- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- 0000-0001-9215-2084
- ;3&404Q0&.)&HXe&9HXg80Q98:0:'&Q&(Q/5^
- Research fields
Environmental policy and social systems Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system Civil and environmental engineering Social psychology - Research keywords
environmental psychology pro-environmental behavior climate change mitigation behavior environmental values and consciousness place attachment sustainable lifestyle - Research projects
環境配慮行動の心理的障壁を形成・緩和する「きっかけ」体験の地域横断研究 2023-04 -- 2027-03 KAIDA Naoko JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) 16,900,000Yen Factors and measures in easing psychological barriers in climate change mitigation behaviors in China and Japan 2020-04 -- 2023-03 Naoko KAIDA JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 4,290,000Yen Assessment of effective forest management to reduce driftwood disasters based on analyses of long-term water and sediment discharge using a distributed process-oriented model 2018-04 -- 2022-03 Hotta Norifumi JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 39,910,000Yen 宗教的信念に寄り添った食品廃棄減量プログラムの実践 2018-05 -- 2020-05 KAIDA Naoko Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)/草の根技術協力事業協力支援型 10,000,000Yen Facilitating Pro-Environmental Behaviors baesd on Values and Attitudes: Cross-cultural and Longitudinal Studies in Asian Countries 2016-04 -- 2020-03 Naoko KAIDA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) 18,070,000Yen Longitudinal study on positive spirals between pro-environmental behavior and satisfaction 2014-04 -- 2017-03 Naoko KAIDA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research 3,770,000Yen Spillover Effects of Environmental Policies on Citizens' Environmental Awareness and Energy Saving Behavior 2007-04 -- 2008-03 Naoko KAIDA TEPCO Memorial Research Fund/その他 1,000,000Yen Evaluation of International Environmental Cooperation Policy Using Sustainability Indicators 2004 -- 2005 Naoko KAIDA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 1,900,000Yen - Career history
2004-04 -- 2005-03 JSPSGraduate School for International Development and CooperationResearch Fellow 2005-04 -- 2006-03 JSPSNational Institute for Environmental StudiesResearch Fellow 2005-05 -- 2006-10 Stockholm Environment Institute政策・制度研究プログラムVisiting Research Fellow 2007-05 -- 2007-11 Nagoya UniversityGraduate School of Environmental StudiesResearch Fellow 2007-12 -- 2008-09 Nagoya UniversityGraduate School of Environmental StudiesAssistant Professor 2008-10 -- 2011-03 Nagoya UniversityGlobal Environmental Leaders ProgramAssociate Professor 2011-04 -- 2017-03 University of TsukubaPolicy and Planning Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsAssistant Professor 2017-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaPolicy and Planning Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsAssociate Professor - Academic background
1996-04 -- 2000-03 University of Tsukuba Third Cluster of College College of International Studies 2000-04 -- 2002-03 Hiroshima University Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation Master's Program in Development Science 2002-04 -- 2005-03 Hiroshima University Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation Doctoral Program in Development Science - Degree
2005-03 Ph.D. Hiroshima University - Academic societies
-- (current) 日本心理学会 -- (current) 環境心理学会 -- (current) Society of Environmental Science, Japan (SES) -- (current) 環境情報科学センター -- (current) Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) -- (current) The City Planning Institute of Japan - Articles
- Associations of Perceived Environmental Impacts of Air Travel with Offsetting Behaviors and Subjective Well-being: Evidence from a Frequent Flyer Program Member Survey in Japan
小濱幸平; KAIDA Naoko
Papers on Environmental Information Science/38(2024)/pp.128-133, 2024-12 - Effectiveness of Information Provision in Facilitating Acceptance of Public Facilities as a Noise Source: A Questionnaire Experiment Study
森下陽平; KAIDA Naoko; 甲斐田幸佐; 近井学; 佐藤洋
Papers on Environmental Information Science/38(2024)/pp.91-96, 2024-12 - Children’s Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors in Climate Change Mitigation: Findings from Japan and China
Liu Xun; KAIDA Naoko
Papers on Environmental Information Science/38(2024)/pp.134-140, 2024-12 - Parent-Child Intergenerational Associations of Environmental Attitudes, Psychological Barriers, and Pro-Environmental Behaviors in Japan and China
Liu Xun; Kaida Naoko
SUSTAINABILITY/16(23), 2024-12 - The function of REM and NREM sleep on memory distortion and consolidation
Kaida Kosuke; Mori Ikue; Kihara Ken; Kaida Naoko
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY/59(1)/pp.152-153, 2024-08 - Health versus environment in alternative meat adoption: An experiment of communication strategies
Obama Kohei; Itoi Kazane; Kaida Naoko
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY/59(1)/pp.301-301, 2024-08 - Relevance of faith and its positive associations with plastic pollution mitigation behaviors : Findings from Japan and Malaysia
Itoi Kazane; KAIDA Naoko; Sobian Azrina; Abdullah Nor...
