Researcher's full information

  • Statistical Laws of Velocity Circulation in Homogeneous Turbulence
    Kyo Yoshida; Nozomu Hatakeyama
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/69(9)/p.1661-1671, 2000-06
  • Anomalous scaling of anisotropy of second-order moments in a model of a randomly advected solenoidal vector field
    Kyo Yoshida; Yukio Kaneda
    Physical Review E/63/p.016308-1 -- 016308-8, 2000-12
  • Kraichnan Model Seminar Part 2
    吉田 恭
    Reports of RIAM Syposium No.12ME-S3 ``New Aspects of Fluid Dynamics''(Kyushu University)/p.23-32, 2001-05
  • A statistical law of velocity circulations in fully developed turbulence
    Kyo Yoshida; Nozomu Hatakeyama
    IUTAM Symposium on Geometry and Statistics of Turbulence/p.145-150, 2001-01
  • Anisotropic Velocity Correlation Spectrum at Small Scales in a Homogeneous Turbulent Shear Flow
    Takashi Ishihara; Kyo Yoshida; and Yukio Kaneda
    Physical Review Letters/88/p.154501-1 -- 154501-4, 2002-03
  • Anisotropic spectrum of homogeneous turbulent shear flow in a Lagrangian renormalized approximation
    Kyo Yoshida; Takashi Ishihara; and Yukio Kaneda
    Physics of Fluids/15(8)/p.2385-2397, 2003-07
  • LES of Stably Stratified Turbulence
    Kyo Yoshida; Takashi Ishihara; and Yukio Kaneda
    Statistical Theories and Computational Approaches to Turbulence, Modern Perspectives and Applications to Global-Scale Flows/p.219--228, 2003-01
  • LES Modelings Based on The Lagrangian Renormalized Approximation
    Kyo Yoshida; Takashi Ishihara; Daishi Fujita; Tomomichi ...
    Statistical Theories and Computational Approaches to Turbulence, Modern Perspectives and Applications to Global-Scale Flows/p.203--219, 2003-01
  • Small-scale anisotropy in stably stratified turbulence
    Yukio Kaneda; Kyo Yoshida
    New Journal of Physics/6/p.34-1 -- 34-16, 2004-03
  • Turbulent Diffusion and Lagrangian Velocity Correlation
    Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics (Nagare)/23(3)/p.159--170, 2004-06
  • Regeneration of Small Eddies by Data Assimilation in Turbulence
    Kyo Yoshida; Junzo Yamaguchi; Yukio Kaneda
    Physical Review Letters/94/p.014501-1 -- 014501-4, 2005-01
  • Energy Spectra in Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
    吉田 恭; 有光 敏彦
    Reports of RIAM Syposium No.19ME-S7 ``Dynamics, structures and statistical laws of turbulence and systems with large number of degrees of freedom''/p.116-123, 2008-03
  • Numerical Simulation of Quantum FLuid Turbulence
    Kyo Yoshida; Toshihico Arimitsu
    IUTAM Symposium on Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence/p.379--384, 2008-01
  • Multifractal PDF analysis for intermittent systems
    T. Arimitsu; N. Arimitsu; K. Yoshida; H. Mouri
    Anomalous Fluctuation Phenomena in Complex Systems: Plasmas, Fluids, and Financial Markets/p.25-55, 2008-01
  • Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence under a weak uniform magnetic field
    吉田 恭; 有光 敏彦
    Reports of RIAM Syposium No.20ME-S6 ``Dynamics, structures and statistical laws of turbulence and systems with large number of degrees of freedom''/p.122-127, 2009-03
  • Multifractal PDF Analysis of Energy Dissipation Rates in Turbulence
    T.~Arimitsu; N.~Arimitsu; K.~Yoshida; H.~Mouri
    IUTUM Symposium on Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence/p.117-123, 2008-01
  • Energy Spectra in Quantum Fluid Turbulence
    Kyo Yoshida; Toshihico Arimitsu
    Journal of Low Temperature Physics/145/p.219-230, 2006-01
  • Numerical simulation of 2D granular particles and its analyses by means of the micropolar fluid model
    Takechi Kohei; Yoshida Kyo; Arimitsu Toshihico
    CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS/10(3)/pp.684-691, 2012-06
  • 21pED-10 Quantum teleportation for continuous variables under environment II
    北島 佐知子; 有光 敏彦; 吉田 恭; 大日向 正志
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(2)/p.136, 2011-08
  • 28aTF-9 Constitutive equations for granular flow with uniform mean shear and spin fields
    武智 公平; 吉田 恭; 有光 敏彦
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/66(1)/p.347, 2011-03
  • Constitutive equations for granular flow with uniform mean shear and spin fields
    Takechi K.; Yoshida K.; Arimitsu T.
    CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS/14(1)/pp.0-0, 2011-01
  • Regeneration of small scales by large-scale data assimilation in turbulence (Turbulence phenomena and their reduction from the point of view of dynamical systems)
    吉田 恭; 金田 行雄
    RIMS Kokyuroku/1434(0)/pp.195-204, 2005-05
  • 20aXE-6 Energy spectra of MHD turbulence in Lagrangian renormalized approximation
    吉田 恭
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/60(2)/p.160, 2005-08
  • 27pXG-7 Multifractal analysis of the PDF for energy dissipation rates and of the generalized dimension extracted out from turbulence in a boundary layer
    有光 敏彦; 有光 直子; 吉田 恭; 毛利 英明
    Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/61(1)/p.269, 2006-03
  • Numerical simulation of quantum fluid turbulence(Fluid dynamics for mixing, chemical reaction and combustion)
    吉田 恭; 有光 敏彦
    RIMS Kokyuroku/1496(0)/pp.124-129, 2006-05
  • more...