- Affiliation
- Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Research fields
Algebra - Research keywords
Sum of digits Diophantine inequality Mahler's Z-number Beta expansion Numeration system Lagrange spectrum Salem number Pisot number Limit points of fractional parts Algebraic independence more... - Research projects
Digitのパターン解析および超越性と代数的独立性への応用 2024 -- 2027 Kaneko Hajime Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 3,770,000Yen 多次元数系におけるdigitの漸近的挙動の解析に対する加法数論の応用 2019-04 -- 2023-03 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 3,250,000Yen 種々の数列のランダム性、およびその超越数論への応用 2015-04 -- 2019-03 金子 元 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B) 2,860,000Yen - Academic background
2007-04 -- 2010-03 Kyoto university Graduate school of science Division of mathematics and mathematical analysis Doctoral program 2005-04 -- 2007-03 Kyoto university Graduate school of science Division of mathematics and mathematical analysis Master course 2001-04 -- 2005-03 Keio university Science and technology Department of mathematics - Degree
2010-03 Doctor of Science Kyoto university - Academic societies
2009-01 -- (current) 日本応用数理学会 2008-10 -- (current) 日本数学会 - Honors & Awards
2019-12 若手教員奨励賞 2013-09 2013年度日本数学会賞建部賢弘賞奨励賞 - Articles
- Markoff-Lagrange spectrum of one-sided shifts
Kaneko Hajime; Steiner Wolfgang
MATHEMATIKA/70(3), 2024-07 - On the binary digits of n and n^2
Aloui Karam; Jamet Damien; Kaneko Hajime; Kopecki Steffe...
THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE/939/pp.119-139, 2023-01 - Curious congruences for cyclotomic polynomials
茂樹 秋山; Kaneko Hajime
RESEARCH IN NUMBER THEORY/8(4), 2022 - The digit exchanges in the rotational beta expansions of algebraic numbers
Kaneko Hajime; 川島 誠
JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY/241/pp.430-449, 2022 - Products of integers with few nonzero digits
Kaneko Hajime; Stoll Thomas
Uniform Distribution Theory, 2021 - Multiplicative analogue of Markoff-Lagrange spectrum and Pisot numbers
Kaneko Hajime; 茂樹 秋山
Advances in Mathematics/380, 2021-03 - Generic point equivalence and Pisot numbers
Kaneko Hajime; 茂樹 秋山; KIM DONG HAN
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems/40(12)/pp.3169-3180, 2019-07 - On the digits in the base-b expansion of smooth numbers
Kaneko Hajime; Bugeaud Yann
RIMS Kokyuroku/pp.97-103, 2018 - Hensel’s lemma for general continuous functions
Kaneko Hajime; Stoll Thomas
Indagationes Mathematicae/30(4)/pp.610-622, 2019 - On Perfect Powers in Linear Recurrence Sequences of Integers
Bugeaud Yann; Kaneko Hajime
Kyushu Journal of Mathematics/73(2)/pp.221-227, 2019 - Corona Limits of Tilings: Periodic Case
Akiyama Shigeki; Caalim Jonathan; Imai Katsunobu; Kaneko ...
DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY/61(3)/pp.626-652, 2019-04 - On the digital representation of smooth numbers
Bugeaud Yann; Kaneko Hajime
MATHEMATICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY/165(3)/pp.533-540, 2018-11 - On subwords in the base-q expansion of polynomial and exponential functions
金子 元; Thomas Stoll
Integers, 2018 - Arithmetical properties of real numbers related to beta-expansions
金子 元
Functiones et Approximatio Commentarii Mathematici/60(2)/pp.195-226, 2019 - Arithmetical properties of the values of power series
Kaneko Hajime
RIMS Kôkyûroku/pp.11-19, 2017-01 - Arithmetical properties of p-adic numbers related to numerical systems
Kaneko Hajime
RIMS Kôkyûroku/pp.131-138, 2016-12 - Algebraic independence of the values of power series with unbounded coefficients
Kaneko Hajime
Arkiv for Matematik/55(1)/pp.61-87, 2017-09 - Bernoulli-Carlitz and Cauchy-Carlitz numbers with Stirling-Carlitz numbers
Kaneko Hajime; Komatsu Takao
RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu/B72/pp.23-35, 2018 - On the number of nonzero digits in the beta-expansions of algebraic numbers
Kaneko Hajime
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova/136/pp.205-223, 2016 - On the binary digits of algebraic numbers
Kaneko Hajime
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society/pp.233-244, 2010 - On normal numbers and powers of algebraic numbers
Kaneko Hajime
Integers/pp.31-64, 2010 - On the fractional parts of powers of algebraic numbers
Kaneko Hajime
RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu/pp.127-136, 2012-08 - On the number of digit changes in base-b expansions of algebraic numbers
金子 元
Uniform Distribution Theory/pp.141-168, 2012 - Algebraic independence of real numbers with low density of nonzero digits
Kaneko Hajime
ACTA ARITHMETICA/pp.325-351, 2012 - Applications of numerical systems to transcendental number theory
Kaneko Hajime
RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu/pp.175-186, 2014-06 - more...
- Markoff-Lagrange spectrum of one-sided shifts
- Conference, etc.
