NAOE Toshio

Institute of Art and Design
Official title
Research fields
Education on school subjects and activities
Research projects
Aiming for Art-Based Humanity: Fundamental Research for Art Writing Education2020-04 -- 2024-03直江 俊雄Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)16,900,000Yen
イングリッシュ・バカロレア体制下における美術カリキュラム編成の集団的動向2016 -- 2019直江 俊雄Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,550,000Yen
Formation of Learner Centered Art Education in Britain -- (current)/
Comparative Study on Art Education in Japan and Britain -- (current)/
Study on Art Curricula in Schools -- (current)/
日本と英国の中等教育美術科における創造的カリキュラム2010 -- 2012Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C)4,160,000Yen
言語活動を重視した学習者中心の美術教育に関する研究2007 -- 2009Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(C)4,550,000Yen
芸術環境形成支援のための創造的アート・ライティングの学習に関する基礎的研究2005 -- 2006Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/萌芽研究4,125,000Yen
リチャードソンの教育方法に基づいた表現の多様性と批評的探究に関する研究2002 -- 2004Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B)3,400,000Yen
Career history
1995 -- 1997Utsunomiya UniversityLecturer
1997 -- 2000Utsunomiya UniversityAssociate Professor
2000-04 -- 2005-03University of TsukubaAssistant Professor
2005-04 -- 2014-03University of TsukubaAssociate Professor
2014-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Art and DesignProfessor
Academic background
1983-04 -- 1987-03University of Tsukuba School of Arts and Design
1990-04 -- 1992-03University of Tsukuba Master's Program in Art and Design
1992-04 -- 1995-03University of Tsukuba Doctoral Program in Art and Design
Master of ArtUniversity of Tsukuba
PhDUniversity of Tsukuba
Academic societies
2018-08 -- (current)National Art Education Association
-- (current)National Society for Education in Art and Design
-- (current)International Society for Education through Art
-- (current)The Japanese Society for Education through Art in Japan
Honors & Awards
2005-03-26The Award of the Journal for the Association of the Art Education
  • Situations of Art Writing Education in Senior High Schools: Nationwide Surveys in 2005 and 2021
    直江 俊雄
    Studies in Art Education/(56)/pp.177-184, 2024-03
  • Art Writing Educationduring the COVID-19 Pandemic
    直江 俊雄
    <Korea Art Education Association> 2022 Academic Seminar with <KOREA ARTS & CULTURE EDUCATION SERVICE>/pp.57-105, 2022/5/28
  • 世界の若者たちの思いを伝える 高校生アートライター大賞より
    直江 俊雄
    教育美術/(964)/pp.16-19, 2022-10
  • アートライティング教育のすすめ
    直江 俊雄
    教育美術/(964)/pp.12-15, 2022-10
  • Art Writing and Education: Is it promoting or inhibiting art?
    直江 俊雄
    Art Writing/(16)/pp.7-8, 2022-03
  • Creative Art Writing
    直江 俊雄
    Art Writing/(15)/pp.4-6, 2021-06
  • Book Review: Why We Make Art and Why it is Taught, Richard Hickman, (2005)
    直江 俊雄
  • Japanese Art Education in the Asian Perspective
    Naoe Toshio
    Prospect and Role of Asia Art Education in Multi-Cultural Society/pp.11-22, 2018-10
  • Art Education under the English Baccalaureate System in the United Kingdom
    直江 俊雄
    Studies in Art Education/51(1)/pp.225-232, 2019-03
  • 美术課程実施中集体傾向性的研究
    Naoe Toshio
    中国美術教育/(216)/pp.4-6, 2016-02
  • Data on Creative Curricula
    Naoe Toshio
    第五届世界华人美术教育大会論文集(上集)/pp.66-75, 2015-11
  • Critical Studies in Art Education in the United Kingdom: Surveys conducted in secondary schools in West Midlands Region, England, in 1994 and 2010
    直江 俊雄
    Bulletin of Institute of Art and Design, University of Tsukuba/(35)/pp.25-36, 2015-03
  • Art Curriculum in Secondary Schools in West Midlands, England: Relations with the General Certificate of Secondary Education
    直江 俊雄
    美術教育学研究/pp.189-196, 2014-3
  • Trend Analysis of Art Curricula Implementation in Secondary Education in the United Kingdom: Surveys conducted in schools in West Midlands Region, England, in 1994 and 2010
    直江 俊雄
    芸術研究報, 2014-03
  • Power of Art for Character Education: A Japanese Experience
    Naoe Toshio
    美術教育/(27)/pp.85-128, 2013-08
  • Tradition and Contemporary Life: Art Writings of Upper Secondary School Students in Japan
    Naoe Toshio
    Paper Compilation on the 3rd World Chinese Art Education Symposium/pp.116-130, 2012-10
  • Crafts Council and Craft Education in the United Kingdom
    Art Education/(23)/p.70-72, 1994-08
  • ARIAD: Research Database on Art and Design in the United Kingdom
    Art Education/(25), 1995-03
  • "A Funny Jungle Gym" In the Front Line of Japan's New Policy for Individualization
    Toshio Naoe
    Insea News/2(1)/p.14-16, 1995-04
  • Some Basic Arguments about the Study on the Marion Richardson Methods
    Bulletin of the Study on Art and Design Education/(7)/p.45-58, 1995-01
  • On a Current Situation of Secondary Art Curriculum in Schools in West Midlands,England-Under the Introduction of the "National Curriculum"(1992)-
    Journal of University Art Education/(28)/p.265-273, 1996-03
  • "Mind Picturing" Re-examined
    Art Education/(26)/p.118-126, 1996-03
  • Syllabus Examples of Textbooks and the Reality in Lower Secondary Art Education
    直江俊雄 Toshio Naoe
    Bulletin of the Study on Art and Design Education in the University of Tsukuba/(8)/p.43-56, 1996-03
  • On a Current Situation of Secondary Art Curriculum in Schools in West Midlands, England II: Partnership with the Formal Examination System
    Journal of University Art Education/(29)/p.77-86, 1997-03
  • Craft Education at the Cross Roads in Britain and Japan
    Rachel Mason; Norihisa Nakase; Toshio Naoe
    Journal of Multicultural and Cross-cultural Research in Art Education/(16)/p.7-25, 1998-01
  • more...