Journal of Environmental Information Science/2924(1)/pp.23-34, 2024-10 - Psychological determinants of waste-related pro-environmental behavior by recreational anglers in inland waters in the Kanto region, Japan
Shirato Kazuki; KAIDA Naoko
Journal of Environmental Information Science/2924(1)/pp.13-22, 2024-10 - Opportunities and challenges for circular economy in the Maldives: A stakeholder analysis of informal E-waste management in the Greater Malé Region
Mohammed Sumaa; Kaida Naoko
Journal of Environmental Management/358/p.120944, 2024-05 - Effectiveness of Communication Strategies to Encourage Meat Consumption Reduction and Alternative Meat Consumption
小濱 幸平; 甲斐田 直子
Journal of Environmental Information Sciences/37/pp.86-91, 2023-12 - The function of REM and NREM sleep on memory distortion and consolidation
Kaida Kosuke; Mori Ikue; Kihara Ken; Kaida Naoko
NEUROBIOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MEMORY/204, 2023-10 - Associations of Positive and Negative Perceptions of Outdoor Artificial Light at Night with Nighttime Outdoor Behaviors and Health: Self-Reported Data Analyses on Urban and Suburban Residents in Japan
Wang Tongyu; Kaida Naoko; Kaida Kosuke
SUSTAINABILITY/15(17), 2023-09 - Social acceptance of packaging plastic waste separation: An investigation on residents' sense of consent
川又豪士; 長谷川美紅; 甲斐田 直子
Japanese Journal of Environmental Psychology/p.16, 2023-04 - Memory load of information encoded amplifies the magnitude of hindsight bias
Kaida Kosuke; Kaida Naoko
PLOS ONE/18(4)/p.e0283969, 2023-04 - Effects of outdoor artificial light at night on human health and behavior: A literature review
Wang Tongyu; Kaida Naoko; Kaida Kosuke
ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION/323/p.121321, 2023-04 - Associations Between First Opportunities for Becoming Aware of Environmental Issues and Current Pro-environmental Behavior: A Case Study of University Students
杉田真緒; 甲斐田 直子
Papers on Environmental Information Science/36/pp.197-202, 2022-12 - 路上ポイ捨ての理由と解決方策に関する認識比較分析:日本・マレーシア大学生を対象に
糸井 風音; 甲斐田 直子; 岩本 浩二; Azrina Sobian; Norhayati Abdullah; ...
Papers on Environmental Information Science/36/pp.256-261, 2022-11 - Linking environmental knowledge, attitude, and behavior with place: a case study for strategic environmental education planning in Saint Lucia
Kanada Momoe; Norman Paul; Kaida Naoko; Carver Steve
Environmental Education Research, 2022-05 - Significant life experiences triggering environmental concerns and their associations with current pro-environmental behavior: Findings from a university student survey
杉田 真緒; 甲斐田 直子
Japanese Journal of Environmental Psychology/p.14, 2022-04 - Subjective evaluation of outdoor artificial light at night and its association with nighttime outdoor behavior
王 童語; 山﨑 海; 甲斐田 直子; 甲斐田 幸佐
Japanese Journal of Environmental Psychology/p.16, 2022-04 - Discrepancies between beliefs and practices on sleep as a factor of insomnia and negative feelings
Kaida Kosuke; Kaida Naoko
Psychological reports, 2021-05-26 - 流れ橋が周辺住民の地域愛着と防災行動に与える影響:木津川上津屋橋を事例に
唐津遼大郎; 甲斐田 直子
都市計画報告集/pp.227-232, 2021 - Issues and Potentials in Online Education at Universities: Implications for Engineering Education
石橋 澄子; 佐藤 耀; 谷本 明梨; 中村 剛士; 山崎 海; 渡邊 智也; 和田 夏音; 甲斐田 直子
Journal of JSEE/69(6)/pp.6_71-6_77, 2021 - 地域に根差した記憶の誘発が地域愛着に及ぼす影響
田宮 日奈; 甲斐田 直子
Japanese Journal of Environmental Psychology/8(1)/pp.38-38, 2020 - Delivery, impact and approach of household food waste reduction campaigns
Zamri Gesyeana Bazlyn; Azizal Nur Khaiyum Abizal; Nakam...
