FUJII Sayaka

Researcher's full information

  • Facts and problems about the factors and countermeasures for disputes arising from land use under the current zoning system : Focusing on petitions as for land use disputes
    有留 健太朗; 有田 智一; 藤井 さやか; 大村 謙二郎
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/45(3)/pp.709-714, 2010-10
  • 計画的住宅地は持続可能か?(建築社会システムのあり方特別研究,研究協議会,メインテーマ「今、私たちにできること」,2011年度日本建築学会大会(関東))
    藤井 さやか
    Journal of architecture and building science/126(1620)/p.87, 2011-07
  • A study on the development negotiations under the townscape ordinance in Kunitachi-city
    藤井 さやか; 小泉 秀樹; 大方 潤一郎
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/0(39)/pp.727-732, 2004-10
  • マンション紛争の構造と既成市街地更新コントロール手法に関する研究
    藤井 さやか
    都市計画/55(4)/p.98, 2006-08
  • The location trend of medical facilities and planning control in local cities
    市川 美穂子; 大村 謙二郎; 有田 智一; 藤井 さやか
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/41(3)/pp.803-808, 2006-10
  • The stagnation of commercial accumulation districts in front of the stations in the suburbs of the Tokyo metropolitan area : A study of Honatsugi and Odawara
    阿藤 卓弥; 大村 謙二郎; 有田 智一; 藤井 さやか
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/41(3)/pp.1037-1042, 2006-10
  • A study of application and promotion of the urban proposal system by citizen initiatives
    林崎 豊; 藤井 さやか; 有田 智一; 大村 謙二郎
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/42(3)/pp.229-234, 2007-10
  • Study on the Urban-Renewal in Berlin after the Reunification : Case Study in Prenzlauer Berg
    太田 尚孝; 大村 謙二郎; 有田 智一; 藤井 さやか
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/42(3)/pp.379-384, 2007-10
  • A study on revisions of district plans in detached housing area of changing environment : National survey and a case study in Hadano-city
    立見 紀子; 藤井 さやか; 有田 智一; 大村 謙二郎
    都市計画. 別冊, 都市計画論文集 = City planning review. Special issue, Papers on city planning/42(3)/pp.715-720, 2007-10
  • Restructuring policies of company-owned land and buildings in a company town : A case study in Hitachi-city
    村本 浩一; 藤井 さやか; 有田 智一; 大村 謙二郎
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/42(3)/pp.727-732, 2007-10
  • New Direction of Development Control System
    桑田 仁; 藤井 さやか
    City planning review/57(2)/pp.43-48, 2008-04
  • Actions toward New Japanese Planning System
    小泉 秀樹; 藤井 さやか; 後藤 純; 伊藤 夏樹
    City planning review/57(2)/pp.70-74, 2008-04
  • Analysis of land use change and accumulation of large scale commercial facilities in industrial estates : A case of Tochigi prefecture
    城間 奨; 藤井 さやか; 有田 智一; 大村 謙二郎
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/43(3)/pp.925-930, 2008-10
    藤井 さやか; 大澤 昭彦; 小泉 秀樹; 中井 検裕; 中西 正彦
    日本建築学会計画系論文集/73(634)/pp.2801-2802, 2008-12
  • A Study on Classification of Specific Usage Limitation Area through Analysis of Designated Areas across the Country
    藤井さやか; 小山雄資; 大澤義明
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/44(3)/pp.265-270, 2009-10
  • A study of center firm in a company town from the view of urban formation and change of public role : A case study in Ube city, Yamaguchi prefecture
    河野 泰明; 大村 謙二郎; 有田 智一; 藤井 さやか
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/44(3)/pp.847-852, 2009-10
  • Center-rebuilding in Berlin in the divided time : Changing from the modern planning to the post-modern planning
    太田 尚孝; 大村 謙二郎; 有田 智一; 藤井 さやか
    Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan/44(3)/pp.883-888, 2009-10
  • Urban Renaissance as Intensification: Building Regulation and the Rescaling of Place Governance in Tokyo's High-rise Manshon Boom
    Sorensen Andre; Okata Junichiro; Fujii Sayaka
    URBAN STUDIES/47(3)/pp.556-583, 2010-03