Institute of Library, Information and Media Science
Official title
Associate Professor
Research fields
Library and information science/ Humanistic social informatics
Research keywords
Book Recommendation; Reference Services; Learning Commons
Research projects
公共図書館における図書の購入・除籍に関する推薦システムの開発2020 -- 2022辻 慶太Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)5,720,000Yen
Wikipedia閲覧者に対する図書推薦2016-04 -- 2019-03Tsuji KeitaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究C1,200,000Yen
受託研究「新千代田図書館のあり方に関する検討」2003-09 -- 2004-03東京都千代田区/出資金による受託研究
Web テキストとサーチエンジンに基づく同義語・訳語提示システムの構築2005 -- 2006Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B)1,000,000Yen
専門用語における新語の寿命を予測するモデルの構築2003 -- 2004Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/若手研究(B)900,000Yen
Career history
2012-04 -- (current)筑波大学図書館情報メディア系准教授
2007-04 -- (current)筑波大学大学院図書館情報メディア研究科准教授
2005-10 -- (current)University of TsukubaGraduate School of Library, Information and Media StudiesAssociate Professor
2001-04 -- 2005-09National Institute of InformaticsHuman and Social Information Research DivisionAssistant Professor
Academic background
1988-04 -- 1994-03The University of Tokyo Faculty of Education 教育行政学科
1997-04 -- 2001-03Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education 総合教育科学
1994-04 -- 1997-03Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education 総合教育科学
2003-10博士(教育学)The University of Tokyo
Academic societies
-- (current)Nippon Association for Librarianship (NAL)
-- (current)Japan Society for Information and Media Studies
Honors & Awards
  • Study-aid Books and Workbooks in Japanese Public Libraries: Questionnaire and Holdings Survey
    Tsuji Keita; Ogawa Mayu
    IIAI Letters on Informatics and Interdisciplinary Research/4/pp.1-12, 2023-09
  • Accuracy of Answers Provided by Digital/Face-to-face Reference Services in Japanese Public Libraries and Q&A Sites
    Tsuji Keita; To Haruna; Hara Atsuyuki
    US-China Education Review/8(4)/pp.444-451, 2011
  • Study-Aid Books, Workbooks, and IT Equipment as New Materials for School Students in Japanese Public Libraries
    Tsuji Keita
    Information, Library and Archive Science Journal/24(2)/pp.114-125, 2022-10
  • Causal Effect of the Outsourcing of Library Management on Public Library Usage in Japan
    Tsuji Keita
  • 国立国会図書館が所蔵せず公立図書館が所蔵・除籍している図書
    辻 慶太; 遠藤諭; 水沼友宏
    日本図書館情報学会誌/67(2)/pp.69-86, 2021-06
  • Shizuku2.0: Cooperative Reading Support System
    Tsunekawa Mao; Ono Haruki; Konishi Kyoji; Tsuji Keita; Ma...
    Proceedings of 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library and Information Education and Practice 2011/pp.539-547, 2011-06
  • Book Recommendation to Wikipedia Article Readers in a University Library
    Tsuji Keita
    International Journal of Service and Knowledge Management/4(1)/pp.41-60, 2020-05
  • Quantitative Characteristics of Patentable Applications in Japan: An Analysis Using Bibliographic Information of Application Documents
    Tsuji Keita; Yoshikane Fuyuki; Takei Chizuko; Ikeuchi At...
