SADO Natsuki

Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Research fields
Developmental mechanisms and the body works
Sports science
Research keywords
Research projects
筋腱複合体の力学的特性および実動作中の動態が走の経済性に及ぼす影響2024-08 -- 2025-03SADO NatsukiAdvanced Research Initiative for Human High Performance(ARIHHP), University of Tsukuba/2024年度ARIHHP重点戦略プロジェクト1,500,000Yen
Elucidation of hamstring strain injury risk: an approach based on a multidimensional assessment of running movements and physical characteristics2024-04 -- 2028-03Natsuki SADOJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)18,590,000Yen
力学的な動かしやすさに対する人間の適応をアスリートの身体から探る2021-04 -- 2024-03SADO NatsukiJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists4,680,000Yen
Clarification of the optimal jumping motion according to the individual morphology2019-08 -- 2021-03SADO NatsukiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up2,730,000Yen
ダイナミックな移動運動における体幹の役割2016-04 -- 2019-03SADO NatsukiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows3,400,000Yen
バイオメカニクス操作による前向き訓練2022-06 -- (current)SADO NatsukiJapan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/Moonshot research and development program by JST71,825,000Yen
Indirect evaluation of individual optimal jumping motion with a perspective for establishing a motor learning support system2022-04 -- 2023-03Natsuki SadoTateisi Science and Technology Foundation/2,777,000Yen
Exploring human adaptation to 'Triple Extension' of the upper limb from Shot Put athletes.2023-04 -- 2024-03Natuski SADOMIZUNO sports promotion foundation/2023年度 公益財団法人ミズノスポーツ振興財団助成金1,000,000Yen
ヒト身体がもつ冗長自由度は目標指向性運動の学習を難しくしているのか? :効果的な運動学習方法論の確立を見据えて2022-01 -- 2022-06SADO NatsukiThe Descente and Ishimoto Memorial Foundation for the Promotion of Sports Science/第44回研究助成金500,000Yen
一流柔道家からヒトの外乱応答能力の可塑性に迫る2021-06 -- 2022-03SADO NatsukiAdvanced Research Initiative for Human High Performance (ARIHHP), University of Tsukuba/280,000Yen
Career history
2021-01 -- (current)University of Tsukuba体育系Assistant professor
2020-04 -- 2021-09明治薬科大学非常勤講師
2019-04 -- 2020-12早稲田大学スポーツ科学学術院助教(任期付き)
2018-04 -- 2019-03東京学芸大学非常勤講師
2016-04 -- 2019-03学術振興会特別研究員
Academic background
2016-04 -- 2019-03東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 広域科学専攻 博士課程
2014-04 -- 2016-03東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 広域科学専攻 修士課程
2010-04 -- 2014-03筑波大学 体育専門学群
Licenses and qualifications
Academic societies
2022-06 -- (current)International Society of Biomechanics
2014-05 -- (current)Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
2015-09 -- (current)日本トレーニング科学会
2018-01 -- (current)International Society of Biomechanics in Sports
2014-05 -- (current)東京体育学会
Honors & Awards
2024-07Hans Gros Emerging Researcher Award
2024-07World Athletic Award for Biomechanics (共同研究者 / 筆頭は研究室所属学生)
2024-07New Investigator Award (Poster) Bronze Medal (3rd Place) (共同研究者 / 筆頭は研究室所属学生)
2024-04Top Cited Article 2022-2023
2024-03Top Downloaded Article
2023-08World Athletic Award for Biomechanics (共同研究者 / 筆頭は研究室所属学生)
2023-07New Investigator Award (Poster) Gold Medal (1st Place) (共同研究者 / 筆頭は研究室所属学生)
2022-12-04日本トレーニング科学会 若手研究奨励賞 (共同研究者 / 筆頭は研究室所属学生)
2022-11-13日本バイオメカニクス学会大会 奨励賞 (共同研究者、筆頭は研究室所属学生)
2021-11日本トレーニング科学会 実行委員会特別賞 最優秀賞 (共同研究者 / 筆頭は研究室所属学生)
2021-11日本トレーニング科学会 若手研究奨励大賞 (共同研究者 / 筆頭は研究室所属学生)
2019-10日本トレーニング科学会 若手研究奨励賞
2019-03東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域科学専攻 博士論文特別賞
2018-09New Investigator Award (Poster & Oral) Gold Medal (1st Place)
2016-09日本バイオメカニクス学会 奨励賞 (基礎部門)
2016-03東京大学 一高記念賞
2016-03東京大学総合文化研究科広域科学専攻 奨励賞
2016-03特に優れた業績による返還免除 全額免除
2023-10日本トレーニング科学会若手研究奨励賞 (共同研究者)
2023-08JSB-Award (Best Podium Presentation) (共同研究者)
2022-11-1328th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Biomechanics, Young Investigator Award (co-author)
Refereed academic journal/Refereed international conference paper
Conference, etc.
