- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Professor
- I}++'*:HV:G[:G[...C# #vCx*C+*,",wvCvxC!':G[ %(, )0
- Office
- 総合研究棟B 9階 SB928室
- Other affiliation
Kumamoto University Research and Education Institute for Semiconductors and Informatics Professor, Cross Appointment High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies Visiting Professor New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization Technology Strategy Center Fellow - Research fields
Control engineering/System engineering Electron device/Electronic equipment Medical genome science Social systems engineering/ Safety system - Research keywords
reconfigurable computing system high performance computing dependable computing bioinformatics - Research projects
Highly parallel computing with many corallum mimic architecture 2017-04 -- 2020-03 YAMAGUCHI Yoshiki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 18,980,000Yen 不揮発スイッチデバイスの配線アーキテクチャに関する研究 2014-04 -- 2015-02 YAMAGUCHI Yoshiki New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)/超低電圧デバイス技術研究組合 2,160,000Yen 不揮発スイッチデバイスの配線アーキテクチャに関する研究 2013-12 -- 2014-03 YAMAGUCHI Yoshiki New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)/超低電圧デバイス技術研究組合 2,100,000Yen surveillance camera system for disaster risk management 2005-11 -- 2006-03 YAMAGUCHI Yoshiki Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/企業からの受託研究 High-speed computation system for spatio-temporal biological simulation 2005-04 -- 2006-03 山口佳樹 独立行政法人 理化学研究所/国内共同研究 High-speed homology search system 2006-04 -- 2008-03 MARUYAMA Tsutomu Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)/国内共同研究 1,000,000Yen 部分回路再構成を利用した可変並列計算システムの実現と耐故障性の向上について 2008 -- 2010 Yoshiki YAMAGUCHI Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 4,160,000Yen 書き換え可能ハードウェアを用いたタイルフォールトトレラント手法の実現 2006 -- 2007 Yoshiki YAMAGUCHI Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 3,500,000Yen figuring out the reason for behaviors of complex adaptive system 2000 -- 2002 Yoshiki YAMAGUCHI Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 3,000,000Yen - Career history
2024-02 -- (current) University of TsukubaInstitute of systems and information engineeringProfessor 2024-04 -- (current) High Energy Accelerator Research OrganizationInstitute of Particle and Nuclear StudiesVisiting Professor 2023-06 -- (current) Kumamoto UniversityResearch and Education Institute for Semiconductors and InformaticsProfessor, Cross Appointment 2022-09 -- (current) Universiti Malaysia PerlisCenter of Excellence for Micro System TechnologyVisiting Research Fellow 2016-05 -- (current) New Energy and Industrial Technology Development OrganizationTechnology Strategy CenterFellow 2015-08 -- 2019-03 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and TechnologyArtificial Intelligence Research CenterVisiting Researcher 2015-04 -- 2024-01 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Systems and Information EngineeringAssociate Professor 2011-07 -- (current) University of TsukubaCenter for Computational SciencesCollaborative Fellow 2005-04 -- 2015-03 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Systems and Information EngineeringAssistant Professor 2010-06 -- 2011-03 Imperial College of ScienceTechnology and MedicineVisiting Academic more... - Academic background
2000-04 -- 2003-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Engineering Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Systems 1998-04 -- 2000-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering Master's program in Science and Engineering 1994-04 -- 1998-03 University of Tsukuba Third Cluster of College College of Engineering Systems - Degree
2003-03 Doctor of Engineering University of Tsukuba 2000-03 Master of Engineering University of Tsukuba - Academic societies
2024-11 -- (current) The Engineering Academy of Japan Inc. 2019-05 -- 2022-03 Japanese Operations Management and Strategy Association 2016-06 -- (current) SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS OF JAPAN 2010 -- (current) Association for Computing Machinery 2008 -- (current) THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERS. 2008 -- (current) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2016-04 -- (current) The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 1997 -- (current) Information Processing Society of Japan - Honors & Awards