Journal of Cleaner Production/246, 2020-02 - more...
- Associations of Perceived Environmental Impacts of Air Travel with Offsetting Behaviors and Subjective Well-being: Evidence from a Frequent Flyer Program Member Survey in Japan
- Books
- Linking environmental knowledge, attitude, and behavior with place: a case study for strategic environmental education planning in Saint Lucia
Kanada Momoe; Norman Paul; KAIDA Naoko; Carver Steve
Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) in the English-Speaking Caribbean/Routledge, 2024-12 - Monitoring mangrove forest changes in Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve using ALOS PALSAR imagery and a GIS-Based support vector machine algorithm
Pham Tien Dat; Yoshino Kunihiko; Kaida Naoko
Advances and applications in geospatial technology and earth resources/Springer, 2018-01 - 開発援助と社会的環境管理能力の形成
甲斐田 直子
アジアの環境ガバナンス/勁草書房/pp.159-185, 2013-03 - 社会的環境管理能力と社会構造に関する研究
甲斐田 直子
2005-03 - 松岡俊二・本田(甲斐田)直子・岡田紗更,途上国の社会的環境管理能力の形成と日本の国際協力,井村秀文・松岡俊二・下村恭民(編著),環境と開発(シリーズ国際開発第2巻),日本評論社,pp.167-195(第8章),2004年.
甲斐田 直子
日本評論社, 2004-01 - Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management in Asia: Case Studies (Chapter 4)
松岡俊二・朽木昭文(編著) アジアにおける社会的環境管理能力の形成―ヨハネスブルグ・サミット後の日本の環境ODA...
Institute of Developing Economies, 2003-01 - Evaluating Social Capacity Development for Environmental Management in Developing Countries: Case Studies (Chapter 3)
Matsuoka S. and Kuchiki A. (eds.) Social Capacity Deve...
Institute of Developing Economies, 2003-01
- Linking environmental knowledge, attitude, and behavior with place: a case study for strategic environmental education planning in Saint Lucia
- Conference, etc.
- 日本・マレーシアにおけるプラスチック汚染緩和行動と促進要因:文化・信 仰的背景に着目して
糸井風音; 甲斐田 直子
環境科学会2024年会/2024-09-09--2024-09-10 - 環境配慮意識を形成する「きっかけ」と行動の関係性
甲斐田 直子; 杉田真緒
環境科学会2024年会/2024-09-09--2024-09-10 - プラスチック汚染緩和行動における信仰との関わりの役割:日本・マレーシアの大学生を対象に
糸井風音; 甲斐田 直子; Sobian Azrina; Abdullah Norhayati
日本心理学会第88回大会/2024-09-06--2024-09-06 - 移動満足度尺度を用いた航空移動の評価:移動目的と主観的幸福感に着目して
甲斐田 直子; 小濱幸平
日本心理学会第88回大会/2024-09-06--2024-09-06 - ノンレム睡眠とレム睡眠が記憶の定着と変容に果たす役割検証
甲斐田幸佐; 木原健; 森郁惠; 甲斐田 直子
日本心理学会第88回大会/2024-09-06--2024-09-06 - Drivers of plastic waste reduction in island communities in Central Vietnam: An application of the extended theory of planned behavior
Nguyen Hue Thi Dang; KAIDA Naoko; Tamura Makoto
2024 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2024)/2024-11-06--2024-11-08 - Effectiveness of Information Provision in Facilitating Acceptance of Public Facilities as a Noise Source: A Questionnaire Experiment Study
森下陽平; KAIDA Naoko; 甲斐田幸佐; 近井学; 佐藤洋
Annual Conference of Environmental Information Science/2024-12-09--2024-12-09 - Associations of Perceived Environmental Impacts of Air Travel with Offsetting Behaviors and Subjective Well-being: Evidence from a Frequent Flyer Program Member Survey in Japan
小濱幸平; KAIDA Naoko
Annual Conference of Environmental Information Science/2024-12-09--2024-12-09 - Children’s Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors in Climate Change Mitigation: Findings from Japan and China
Liu Xun; KAIDA Naoko
Annual Conference of Environmental Information Science/2024-12-09--2024-12-09 - Associations of plastic pollution mitigation behavior and religious environmental view: Findings from Malaysia
糸井 風音; 甲斐田 直子; Azrina Sobian; Norhayati Abdullah