  • Asymmetric kinematic responses to verbal gait instructions: stooped posture induces shorter steps, but NOT vice versa.
    Sado N.; Tominaga T.; Okuyama H.; Hobo A.; Shinabe Y.
    International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement/2024-12
  • Non-invasive evaluation of plantar fascia strain during locomotion considering its insertion site by motion capture-ultrasound combination.
    Hobo A.; Tominaga T.; Sado N.
    International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement/2024-12
  • Distal joint kinetics are associated with shot put performance
    Hashimoto S.; Tominaga T.; K. Ohyama-Byun; Sado N.
  • Speed-dependent increase in lumbar lordosis is inconsistent with speed-independent pelvic tilt during treadmill running
    Tominaga T.; Tasaki Y.; Sado N.
    ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive/2024-07
  • Angulation of handle force application from the cable direction in achieving a turn in the hammer throw
    Nonaka Eri; Fujii Norihisa; SADO Natsuki; sekiya Koike
    The XXIX Congress of International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2023) and XXIX Congress of Japanese Society of Biomechanics (JSB2023)/2023-07-30--2023-08-03
  • Switch of the role of the upper and lower limbs to reach ball impact heights during a two-handed backhand stroke
    Sichao ZHANG; Fujii Norihisa; SADO Natsuki
    The XXIX Congress of International Society of Biomechanics (ISB2023) and XXIX Congress of Japanese Society of Biomechanics (JSB2023)/2023-07-30--2023-08-03
  • アキレス腱剛性が100m走の加速疾走局面における下肢ばね剛性および時空間変数へ及ぼす影響
    辰巳 新; 藤森 俊秀; 枝川 岳史; 佐渡 夏紀
  • 走速度増大に伴う腰椎の姿勢変化の不均一性. 第36回日本トレーニング科学会
    富永 天平; 佐渡 夏紀
  • 長距離走者で遠位の除脂肪重量が下肢慣性モーメントと強く関係する
    枝川 岳史; 藤森 俊秀; 橋本 昇悟; 岡本 嘉一; 中島 崇仁; 佐渡 夏紀
  • 下肢筋の慣性特性から探るヒトの身体デザイン:ヒラメ筋は下肢のスイングを最も妨げる
    高橋 克毅; 佐渡 夏紀; 若原 卓
  • 女子バスケットボール選手におけるワンハンドシュートの成功率とリリース変数のばらつきの関係
    島川 帆乃花; 佐渡 夏紀; 藤井 範久
  • The largest segmental components of energy directly contributing to height do not explain the variance of its total in the high jump
    Sado N.; Fujimori T.; Tobe N.
    29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics / Japanese Society of Biomechanics/2023-07-31--2023-08-04
  • Mechanical interaction between Achilles tendon and plantar fascia during isometric ankle plantar flexion
    Shiotani H.; Takahashi K.; Tomari K.; Sado N.; Kawaka...
    29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics / Japanese Society of Biomechanics/2023-07-31--2023-08-04
  • Performance strategy in the high jump varies between individuals: mechanical work exertion vs. energy conversion
    Fujimori T.; Tobe N.; Sado N.
    29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics / Japanese Society of Biomechanics/2023-07-31--2023-08-04
  • Unique mass distribution in the lower limbs of distance runners and its effect on moment of inertia
    Edagawa T.; Fujimori T.; Hashimoto S. ; Okamoto Y.; T. ...