    Sociology Study/3(9)/pp.639-650, 2013-09
  • Book Recommendation to Wikipedia Article Readers in a University Library
    Tsuji Keita
    International Journal of Service and Knowledge Management/4(1)/pp.41-60, 2020-05
  • The Relationship between University Libraries' Collection for Sports and their Students' Sports Performances
    Tsuji Keita
    US-China Education Review B/1(1)/pp.105-111, 2011-01
  • YouTube Videos Produced by U.S. Public Libraries: Analysing Factors that Increase Views
    Tsuji Keita; Mizunuma Yuhiro; Sato Kazuki; Miyazaki Fumiaki
    Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries/8(4)/pp.547-560, 2019-12
  • Investigation of Public Libraries Managed by Outsourcing: A Study Focusing on Library Usage, Opening Days, and Directors' Librarian Qualifications and Workloads
    Tsuji Keita; Mizunuma Yuhiro
    International Journal of Service and Knowledge Management/3(2)/pp.62-81, 2019-11
  • Books on the Red List in Japanese Public Libraries
    Tsuji Keita; Mizunuma Yuhiro
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Library and Information Science, 2020-01
  • YouTube Videos Produced by U.S. Public Libraries: Analysing Popularity and Factors that Increase Views
    Tsuji Keita; Mizunuma Yuhiro; Sato Kazuki; Miyazaki Fumiaki
    Proceedings of the 11th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 2019-05
  • An Investigation on the Researchers Who Received Japanese Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) with a Focus on Their Roles and Research Achievements
    Tsuji Keita; Mizunuma Yuhiro
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management/pp.103-108, 2019-07
  • LGBT Book Collections in Japanese Public Libraries
    Tsuji Keita; Mizunuma Yuhiro
    Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice 2019/pp.96-108, 2019-11
  • Statistics on Directory of Open Access Books
    Tsuji Keita
    Proceedings of the 11th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 2019-05
  • Book Recommender System for Wikipedia Article Readers in a University Library
    Tsuji Keita
    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management/pp.121-126, 2019-07
  • Causal Effect of Introducing Outsourcing on the Usage of Japanese Public Libraries
    Tsuji Keita
    Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice 2019/pp.109-122, 2019-11
  • Survey on Public Libraries Managed by Outsourcing, with a Focus on Library Usage, Opening Days, and Directors' Qualifications
    水沼友宏; 辻 慶太
    Proceedings of the 9th IIAI International Conference on e-Services and Knowledge Management (IIAI ESKM 2018)/pp.55-60, 2018-07
  • Allowing Food and Drinks in Japanese Libraries : A Survey of Policies and Implementation
    河本 毬馨; 辻 慶太
    Library and information science/(79)/pp.85-107, 2018
  • 公立図書館における指定管理者制度導入館と直営館の所蔵図書と貸出状況
    水沼友宏; 辻 慶太
    Library and Information Science/(78)/pp.59-84, 2018-06
  • Investigation of Changes in Library Usage after the Introduction of Outsourcing in Japan
    Tsuji Keita; Mizunuma Yuhiro
    Proceedings of the 9th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 2017-05
  • Comparing Books Held by Japanese Public Libraries: Outsourcing versus Local Government Management
    Tsuji Keita; Mizunuma Yuhiro
    Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2017)/pp.53-64, 2017-11
  • Automatic Classification of Wikipedia Articles by Using Convolutional Neural Network
    Tsuji Keita
    Proceedings of the 9th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 2017-05
  • more...
  • 多言語シソーラス自動構築手法開発の為の実験的研究
    辻 慶太
  • “図書館情報学教育の再構築:LIPER から”[日本図書館情報学会研究委員会編『図書館情報専門職のあり方とその養成 (シリーズ・図書館情報学のフロンティア No.6)]
    三輪眞木子; 吉田右子; 辻慶太; 竹内比呂也; 柴田正美
    勉誠出版, 2006-01
  • 図書館情報学の地平:50のキーワード
    三浦逸雄監修; 根本彰; 海野敏; 辻慶太; 野末俊比古; 三浦太郎; 吉田右子編集
    日本図書館協会, 2005-01
  • 図書館情報学用語辞典 第3版
    日本図書館情報学会用語辞典編集委員会; +辻 慶太
    丸善, 2007-01
  • 講座 ITと日本語研究7 ウェブによる情報収集
    辻慶太; 影浦峡
    明治書院, 2011-04
  • Survey on faculty of Library and Information Science education in Japan
    Tsuji Keita; Yoshida Yuko; Miwa Makiko; Takeuchi Hiroya; ...
    Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice 2006 - PREPARING INFORMATION PROFESSIONALS FOR LEADERSHIP IN THE NEW AGE/NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV/pp.269-278, 2006-01
Conference, etc.
