japanese language teaching materials based on the diversification of learners’ needs – a query into “study” and the efficacy of the continuous feedback loop
    田中 祐輔
    2010 Conference organized by the Beijing Center for Japanese Studies/2010-10-17
  • Contemporary history of the need theory in Japanese pedagogy - a discourse analysis of the academic journal “Japanese language education” (vol. 1 to 147)
    田中 祐輔
    2011 International Japanese Language Education Conference/2011-08-21
  • Current issues arising from the content similarities found in Japanese high-school textbooks and Japanese language textbooks used in Chinese universities
    田中 祐輔
    2011 Fall Conference organized by The Society for Teaching Japanese Language as a Foreign Language/2011-10-23
  • A comparative survey regarding literary texts and authors included in Japanese language textbooks used in Chinese universities after the 1960s and kokugo textbooks used in Japanese high-schools
    田中 祐輔
    International Conference on Japanese Language Education Nagoya 2012/2012-08-19
  • Contemporary history of Japanese language textbooks used in Chinese universities – the educational ideological role assigned by kokugo education as seen in Japanese language textbooks
    田中 祐輔
    The 64th Symposium organized by The Sinological Society of Japan/2012-10-07
  • What shaped “Japanese language education”? From the point of view of national policy, race theory and educational ideology
    田中 祐輔; 田中 里奈; 山本 冴里; 古屋 憲章
    2013 Spring Conference organized by The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language/2013-05-25
  • How are Japanese kokugo textbooks used in Japanese language education at Chinese universities? – a comparative analysis of the contents of teaching as observed in textbook lesson questions
    田中 祐輔
    The 107th Symposium organized by The Association for the Study of Japanese Language and Literature/2013-06-02
  • Japanese language education as a specialization at Chinese universities and activities of the Japanese language teachers dispatched to China by the Board of Education – from the survey released by the Kanagawa Board of Education
    田中 祐輔
    The Society for Historical Study on Japanese Language Education/2013-09-21
  • What can be said about the goals of postwar Japanese language education? – A discussion about language and literature education/JFL and kokugo education in Japanese language specializations at Chinese universities
    田中 祐輔
    Fall session of the Human Linguistics Circle/2013-11-24
  • The grammatical syllabus as seen from existing textbooks
    田中 祐輔
    NINJAL Collaborative Research Symposium - How to design a syllabus scientifically – suggestions for designing a multifaceted grammatical syllabus for Japanese language education,/2014-02-22
  • Japanese language textbooks – past and future – analysis, selection and practical use
    田中 祐輔
    training course for Japanese language volunteers/2014-03-29
  • The vocabulary syllabus as seen from the existing textbooks
    田中 祐輔
    NINJAL Research presentation - How to design a syllabus scientifically – suggestions for designing a multifaceted grammatical syllabus for Japanese language education/2014-06-28
  • Book review: Tomitarou KARASAWA, A History of Textbooks
    田中 祐輔
  • An Introduction to the Methods of textbook analysis: From the Point of View of Grammar, Vocabulary and Text
    田中 祐輔
  • Book review: Teruyuki Hirota, Historical Sociology of Education Discourse, University of Nagoya Press
    田中 祐輔
  • How to study in Nikken
    田中 祐輔
    Career seminar of Nikken/2016-01-14
  • Practice of the "Guideline of Foreign Language Learning" in Japanese classes: Background, Methods, Content
    田中 祐輔
  • Book review: Takashi Mikurie, Oral History
    田中 祐輔
  • The "Guideline of Foreign Language Learning" in Japanese Classes
    田中 祐輔
  • The Features of Japanese Textbooks at Chinese Universities and Their Roles in the Interactive Understanding between Japan and China: Analyzing from both Quantitative and Qualitative Research
    田中 祐輔
  • more...
  • Japanese reading practice – Japan as seen from its buzzwords (audio edition)
    田中 祐輔
  • オーディオブック『日本語で考えたくなる科学の問い〔文化と社会篇〕』準拠音声教材
    国際教育フォーラム; 田中 祐輔
  • オーディオブック『日本語で考えたくなる科学の問い〔心と身体篇〕』準拠音声教材
    国際教育フォーラム; 田中 祐輔
  • Podcast materials for listening; BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test Skill Improvement Workbook:Listening comprehension/Listening reading edition
    田中 祐輔; 牛窪 隆太; 陳 秀茵; アントン アンドレエフ; 中野 てい子
2024-04 -- 2024-08Integrated Seminar I-bUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Project Seminar (2A)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Integrated Seminar II-bUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-06Studies in Japanese Language Education for Non-Native IAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Research Laboratory Practice (1B)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Project Practice (1B)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Project Seminar (1B)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Seminar on History of Japanese Language EducationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Research Laboratory Seminar (2A)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Project Practice (2B)University of Tsukuba.
Professional activities
2013-03 -- 2016-03社会言語科学会大会委員
2013-03 -- 2016-03The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic SciencesMember of the Meeting Committee
2015-07 -- 2017-06公益社団法人日本語教育学会広報委員
2015-07 -- 2017-06The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Languagemember of the Public Relations Committee
2014-10 -- 2018-03言語文化教育研究学会年次大会実行委員
2017-04 -- 2018-03言語文化教育研究学会学会誌編集委員長
2017-10 -- 2018-03社会言語科学会JASS41開催校実行委員会副委員長
2017-10 -- 2018-03The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic SciencesVice Chairman of the Executive Committee, JASS 41
2016-06 -- 2018-06日本言語政策学会広報委員会運営委員
2017-08 -- 2019-05公益社団法人日本語教育学会広報副委員長
Other activities
2006-12 -- 2006-12Japanese language teaching competency test
2007-03 -- 2007-03High-school teacher license
2007-03 -- 2007-03Junior high-school teacher license
2013-12 -- 2013-12Master Training Course of the Guideline of Foreign Language Learning
2016-08 -- 2016-08Professional Development for University Academic Staff (English Medium Instruction)
2017-09 -- 2017-09Web UI/UX Designer Course Completion
2018-01 -- 2018-01Drone Course Entry Program Completion
2018-01 -- 2018-01Drone Course JUIDA Licensing Program Completion
2018-03 -- 2018-03Japan UAS Industrial Development Association (JUIDA) Pilot / FSO
2018-03 -- 2018-03Japan UAS Industrial Development Association (JUIDA) Pilot

(Last updated: 2024-09-29)