- Affiliation
- Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- )P8D8>L:?@cK8BLc><ZieLcKJLBL98c8:cAGp
- Office
- Room 509, HSS B-bldg., 1-1-1 Tennoh-dai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8577, Japan
- Research fields
Sports science Area studies Developmental mechanisms and the body works - Research keywords
Research the area of "Sport for Development" based on Dev. anthropology and relate with Policy science, Int'l relation, Pedagogy - Research projects
The Study on dissemination policy of Primary school Physical Education in Kingdom of Cambodia 2013-04 -- 2017-03 YAMAGUCHI Taku Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) 8,970,000Yen - Career history
2012-07 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Health and Sport Science (HSS)Assistant Professor 2012-07 -- (current) NPO/NGO Hearts of GoldAdvisor 2017-06 -- (current) UNESCOInclusive Policy LabIPL expert 2006-02 -- 2012-06 NPO Hearts of GoldJICA Partnership Program, JPPProject manager 2004-04 -- 2012-06 Steering Committee of Angkor-wat Int'l Half MarathonEvent Director 2004-04 -- 2012-06 NPO Hearts of GoldRegional Director 2003-09 -- 2004-12 Asia-Oceania Region Office(World Olympians AssociationEvent director 2003-03 -- 2003-06 JICAスポーツ政策専門家Sport policy expert 2001-12 -- 2004-03 NPO Hearts of GoldDept. International AffairEducation specialist 1999-04 -- 2001-08 Japan Overseas Cooperation VolunteersCity hall administration adviser of Youth and Sport Department, PE and Sport teacher (Japanese Overseas Cooperation Volunteers) more... - Academic background
2014-04 -- 2022-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 2002-03 -- 2004-03 Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Policy Science Public Policy Course 1992-04 -- 1996-03 Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Department of Physical Education and Sport - Degree
2004-03 Master of Arts in policy and management Doshisha University - Academic societies
2008 -- (current) JAPANESE SOCIETY OF SPORT EDUCATION 2010 -- (current) JAPAN SOCIETY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION,HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2014-02 -- (current) Japan Society of Sport Anthropology - Honors & Awards
2016-12 The Royal Order of Monisaraphon Knight Grand Cross 教育省のスポーツ総局長アドバイザーの歴任; 小学校体育指導要領の改訂およびスポーツ政策に対する助言・提言; カンボジアのスポーツ振興および伝統性とスポーツの開発人類学検討 - Articles
- Japanese adult learners' experiences in an online social justice and diversity recurrent education program in sport and physical activity
Sato Takahiro; Waku Takahiro; Mckay Cathy; Nakamura I...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFELONG EDUCATION/43(2-3)/pp.182-199, 2024-05-03 - Japanese adult learners’ experiences in an online social justice and diversity recurrent education program in sport and physical activity
Sato Takahiro; Takahiro Waku; Cathy McKay; Isamu Nakm...
International Journal of Lifelong Education, 2024-04 - Japanese Graduate Students’ Experiences in Online International Development and Peace Through Sport Courses Using English-Medium Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Oishi Junko; Sato Takahiro; Miller Ryan; Nagata Shini...
International Journal of Educational Reform, 2022-04 - Development of school physical education in a former French colony: An analytical perspective of the colonial report on French-Indochina (1925-1926)
山口 拓
Jpn J. Phys. Educ. Health Sport Sci./67/pp.879-895, 2021-08 - Japanese Graduate Students’ Experiences in Online International Development and Peace Through Sport Courses Using English-Medium Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Oishi Junko; Sato Takahiro; Miller Ryan; Nagata Shinichi...
International Journal of Educational Reform/33(2)/pp.221-221, 2024-02 - Social and charitable impacts of a charity-affiliated sport event: A mixed methods study
Inoue Yuhei; Heffernan Caroline; Yamaguchi Taku; Filo ...