  • Survey on Public Libraries Managed by Outsourcing, with a Focus on Library Usage, Opening Days, and Directors' Qualifications
    Mizunuma Yuhiro; Tsuji Keita
    7th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI)/2018-07-08--2018-07-13
  • 公共図書館内の飲食可否に関する利用者の意識と利用実態及び図書館の周知方法
    河本毬馨; 辻 慶太
  • アメリカの公共図書館におけるソーシャルメディアの利用実態の調査:YouTubeを中心として
    水沼友宏; 佐藤憲樹; 宮﨑史晟; 辻 慶太
  • 非ディスクリプタからディスクリプタへの下位語指示に関する考察
  • 言語学的見地によるディスクリプタ・非ディスクリプタ関係の整理
  • 同義語の優先的使用状況と拍数・語種の関わり-『南山堂医学大辞典』における見出し語の分析を通じて-
  • 同義語におけるディスクリプタ選択傾向と拍数差の関わり:『JICST科学技術用語シソーラス1993年版』の分析を通じて
  • 隠れマルコフモデルに基づく日英専門用語対からの語構成要素対抽出:言語横断検索に向けて
    辻慶太; 影浦峡; 芳鐘冬樹
  • 対訳コーパスからの訳語対抽出:多言語シソーラス自動構築に向けて
    辻慶太; 影浦峡; 芳鐘冬樹
  • 対訳コーパスからの訳語対抽出における辞書情報の利用について
    辻慶太; 芳鐘冬樹; 影浦峡
  • 対訳コーパスにおける低頻度語の性質:訳語対自動抽出に向けた基礎研究
    辻慶太; 芳鐘冬樹; 影浦峡
  • 対訳コーパスからの低頻度訳語対の抽出:翻字・頻度情報の統合的利用
  • 対訳コーパスからの統計的訳語対抽出における抽出不能語の調査
  • Extracting French-Japanese Word Pairs from Bilingual Corpora based on Transliteration Rules
    Tsuji; Keita; Daille; Beatrice; Kageura; Kyo; +辻 慶太
  • 専門用語として普及しそうな語の自動抽出
    辻慶太; 芳鐘冬樹
  • レファレンス・ツールとしての Web 日英人名検索システム
    辻慶太; 影浦峡
  • 千代田図書館に関するアンケート調査報告
  • 専門分野において重要となる新語の特定に向けた基礎研究
    辻慶太; 芳鐘冬樹
  • 対訳人名検索における翻字・サーチエンジンの有効性評価
    辻慶太; 佐藤理史; 影浦峡
  • 司書資格科目担当教員に対する意識調査
    辻慶太; 吉田右子; 三輪眞木子; 竹内比呂也; 村主朋英; 柴田正美
  • 図書館職員の職に対する意識調査:正規/非正規の差を中心に
    辻慶太; 三浦太郎; 根本彰
  • 論文引用に影響を与える要因:負の二項重回帰による検討
    芳鐘冬樹; 辻慶太; 小野寺夏生
  • 著者検索で得られた大量の論文から同名異人著者を除去する方法
    小野寺夏生; 岩澤まり子; 辻慶太; 緑川信之; 芳鐘冬樹; 天野晃; 大谷裕; 城山泰彦; 児玉閲; 角田裕之; 山崎静香
  • 公共図書館における利用履歴の活用に関する意識調査
    佐浦敬之; 辻慶太
  • 国立国会図書館における成人向け出版物の納本状況
    木川田朱美; 辻慶太
  • more...
2023-04 -- 2023-06Investigations on Knowledge ResourcesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Management of School Libraries and Media CentersUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Advanced Topics in Data EngineeringUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Knowledge FormationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Knowledge Sciences Lab BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-06Information Organization and RetrievalUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Recommendation SystemsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-04 -- 2023-07Knowledge Sciences Lab AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-10 -- 2023-12Media EducationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2022-04 -- 2022-06Investigations on Knowledge ResourcesUniversity of Tsukuba.
Professional activities
2005-06 -- 2006-03日本規格協会ISO/TC37 国内対策委員

(Last updated: 2024-04-03)