- Affiliation
- Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- Research keywords
Dopaminergic system Brain noradrenergic system Aerobic fitness Prefrontal cortex Executive function fNIRS Eye blink Arousal states Prefrontal Cortex Development in Early Childhood Pupil exercise response more... - Research projects
Elucidation of the determination mechanism of pupil dilation by exercise 2024-04 -- 2027-03 KUWAMIZU Ryuta Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,680,000Yen Does eye-related measure predict the beneficial effects of exercise on mental health? 2021-04 -- 2023-01 Ryuta KUWAMIZU The Meiji Yasuda Life Foundation of Health and Welfare/Research-Aid 1,000,000Yen Physiological mechanisms for mild-exercise-enhanced executive function: the involvement of brain dopaminergic system 2020-04 -- 2023-03 KUWAMIZU Ryuta Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 2,500,000Yen ランニング時の瞳孔動態、その生理的意義:速度依存的な瞳孔拡大パターンに着目して 2023-06 -- 2024-03 KUWAMIZU Ryuta University of Tsukuba/2023 年度 国立大学法人筑波大学体育系 ヒューマン・ハイ・パフォーマンス先端研究センター(ARIHHP) 学外公募 Does "eye metrics" predict exercise-induced-brain fatigue? 2023-06 -- 2024-03 Ryuta KUWAMIZU /2023 年度新潟医療福祉大学 共同研究・共同利用 Does exercise enhance executive function in young children: Neuroimaging study focusing on the neural pathways of a curiosity-seeking 2023-04 -- 2026-03 KUWAMIZU Ryuta Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 4,290,000Yen Elucidation of the determination mechanism of pupil dilation by exercise 2024-04 -- 2027-03 KUWAMIZU Ryuta Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists 4,680,000Yen - Career history
2020-04 -- 2023-03 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1) 2023-04 -- 2023-09 Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Letters日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD) 2023-04 -- (current) Kyoto University of the Arts芸術教養センター非常勤講師 2023-04 -- 2024-04 University of TsukubaFaculty of Health and Sport Sciences客員研究員 2023-10 -- (current) Kyoto UniversityGraduate School of Letters特定研究員(日本学術振興会特別研究員PD) 2024-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Health and Sport SciencesAssistant Professor - Academic background
2014-04 -- 2018-03 Yokohama City University International College of Arts and Sciences 運動スポーツ科学教室 2018-04 -- 2020-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Master's Degree Program 2020-04 -- 9999 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Doctor's Degree Program - Academic societies
2017-01 -- (current) 日本卓球療法協会 2018-08 -- (current) Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2019-11 -- (current) American College of Sports Medicine 2021-01 -- (current) The Japanese Society for Neurochemistry 2023-03 -- (current) European College of Sport Science - Honors & Awards
2019-09 Travel Award 2022-03 功労賞 2023-03 President's Award 2023-03 Meikeikai Award - Articles
- Does executive function associate with handgrip strength?
Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/7(6), 2018 - Does listening to the high-groove rhythm enhance executive functions?
FUKUIE Takemune; SUWABE Kazuya; KAWASE Satoshi; OCHI ...
Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/8(6), 2019 - Does moderate exercise increase central dopaminergic activity? A preliminary human study with spontaneous eye blink rate
KUWAMIZU Ryuta; SUWABE Kazuya; OCHI Genta; FUKUIE Tak...
Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/8(6), 2019 - Is Aerobic Fitness Associated With The Dopaminergic System? Evidence From Spontaneous Eye Blink Rate
Kuwamizu Ryuta; Suwabe Kazuya; Fukuie Takemune; Ochi ...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/52(17::S)/pp.836-836, 2020-07 - Running benefit that enhances executive function: a brain mechanism improving both mood and executive function
DAMRONGTHAI Chorphaka; KUWAMIZU Ryuta; ADACHI Kazutaka...
Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/10(6), 2021 - Discovery of two pupil dilation thresholds (PT): The change of pupil diameter and arousal system during graded exercise
Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/10(6), 2021 - Practical report on physical and mental conditioning of high school students.
横尾 智治; 岩田 大輝; 合田 浩二; 登坂 太樹; 山合 洋人; 亀村 ひかり; 早貸 千代子; ...
Bulletin of Junior & Senior High School at Komaba, University of Tsukuba/61/pp.69-74, 2022 - 運動によるメンタルヘルス増進効果は「目」から予測できるか?—DO EYE-RELATED MEASURES PREDICT THE BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF EXERCISE ON MENTAL HEALTH?
桑水 隆多; 山崎 雄大; 青池 直樹; 征矢 英昭
若手研究者のための健康科学研究助成成果報告書 = Research-aid report/37/pp.33-37, 2023-07 - Linkage between endurance and cognitive functions important for Homo sapiens (in Japanese)
桑水隆多; 諏訪部和也; 征矢 英昭
Journal of health, physical education and recreation/70(1), 2020-01 - たくましい脳を育む身体活動
桑水隆多; 秦俊陽; 小泉光; 征矢 英昭
子どもと発育発達/18(1)/pp.5-15, 2020-04 - Translational study of exercise benefits for improving mental health from animal to human studies (in Japanese)
平賀大一; 桑水隆多; 征矢 英昭
The Japanese journal of psychiatry/25(5)/pp.339-349, 2020-09 - Benefit of human moderate running boosting mood and executive function coinciding with bilateral prefrontal activation
Damrongthai Chorphaka; Kuwamizu Ryuta; Suwabe Kazuya; ...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/11(1), 2021-11 - Groove rhythm stimulates prefrontal cortex function in groove enjoyers
Fukuie Takemune; Suwabe Kazuya; Kawase Satoshi; Shimiz...
