Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA)
Official title
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Extracellular environment and cellular responses in development and disease
Research fields
Cardiovascular medicine
General medical chemistry
Cardiovascular surgery
Pathological medical chemistry
Research keywords
extracellular microenvironment
extracellular matrix
aortic dissection
vascular injury and vascular remodeling
heritable thoracic aortic disease (HTAD)
vascular biology
elastic fibers
Raman Imaging
Research projects
Contribution of immune cells to vascular wall damage and dissection in Marfan Syndrome2024-07 -- 2025-06Hiromi YanagisawaMarfan Fundation/Everest Grant9,563,112Yen
メカノセンシング機構の破綻による大動脈疾患の病態解明とバイオマーカー診断法の開発2024-04 -- 2025-03Hiromi Yanagisawa国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構/循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業/19,500,000Yen
メカノセンシング機構の破綻による大動脈疾患の病態解明とバイオマーカー診断法の開発2023-06 -- 2024-03Hiromi YanagisawaJapan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/循環器疾患・糖尿病等生活習慣病対策実用化研究事業19,500,000Yen
細胞外マトリクスを基軸とした胸部大動脈疾患の発生機序の解明と新規治療法の開発2023-04 -- 2027-03Hiromi Yanagisawa科学研究費補助金/科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A)46,800,000Yen
新規大動脈解離マウスモデルを用いたマルファン症候群等類縁疾患の大動脈解離発症機序の解明2023-04 -- 2024-03Hiromi YanagisawaJapan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/AMED難治性疾患実用化研究事業11,310,000Yen
柳沢研究室への支援2023-03 -- (current)柳沢裕美筑波大学/奨学寄付金10,000,000Yen
新規大動脈解離マウスモデルを用いたマルファン症候群等類縁疾患の大動脈解離発症機序の解明2022-04 -- 2023-03Hiromi YanagisawaJapan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/AMED難治性疾患実用化研究事業11,830,000Yen
ミクロフィブリル変異による大動脈解離の病態解明2021-10 -- 2025-03Hiromi YanagisawaJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))19,110,000Yen
新規大動脈解離マウスモデルを用いたマルファン症候群等類縁疾患の大動脈解離発症機序の解明2021-04 -- 2022-03Yanagisawa, HiromiThe Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/AMED難治性疾患実用化研究事業15,860,000Yen
メカノトランスダクションを基軸とした大動脈瘤発症機序の解明と破裂予測の基盤研究2020-04 -- 2023-03Hiromi YanagisawaJSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)17,810,000Yen
Career history
2024-04 -- (current)筑波大学TARAセンター センター長・教授
2015-09 -- (current)University of TsukubaTARA CenterProfessor
2014-09 -- 2015-08University of TsukubaTARA CenterProfessor
2011-09 -- 2015-08University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at DallasDepartment of Molecular BiologyAssociate Professor (Tenured)
2003-09 -- 2011-08University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at DallasDepartment of Molecular BiologyAssistant Professor
1999-09 -- 2003-08University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at DallasDepartment of Molecular BiologyInstructor
1998-01 -- 1999-08University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterDepartment of Molecular Biologyポスドク研究員
1991-10 -- 1997-12University of Texas Southwestern Medical CenterDepartment of Biochemistryポスドク研究員
1986-06 -- 1988-03University of Tsukuba HospitalInternal Medicineレジデント
Academic background
1980 -- 1986University of Tsukuba School of Medicine
1993-03Ph.D.University of Tsukuba
Licenses and qualifications
Academic societies
2024-04 -- 2027-03Japanese Society for Matrix Biology and Medicine
2022 -- (current)European Society of Cardiology
2022-01 -- (current)International Society for Matrix Biology
2019 -- (current)The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
2019 -- (current)The Japanese Biochemical Society
2016 -- (current)日本循環器学会
2015 -- (current)日本心血管内分泌代謝学会
2015 -- (current)日本血管生物医学会
2015 -- (current)Jananese Society for Matirx Biology and Medicine
Honors & Awards
2024-02Best Faculty Member 2023
2016Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience
2012Established Investigator Award (AHA)
2008Junior Investigator Award (ASMB)
  • Mechanobiology of aortic cells and extracellular matrix
    Kailash Keshav; Clarin Maria Thea Rane Dela Cruz; Sheik...
    Biomechanics of the Aorta: Modelling for Patient Care/Elsevier, 2024-06
  • メカノバイオロジーと研究
    山城義人; 柳沢裕美
    血管・リンパ管の機能制御と疾患メカニズム/化学同人, 2022-08
  • 大動脈瘤への分子生物学的アプローチ
    木村 健一; 柳沢裕美
    心臓/日本医学出版, 2022-06
  • Epidermal stem cell lineages
    Oinam L; Changarathil G; Ngo YX; Yanagisawa H; *Sada A
    Advances in Stem Cells and their Niches, 2019-04
Conference, etc.