SPORT MANAGEMENT REVIEW/21(2)/pp.202-218, 2018-04 - 青少年・指導者育成スポーツ祭の意義--岡山県社会福祉法人旭川荘アジア福祉文化研究センター
山口 拓
Bulletin of the Asian Welfare-Culture Research Center,Asahigawaso/5(1)/pp.33-41, 2006-10 - 体育科授業研究組織の教員及び研究成果をつなぐネットワーク構築のための実証的研究
鈴木 聡; 内田 雄三; 近藤 智靖; 山口 拓
Japan Journal for the Pedagogy of Physical Education/32(1)/pp.45-45, 2016 - Historical Stuy on Physical Education in Kingdom of Cambodia I: A genealogical study on PE and Sport in introductory period of modern education era (1863~1953)
山口 拓
Bull. Facul. Health & Sci., Univ. of Tsukuba 37 (1)/37(1)/pp.53-62, 2014-03 - 武道・スポーツを通じた国際交流におけるマネージメントの研究 : スポーツNGOによる国際協力の可能性
松井 完太郎; 佐々木 克実; 木村 寿一; 岡田 千あき; 山口 拓
武道・スポーツ科学研究所年報/8/pp.239-252, 2003-03 - A study of “Sport and Gender” from the field of International development assistance: Mainly focusing on the directly and combined concerning projects.
山口 拓
Journal of Sport and Gender Studies 11 : 92-100, 2013 - 92 - A/11/pp.92-100, 2013-03 - The physique and physical fitness of Kingdom of Cambodia : The Second Report in comparison with Japanese children
千葉 義信; 鍋谷 照; 山口 拓
体育研究/0(43)/pp.21-25, 2010-01 - Relationship between Physique and Physical Fitness of Cambodian school children : The report for 11-years-old
千葉 義信; 山口 拓
体育研究/0(44)/pp.43-46, 2011-01 - Comparison of Cambodian and Japanese in height and standing-long-jump : Focus on 7-12 years old in elementary school children
千葉 義信; 山口 拓; 鍋谷 照
体育研究/0(45)/pp.5-8, 2012-01 - Education policy in Cambodia : fundamental proposals for diffusion of physical education
山口 拓
体育学研究/57(1)/pp.297-313, 2012-06
- Japanese adult learners' experiences in an online social justice and diversity recurrent education program in sport and physical activity
- Books
- Direction of the Japanese style assistance through analysis of case study in Cambodia
山口 拓
Direction of the Japanese style assistance through analysis of case study in Cambodia/Soubun-kikaku/pp.102-109, 2014-11 - グローバル時代の社会貢献型スポーツビジネスとその役割
山口 拓
グローバル・スポーツの課題と展望/創文企画/pp.169-194, 2014-02 - スポーツを通じた開発の可能性 -地球市民による国際関係の再構築-
山口 拓
- Direction of the Japanese style assistance through analysis of case study in Cambodia
- Conference, etc.