2024-01-06 Best Session Presentation Award Due to the excellent research presentation 2023-06 Excellent Presentation Award (Young Researcher Presentation Award) Due to the excellent research presentation 2023-03 President's Award, University of Tsukuba Efforts and talent in his research and establishes his position as an outstanding young researcher 2023-03 MEIKEIKAI Award Due to the notable achievements during my academic years 2023-03 Shinseikai Award The graduation research presentation was outstanding. 2023-03 Outstanding Student Award Efforts and talent in his research and establishes his position as an outstanding young researcher 2023-03 Graduate School Research Award Excellent research in the filed of automotive-related technologies. 2022-12 MCSoC2022 Best Paper Award Due to the superior quality of the paper's content. 2022-01 HPC Asia 2022 Best Student Poster Award in Memory of Hiroshi Nakashima (First Prize) Both the research content and the presentation were excellent. 2021-03 情報処理学会 全国大会 学生奨励賞 研究発表が素晴らしかったため 2019-11 APRIS2019 Best Short Paper Award Both the research content and the presentation were excellent. 2019-09 ESS2019 Incentive Award Both the research content and the presentation were excellent. 2019-03 Student Encouragement Award of IPSJ National Convention 学生セッションで発表された学生会員の中から座長裁量で優秀な発表に対して贈呈。 2019-03 Student Encouragement Award of IPSJ National Convention 学生セッションで発表された学生会員の中から座長裁量で優秀な発表に対して贈呈。 2017-11 RECONF研究会優秀講演賞 研究発表が素晴らしかったため 2016-09 FIT Young Researcher Award 研究内容および発表の双方が素晴らしかったため 2016-09 Encouraging Prize 研究発表が素晴らしかったため 2016-09 Encouraging Prize 研究発表が素晴らしかったため 2015-09 Significant Paper in FPL conferences The paper was selected as a distingushed paper. 2014-09-04 FIT Funai Best Paper Award A study of an FPGA-based video stabilizing system 2013-03-29 ISSS-2013 Best Paper Award Both the research content and the presentation were excellent. 2006-09-01 Europar 2006 Distinguished Paper. Both the research content and the presentation were excellent. - Articles
- FPGA-Based Improved Background Subtraction for Ultra-Low Latency
Oshima Yoshiyuki; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Tsugami Ryohei; F...
IEEE ACCESS/12/pp.164063-164080, 2024-04-01 - Enhancing IoT data acquisition efficiency via FPGA-based implementation with OpenCL framework
Firmansyah Iman; Setiadi Bambang; Subekti Agus; Nugrah...
Computers and Electrical Engineering/120(C), 2024-12 - A data compressor for FPGA-based state vector quantum simulators
Wei Kaijie; Amano Hideharu; Niwase Ryohei; Yamaguchi ...
The International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies/pp.63-70, 2024-06-19 - FPGA-based stereo matching for crop height measurement using monocular camera
Firmansyah Iman; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Maruyama Tsutomu; ...
MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS/108/p.105063, 2024-07 - Systolic Array-Based Many-Core Processor with Simultaneous Dual-Instruction Issuance
Yuxi Tan; Masaru Nishimura; Abdelhamid Riadh Ben; Bing...
The International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies/pp.119-125, 2024-06-19 - Scalable dual-instruction multiple-data processing on an efficient systolic-array architecture
Tan Yuxi; Abdelhamid Riadh Ben; Guo BingJie; Gao Qixi...
The 31st Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop, 2024-05-27 - Communication Latency Optimization Through Hardware-Direct Design in Modular Development
USHIWAKA Kota; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; YUANJIAO Qin; SHENG ...
Proceedings of 2023 2nd International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Engineering (ICARCE)/pp.1-4, 2023-12 - A state vector quantum simulator working on FPGAs with extensible SATA storage
KAIJIE Wei; NIWASE Ryohei; AMANO Hideharu; Miyoshi Takef...
2023 International Conference on Field Programmable Technology/pp.272-273, 2023-12-12 - Enormous-Scale Quantum State Vector Calculation with FPGA-accelerated SATA storages
NIWASE Ryohei; HARASAWA Hikaru; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; KAIJIE...