  • Phenotypic changes of endothelial cells in the pathogenesis of aortic dissection.
    Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Kanki Sachiko; Asano Ke...
    CVMW 2024/2024-12-07--2024-12-08
  • 遺伝性胸部大動脈疾患におけるメカノトランスダクション異常
    柳沢裕美; 木村健一; 本山絵理; 浅野恵一; 神吉佐知子
    CVMW 2024/2024-12-07--2024-12-08
  • フィブリリン1遺伝子変異による大動脈解離病態に関わる血管内皮細胞の機能解析
    本山 絵理; 木村 健一; 浅野 恵一; 神吉 佐知子; 中邨 智之; 柳沢 裕美
  • 骨髄ニッチにおけるミクロフィブリルを介した造血制御機構の解明
    木村 健一; 本山 絵理; 神吉 佐知子; 柳沢 裕美
  • 軟骨組織におけるCD73陽性細胞の細胞系譜解析
    Sanaki-Matsumiya Marina; Hosomi Nao; Yanagisawa Hiromi...
  • Phenotypic changes of endothelial cells in the pathogenesis of aortic dissection.
    Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Kanki Sachiko; Asano Ke...
  • Role of CD73-lineage cells in articular cartilage degeneration and remodeling in osteoarthritis
    Hosomi Nao; Matsumiya Marina; Yanagisawa Hiromi; Kimur...
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2024/2024-10-03--2024-10-04
  • Investigation of the molecular pathogenesis of aortic dissection in new Fibrillin 1 mutant mice by synchrotron imaging and transcriptomics analysis
    Sheikh Md Al Amin; Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Delee...
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2024/2024-10-03--2024-10-04
  • Anti-inflammatory Nanoparticles as Potential Treatment for Aortic Dissection
    Clarin M.T.R.D.C.; Motoyama Eri; A. Nabil; Kanki Sach...
    NIMS Award Symposium/2024-11-06--2024-11-07
  • Nanoparticles as a potential therapeutic tool for targeting M1 macrophages in Aortic Dissection
    Clarin M.T.R.D.C.; Motoyama Eri; A. Nabil; Kanki Sach...
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2024/2024-10-03--2024-10-04
  • Aortic rupture force in mice modelling hereditary aortic diseases
    Dubacher Nicolo; Sugiyama Kaori; Smith Jeffrey; Nussba...
  • Converting one differentiated cell identity into another: Insights from Drosophila enteroendocrine cells
    Qian Qingyin; Hayashi Makoto; Nagai Hiroki; Kimura Ke...
    The 16th Japanese Drosophila Research Conference (JDRC16)/2024-09-17--2024-09-19
  • A Smart Nanofiber-based Therapeutic Approach for Aortic Dissection by Targeting Sympathetic Innervation
    LI Kai; Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Fujisawa Nanami...
  • Nanoparticles as a potential therapeutic tool for targeting M1 macrophages in Aortic Dissection
    Cruz Maria Thea Rane Dela; Motoyama Eri; Ahmed Nabil; ...
  • Fibrillin-1 G234D mutation links mouse skin tightness to elastic fiber defects and collagen cross-linking
    Hossain ASM Sakhawat; Cruz Maria Thea Rane Dela; Kimura...
  • Investigation of the molecular pathogenesis of aortic dissection in new Fibrillin 1 mutant mice by synchrotron imaging and transcriptomics analysis
    Sheikh Md Al Amin; Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Delee...
  • Investigation of mechanosensing mechanisms in aortic dissection caused by a missense variant in the fibrillin-1
    本山 絵理; 木村 健一; Maria Thea Rane Dela Cruz Clarin; 浅野 恵一...
  • A Smart Nanofiber-based Therapeutic Approach for Aortic Dissection by Targeting Sympathetic Innervation
    LI Kai; Chen Lili; Fujisawa Nanami; Kimura Kenichi; M...
    The 40th annual meeting of JSDDS/2024-07-09--2024-07-11
    Kimura Kenichi; Ishi Ryutaro; Yanagisawa Hiromi
    The International Society for Stem Cell Research 2024/2024-07-09--2024-07-13
  • Phenotypic changes of endothelial cells in the pathogenesis of aortic dissection.
    Kimura Kenichi; Motoyama Eri; Kanki Sachiko; Asano Ke...