Scientific reports/12(1)/p.7377, 2022-05 - Cognitive fatigue due to exercise under normobaric hypoxia is related to hypoxemia during exercise
Ochi Genta; Kuwamizu Ryuta; Suwabe Kazuya; Fukuie Tak...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/12(1)/p.9835, 2022-06 - Pupil-linked arousal with very light exercise: pattern of pupil dilation during graded exercise.
Kuwamizu Ryuta; Yamazaki Yudai; Aoike Naoki; Ochi Gen...
The Jornal of Physiological Sciences :JPS/72(1), 2022-09 - Look into my eyes: What can eye-based measures tell us about the relationship between physical activity and cognitive performance?
Zou Liye; Herold Fabian; Ludyga Sebastian; Kamijo Kei...
JOURNAL OF SPORT AND HEALTH SCIENCE/12(5)/pp.568-591, 2023-09-01 - A possible contribution of the locus coeruleus to arousal enhancement with mild exercise: evidence from pupillometry and neuromelanin imaging
Yamazaki Yudai; Suwabe Kazuya; Nagano-Saito Atsuko; Sa...
Cereb Cortex Commun, 2023-06-08 - Mild exercise improves executive function with increasing neural efficiency in the prefrontal cortex of older adults
Byun Kyeongho; Hyodo Kazuki; Suwabe Kazuya; Fukuie Ta...
GEROSCIENCE/Epub, 2023-06 - Pupil dynamics during very light exercise predict benefits to prefrontal cognition
Kuwamizu Ryuta; Yamazaki Yudai; Aoike Naoki; Hiraga T...
NEUROIMAGE/277, 2023-08 - Groove rhythm enhances exercise impact on prefrontal cortex function in groove enjoyers
Fukuie Takemune; Suwabe Kazuya; Kawase Satoshi; Shimiz...
NEUROSCIENCE/531/pp.117-129, 2023-09 - Improvement of mnemonic discrimination with acute light exercise is mediated by pupil-linked arousal in healthy older adults
Suwabe Kazuya; Kuwamizu Ryuta; Hyodo Kazuki; Yoshikawa...
NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING/133/pp.107-114, 2024-01 - Slow running benefits: Boosts in mood and facilitation of prefrontal cognition even at very light intensity
Damrongthai Chorphaka; Kuwamizu Ryuta; Yamazaki Yudai; ...
bioRxiv, 2024-01-30
- Does executive function associate with handgrip strength?
- Conference, etc.
- Does grip strength associate with executive function?
Ryuta Kuwaamizu; Shigeru Muramatsu; Kazuya Suwabe; 征矢 英昭
第2回NIPS-ARIHHP共同ワークショップ/2018-08--2018-08-10 - 実行機能は持久力だけでなく握力とも関係するか?
桑水 隆多; 諏訪部 和也; 村松 茂; 征矢 英昭
第2回スポーツニューロサイエンス研究会/2018-09 - Does executive function associate with handgrip strength?
桑水 隆多; 諏訪部 和也; 村松 茂; 征矢 英昭
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/2018-09-06--2018-09-09 - The effects of daily physical activity and acute moderate exercise on human dopaminergic system: A preliminary study with spontaneous eye blink rate.
Soya Hideaki; Kuwamizu R; Suwabe K; Fukuie T; Ochi G
The 1st international sport neuroscience conference 2019/2019-09-18--2019-09-19 - 中強度運動はドーパミン作動性神経系を活性させるか?:瞬きの頻度を指標にした予備検討
征矢 英昭; 桑水隆多; 諏訪部和也; 越智元太; 福家健宗; ビョンギョンホ
The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/2019-09 - Acute moderate running boosts positive mood and executive function coinciding with prefrontal activation : An fNIRS study
Adachi Kazutaka
SfN Global Connectome: A Virtual Event/2021-1-11--2021-1-13 - Does dopamine connect the link between aerobic fitness and prefrontal executive function? A combined sEBR-fNIRS study
征矢 英昭
Virtual dopamine conference/2021-06-22--2021-06-24 - なぜ有酸素能と実行機能は関係するのか?:自発性瞬目率がその"Missing link"を接続する
桑水隆多; 征矢 英昭
第4回スポーツニューロサイエンス研究会/2021-09-16--2021-09-16 - 漸増負荷運動で見られる二つの瞳孔径閾値:運動時の脳内覚醒機構
桑水隆多; 青池直樹; 山﨑雄大; 征矢 英昭
第76回日本体力医学会大会/2021-09-17--2021-09-19 - Pupil dilation predicts mild exercise-induced higher prefrontal executive function: possible involvement of locus coeruleus arousal system
Kuwamizu Ryuta; Yudai Yamazaki; Naoki Aoike; Soya Hid...
NEURO2022/2022-06-30--2022-07-03 - Variation of blink rate after acute very light exercise predicts prefrontal cognitive enhancement levels
Kuwamizu Ryuta; Yamazaki Yudai; Aoike Naoki; Soya Hid...
ECSS Paris 2023/2023-07-06
- Does grip strength associate with executive function?
- Other activities
-- (current) 卓球競技に関して -- (current) 学振PD申請書 (2022年6月申請)※パスワードはお問い合わせください -- (current) 学振DC1申請書抜粋 (2019年5月申請)※パスワードはお問い合わせください -- (current) 若手研究申請書(2023年9月申請)パスワード付き 2019-04 -- 2023-03 利根町高齢者運動教室 講師 2019-04 -- (current) 横浜市立大学体育会卓球部 監督 2023-09 -- (current) Peer review activity
(Last updated: 2024-10-23)