2023 International Conference on Field Programmable Technology/pp.288-289, 2023-12-12 - SATA burst data transfer pattern of state vector simulator
天野 英晴; ウェイ カイジ; 庭瀬 稜平; 三好 健文; 山口 佳樹
IEICE Reconfigurable Systems Workshop/123(374)/pp.47-52, 2024-01-29 - An FPGA-based data compressor for state vector quantum simulators
ウェイ カイジ; 天野 英晴; 庭瀬 稜平; 三好 健文; 山口 佳樹
IEICE Reconfigurable Systems Workshop/123(374)/pp.41-46, 2024-01-29 - FPGAを用いた繰り返し囚人のジレンマの高速計算
山口佳樹; 丸山勉; 星野力
情報処理学会第58回全国大会/1/pp.135-136, 1998-03 - Low-Latency and High-Bandwidth Communication Using HSS Transceivers on a Versal FPGA
KUROSAWA Takeo; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; TSUGAMI Ryohei; FUJ...
2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics/pp.1292-1293, 2024-01-05 - FPGA-based ultra-low latency background remover
OSHIMA Yoshiyuki; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; TSUGAMI Ryohei; F...
2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics/pp.1290-1291, 2024-01-05 - Stereo Vision System for Crop Height Measurement Using a Monocular Camera-Equipped Drone
Nakagawa Ryo; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Nobuhara Hajime; Firm...
2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics/pp.207-208, 2024-01-05 - A cost/power efficient storage system with directly connected FPGA and SATA disks
NIWASE Ryohei; HARASAWA Hikaru; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; KAI...
IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip/pp.51-58, 2023-12-18 - 量子計算指向ストレージ直結型大規模記憶演算とそれを実現するSerial ATAインタフェースの実装と評価
庭瀬 稜平; 原澤 輝; 山口 佳樹; Wei Kaijie; 天野 英晴
リコンフィギャラブルシステム研究会(RECONF)/123(71)/pp.46-51, 2023-06-08 - FPGA とSiC による実時間ミュオンビームモニタリングについて: COMET Phase-α 実験におけるシステムの実地試験を通して
YOON JONGKWAN; 山口 佳樹; 藤田 陽一; 深尾 祥紀; 濱田 英太郎; 五十嵐 洋一; 岸下 徹...
リコンフィギャラブルシステム研究会(RECONF)/123(71)/pp.35-40, 2023-06-08 - 輻射輸送シミュレーションのためのFPGAとGPUによるスクラッチパッドメモリの効率と有効性の分析
古川 和輝; 山口 佳樹; 横野 智也; 吉川 耕司; 藤田 典久; 小林 諒平; 安倍 牧人; 朴 泰祐; 梅村...
IEICE-RECONF2023-6/123(71)/pp.29-34, 2023-06 - FPGA-based detector with SiC sensing for real-time monitoring of muon beams: A preliminary report of SCIBER-1 in the COMET Phase-Alpha
Jongkwan Yoon; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Fujita Yowichi; Fukao ...
International Symposium on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART2023)/pp.35-40, 2023-06 - Quantitative study of floating-point precision on modern FPGAs
Abdelhamid Riadh Ben; Kuwazawa Gen; Yamaguchi Yoshiki
International Symposium on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART2023)/pp.49-58, 2023-06 - Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Memory System Using Addressable Cache for HPC Applications on HBM2 Equipped FPGAs
Fujita Norihisa; Kobayashi Ryohei; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Bok...
Euro-Par 2022: Parallel Processing Workshops/13835/pp.121-132, 2023-05 - HBM2 Memory System for HPC Applications on an FPGA
Fujita Norihisa; Kobayashi Ryohei; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Bok...
Proceedings of 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER)/pp.783-786, 2021-10 - GPU Acceleration of Multi-object Tracking with Motion Vector interpolation and Affine Transformation
Kunimoto Yoshiki; Qiong Chang; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Tsut...
34th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors/pp.127-134, 2023-07-19 - Accelerating Radiative Transfer Simulation on NVIDIA GPUs with OpenACC
Kobayashi Ryohei; Fujita Norihisa; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Bok...
PDCAT 2022: Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies/13798/pp.344-358, 2023-04 - more...