Japanese Association of Environmental Psychology Conference/2024-03-09 - Associations of noise annoyance and physical and mental health: Findings on elderly people
森下 陽平; 甲斐田 直子; 甲斐田 幸佐; 近井 学; 佐藤 洋
Japanese Association of Environmental Psychology Conference/2024-03-09 - Health versus environment in alternative meat adoption: An experiment of communication strategies
Obama Kohei; Kaida Naoko; Itoi Kazane
33rd International Congress of Psychology/2024-07-21--2024-07-25 - Impacts of no single-use plastic bags interventions on reducing marine plastic waste: A comparative investigation on island communities in Central Vietnam
Nguyen Hue Thi Dang; Kaida Naoko; Tamura Makoto
28th International Conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies/2024-07-02--2024-07-05 - What (dis)encourages anti-plastic behaviors? Empirical findings from a Japanese consumer survey
Itoi Kazane; Kaida Naoko; Imai Ririka; Yoshida Hiraku...
28th International Conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies/2024-07-02--2024-07-05 - Positive associations of significant local environmental changes perceived by residents and their pro-environmental behaviors in communities and households
Sugita Mao; Kaida Naoko; Itoi Kazane
28th International Conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies/2024-07-02--2024-07-05 - Effectiveness of Communication Strategies to Encourage Meat Consumption Reduction and Alternative Meat Consumption
小濱 幸平; 甲斐田 直子
Journal of Environmental Information Sciences/2023-12-18 - The sense of consent facilitates plastic waste separation at the household level: survey evidence from Tsukuba, Japan
Kawamata Tsuyoshi; Itoi Kazane; Mohammed Sumaa; Kaida ...
2023 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2023)/2023-08-07--2023-08-09 - Potentials of no single-use plastic initiatives in plastic waste management in island communities in Central Vietnam: Implications from local stakeholder interviews
Nguyen Hue Thi Dang; Kaida Naoko; Tamura Makoto
2023 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2023)/2023-08-07--2023-08-09 - Opportunities and challenges for circular economy in Maldives: a stakeholder analysis of the informal e-waste management in the Greater Male’ Region
Mohammed Sumaa; Kaida Naoko
2023 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2023)/2023-08-07--2023-08-09 - Associations of outdoor nighttime light with human health and behaviors in Tsukuba, Japan
Wang Tongyu; Kaida Naoko; Kaida Kosuke
International Conference on Environmental Psychology 2023/2023-06-20--2023-06-23 - Environmental values, perceptions and behaviors of students toward plastic waste reduction in Japan and Malaysia
Itoi Kazane; Kaida Naoko; Sobian Azrina; Adbullah Nor...
International Conference on Environmental Psychology 2023/2023-06-20--2023-06-23 - 容器包装プラスチック分別の社会的受容性:住民の納得感に着目して
川又豪士; 長谷川美紅; 甲斐田 直子
日本環境心理学会第16回大会/2023-03-11--2023-03-11 - Associations Between First Opportunities for Becoming Aware of Environmental Issues and Current Pro-environmental Behavior: A Case Study of University Students
杉田真緒; 甲斐田 直子
2022年度環境情報科学研究発表大会/2022-12-05--2022-12-11 - Comparative Analysis on Perceptions of the Reasons and Solutions of Street Littering among Japanese and Malaysian University Students
糸井 風音; 甲斐田 直子; 岩本 浩二; Azrina Sobian; Norhayati Abdullah; ...
