YANO Hiroaki

Researcher's full information

  • Gait Rehabilitation System for Stair Climbing and Descending
    Hiroaki Yano; Shintaro Tamefusa; Naoki Tanaka; Hideyuki ...
    Proceedings of Haptics 2010/p.393-400, 2010-03
  • Handheld Haptic Interface for Touching Remote Objects with Visual Display
    Hiroaki Yano; Takeyuki Aoki; and Hiroo Iwata
    Proceedings of Haptics 2012/p.349-354, 2012-03
  • Effectiveness Measurement of Gait Rehabilitation with a Locomotion Interface Using NIRS
    Hiroaki Yano; Yousuke Nakajima; Yuki Mizuta; Naoki Tanak...
    Proceedings of ASIAGRAPH2008/p.67-72, 2008-06
  • Development of a Gait Rehabilitation System with a Spherical Immersive Projection Display
    Hiroaki Yano; Takayuki Masuda; Yousuke Nakajima; Naoki T...
    Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics/12(6)/p.836-845, 2008-12
  • Haptic Interface for Perceiving Remote Object Using a Laser Range Finder
    Hiroaki Yano; Yuichi Miyamoto; Hiroo Iwata
    Proceedings of World Haptics 2009/p.196-201, 2009-03
  • Gait Rehabilitation for Stair Climbing with a Locomotion Interface
    Hiroaki Yano; Shintaro Tamefusa; Naoki Tanaka; Hideyuki ...
    Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics/p.218-223, 2009-06
  • Cooperative Work in Virtual Space by Using Force Display
    矢野 博明; 中川 隆志; 岩田 洋夫
    IPSJ SIG Notes/93(34)/pp.59-66, 1993-04
  • Collaboration in Virtual Environment with Force Feedback
    矢野 博明; 岩田 洋夫
    IPSJ SIG Notes/94(59)/pp.31-34, 1994-07
  • Collaboration in Virtual Environment with Force Feedback
    矢野 博明; 岩田 洋夫
    ITEJ Technical Report/18(41)/pp.31-34, 1994-07
  • Cooperative Work in Virtual Environment with Autonomous Free-form Surface
    矢野 博明; 岩田 洋夫
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. C/115(2)/pp.245-252, 1995-02
  • Coperative Work in Virtual Envitonment with Force Feed-back
    矢野 博明; 岩田 洋夫
    計測自動制御学会論文集/31(9)/pp.1495-1501, 1995-09
  • Teaching Task in Virtual Environment through Time Delay
    矢野 博明; 岩田 洋夫
    The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. A/79(2)/pp.537-538, 1996-02
  • Software Tools for Haptic Virtual Environment
    矢野 博明; 岩田 洋夫
    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan/2(1)/pp.1-9, 1997-03
  • Cooperative work between different types of haptic displays
    廣瀬 通孝; 小木 哲朗; 矢野 博明; 筧 直之
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/98(97)/pp.1-6, 1998-06
  • Development of Haptic device for CABIN using vibrating devices
    矢野 博明; 小木 哲朗; 廣瀬 通孝
    Technical report of IEICE. Multimedia and virtual environment/98(97)/pp.31-36, 1998-06
  • Cooperative work between different types of haptic displays
    廣瀬 通孝; 小木 哲朗; 矢野 博明; 筧 直之
    ITE Technical Report/22(28)/pp.1-6, 1998-06
  • Development of Haptic device for CABIN using vibrating devices
    矢野 博明; 小木 哲朗; 廣瀬 通孝
    ITE Technical Report/22(28)/pp.31-36, 1998-06
  • Haptization of Flow Field Using Vibrating Device
    矢野 博明; 田村 善昭; 小木 哲朗; 廣瀬 通孝
    年会一般講演/17(0)/pp.427-428, 1998-07
  • 1) 異種デバイス間の触覚協調作業の実現(〔ヒューマンインフォメーション研究会 ネットワーク映像メディア研究会〕合同)
    廣瀬 通孝; 小木 哲朗; 矢野 博明; 筧 直之
    The journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers/52(9)/p.1289, 1998-09
  • 6) 没入型多面ディスプレイ(CABIN)における振動子を用いた全身触覚呈示デバイスの開発(〔ヒューマンインフォメーション研究会ネットワーク映像メディア研究会〕合同)
    矢野 博明; 小木 哲朗; 廣瀬 通孝
    The journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers/52(9)/p.1289, 1998-09
  • Development of HapticWorkBench for Different Types of Haptic Displays
    矢野 博明; 筧 直之; 小木 哲朗; 廣瀬 通孝; 中垣 好之
    Human interface : proceedings of the Symposium on Human Interface : ヒューマンインタフェイスシンポジウム論文集/14(0)/pp.429-434, 1998-09
  • Development of Haptic Interface Platform(HIP)
    廣瀬 通孝; 岩田 洋夫; 池井 寧; 小木 哲朗; 広田 光一; 矢野 博明; 筧 直之
    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan/3(3)/pp.111-119, 1998-10
  • Development of Haptic Suit for whole human body using vibrators
    矢野 博明; 小木 哲朗; 廣瀬 通孝
    Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan/3(3)/pp.141-147, 1998-10
  • Haptization of Flow Field Using Vibroglove( Human Interface and Interaction)
    矢野 博明; 廣瀬 通孝; 小木 哲朗; 田村 善昭
    IPSJ Journal/40(2)/pp.414-421, 1999-02
  • サーバーを用いた力覚帰還型協調仮想環境の開発 (日本バーチャルリアリテイ学会第4回大会) -- (力学呈示システム)
    木村 法幸; 矢野 博明; 岩田 洋夫
    Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan,annual conference/4(0)/pp.295-298, 1999-09
  • more...