- FPGA-Based Improved Background Subtraction for Ultra-Low Latency
- Books
- 半導体集積回路の成長と進化―CPU,GPU,FPGA―
山口 佳樹
電子情報通信学会誌/ハンドブック/知識ベース(HB/KB)委員会/pp.988-990, 2024-10 - Program Logic Devices (PLDs) in Practical Applications
Osana Yasunori; Tsutomu Maruyama; Yamaguchi Yoshiki
Principles and Structures of FPGA/Springer Nature Singapore/pp.179-205, 2018-04 - PLD/FPGA応用案例
保範 長名; 勉 丸山; 佳樹 山口
FPGA原理和結構/人民郵電出版社/pp.198-236, 2019-03 - PLD/FPGAの応用事例
長名 保範; 丸山 勉; 山口 佳樹
FPGAの原理と構成/オーム社/pp.209-245, 2016-04 - 書き換え可能なハードウェアを用いた高速計算システムの研究
山口 佳樹
2003-03 - FPGA-Based Smith-Waterman Algorithm: Analysis and Novel Design
Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Tsoi Hung Kuen; Luk Wayne
Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Kuen Hung Tsoi; Luk Wayne
FPGA 11: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2011 ACM/SIGDA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FIELD PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAYS/ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY/pp.282-282, 2011-01 - Realization of the sound space environment for the radiation-tolerant space craft
Kawai Hiroyuki; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Yasunaga Moritoshi
ReConFig 2006: Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGA's/IEEE/pp.198-205, 2006-01 - An acceleration method for evolutionary systems based on iterated prisoner's dilemma
Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Kanazawa Kenji; Ohke Yoshiharu; Maruyama ...
Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications/SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN/pp.358-364, 2007-01 - DYNAMIC RECONFIGURATION SYSTEM FOR REAL-TIME VIDEO PROCESSING
Hinaga Saya; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Yao Tetsuhiko; Kawabe Tohru
- 半導体集積回路の成長と進化―CPU,GPU,FPGA―
- Conference, etc.
- FPGA技術の進化と次世代応用への展望
山口 佳樹
第18回ACRiウェビナー/2024-09-27--2024-09-27 - A data compressor for FPGA-based state vector quantum simulators
Wei Kaijie; Amano Hideharu; Niwase Ryohei; Yamaguchi Yos...
The International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies/2024-06-19--2024-06-21 - Systolic Array-Based Many-Core Processor with Simultaneous Dual-Instruction Issuance
Tan Yuxi; Nishimura Masaru; Ben Abdelhamid Riadh; Gui ...
The International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies/2024-06-19--2024-06-21 - Scalable dual-instruction multiple-data processing on an efficient systolic-array architecture
Tan Yuxi; Abdelhamid Riadh Ben; Guo BingJie; Gao Qixi...
The 31st Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop/2024-05-27--2024-05-28 - Communication Latency Optimization Through Hardware-Direct Design in Modular Development
USHIWAKA Kota; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; YUANJIAO Qin; SHENG Kai
2023 2nd International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Engineering (ICARCE)/2023-12 - FPGAオーバーレイにおけるインターコネクトアーキテクチャ
西村将; 山口 佳樹
ACRi 技術交流会/2024-03-12--2024-03-12 - 遠隔利用を想定した超低遅延映像処理システム
大島慶之; 山口 佳樹; 藤原稔久; 津上諒平; 成川聖; 福井達也
ACRi 技術交流会/2024-03-12--2024-03-12 - Versal FPGA 評価ボードによる低遅延広帯域通信の実装とその報告
黒沢竹雄; 山口 佳樹; 藤原稔久; 津上諒平; 成川聖; 福井達也
ACRi 技術交流会/2024-03-12--2024-03-12 - A state vector quantum simulator working on FPGAs with extensible SATA storage
KAIJIE Wei; NIWASE Ryohei; AMANO Hideharu; Miyoshi Takef...
2023 International Conference on Field Programmable Technology/2023-12-12--2023-12-14 - Enormous-Scale Quantum State Vector Calculation with FPGA-accelerated SATA storages
NIWASE Ryohei; HARASAWA Hikaru; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; KAI...