2022年度環境情報科学研究発表大会/2022-11 - 河川の活動性・軽明性印象は水害における共助防災行動を促す
唐津遼大郎; 甲斐田 直子; 甲斐田幸佐
環境科学会2022年会/2022-09-08--2022-09-09 - more...
- 日本・マレーシアにおけるプラスチック汚染緩和行動と促進要因:文化・信 仰的背景に着目して
- Works
- 国際開発学会環境ODA評価研究会,「国際協力事業団委託・2002年度特定テーマ評価(環境分野)第三者評価「環境センター・アプローチ:途上国における社会的環境管理能力の形成と環境協力」フィードバック事業 調査助手
甲斐田 直子 - 国際開発学会環境ODA評価研究会,国際協力事業団委託・2002年度特定テーマ評価(環境分野)第三者評価「環境センター・アプローチ:途上国における社会的環境管理能力の形成と環境協力」調査助手
甲斐田 直子 - 国際協力銀行円借款案件事後評価「テーマ別評価(第三者)『インド・アラバリ山地植林事業評価』」調査助手
甲斐田 直子
- 国際開発学会環境ODA評価研究会,「国際協力事業団委託・2002年度特定テーマ評価(環境分野)第三者評価「環境センター・アプローチ:途上国における社会的環境管理能力の形成と環境協力」フィードバック事業 調査助手
- Teaching
2024-07 -- 2024-08 Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Field and Laboratory Practices in Environmental Sciences University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1F University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 2F University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Facilitation Training Pre-Program in Policy and Planning Sciences IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Facilitation Training Pre-Program in Policy and Planning Sciences IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Thesis Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1S University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Basic Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Master's Seminar in Policy and Planning Sciences II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Environmental Studies Practicum II University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- Power of moderate interventions to facilitate food waste reduction in the household sector: Some implications from Japan and Malaysia
Kaida Naoko
APEC 2020 Multi-Year Policy Dialogue on Innovative Waste Management/2020-10-06--2020-10-07
- Power of moderate interventions to facilitate food waste reduction in the household sector: Some implications from Japan and Malaysia
- Professional activities
2019 -- (current) Society of Environmental Science, Japan (SES) 編集委員会 2019-05 -- (current) 茨城県 環境審議会 2024-04 -- (current) 守谷市 都市計画審議会 2023-03 -- (current) 神栖市 廃棄物減量等推進審議会 2020 -- 2020 神栖市 廃棄物減量等推進審議会 2019-01 -- 2021-03 かすみがうら市 廃棄物減量等推進審議会 2015 -- 2015 越谷市 下水道料金審議委員会 - University Management
2013-04 -- (current) 大学院環境科学専攻SUSTEP英語教育プログラム委員会 委員 2018-04 -- 2024-03 社会工学類卒業生連絡委員会 委員 2016-04 -- 2018-03 社会工学類入試実施委員会 委員 2016-04 -- 2018-03 大学院社会工学専攻留学生支援委員会・学生相談室 委員 2011-04 -- 2015-03 大学院環境科学専攻JDS委員会 委員 2013-04 -- 2015-03 大学院社会工学専攻広報等委員会 委員 2012-04 -- 2013-04 社会工学類1年クラス担任 2013-04 -- 2014-03 社会工学類2年クラス担任 2023-04 -- 2024-03 社会工学類3年クラス担任 2024-04 -- (current) 社会工学類4年クラス担任 - Other activities
2013-05 -- (current) 産業技術総合研究所外来研究員 2014-06 -- (current) 岡山県立岡山城東高等学校 学類研修(筑波大学)受入れ 2014-03 -- (current) 筑波大学北アフリカ・地中海事務所主催セミナー「イスラーム圏の人々とのお付き合いとおもてなし」講演 2014-02 -- (current) 岡山県立岡山城東高等学校 持続可能な開発のための教育(ESD)特別講演 2012-07 -- 2012-07 茨城県つくば市環境マイスター講座講師 2012-07 -- (current) 茨城県鹿嶋市立平井小学校学校地域防災力強化委員会委員 2012-07 -- (current) 茨城県鹿嶋市立学校防災推進委員会委員
(Last updated: 2025-02-05)