- Articles
- Relationship between wireless mic. layout and localization accuracy in pig house
Goto Akifumi; Ebihara Tadashi; Mizutani Koichi; Wakatsuki...
The 16th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging Researchers Programs & Abstracts/pp.40-40, 2019-10 - Considering feasibility of local acoustic communication using time-reversal wave
Motoi Haruki; Ebihara Tadashi; Mizutani Koichi; Wakatsuki...
The 16th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging Researchers Programs & Abstracts/pp.40-40, 2019-10 - Target positioning system in underwater reflective environment
Ogata Sho; Ebihara Tadashi; Mizutani Koichi; Wakatsuki N...
The 16th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging Researchers Programs & Abstracts/pp.22-22, 2019-10 - Glance at a small insect courtship behavior -observe whitefly using sound-
Obo Hirotaka; Mizutani Koichi; Ebihara Tadashi; Wakatsuki...
The 16th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging Researchers Programs & Abstracts/pp.22-22, 2019-10 - Amplitude of vibration inducing vibrational sensitivity reduction in whiteflies
Nishijima Yasuhiko; Mizutani Koichi; Ebihara Tadashi; Wak...
The 16th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging Researchers Programs & Abstracts/pp.21-21, 2019-10 - 水中多重反射環境における時間反転波を用いた見通し外ターゲットの測位シミュレーション
緒形 翔; 海老原 格; 水谷 孝一; 若槻 尚斗
日本音響学会2019年秋季研究発表会講演論文集/pp.147-148, 2019-09 - 音響レンズを用いる水中通信とその数値解析
佐藤 裕治; 田邊 昭子; 茅根 涼太郎; 海老原 格; 水谷 孝一; 若槻 尚斗
日本音響学会2019年秋季研究発表会講演論文集/pp.143-144, 2019-09 - 時間反転波を用いた局所的空中音響通信の数値シミュレーション
本井 陽輝; 海老原 格; 水谷 孝一; 若槻 尚斗
日本音響学会2019年秋季研究発表会講演論文集/pp.351-352, 2019-09 - Metal vibration noise eliminator for aerial propagation sound event detection system in an experimental pigpen
Watanabe Ikuru; Mito Misaki; Mizutani Koichi; Zempo Keii...
2019 EFITA-HAICTA-WCCA congress book of abstracts/pp.74-74, 2019-06 - Simultaneous video and multi-channel sound acquisition system for behavior monitoring of whiteflies
Obo Hirotaka; Mizutani Koichi; Ebihara Tadashi; Wakatsuki...
2019 EFITA-HAICTA-WCCA congress book of abstracts/pp.44-44, 2019-06 - Design of detection and identification system of whiteflies in a greenhouse environment by acoustical method
Sato Hirotaka; Nakabayashi Hiroki; Ebihara Tadashi; Mizut...
2019 EFITA-HAICTA-WCCA congress book of abstracts/pp.36-37, 2019-06 - Visible Light Communication System Using Low-speed Image Sensor and Two-dimensional Optical Scanner,
Kurimoto Ryunosuke; Ebihara Tadashi; Mizutani Koichi; Wak...
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems/pp.555-560, 2019-12 - Behavioral Study of Vibrational Sensitivity in Whitefly
Nishijima Yasuhiko; Mizutani Koichi; Ebihara Tadashi; Wak...
Proceedings of 13th Commission Internationale du Génie Rural VI/p.6-1130-P-16, 2019-09 - Sound Source Localization in Pig Houses Using Wireless Microphone Array and Its Accuracy by Microphone Arrangements
Goto Akifumi; Mito Misaki; Ebihara Tadashi; Mizutani Koi...
Proceedings of 13th Commission Internationale du Génie Rural VI/p.6-1130-P-15, 2019-09 - Sound Source Visualization System in Reflective Environment Using Time-Reversal Wave
Aoki Takuya; Wakatsuki Naoto; Mizutani Koichi; Ebihara T...
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE)/pp.307-310, 2019-10 - Estimation of Distance to Wall Surface using Omnidirectional Speaker
Tsuchiya Atsushi; Mizutani Koichi; Wakatsuki Naoto; Ebiha...
Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE)/pp.1168-1171, 2019-10 - Robust Indoor Localization in a Reverberant Environment Using Microphone Pairs and Asynchronous Acoustic Beacons
Ogiso Satoki; Mizutani Koichi; Wakatsuki Naoto; Ebihar...
IEEE ACCESS/7/pp.123116-123127, 2019 - Design and performance evaluation of acoustic vehicle-to-pedestrian communication system
Umezawa Yusuke; Ebihara Tadashi; Mizutani Koichi; Waka...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/58(G), 2019-07 - Method of estimating contact force of bone-conducted sound transducer with a two-degrees-of-freedom vibrating model
Ogiso Satoki; Mizutani Koichi; Zempo Keiichi; Wakatsuk...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/58(G), 2019-07 - Field testing of underwater acoustic communication using Doppler-resilient orthogonal signal division multiplexing in coastal area of Suruga Bay
Ebihara Tadashi; Ogasawara Hanako; Mizutani Koichi; Wa...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/58(G), 2019-07 - Measurement techniques on musical acoustics
若槻 尚斗; 西宮 康治朗
THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/74(10)/pp.570-577, 2018 - パネルディスカッション:作るだけでいいの?調べるだけでいいの?
三浦 雅展; 江村 伯夫; 北原 鉄朗; 若槻 尚斗; 藤島 琢哉; 西口 磯春; 平田 圭二; 柳田 益造; 後...
日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料/pp.59-66, 2008-12 - 音楽音響研究の成果を査読付雑誌論文として発表するために
若槻 尚斗; 水谷孝一
日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料/37(6)/pp.85-88, 2018-10 - 音楽音響分野における計測のすすめ (4) — 打楽器の計測 —
若槻 尚斗; 水谷孝一
日本音響学会2019年春季研究発表会講演論文集/pp.1363-1364, 2019-03 - 音楽音響分野における計測のすすめ (3) — 管楽器の計測 —
若槻 尚斗; 水谷孝一
日本音響学会2018年秋季研究発表会講演論文集/pp.1357-1358, 2018-09 - more...
- Relationship between wireless mic. layout and localization accuracy in pig house