2023 International Conference on Field Programmable Technology/2023-12-12--2023-12-14 - SATA burst data transfer pattern of state vector simulator
天野 英晴; ウェイ カイジ; 庭瀬 稜平; 三好 健文; 山口 佳樹
IEICE Reconfigurable Systems Workshop/2024-01-29--2024-01-30 - An FPGA-based data compressor for state vector quantum simulators
ウェイ カイジ; 天野 英晴; 庭瀬 稜平; 三好 健文; 山口 佳樹
IEICE Reconfigurable Systems Workshop/2024-01-29--2024-01-30 - Enhancing FPGA Overlay Performance with a RISC-V-Based Manycore Architecture
Yamaguchi Yoshiki
RISC-V Day Tokyo 2024 Winter/2024-01-16--2024-01-16 - Exploring interconnect structure and wiring optimization in FPGA-based many-core architectures
NISHIMURA Masaru; KAWASAKI Shintaro; Yamaguchi Yoshiki
RISC-V Day Tokyo 2024 Winter/2024-01-16--2024-01-16 - Low-latency and high-bandwidth communication using HSS transceivers on a Versal FPGA
KUROSAWA Takeo; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; TSUGAMI Ryohei; FUJ...
2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics/2024-01-05--2024-01-08 - FPGA-based ultra-low latency background remover
OSHIMA Yoshiyuki; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; TSUGAMI Ryohei; F...
2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics/2024-01-05--2024-01-08 - Stereo Vision System for Crop Height Measurement Using a Monocular Camera-Equipped Drone
Nakagawa Ryo; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Nobuhara Hajime; Firm...
2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics/2024-01-05--2024-01-08 - A cost/power efficient storage system with directly connected FPGA and SATA disks
NIWASE Ryohei; HARASAWA Hikaru; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; KAI...
IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip/2023-12-18 - Improving Data Transfer Efficiency in Many-Core Systems with a RISC-V ISA Extension
西村 将; 譚 煜希; 山口 佳樹
2023年並列/分散/協調処理に関するサマー・ワークショップ(SWoPP 2023)/2023-08-02--2023-08-04 - Optimizing Efficiency in Extended SIMD RISC-V-Based Architectures through Minimization of Idle Computational Cores
西村 将; 譚 煜希; 山口 佳樹
RISC-V Day Tokyo 2023 Summer/2023-06-20--2023-06-20 - 点検・診断におけるμドローン利用の可能性調査
Ramirez Jove Diego Marcelo; 山口 佳樹
Japan Drone 2023/2023-06-26--2023-06-28 - 量子計算指向ストレージ直結型大規模記憶演算とそれを実現するSerial ATAインタフェースの実装と評価
庭瀬 稜平; 原澤 輝; 山口 佳樹; Wei Kaijie; 天野 英晴
リコンフィギャラブルシステム研究会(RECONF)/2023-06-08--2023-06-09 - FPGA とSiC による実時間ミュオンビームモニタリングについて: COMET Phase-α 実験におけるシステムの実地試験を通して
YOON JONGKWAN; 山口 佳樹; 藤田 陽一; 深尾 祥紀; 濱田 英太郎; 五十嵐 洋一; 岸下 徹...
リコンフィギャラブルシステム研究会(RECONF)/2023-06-08--2023-06-09 - 輻射輸送シミュレーションのためのFPGAとGPUによるスクラッチパッドメモリの効率と有効性の分析
古川 和輝; 山口 佳樹; 横野 智也; 吉川 耕司; 藤田 典久; 小林 諒平; 安倍 牧人; 朴 泰祐; 梅村...
リコンフィギャラブルシステム研究会(RECONF)/2023-06-08--2023-06-09 - FPGA-based detector with SiC sensing for real-time monitoring of muon beams: A preliminary report of SCIBER-1 in the COMET Phase-Alpha
Jongkwan Yoon; Yamaguchi Yoshiki; Fujita Yowichi; Fukao ...
International Symposium on Highly-Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies (HEART2023)/2023-06-15--2023-06-16 - more...
