- Articles
- Covarion shifts cause a long-branch attraction artifact that unites microsporidia and archaebacteria in EF-1α phylogenies.
Inagaki Y; Susko E; Fast NM; Roger AJ.
Molecular Biology and Evolution/21(7)/p.1340-1349, 2004-07 - Assessing functional divergence in EF-1α and its paralogs in eukaryotes and archaebacteria.
Inagaki Y; Blouin C; Susko E; Roger AJ.
Nucleic Acids Research/31(14)/p.4227-4237, 2003-07 - Testing for differences in rates-across-sites distributions in phylogenetic subtrees.
Susko E; Inagaki Y; Field C; Holder ME; Roger AJ.
Molecular Biology and Evolution/19(9)/p.1514-1523, 2002-09 - Lateral transfer of an EF-1α gene: origin and evolution of the large subunit of ATP sulfurylase in Eubacteria.
Inagaki Y; Doolittle WF; Baldauf SL; Roger AJ.
Current Biology/12(9)/p.774-776, 2002-04 - Convergence and constraint in eukaryotic release factor 1 domain 1: the evolution of stop codon specificity.
Inagaki Y; Blouin C; Doolittle WF; Roger AJ.
Nucleic Acids Research/30(2)/p.532-544, 2002-01 - Class I release factors in ciliates with variant genetic codes.
Inagaki Y; Doolittle WF.
Nucleic Acids Research/29(4)/p.921-927, 2001-02 - Evolutionary relationship between dinoflagellates bearing obligate diatom endosymbionts: insight into tertiary endosymbiosis.
Inagaki Y; Dacks JB; Doolittle WF; Watanabe KI; Ohama T.
International Journal of Systematics and Evolutionary Microbiology/50(6)/p.2075-2081, 2000-11 - Evolution of the eukaryotic translation termination system: origins of release factors.
Inagaki Y; Doolittle WF.
Molecular Biology and Evolution/17(6)/p.882-889, 2000-06 - Phylogenetic analysis of diatom coxI genes and implications of a fluctuating GC content on mitochondrial genetic code evolution.
Ehara M; Inagaki Y; Watanabe KI; Ohama T.
Current Genetics/37(1)/p.29-33, 2000-01 - Comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis of a heterokont alga (NIES 548) using genes from all three cellular compartments.
Ehara M; Kitayama T; Watanabe KI; Inagaki Y; Hayashi-Ishi...
Phycological Research/47(3)/p.225-231, 1999-09 - Distribution of the mitochondrial deviant genetic code, AUA for methionine, in heterokont algae.
Ehara M; Watanabe KI; Kawai H; Inagaki Y; Hayashi-Ishimar...
Journal of Phycology/34(6)/p.1105-1008, 1998-12 - Directionally evolving genetic code: the UGA codon from stop to tryptophan in mitochondria.
Inagaki Y; Ehara M; Watanabe KI; Hayashi-Ishimaru Y; Oham...
Journal of Molecular Evolution/47(4)/p.378-384, 1998-10 - Distinctive origins of group I introns found in the COXI genes of three green algae.
Watanabe KI; Ehara M; Inagaki Y; Ohama T.
Gene/213(1-2)/p.1-7, 1998-06 - A deviant mitochondrial genetic code in prymnesiophytes (yellow-algae): UGA codon for tryptophan.
Hayashi-Ishimaru Y; Ehara M; Inagaki Y; Ohama T.
Current Genetics/32(4)/p.296-299, 1997-10 - Algae or protozoa: phylogenetic position of euglenophytes and dinoflagellates as inferred from mitochondrial sequences.
Inagaki Y; Hayashi-Ishimaru Y; Ehara M; Igarashi I; Ohama...
Journal of Molecular Evolution/45(3)/p.295-300, 1997-09 - Use of a deviant mitochondrial genetic code in yellow-green algae as a landmark for segregating members within the phylum.
Ehara M; Hayashi-Ishimaru Y; Inagaki Y; Ohama T.
Journal of Molecular Evolution/45(2)/p.119-24, 1997-08 - Cloning of the Mycoplasma capricolum gene encoding peptide-chain release factor.
Inagaki Y; Bessho Y; Hori H; Osawa S.
Gene/169(1)/p.101-103, 1996-02 - Translation of synonymous codons in family boxes by Mycoplasma capricolum tRNAs with unmodified uridine or adenosine at the first anticodon position.
Inagaki Y; Kojima A; Bessho Y; Hori H; Ohama T; Osawa S.
Journal of Molecular Biology/251(4)/p.486-492, 1995-08 - Lack of peptide-release activity responding to codon UGA in Mycoplasma capricolum.
Inagaki Y; Bessho Y; Osawa S.
Nucleic Acids Research/21(6)/p.1335-1338, 1993-03
- Covarion shifts cause a long-branch attraction artifact that unites microsporidia and archaebacteria in EF-1α phylogenies.