    International Vascular Biology Meeting 2024/2024-07-02--2024-07-02
  • Development of nanoparticles to induce M1-to-M2 switch as a treatment for aortic dissection in Fbn1 mutant mice.
    Clarin M.T.R.D.C.; E. Motoyama; A. Nabil; S. Kanki; U...
    International Vascular Biology Meeting 2024/2024-07-02--2024-07-05
  • Development of nanoparticles to induce M1-to-M2 switch as a treatment for aortic dissection in Fbn1 mutant mice.
    Clarin M.T.R.D.C.; E. Motoyama; A. Nabil; S. Kanki; K...
    World Biomaterials Congress/2024-05-27--2024-05-31
  • Investigation of the role of macrophages in Fbn1 mutant mice and development of therapeutic strategy for aortic dissection.
    Clarin M.T.R.D.C; Motoyama Eri; A Nabil; Kanki Sachik...
    the annual Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW) 2023/2023-09-27--2023-09-28
  • Treatment for Aortic Dissection Using Nanoparticles to Target M1 Macrophages.
    Clarin M.T.R.D.C.; Motoyama E; Nabil A; Kanki S; Kimu...
    Tsukuba Biomedical Engineering Forum/2024-01-19
  • Cell-matrix interactions in the maintenance of vascular wall
    柳沢 裕美
    Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/2023-5-11
  • more...
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Research in Humanics IIIaUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Seminars in Humanics IIIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Basic Experiments in Human BiologyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Seminars in Human Biology IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Lectures in Humanics IIIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Lectures in Humanics IIIaUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Special Seminars in Humanics IIIaUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Seminars in Human Biology IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Lectures in Human Biology IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Special Research in Human Biology IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2024-07 -- 2024-07医学医療系FD講習会筑波大学医学医療系 ゆりのき通りでキャリアを考える会
2024-02 -- 2024-02IDWGIS Symposium 2024 (International Day of Women and Girls in Science Symposium 2024)RIKEN BDR
2023-07 -- 2023-07Power Hour at GRC (Organizer)Gordon Research Conference
2022-10 -- 2022-10Roundtable Discussion at IVBM 2022: Empowerment Roundtable for Advancement of Gender EquityInternational Vascular Biology Meeting 2022
2021-10 -- 2021-10Women’s Empowerment Roundtable at NAVBONorth American Vascular Biology Organization
2021-05 -- 2021-05世界のトップサイエンティストの男女共同参画第62回日本神経学会
2020-12 -- 2020-12「イノベーションを支える多様な人材の活躍に向 けて~次期科学技術・イノベーション基本計画の共創に向けた全国キャラバン(つく ば開催)~」つくば女性研究者協議会・内閣府・つくば市
2020-03 -- 2020-03女性研究者・職員向け研修「次世代型インクルーシブ・リーダーの育成」ダイバーシティ研究環境イニシアティブ
2019-10 -- 2019-10Tsukuba Scientific English Conference 2019Tsukuba Global Science Week
2018-09 -- 2018-09TGSW 2018 Beyond the borderつくばグローバルサイエンスウィーク
Professional activities
2022-01 -- (current)International Society for Matrix BiologyCouncil member
2022-01 -- (current)Matrix BiologyEditor
2021-12 -- (current)Vascular PharmacologyEditorial Board Member
2021-09 -- (current)Frontiers in Cardiovascular MedicineAssociate Editor (Atherosclerosis and Vascular Medicine)
2021-04 -- (current)Frontiers in Cell and Developmental BiologyGuest Editor (Extracellular Matrix Dynamics in Biology, Bioengineering and Pathology -Volume II)
2020-11 -- 2023-11Jananese Society for Matirx Biology and Medicine理事
2020-09 -- 2022-1022nd International Vascular Biology MeetingInternational Scientific Advisory Board
2020 -- (current)CellsEditorial Board Member
2020-07 -- (current)North American Vascular Biology OrganizationNAVBO Diversity committee
2019 -- 2022日本血管生物医学会評議員
University Management
2021 -- (current)HBP 学位論文審査委員会委員
2020 -- 2021学長補佐室室員
2019 -- (current)ヒューマニクス学位プログラム 広報委員会委員、広報委員長(2020-)
2019 -- (current)TARA センターセンター長特別補佐
2018 -- (current)Humanics Graduate ProgramFaculty Mentor
2018 -- (current)HBP運営委員会委員
2017 -- (current)HBP教務委員会委員, 教務委員長(2019-2021)
2017 -- (current)医学医療系生命医科学域運営委員会委員
2016 -- 2018筑波大学研究戦略室室員
2015 -- (current)TARAセンター運営委員会委員

(Last updated: 2024-11-25)