  • Interview with Researchers Abroad: Self-Portrait of an Art Educator: Looking at the World through Daily Educational Practice (Richard Hickman)
    直江 俊雄; ヒックマン リチャード
    The Art of My Research in Art Education/学術研究出版/pp.150-161, 2022-12
  • Interview with Researchers Abroad: Doing Research in a Different Culture: Research on Art Education in China and Japan (Qian Chuxi, Xu Yingie)
    直江 俊雄; 銭 初熹; 徐 英杰
    The Art of My Research in Art Education/学術研究出版/pp.138-148, 2022-12
  • Art Education and the Art of Research
    直江 俊雄
    The Art of My Research in Art Education/学術研究出版/pp.8-24, 2022-12
  • コロナ禍における芸術支援活動と展示に関するアートライティング
    吉田 奈穂子; 北川フラム; 直江俊雄; 市川結己、宝田紗和子; 早川綾音; 里村亜呼; 小池真莉; 松﨑仰生; 嶋田珠々; 宮坂...
    Art Writing Journal No.16./pp.9-10, 2022-03
  • 高等学校教科用図書 美術2
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2022-2
  • 高等学校教科用図書 美術1
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2021-2
  • 図画工作科の教師としての資質や能力
    直江 俊雄
    新・教職課程演習 第15巻/協同出版/pp.136-137, 2021-07
  • 図画工作科の評価法
    直江 俊雄
    新・教職課程演習 第15巻/協同出版/pp.118-121, 2021-07
  • 中学校教科用図書 美術2・3下
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2011-12
  • 中学校教科用図書 美術2・3上
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2011-12
  • 中学校教科用図書 美術1
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2011-12
  • 高等学校教科用図書 美術3
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2014-12
  • 中学校教科用図書 美術2・3
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2015-12
  • 中学校教科用図書 美術1
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2015-12
  • 高等学校教科用図書 美術2
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2013-12
  • 高等学校教科用図書 美術1
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2012-12
  • 高等学校教科用図書 美術1
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2017-1
  • 高等学校教科用図書 美術2
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2017-12
  • 高等学校教科用図書 美術3
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2018-12
  • 中学校教科用図書 美術2・3
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2021-02
  • 中学校教科用図書 美術1
    直江 俊雄
    光村図書出版, 2021-02
  • アニメーションから地域おこしまで−教室で生まれるデザイン教育−
    直江 俊雄
    民具・民芸からデザインの未来まで−教育の視点から/学術研究出版/pp.145-155, 2020-12
  • Essence of Art as a School Subject
    直江 俊雄
    School Subjects and Their Essence/Kyoiku Shuppan/pp.116-121, 2020-02
  • An Organic and Multilayered Conception of Art: Dialogues Between Read and Art Educators
    Naoe Toshio
    Learning Through Art: Lessons for the 21st Century?/InSEA Publications/pp.92-104, 2019-07
  • Barrier or Catalyst: Cross-Cultural and Language Issues for Doctoral Researchers in Japan
    Naoe Toshio
    Provoking the Field: International Perspectives on Visual Arts PhDs in Education/Intellect/pp.225-234, 2019-05
  • more...
Conference, etc.
