Researcher's full information

  • Walking support for hemiplegic patients wearing Robot Suit HAL using unaffected side's motion data(Wearable Robotics)
    河本 浩明; 桜井 尊; 山脇 香奈子; 山海 嘉之
    ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集/2012/pp.2P1-A01(1)-2P1-A01(2), 2012-05
  • ロボットスーツHAL福祉用を使用した歩行トレーニング:─脳卒中左片麻痺症例検討─
    田上 未来; 林 知広; 長谷川 真人; 奈良間 和子; 中田 金一; 河本 浩明; 山海 嘉之
    Congress of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association/2011(0)/pp.Aa0132-Aa0132, 2012
  • 脊髄損傷不全麻痺患者に対するロボットスーツHALを用いたリハビリテーションの試み
    有安 諒平; 山脇 香奈子; 久保田 茂希; 河本 浩明; 中田 由夫; 江口 清; 山海 嘉之; 落合 直之
    国立大学法人リハビリテーションコ・メディカル学術大会誌, 2012-04
  • Stepwise process of clinical trials in safety-conscious development of human assistive robots
    Koji Hasebe; Hiroaki Kawamoto; Akira Matsushita; Kiyotaka Ka...
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2011)/pp.50-55, 2012-04
  • A Wearable Light-emitting Sensor Suit for Supporting the Lower-limb Motion Perception
    五十嵐 直人; 鈴木 健嗣; 河本 浩明; 山海 嘉之
    IPSJ Journal/53(4)/pp.1360-1371, 2012-04
  • 装着型歩行補助ロボットのリスク分析と安全性試験法
    鍋嶌厚太; 河本浩明; 山海嘉之
    日本ロボット学会誌/30(7-8), 2012-01
  • Risk Assessments and Safety Testing Methods for Wearable Walking Assistant Robots
    鍋嶌 厚太; 河本 浩明; 山海 嘉之
    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan/30(8)/pp.752-758, 2012-01
  • Safety Techniques in Robot Suit HAL
    山海 嘉之; 鍋嶌 厚太; 河本 浩明
    日本ロボット学会誌/29(9)/pp.780-782, 2011-11
  • Stepwise Process of Clinical Trials in Development of Human Assistive Robots
    長谷部 浩二; 河本 浩明; 上林 清孝; 松下 明; 山海 嘉之
    Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan/29(3)/pp.236-240, 2011-04
  • Safety Issues on Power Assist Devices
    山田 陽滋; 山海 嘉之; 河本 浩明; 李 秀雄; 鍋嶌 厚太
    Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers/114(1106)/pp.45-48, 2011-01
  • Typical Risks and Protective Measures of Wearable Walking Assistant Robots
    Cota Nabeshima; Hiroaki Kawamoto; Yoshiyuki Sankai
    Proceedings of 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration/p.E1-3, 2011-01
  • Meal-Assistance by Robot Suit HAL using Detection of Food Position with Camera
    Hiroaki Kawamoto; Tomoya Shiraki; Tasuku Otsuka; Yoshiyuk...
    Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics/p.50-55, 2011-01
  • Development of Upper-limb type HAL and Reaching Movement for Meal-Assistance
    Tasuku Otsuka; Ko Kawaguchi; Hiroaki Kawamoto; Yoshiyuki ...
    Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics/p.883-888, 2011-01
  • Stepwise Process of Clinical Trials in Safety-Conscious Development of Human Assistive Robots
    K. Hasebe; H. Kawamoto; K. Kamibayashi; A. Matsushita; Y....
    Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics/p.889-894, 2011-01
  • Gait training for a spinal Canal Stenosis Patient using Robot Suit HAL -A Case Report-
    K.Yamawaki; H. Kawamoto; K. Eguchi; Y. Nakata; Y. Sankai; ...
    Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine/p.66-68, 2011-01
  • Towards a Guideline for Clinical Trials in the Development of Human Assistive Robots
    K. Hasebe; H. Kawamoto; A. Matsushita; K.Kamibayashi; and ...
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2010), 2010-12
  • Extending the Use of the Robot Suit HAL to Health Care and Welfare
    河本 浩明; 鍋嶌 厚太; 山海 嘉之
    自動車技術/64(5)/pp.35-38, 2010-05
  • Voluntary Motion Support Control of Robot Suit HAL Triggered by Bioelectrical Signal for Hemiplegia
    Kawamoto Hiroaki; Taal Stefan; Niniss Hafid; Hayashi Tomohir...
    32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society/pp.462-466, 2010-01
  • "Use of a wearable robot ― the hybrid assistive Limb ― to assist walking in a stroke patient: a case report"
    Eguchi K; Kawamoto H; Hayashi T; Sankai Y; Yoshida T; Shi...
    Proceedings of the 5th world congress of the ISPRM/p.27-29, 2009-01
  • Development of Single Leg Version of HAL for Hemiplegia
    Kawamoto Hiroaki; Hayashi Tomohiro; Sakurai Takeru; Eguchi K...
    31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,/pp.5038-5043, 2009-01
  • Muscle type-specific response of PGC-1 alpha and oxidative enzymes during voluntary wheel running in mouse skeletal muscle
    Ikeda S.; Kawamoto H.; Kasaoka K.; Hitomi Y.; Kizaki T.; ...
    ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA/188(3-4)/pp.217-223, 2006-11
  • Power assist method based on Phase Sequence and muscle force condition for HAL
    Kawamoto H; Sankai Y
    ADVANCED ROBOTICS/19(7)/pp.717-734, 2005-01
  • Quantitative Motion Control Analysis Method for Power Assist System Based on Human Motion Property
    河本 浩明; 山海 嘉之
    Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. C/70(692)/pp.1115-1123, 2004-04