- A Study on the Educational System during the Period of Introduction of School Physical Education in the French-Indochine Protectorates of Cambodia; The Characteristics of the Protectorates of Cambodia from the Viewpoint of the Administrative Bulletin of Cambodia (1918-26)
山口 拓
The 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Sports Anthropology/2023-03-17 - Improving the quality of PE and PE teachers’ education
Yamaguchi Taku
ASEAN-Japan Action on Sport: Workshop on Promoting PETE and SPD/2022-02-14--2022-02-18 - Rethinking about the Olympic Games
山口 拓
Nest social studies/2012-07--2012-07 - Position and Possibility of International Development and Peace through Sport Studies
山口 拓
日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会第72回大会 (スポーツ文化研究部会【課題A】テーマ別シンポジウム)/2022-08-31
- A Study on the Educational System during the Period of Introduction of School Physical Education in the French-Indochine Protectorates of Cambodia; The Characteristics of the Protectorates of Cambodia from the Viewpoint of the Administrative Bulletin of Cambodia (1918-26)
- Teaching
2024-12 -- 2025-03 TIAS Internship A University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 On the Job Practice (Domestic) University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 On the Job Practice (Domestic) University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 NGO Activities University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 NGO Activities University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar of History and Anthropology of PE and Sport II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar of History and Anthropology of PE and Sport II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar of History and Anthropology of PE and Sport I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Seminar of History and Anthropology of PE and Sport I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 English for Specialized Subjects B University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2023-09 -- 2024-03 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program 2023 [The 8th Quality Physical Education in School Education] UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba 2022-09 -- 2023-03 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program 2022 [The 7th Quality Physical Education in School Education] UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba 2021-09 -- 2022-02 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [The 6th Physical Education in Basic Education] (202002962J001) UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba 2019-07 -- 2019-07 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [The 5th Physical Education in Basic Education] (201984266J002) UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee & UT Students 2018-07 -- 2018-07 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [Physical Education in Basic Education] (J1804037) UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee & UT Students 2017-07 -- 2017-07 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [Physical Education in Basic Education] (J1704015) UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee & UT Students 2016-08 -- 2016-09 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [Physical Education in Basic Education] (J1604061) UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee 2015-08 -- 2015-09 JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [Physical Education in Basic Education] (J1504401) UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee 2018-01 -- 2018-03 OJT studies of Sport contribution through JICA volunteer Joint 5th dispatch(Cambodia) UT, JICA, HG, NOCC, NPCC, CMU 2017-01 -- 2017-03 OJT studies of Sport contribution through JICA volunteer Joint 4th dispatch(Cambodia) UT, JICA, HG, NOCC, NPCC, CMU more... - Talks
- Formation of a logical framework for International Development and Peace through SPort
山口 拓
JSC-Recurrent Training of International Development and Peace through Sport/2022-12-01--2023-02-16 - Using Sports to Solve Social Issues
山口 拓
Sport for Development capacity-building workshops/2023-02-09 - The need for specialized human resources and real field operation
山口 拓
The special webinar on International Day of Sport for Development and Peace: IDSDP/2021-04-06--2021-04-06 - The Potential for Nation Building and Human Development through Sports
山口 拓
JOCV special seminar for Int'l development through Sport/2021-01-24--2021-01-24 - Zero Waste Society Through Sport
本田 靖; Yim Brian; Lightheart Ernest; 澤田 陽樹; 松元剛; 山口 拓; 萩原 悟一; S...
Tsukuba Conference/2019-10-01--2019-10-03 - Japanese Contribution to International Development through Sport
Yamaguchi Taku
The 9th Japan German Sport Science Symposium/2014-09-17--2014-09-19 - SDP Framework - Case study in Timor Lorosae -
山口 拓
Special symposium on International day of Sport for Development and Peace/2014-04-04--2014-04-04 - The dawn of Physical Education reform in Cambodia through Japanese IDS action
山口 拓
the 1st international symposium on IDPS/2013-12-07--2013-12-07 - International Development through Sport - We can do it together -
山口 拓
Special seminor for London Olympic Game 2012/2012-08-24--2012-08-24 - Rethinking about the Olympic Games
山口 拓
Nest social studies/2012-07--2012-07
- Formation of a logical framework for International Development and Peace through SPort
- Professional activities
2023-04 -- 2025-03 Editorial Board for “International Journal of Sport and Health Science” Member of editorial board 2022-05 -- (current) Japan Society of Sport Anthropology Directors 2022-09 -- (current) JSPEHSS (Cultural Anthropology) Auditor - Other activities
2014-10 -- (current) The Advisor of INGO/NPO Hearts of Gold - Support and supervise the INGO activities in a field of Int'l Development and Peace through Sport in Domecticaly and Internationaly. 2005-03 -- 2014-09 Executive board member of certified NPO Hearts of Gold - Pursuited nearly 10 years as executive board memebr, back support of INGO activities on Int'l Development and Peace through Sport in Domecticaly and Internationaly.
(Last updated: 2024-11-19)