    29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics / Japanese Society of Biomechanics/2023-07-31--2023-08-04
  • Pectoralis major and deltoid muscularity in shot putters: Reversal of whether cross-sectional area or volume is related to performance
    Hashimoto S.; T. Fujimori; Edagawa T.; K. Ohyama-Byun; ...
    29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics / Japanese Society of Biomechanics/2023-07-31--2023-08-04
  • Switch point of impact height of adjusting segments to reach ball heights during a two-handed backhand stroke at various impact heights
    Zhang S.; Sado N.; Fujii N.
    29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics / Japanese Society of Biomechanics/2023-07-31--2023-08-04
  • Mass–spring characteristics explain the temporal step parameters but are not specific to individuals across phases in accelerated sprinting
    Tatsumi A.; Fujimori T.; Edagawa T.; Sado N.
    29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics / Japanese Society of Biomechanics/2023-07-31--2023-08-04
  • Angulation of handle force application from the cable direction in achieving a turn in the hammer throw
    Nonaka E.; Sado Natsuki; Fujii N.
    29th Congress of International Society of Biomechanics / Japanese Society of Biomechanics/2023-07-31--2023-08-04
  • Hip and lumbosacral joint centre locations in Asian population: biases by existing regressions and development of new methods
    Sado N.; T. Edagawa; T. Fujimori; S. Hashimoto; Y. O...
    The 41st Annual Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports/2023-07-12--2023-07-16
  • Inter-joint differences exist in kinetic demand for performance in high jump
    Fujimori T.; Tobe N ; Sado N.
    The 41st Annual Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports/2023-07-12--2023-07-16
  • Lower-limb moment of inertia in the anatomical position does not explain the inter-individual variation in O2 cost in trained endurance runners
    Edagawa T.; Fujimori T.; Akutsu K.; Hashimoto S.; Fuj...
    The 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science/2023-07-04--2023-07-07
  • Three-dimensional developmental aspects of the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles in shot putters
    Hashimoto S.; Fujimori T.; Edagawa T.; K. Ohyama-Byun...
    The 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science/2023-07-04--2023-07-07
  • Associations between exercise-induced flattening of foot arch and fatigue of extrinsic and intrinsic foot muscles.
    H. Shiotani; K. Takahashi; Tomari K.; Honma Y.; Hayashi ...
    40th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sports/2022-07-19--2022-07-23
  • Contractile and non-contractile tissues of the quadriceps femoris and hamstrings and their effects on age-related differences in specific torque
    H. Ichinose; Evangelidis P. E.; Yamagishi T.; Sado N.; H...
    9th World Congress of Biomechanics/2022-07-10--2022-07-14
  • more...
2024-08 -- 2024-09Practice and Research Techniques in Sport BiomechanicsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Practice and Research Techniques in Sport BiomechanicsUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Sport Techniques -Natural Scientific Side-University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar of Sport Biomechanics IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07Research Method IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Human Performance and Sport Sciences IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Human Performance and Sport Sciences IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Introduction to Sports Medicine IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar of Sport Biomechanics IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-07English for Specialized Subjects BUniversity of Tsukuba.
Professional activities
2022-11 -- 2023-08International Society of BiomechanicsScientific Committee, XXIX Congress of International Society of Biomechanics
2022-07 -- 2022-07International Society of BiomechanicsExecutive Committee member, 3-D Analysis of Human Movement [3D-AHM 2022]
2023-04 -- (current)日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会International Journal of Sports and Health Sciences, Editor
2022-01 -- (current)International Society of Biomechanics in SportsEditorial Board Member of Sports Biomechanics journal
2021-10 -- (current)Frontiers in Sports and Active LivingReview Editor for Sports Science, Technology and Engineering
Other activities
2022-11 -- 2022-11栃木県立栃木高等学校 つくばサイエンスツアー
2022-10 -- 2022-10茨城県立鹿島高等学校 出前講義
2021-11 -- 2021-11都立三鷹中等教育学校 出前授業 講師

(Last updated: 2025-03-07)