- Multiplicative version of Markoff-Lagrange spectrum and geometric sequences
金子 元
Mathematics Seminar/2024-03-22--2024-03-22 - Markoff and Lagrange spectra on one-sided shift spaces with cylinder orders
金子 元
Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields 2024/2024-03-04--2024-03-06 - 片側シフト空間におけるMarkoff-Lagrangeスペクトラムについて
金子 元
数論セミナー/2024-02-16--2024-02-16 - Analogue of Markoff and Lagrange spectra on one-sided shift spaces
金子 元
ワークショップ「数論とエルゴード理論」/2024-02-10--2024-02-12 - Lagrange spectrum in ordered shift spaces
Nancy-Metz number theory seminar/2023-10-12--2023-10-12 - 代数的数のRotational beta展開におけるdigitに関して
金子 元
東北確率論セミナー/2023-06-23--2023-06-23 - Analogue of the Markoff-Lagrange spectrum and uniform distribution theory
Numeration 2023/2023-05-22--2023-05-26 - On the Diophantine equations related to the binary expansions of integers
金子 元
Number Theory and Ergodic Theory/2023-02-12--2023-02-12 - 数のb進展開の一般化と数論への応用
金子 元
第10回筑波大学RCMSサロン「数系と折り紙の数学」/2022-12-08--2022-12-08 - New relation for the coefficients of cyclotomic polynomials
Kaneko Hajime
Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics/2022-10-12--2022-10-12 - Multiplicative analogue of the Lagrange spectrum related to linear recurrences
金子 元
DARFセミナー/2022-05-14--2022-05-14 - Multiplicative analogue of Markoff-Lagrange spectrum related to geometric progressions
金子 元
Recent Progress in Ergodic Theory/2022-02-16--2022-02-18 - On the sum of digits in the binary expansion of the products of integers
金子 元
Analytic Number Theory and Related Topics/2021-10-12--2021-10-15 - Products of integers with few nonzero digits in binary expansion
金子 元
日本数学会2021年度年会/2021-03-18--2021-03-18 - Analogy of Lagrange spectrum related to geometric progressions
Kaneko Hajime
One World Numeration Seminar/2020-07-07--2020-07-07 - Hensel's lemma and application for the base-b expansions of integers
Kaneko Hajime
Number Theory and Ergodic Theory/2020-2-8--2020-2-10 - Analogy with the Lagrange spectrum for the powers of quadratic Pisot unit
Kaneko Hajime
Equidistribution: Arithmetic, Computational and Probabilistic Aspects/2019-4-29--2019-5-17 - Comparison of normality between different numerical systems
金子 元
日本数学会2019年度年会/2019-03-17--2019-03-20 - Analogy with the Lagrange spectrum for geometric sequences
Kaneko Hajime
Keio Dynamics Day 2019/2019-03-15--2019-03-15 - Analogy of the Lagrange spectrum for powers of quadratic Pisot units
Kaneko Hajime
Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields 2019/2019-03-07--2019-03-09 - Uniform distribution theory related to beta expansion and geometric sequences
金子 元
第12回ゼータ若手研究集会/2019-02-17--2019-02-20 - Comparison of generic points of measure preserving systems
Kaneko Hajime
数論とエルゴード理論/2019-02-09--2019-02-11 - On the transcendence of power series at algebraic integer points
金子 元
解析的整数論とその周辺/2018-10-29--2018-10-31 - ベキ級数に代数的整数を代入した値の超越性
金子 元
日本数学会2018年度秋季総合分科会/2018-09-24--2018-09-27 - Diophantine approximation and base-b expansion of smooth numbers
Kaneko Hajime
Diophantine Approximation and Transcendence/2018-09-10--2018-09-14 - more...
- Multiplicative version of Markoff-Lagrange spectrum and geometric sequences
- Teaching
2024-12 -- 2025-02 Frontier of Mathematics: Challenges against unsolved problems University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Algebra VA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Linear Algebra 2 University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Algebra IB University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Algebra VB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Algebra IA University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Algebra IIIB University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Algebra IIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Algebra IVA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Algebra IIIA University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2023-04 -- 2024-03 自然系学類計算機委員会 2022-04 -- 2024-03 障害学生支援に関わるダイバーシティ・アクセシビリティ担当教員 2021-04 -- 2023-03 年次報告編集 2021-04 -- 2023-03 スポーツデー運営委員 2021-04 -- 2023-03 計算機委員会 2020-04 -- 2024-03 クラス担任 - Other activities
2024-03 -- 2024-03 Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields 2024を共同主催した。 2024-02 -- 2024-02 Workshop「数論とエルゴード理論」を共同主催した。 2023-02 -- 2023-02 Workshop「数論とエルゴード理論」を共同主催した。 2022 -- 2023 2023年2月出版「数学の時間 学校の学びを世界で活かせ」の一部にインタビュー記事が記載される。 2021 -- (current) One World Numeration Seminarの共同主催者の1人として活動をする。 2020-08 -- 2020-08 2020年筑波大学オンライン説明会における模擬授業を行った. 2020-12 -- (current) Darfセミナーの共同世話人の1人として活動をする。 2019-03 -- 2019-03 研究集会「Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields 2019」のlocal organizerを務めた。 2016-08 -- 2016-08 副オーガナイザーとして2016年度八王子数論セミナーをオーガナイズした。 2014-09 -- 2014-09 2014年度八王子数論セミナーを若林功氏と共同でオーガナイズした。
(Last updated: 2024-08-22)