- Articles
- Organelles that illuminate the origins of Trichomonas hydrogenosomes and Giardia mitosomes.
Leger Michelle M; Kolisko Martin; Kamikawa Ryoma; Stairs ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution/1(4)/p.0092, 2017-02 - Mitochondria genome of Palpitomonas bilix: Derived genome structure and ancestral system for cytochrome c maturation.
Yuki Nishimura; Goro Tanifuji; Ryoma Kamikawa; Akinori Yabuk...
Genome Biology and Evolution/8(10)/pp.3090-3098, 2016-10 - A system for supporting phylogenetic analyses over alignments of next generation sequence data.
Yuki Nishimura; Toshiyuki Amagasa; Inagaki Yuji; Tetsuo Hash...
Proceedings for the 10th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2016)/pp.230-237, 2016-07 - シアノバクテリアと真核藻類の細胞統合―「窒素固定オルガネラ」へ続く道?
中山卓郎; 稲垣 祐司
生物の科学 遺伝/70(2)/pp.176-1809, 2016-03 - 共生体由来オルガネラにまつわるエトセトラ.
稲垣 祐司
生物の科学 遺伝/70(2)/pp.156-160, 2016-03 - Ungulate malaria parasites
Tomas K. Templeton; Masahito Asada; Montakan Jiratanh; Sohta...
Scientific Reports/6/p.23230, 2016-03 - Metabolic capacity of mitochondrion-related organelle in the free-living anaerobic stramenopile Cantina marsuplialis.
Noguchi Fumiya; Shimamura Shigeru; Nakayama Takuro; Yazak...
Protist/166(5)/pp.534-550, 2015-11 - Proposal of a Twin-arginine translocator system-mediated constraint against loss of ATP synthase genes from nonphotosynthetic plastid genomes.
Ryoma Kamikawa; Goro Tanifuji; Sohta A Ishikawa; Ken-ichiro ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution/32(10)/pp.2598-2604, 2015-10 - Multiple conversion between the genes encoding bacterial class-I release factors
Sohta Ishikawa; Ryoma Kamikawa; Inagaki Yuji
Scientific Reports/5/p.12406, 2015-08 - The mitochondrial genomes of Kudoa species are extremely divergent among metazoa.
Fumiya Takeuchi; Tsuyoshi Sekizuka; Yumiko Ogasawara; Hirosh...
PLOS One/10(7)/p.e0132030, 2015-07 - Morphological identities of two different marine stramenopile environmental sequence clades: Bicosoeca kenaiensis (Hilliard 1971) and Cantina marsuplialis (Larson and Patterson, 1990) gen. nov., comb. nov.
Naoji Yubuki; Tomáš Pánek; Akinori Yabuki; Ivan Čepička; Kiyo...
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology/62(4)/pp.532-542, 2015-07 - Plastid genome-based phylogeny pinpointed the origin of the green-colored plastid in the dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum.
Ryoma Kamikawa; Goro Tanifuji; Masanobu Kawachi; Hideaki Miy...
Genome Biology and Evolution/7(4)/pp.1133-1140, 2015-04 - Multiple losses of photosynthesis in Nitzschia (Bachillariophyceae).
Ryoma Kamikawa; Naoji Yubuki; Masaki Yoshida; Misato Taira; N...
Phycological Research/63(1)/pp.19-28, 2015-01 - Unique genome evolution in an intracellular N2-fixing symbiont of a rhopalodiacean diatom
Nakayama Takuro; Inagaki Yuji
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae/83(4)/pp.409-413, 2014-12 - MPI/OpenMP HYBRID Parallelization of Phylogenetic Analyses Based on Non-Homogeneous Substitution Models: Implementation and Performance Evaluation for Large-scale Computing Systems
石川 奏太; 中尾 昌広; 稲垣 祐司; 橋本 哲男; 佐藤 三久
情報処理学会論文誌. コンピューティングシステム/7(3)/pp.13-24, 2014-08 - Complete genome of a nonphotosynthetic cyanobacterium in a diatom reveals recent adaptations to an intracellular lifstyle
Nakayama Takuro; Ryoma Kamikawa; Goro Tanifuji; Yuichiro ...
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/111(31)/pp.11407-11412, 2014-08 - Secondary loss of a cis-spliced intron after the diversification of Giardia intestinalis assemblages.
Kamikawa Ryoma; Inagaki Yuji; Hashimoto Tetsuo
BMC Research Notes/7/p.413, 2014-06 - An intronic open reading frame was released from one of group II introns in the mitochondrial genome of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina sp. NIES-1333
Nishimura Yuki; Kamikawa Ryoma; Hashimoto Tetsuo; Inagaki Yuji
Mobile Genetic Elements/4, 2014-05 - Palpitomonas bilix represents a basal cryptist lineage: Insight into the character evolution in Cryptista
Yabuki Akinori; Kamikawa Ryoma; Ishikawa Sota; Kolisko M...
Scientifc Reports/4/p.4641, 2014-04 - Gene content evolution in discobid mitochondria deduced from the phylogenetic position and complete mitochondrial genome of Tsukubamonas globosa.
Kamikawa Ryoma; Kolisko Martin; Nishimura Yuki; Yabuki Akino...
Genome Biology and Evolution/6(2)/pp.306-315, 2014-01 - Parallel re-modeling of EF-1α function in eukaryotic evolution: Divergent, low-expressed EF-1α genes co-occur with EFL genes in diverse distantly related eukaryotes.
Ryoma Kamikawa; Matthew W Brown; Yuki Nishimura; Yoshihiko S...
BMC Evolutionary Biology/13/p.131, 2013-06 - Identificatio of a bacteria-like ferrochelatase gene in Strongyloides venezuelensis, an animal parasitic nematode.
Nagayasu E; Ishikawa S; Taketani S; Ooka T; Chakraborty ...
PLoS One/8(3)/p.e58458, 2013 - Prasinoxanthin is absent in the green-colored dinoflagellate Lepidodinium chlorophorum strain NIES-1868: Pigment composition and 18S rRNA phylogeny.
Matsumoto T; Kawachi M; Miyashita H; Inagaki Y.
Journal of Plant Research/125(6)/pp.705-711, 2012-11 - Evolution of Elongation Factor-Like (EFL) Protein in Rhizaria is Revised by Radiolarian EFL Gene Sequences
Ishitani Yoshiyuki; Kamikawa Ryoma; Yabuki Akinori; Tsuch...
JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY/59(4)/pp.367-373, 2012-07 - RY-coding and non-homogeneous models can ameliorate the maximum-likelihood inferences from nucleotide sequence data with parallel compositional heterogeneity
Ishikawa Sohta A.; Inagaki Yuji; Hashimoto Tetsuo
EVOLUTIONARY BIOINFORMATICS/8/pp.357-371, 2012-06 - more...
- Organelles that illuminate the origins of Trichomonas hydrogenosomes and Giardia mitosomes.