FUJII Sayaka
- Articles
- Study on the application of the urban planning proposal system for preserving and upgrading living environment
星 卓志; 野澤 康; 藤井 さやか; 渡邊 一成
星 卓志; 野澤 康; 藤井 さやか; 渡邉 一成
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)/82(737)/pp.1757-1764, 2017 - 地域の中にある多様性に気づき、活かす
Fujii Sayaka
Joyo ARC/48(561)/pp.4-11, 2016-07 - The Role of the Community Learning and Development Center in the Diverse Community
Fujii Sayaka
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia/pp.2118-2121, 2016-09 - TYPE OF RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION USING REGIONAL INFORMATION AND ITS COMPARATIVE SURVEY BY COMMON OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITY CONTENTS
温井 達也; 王尾 和寿; 渡 和由; 藤井 さやか; 花里 俊廣
AIJ Journal of Technology and Design/23(53)/pp.277-281, 2017 - 公開空地はコモンズとなりうるか?
藤井 さやか
Urban housing sciences/90/pp.76-78, 2015-07 - カナダ・トロント市の公共住宅団地の再生事業と社会的包摂の実践
藤井 さやか
住宅/64(11)/pp.42-50, 2015-11 - Location and Development Control of Wind Farms in Japan
Niitani Ken; Fujii Sayaka; Arita Tomokazu
Journal of Sustainable Urbanization and Regeneration/1/pp.113-121, 2015-09 - Discussion on 'Social Inclusion' of the Public Housing Revitalization Project with Diverse Community:Case Study on the Revitalization Project of the Regent Park in Toronto
藤井 さやか
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/50(3)/pp.1045-1050, 2015 - Renovation and Redevelopment of Public Housing to Create Bases for Aging in Place: The Historical and Current Role of Public Housing in Japan
藤井 さやか
Proceedings of the 16th International Planning History Society/pp.419-433, 2014-07 - カナダにおける格差拡大と分極化に対する近隣レベルの挑戦
藤井 さやか
都市計画/310/p.84, 2014-8 - Revitalization of Public Housing to Create Care Bases for Senior Citizens
藤井 さやか
USJI Voice/(5)/pp.1-4, 2015-01 - アメリカにおけるCCRCの現状と日本での展開可能性
藤井 さやか; 樋野公宏
住宅/pp.57-66, 2015-03 - Location and Development Control of Wind Farms in Japan
Niitani Ken; Fujii Sayaka; Arita Tomokazu
1st International conference of International Alliance for Sustainable Urbanization and Regeneration, 2014-10 - The Revitalization of the Large Scale Public Housing Estate in Canada:Case Study on the Redevelopment Project of the Regent Park in Toronto city
藤井 さやか
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/49(3)/pp.813-818, 2014-11 - The Living Environment in Tsukuba Science City, Japan: Progress and Current Challenges
Kunihiro Hino; Sayaka Fujii; Sachko Yamamoto; Akinobu Muraka...
Proceedings of the 16th International Planning History Society/pp.480-493, 2014-07 - Variety and Residents Evaluation of Housing for National Officers in Tsukuba Science City, Japan
Sachiko Yamamoto; Sayaka Fujii; Kimihiro Hino; Shun Watanabe
Proceedings of the 16th International Planning History Society/pp.1185-1197, 2014-07 - ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ON AND STRUCTURE OF FEAR OF CRIME IN THE NIGHTTIME:Case study on pedestrian street in Tsukuba science city
樋野公宏; 石井 儀光; 藤井 さやか
J. Archit. Plann./79(696)/pp.445-450, 2014-02 - 震災時における情報入手と伝達方法の特性-茨城県つくば市でのアンケート調査を事例として
藤井 さやか
地理情報システム学会講演論文集, 2012-10 - 拡大する都市の建築紛争と縮小する都市の建築紛争
藤井 さやか
都市問題/2/p.55, 2013-02 - Studies on the adaptation to the changing urban surrounding of family running store located in central Tokyo : A case of the shopping district in Azabujuban
白田 順士; 藤井 さやか; 大村謙二郎
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/47(3)/pp.715-720, 2012-10 - A study on flexibility and revisions of district plans in aging planned residential neighborhoods. : A case of detached housing area around Tokyo
阪口 将太; 藤井 さやか; 大村謙二郎
都市計画論文集 = Papers on city planning/47(3)/pp.379-384, 2012-10 - The construction of neighborhood relationships of married women in mid-to-high-rise condominium: a case study on Cheng-Gong public-housing-apartment in Taipei city
陳 秉立; 大村 謙二郎; 有田 智一; 藤井さやか
Urban housing sciences/0(59)/pp.45-50, 2007-01 - A study on the new town project of Seoul metropolitan area in relation with urban renewal of the built-up area
朴 根午; 大村 謙二郎; 有田 智一; 藤井 さやか
Urban housing sciences/0(63)/pp.57-62, 2008-01 - 土地建物利用実態からみた中高層階住居専用地区の可能性と課題:新宿区荒木町と北新宿4丁目を事例として
藤井さやか・大村謙二郎; +藤井 さやか
都市住宅学/19/p.57-62, 1997-11 - more...
- Study on the application of the urban planning proposal system for preserving and upgrading living environment