CHUJO Tatsuya
- Conference, etc.
- FoCal他前方カロリメータ
中條 達也
KEK研究会「素粒子・原子核コライダー物理の交点」/2020-08-31--2020-09-01 - Online Algorithm for FoCal
中條 達也
Mini-workshop on next generation DAQ/2020-03-16--2020-03-16 - クォーク・グルーオン・プラズマ物理の最前線
中條 達也
新学術領域「量子クラスターで読み解く物質の階層構造」スクール/2020-03-03--2020-03-03 - ALICE FoCal, a possibility of mass production in Japan
中條 達也
KEK platform B (silicon) meeting/2020-01-08--2020-01-08 - FoCal in Japan
中條 達也
ALICE workshop in Hiroshima/2020-01-26--2020-01-26 - ALICE FoCal, a possibility of mass production in Japan
中條 達也
KEK platform B (silicon) meeting/2019-12-12--2019-12-12 - クォーク・グルーオン・プラズマ(QGP) とカラーグラス凝縮 (CGC)
中條 達也
京都大学・集中講義 「高エネルギー重イオン衝突の物理」セミナー・談話会/2019-12-04--2019-12-06 - Jets in heavy ion collisions and future directions
中條 達也
Seminar at Shinshu University/2019-10-09--2019-10-09 - ALICE FoCal upgrade
中條 達也
Kick-off meeting of Platform B (Silicon) - ジェット物理の最前線
中條 達也
理研シンポジウム:チュートリアル研究会「高エネルギー重イオン衝突の物理:基礎・最先端・課題・展望」/2019-08-19--2019-08-21 - Recent jet results and future directions in ALICE
Chujo Tatsuya
Heavy Ion Cafe/2019-06-22--2019-06-23 - ALICE T2 Status Hiroshima and Tsukuba
Chujo Tatsuya
Ninth Annual ALICE Tier-1/Tier-2 Workshop/2019-05-15--2019-05-15 - QGP Tomography with jets
Chujo Tatsuya
2019 Joint workshop of FKPPL and TYL/FJPPL/2019-05-08--2019-05-10 - FoCal activity in Japan
Chujo Tatsuya
International workshop on Forward Physics and Forward Calorimeter Upgrade in ALICE/2019-03-07--2019-03-09 - Heavy Ion Physics and EIC
Chujo Tatsuya
pre-DIS workshop/2018-04-15--2018-04-15 - Jet physics overview in ALICE
Chujo Tatsuya
Opportunities and Challenges with Jets at LHC and beyond/2018-06-10--2018-06-12 - Probing the quark-gluon plasma at the energy frontier with the LHC
Chujo Tatsuya
5th Joint Meeting of APS DNP and JPS/2018-10-25--2018-10-25 - Initial state and forward physics at LHC
Chujo Tatsuya
XXV Cracow EPIPHANY Conference on Advances in Heavy Ion Physics/2019-01-08--2019-01-11 - Jet physics in ALICE
Chujo Tatsuya
UCLA 2019 Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor Workshop/2019-01-28--2019-01-30 - Jet physics in ALICE
Chujo Tatsuya
International Workshop on Forward and Jet Physics at LHC/2019-02-11--2019-02-12 - New physics potential investigating the forward region at LHC and FoCal proposal in ALICE
Chujo Tatsuya
Nagoya mini-workshop, “Phenomenology and experiment at RHIC and the LHC/2019-02-16--2019-02-16 - Studies of extremely dense matter in heavy-ion collisions at J-PARC
Sako H.; Ahn J. K.; Akamatsu Y.; Asakawa M.; Ashikaga S....
27th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter)/2018-05-13--2018-05-19 - PHENIX Measurements of dN(ch)/d eta in small systems
McGlinchey D.; Adare A.; Afanasiev S.; Aidala C.; Ajitana...
27th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter)/2018-05-13--2018-05-19 - PHENIX measurements of low momentum direct photon radiation
Khachatryan Vladimir; Adare A.; Afanasiev S.; Aidala C.; ...
27th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter)/2018-05-13--2018-05-19 - Recent Quarkonium Studies from the PHENIX Experiment
Durham J. Matthew; Adare A.; Afanasiev S.; Aidala C.; Aji...
27th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter)/2018-05-13--2018-05-19 - more...
- FoCal他前方カロリメータ