- FPGA技術の進化と次世代応用への展望
- Intellectural property rights
- 地上状況観測方法および地上状況観測システム
山口佳樹 - 被写体追尾方法及び装置
山口佳樹; 安永守利
- 地上状況観測方法および地上状況観測システム
- Works
- To enable remote ensemble, cheering, and operation without stress of video delays at multiple sites
大島慶之; 山口 佳樹 - CAT'S EYE SYSTEM: Towards Real-time Situation Assessment
Hiroshi Maruyama; Yoshiki Yamaguchi
- To enable remote ensemble, cheering, and operation without stress of video delays at multiple sites
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Af University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Bf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Computer Science Is University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science IIf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science D University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science f University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science A University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2019-07 -- 2019-07 大学訪問 宮城県仙台第一高等学校 2019-02 -- 2019-02 大学訪問 筑波大学・附属駒場中学校 2018-10 -- 2018-10 出張講義 茨城県立牛久栄進高等学校 2017-11 -- 2017-11 出張講義 竹園高等学校 2016-08 -- 2016-08 出張講義 茨城県立下館第一高等学校 2016-06 -- 2016-06 教員免許状更新講習 筑波大学 2015-06 -- 2015-06 教員免許状更新講習 筑波大学 2014-12 -- 2014-12 高等専門学校訪問 鹿児島高等専門学校 2014-12 -- 2014-12 高等専門学校訪問 熊本高等専門学校 2014-07 -- 2014-07 出張講義 茨城県立日立北高等学校 more... - Talks
- FPGAアプリケーションから見た原子スイッチFPGA
山口 佳樹
Non-Volatile Field-Programmable Gate Array Initiative/2019-07-02--2019-07-02 - スポーツ医科学を支援するセンサインテグレーション
山口 佳樹
ARIHHPヒューマン・ハイ・パフォーマンスフォーラム 2019/2019-03-06--2019-03-06 - AIとロボットで見直される進化型ハードウェア
山口 佳樹
日本学術振興会シリコン超集積システム第165委員会4月研究会/2017-04-18--2017-04-18 - 書き換え可能LSIにおける画像処理 - FPGAによる高速化可能性と抱えている問題について
山口 佳樹
豊田中央研究所・セミナー/2013-12-16--2013-12-16 - Hardware Direct Computation for Bioinformatics Applications
Yamaguchi Yoshiki
AnalytiX2014/2014-04-25--2014-04-28 - High-efficient computing with reconfigurable devices
Yamaguchi Yoshiki
Seminar/2012-08-21--2012-08-23 - High-efficient Computing with Reconfigurable Devices
山口 佳樹
Seminar (Jointly organized by Dept of ECE, NUS and IEEE Circuits and Systems Singapore Chapter)/2010-12-02--2010-12-02 - Cell/B.E.を用いた高速計算について
FAISマルチコアWorkshop/2009-10-29--2009-10-29 - FPGAを利用したシステム構築について
山口 佳樹
- FPGAアプリケーションから見た原子スイッチFPGA
- Professional activities
2014-10 -- (current) The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Enineers (IEICE) ソサエティ論文誌編集委員会/常任査読委員 2013-05 -- 2017-05 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Enineers (IEICE) Technical Committee on Reconfigurable Systems / Secretary 2012-06 -- (current) International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies HEART Steering Committee / Committee Member 2011-05 -- 2017-05 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Enineers (IEICE) Technical Committee on Computer Systems / Committee Member 2008-05 -- (current) The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Enineers (IEICE) Technical Committee on Reconfigurable Systems / Committee Member 2009-09 -- (current) Japanese consortium for the reconfigurable hardware next generation JACORN Steering committee / Committee Member 2015-12 -- 2016-12 International Workshop on Computer Systems and Architectures CSA 2016 プログラム委員会 / 委員 2015-12 -- 2016-12 International Symposium on Computing and Networking CANDAR'16 Program Committee / Member 2015-12 -- 2016-12 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology FPT 2016 Program Committee / Committee Member 2015-09 -- 2016-09 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications FPL 2016 Program Committee / Committee Member more... - University Management
2018-04 -- 2020-03 University of Tsukuba Traffice Safety Association Director, the board of directors 2021-04 -- (current) Alliance for Research on the Mediterranean and North Africa Member, Steering committee
(Last updated: 2025-02-03)