  • Art Educator and Art of Research: Japanese Association of Art Education’s Art Education Studies Series No.3
    直江 俊雄
    2023 Visual Art Education Seminar/2023-12-27--2023-12-28
  • Aiming for art-based humanity: Fundamental research for art writing education
    直江 俊雄
    New developments in research 
on art writing education/2021-06-11--2021-06-11
  • Art Writing Educationduring the COVID-19 Pandemic
    直江 俊雄
    <Korea Art Education Association> 2022 Academic Seminar with <KOREA ARTS & CULTURE EDUCATION SERVICE>/2022/5/28--2022/5/28
  • 集団での鑑賞活動参加者の心理的快適度
  • Art Writing Education in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
    直江 俊雄 Naoe Toshio
    2018 Visual Art Education Seminar/2018-11-17--2018-11-17
  • Japanese Art Education in the Asian Perspective
    Naoe Toshio
    Prospect and Role of Asia Art Education in Multi-Cultural Society/2018-10-11--2018-10-11
  • Art Writing as Agent for Change
    Naoe Toshio
    International Journal of Art and Design Education Conference/2017-11-18--2017-11-18
  • Education Through Art Writing: Bringing Art into Adolescent Lives
    Naoe Toshio
    International Society for Education through Art 2017 General congress/2017-08-10--2017-08-10
  • Barrier or Catalyst: Cross-cultural and Language Issues for Doctoral Researchers in Japan
    Naoe Toshio
    Provoke: International Perspectives of Visual Arts Research in Education/2017-05-03--2017-05-04
  • Development of Art Writing Education
    Naoe Toshio
    2016 World Alliance for Arts Education Summit/2016-12-04--2016-12-04
  • Data on Creative Curricula (1991–2012) —Analyzing Collective Tendencies of Art Teaching in Classrooms—
    Naoe Toshio
    The 5th World Chinese Art Education Symposium/2015-11-15--2015-11-17
  • Power of Art for Character Education: A Japanese Experience
    Naoe Toshio
    38th Korea Art Education Association Annual Conference: International Conference for Art Education/2013-08-02--2013-08-02
2023-04 -- 2023-08Seminar on Art Environment Support C-IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Seminar on Art Environment Support C-IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Advanced Seminar: Theory of Design IAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Advanced Seminar: Theory of Design IIAUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Art and SocietyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-08Advanced Research: Art Environment SupportUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Advanced Research: Art Environment SupportUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Advanced Seminar: Theory of Design IBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Advanced Seminar: Theory of Design IIBUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2024-02Workshops: Art Environment Support IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2023-07 -- 2023-07筑波大学子どもアートラウンジ
2022-04 -- 2024-03第10回高校生アートライター大賞の企画運営
2022-07 -- 2022-07筑波大学子どもアートラウンジ
2021-07 -- 2021-07筑波大学子どもアートラウンジ
2020-04 -- 2022-03第9回高校生アートライター大賞の企画運営
2020-09 -- 2020-11筑波大学子どもアートラウンジ
2019-07 -- 2019-07筑波大学子どもアートラウンジ筑波大学
2018-04 -- 2020-03第8回高校生アートライター大賞の企画運営筑波大学
2018-11 -- 2018-11筑波大学子どもアートラウンジ筑波大学
2018-02 -- 2018-02筑波大学子どもアートラウンジ筑波大学
  • Art Writing Education
    Naoe Toshio
    Lecture on Art Education in Japan/2023-03-20--2023-03-20
  • マインドピクチャーから批評学習まで:英国の不思議な授業実践
    直江 俊雄
    造形・美術教育力養成講座 海外美術教育ワークショップ/2017-8-22--2017-8-22
  • 子どもの心に耳を傾ける美術鑑賞
    直江 俊雄
  • なぜ今、アートを書く時代なのか
    Naoe Toshio
    高校生アートライターシンポジウム /2015-07-24--2015-07-24
  • Art in Schools 1955-2010 Japan
    Toshio Naoe
    Seminar for Artist Teachers/2010-02-10
  • Art Education in Japan
    Toshio Naoe
    Seminar for Postgraduate Certificate in Education/2009-11-27
  • Cooperative learning in art teacher training
    Toshio Naoe
    Art Education Research Seminar/2009-12-15
Professional activities
2022-04 -- (current)教科教育学コンソーシアム理事
2016-04 -- 2019-03ASSOCIATION OF ART EDUCATIONEditor in Chief, Journal for the Association of Art Education
2016-04 -- 2019-03ASSOCIATION OF ART EDUCATIONVice President
2014-04 -- 2022-03公益社団法人 日本美術教育連合運営委員
2004 -- (current)International Society for Education through ArtEditorial Board of the International Journal of Education through Art
2001 -- 2008The Japanese Society for Education through Art in JapanExecutive board member
2004 -- (current)JAPANESE ASSOCIATION OF ART EDUCATIONexecutive board member
University Management
2023-04 -- (current)芸術系 研究倫理委員会副委員長
2022-04 -- (current)博士後期課程芸術専攻 研究委員会委員長
2022-04 -- (current)芸術学学位プログラム 研究委員会委員長
2021-04 -- 2022-03芸術学学位プログラム予算委員会委員長
2021-04 -- 2022-03芸術専門学群予算委員会委員長
2005-04 -- 2006-03芸術ファカルティ・ディベロップメント委員会委員長
2006-04 -- 2009-03筑波大学ファカルティ・ディベロップメント委員会委員
2003-04 -- 2007-03筑波大学30年史編集委員会委員
2006-04 -- 2007-03人間総合科学研究科博士課程芸術学専攻 カリキュラム委員会委員長
2006-04 -- 2007-03芸術広報・情報委員会委員長
Other activities
2007-04 -- 2009-03独立行政法人教員研修センター 教育課題研修指導者海外派遣プログラム シニアアドバイザー

(Last updated: 2024-05-13)