- Articles
- ホールにおいて舞台上の指向性音源の位置と方向が到来音の方向成分に及ぼす影響
藤川拓也; 若槻尚斗; 海老原 格; 善甫啓一; 水谷孝一
日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料/41(4)/pp.1-7, 2022-07 - 電動式声道モデルにおける形状誤差がフォルマント周波数に与える影響の考察
古川愛都; 若槻尚斗; 海老原 格; 前田祐佳; 水谷孝一
日本音響学会音楽音響研究会資料/49(9)/pp.13-18, 2022-02 - ガンマ過程非負値行列因子分解による豚舎内の豚くしゃみ音の検出
竹山椋介; 川岸卓司; 海老原 格; 若槻尚斗; 善甫啓一; 水谷孝一
2022年農業施設学会学生・若手研究発表会講演要旨集/pp.15-15, 2022-02 - ブタの個体別領域および移動の推定
一倉弘毅; 富樫宏太; 海老原 格; 水谷孝一; 若槻尚斗
2022年農業施設学会学生・若手研究発表会講演要旨集/pp.14-14, 2022-02 - シングルボードコンピュータを用いる水温測定用音響波プローブの構築
脇拓哉; 海老原 格; 若槻尚斗; 水谷孝一
2022年農業施設学会学生・若手研究発表会講演要旨集/pp.14-14, 2022-02 - 超音波プローブを用いる豚舎内の空間平均温度測定
藤田侑希; 海老原 格; 若槻尚斗; 水谷孝一; 中久保亮; 石田三佳
2022年農業施設学会学生・若手研究発表会講演要旨集/pp.11-11, 2022-02 - Design of an ultrasonic probe suitable for measuring the thermal environment in a pig house
Yuki Fujita; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wakatsuki; Koichi Mi...
The 18th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging Researchers Programs & Abstracts/pp.50-50, 2021-11 - Video detection and analysis of micro-body motion generated during sneezing
Hiroki Ichikura; Kota Togashi; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wa...
The 18th IEEE Transdisciplinary-Oriented Workshop for Emerging Researchers Programs & Abstracts/pp.49-49, 2021-11 - Vocal Tract Shape Estimation for Speech Imitation by Motorized Vocal Tract Models
Furukawa Manatsu; Wakatsuki Naoto; Ebihara Tadashi; Yuka ...
Proceeding of the 11th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE GCCE2022)/pp.516-519, 2022-10 - Recording Sounds of Bemicia Tabaci on an Artificial Leaf
Fumina Utsumi; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wakatsuki; Koichi ...
Proc. Asia-Pacific Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (APFITA2022)/pp.54-57, 2022-11 - Individual Posture Estimation of Swine from Piggery Videos Using Transfer Learning
Hiroki Ichikura; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wakatsuki; Yuka ...
Proc. Asia-Pacific Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (APFITA2022)/pp.64-68, 2022-11 - Detection of Whiteflies and Veins on Leaves by Capturing Image Under Controlled Lightning
Hirotaka Obo; Ebihara Tadashi; Yuka Maeda; Naoto Wakatsu...
Proc. Asia-Pacific Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (APFITA2022)/pp.116-121, 2022-11 - Stable Observation of Whiteflies Using Artificial Leaf
Naomasa Urasaki; Ebihara Tadashi; Koichi Mizutani; Naoto ...
Proc. Asia-Pacific Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (APFITA2022)/pp.318-322, 2022-11 - Study on Visible Light Communication System Using Low-Speed Camera and Circular Scanning
Ryosuke Izumi; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wakatsuki; Yuka Ma...
Proc. International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC2022), 2022-11 - Smartphone Camera-Based Indoor Positioning System Utilizing Optical Diffusion Filter
Reo Okawara; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wakatsuki; Keiichi Z...
Proc. International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC2022), 2022-11 - Simulation of Underwater Acoustic Communication Using a Directional Transducer Consisting of Multiple Reflectors
Ryotaro Chinone; Ebihara Tadashi; Yuji Sato; Naoto Wakat...
Proc. 2023 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP2023)/pp.229-232, 2023-03 - Measurement of Delay and Doppler Spreads in Shallow Water Environment for Mobile Underwater Acoustic Communication
Takuya Waki; Ebihara Tadashi; Naoto Wakatsuki; Keiichi Z...
Proc. 2023 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP2023)/pp.233-236, 2023-03 - Simultaneous distance measurement and information transmission in mobile environment using digital acoustic communication
Kohei Wada; 海老原 格; Koichi Mizutani; Naoto Wakatsuki; Keii...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/62(SJ)/pp.SJ1037_1-SJ1037_10, 2023-07 - Detection of fish passing through a narrow path using reflected and transmitted ultrasonic waves
Ryusuke Miyamoto; Takeru Doi; Koichi Mizutani; Naoto ...
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/62(SJ)/pp.SJ1047_1-SJ1047_6, 2023-07 - Attracting Effect of Pinpoint Auditory Glimpse on Digital Signage
Kuratomo Noko; Miyakawa Haruna; Ebihara Tadashi; Wakat...
IEEE Access/11/pp.42779-42794, 2023-04 - Spatialphonic360: Acoustic Space for Arbitrary Sound Image Presentation Based on Both Ears Tracking
Uchida Hiroki; Kuratomo Noko; Ebihara Tadashi; Wakatsuki ...
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (ubicompiswc22adjunct)/pp.123-125, 2022-09 - Melting into shadow: Toward less cognitively loaded communication in the dark
Yabutani Mizuki; Uchida Hiroki; Mizutani Koichi; Wakatsuk...
Proceedings of the Augmented Humans 2023 (Posters)/pp.338-341, 2023-03 - Rapport Building via a Digital Avatar with a "Voice" Entering into a Customer's Personal Space
Yamazaki Azusa; Wakatsuki Naoto; Mizutani Koichi; Okada ...
Proceedings of the Augmented Humans 2023 (Posters)/pp.294-297, 2023-03 - Spatialphonic360: Accuracy of the Arbitrary Sound Image Presentation Using Surrounding Parametric Speakers
Kuratomo Noko; Uchida Hiroki; Ebihara Tadashi; Wakatsuki ...
Companion Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS '22)/pp.32-36, 2022-10 - Impact on the quality of interpersonal relationships by proximity using the ventriloquism effect in a virtual environment
Yamazaki Azusa; Wakatsuki Naoto; Mizutani Koichi; Okada ...
Companion Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS '22)/pp.22-26, 2022-10 - more...
- ホールにおいて舞台上の指向性音源の位置と方向が到来音の方向成分に及ぼす影響