Researcher's full information

  • Trends in Question about School Social Workers in the Japanese National Examination for Social Workers
    藤本 啓寛
    早稲田大学教育学会紀要/24/pp.109-116, 2023-03
  • The Process of Establishment of Welfare Support in High Schools: Focusing on the Collaboration between Teachers and School Social Workers Assigned to Schools
    藤本 啓寛
    教育支援協働学研究/5/pp.24-32, 2023-03
  • Trends in Certified Social Workers and Mental Health Social Workers Choosing to be School Social Worker: Cross-Sectional Analysis of Attributes and Values Using the Survey of Employment Status
    藤本 啓寛
    Kanto Social Welfare Review/24/pp.31-44, 2024-01